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Poskok proklinje Karamarka i njegovu prvašku struju u HDZ-u!

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Poskok proklinje Karamarka i njegovu prvašku struju u HDZ-u! - Page 4 Empty Re: Poskok proklinje Karamarka i njegovu prvašku struju u HDZ-u!

Post by darth_vader 7/6/2016, 11:38

Neve? Čemu promjena?


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Poskok proklinje Karamarka i njegovu prvašku struju u HDZ-u! - Page 4 Empty Re: Poskok proklinje Karamarka i njegovu prvašku struju u HDZ-u!

Post by Guest 7/6/2016, 11:58

Ero wrote:
Usne Stjepana Gnječa wrote:
Ero wrote:
Usne Stjepana Gnječa wrote:
Ero wrote:
Uvijek bila i bit će.
Dotepenci a la Gnječ su samo dotepenci i ništa više od toga.  :D

Nije bila uvijek nego tek od 1945. i to zahvalite ne drugu Titu nego jednom ondašnjem talijanskom ministru jer se morao odlućiti ili Istra ili Sud Tirol. Izabrao je Sud Tirol a Istra je izvisila. Isto tako zapamti da ništa vječno nije. Za 20 godina vjerojatno će Istra biti dio teritorija neke druge države.

Hrvati su vječni, a vi ste postali to što jeste, onomad, dekretom. Velika razlika.

Samo po nazivu. Inače koliko ono stoljeća su vas turci jebali?
Pa dobro, mi barem znamo tko nas je, a vas je svatko tko vam je prošao pored kuće.
Odkad postojite...vi u stvari i ne postojite.

Da ne bude zabune,  ne mislim tu na istarske Hrvate, oni su vječni. ;)

Pa baš i neznate tko vas je sve kroz povijest naguzio i izjebo...Da ti malo osvježim pamćenje barem djelomično moramo se vratiti u Austrougarsku monarhiju:

Ethnic tensions in Istria and Dalmatia were not caused by fascism, but by the Habsburg, and the italian not the slavic people were the victims.

This stated the emperor Franz Joseph the 12th of November 1866 at the end of a meeting with his ministers:

"Se. Majestät sprach den bestimmten Befehl aus, daß auf die entschiedenste Art dem Einflusse des in einigen Kronländern noch vorhandenen italienischen Elementes entgegengetreten und durch geeignete Besetzung der Stellen von politischen, Gerichtsbeamten, Lehrern sowie durch den Einfluß der Presse in Südtirol, Dalmatien und dem Küstenlande auf die Germanisierung oder Slawisierung der betreffenden Landesteile je nach Umständen mit aller Energie und ohne alle Rücksicht hingearbeitet werde. Se. Majestät legt es allen Zentralstellen als strenge Pflicht auf, in diesem Sinne planmäßig vorzugehen”.

"His majesty has expressed the clear desire to oppose the influence of italian presence in all the territories of the crown.and..............................................
In South Tyrol, Dalmatia and in the littoral it must put into action a policy of germanisation and SLAVISATION with energy and without any regard for the italians".

Only in Dalmatia, where at the beginning of the XVIII century italians represented 30% of the population, this kind of policy determined the following demographic evolution:

1845 - 19.7%

1865 - 12,5%

1869 - 10,8%

1880 - 5,8%

1890 - 3,1%

1900 - 2,6%

1910 - 2,7%

Famous was the speech of the mayor of Split (Spalato) Bajamonti in 1888:
" We, italians of Dalmatia, just have to suffer"

During that period countless episodes of violence against the italians took place.
Pri moru taljanski! =Throw the italians into the sea !

was the most common slogan among slavic nationalist.

Between the 10th and the 12th of July 1868 a pacific parade by italians in Trieste was ferociously repressed by slavic soldiers. The consequences were 3 dead and 23 seriously injured. In only one year (1898) slavic nationalist assaulted the italian school of Santa Croce, di Borgo Erizzo ( Zara), Sebenico, Duino and Santa Lucia. In 1913 slavic nationalist assaulted a school in Trieste and an italian student was shot.

The 13th of February there was an attempt to burn the theater Verdi of Zadar, in 1882 a group of extremists tried to set to fire the house of the director of the newspaper "L'Indipendente" in Trieste. The 14th of May 1887 the theater of Split (Spalato) was destroyed by a fire just because it was built with the money of the italian mayor Bajamonti. In 1909 were assaulted the italian cultural circles of Trau, Spalato and Cittavecchia.

Even roman tombstone were destroyed by the priest don Urban Golmajer just because the roman empire was associated with the italians.....

I could go on for pages and pages with the description of what italians had to suffer between 1866 and 1915 in Istria and Damatia. Unfortunately nothing of this is mentioned by books of history.

As you can see the repression put into action by italians didn't come from nothing and most importantly, fascism could have been brutal but never allowed the killing of innocent civilians and the exile of a people from what was its homeland for thousand of years......

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