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Gramatika je rasizam

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Gramatika je rasizam Empty Gramatika je rasizam

Post by Kermit 4/21/2016, 14:22


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Gramatika je rasizam Empty Re: Gramatika je rasizam

Post by aben 4/21/2016, 14:28

jebeš njen zaključak,

al u pravu je.

Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;

And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational

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Gramatika je rasizam Empty Re: Gramatika je rasizam

Post by catabbath 4/21/2016, 14:37

Yo black madda fakka.

Gramatika je rasizam Fb_img10

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Gramatika je rasizam Empty Re: Gramatika je rasizam

Post by Guest 4/21/2016, 14:48

...followers of Jesus were ridiculed as ignorant, gullible fools, and for mainly consisting of women and fanatics

...christians represented a threat to Rome

isto sranje, ista filozofija, ista populacija, drugi omot

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Gramatika je rasizam Empty Re: Gramatika je rasizam

Post by Guest 4/21/2016, 14:52

deda na aparatima wrote:
...followers of Jesus were ridiculed as ignorant, gullible fools, and for mainly consisting of women and fanatics

...christians represented a threat to Rome

isto sranje, ista filozofija, ista populacija, drugi omot
žene, muškarci sa niskom razinom testosterona(dokazano), fanatici, to je ekipa marksista i ljevičara..

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Gramatika je rasizam Empty Re: Gramatika je rasizam

Post by Guest 4/21/2016, 15:05

Roman critics frequently charged Christians with practicing magic; Christian apologists who attempted a rebuttal followed a well-worn path: “Jewish authors from [the Second Temple] period take pains to distinguish extraordinary events taking place in their midst from magical practices, especially in cases that require the employment of certain objects and rituals. The most common strategy was to ascribe miracles to God’s power and magic to human agency.”

To regard the triumph of Christianity as merely the victory of one religion over others is to completely miss the significance of the new intellectual regime that would dominate the western world for the next fifteen centuries. Far more than a set of religious doctrines, Christianity became the framework around which an enduring social order arose, a distorting prism through which a culture perceived the natural world, and a totalitarian ethos that sought out and destroyed all who challenged it. Christianity did much more than bury the gods of the Greco-Roman world under the rubble of their vandalized temples—its intensely anti-intellectual impulse smothered the voices of generations of genius. As Murdock noted, “[Constantine] let loose a philosophy that was to pervade every aspect of political, social, cultural, and, of course, religious life right up to modern times.” Given all that Christian zealots erased, that we know anything at all about the amazing accomplishments of the world before Christianity is due in most cases to pure happenstance.

An obvious example is the recent rescue of a portion of the text of the Archimedes Codex, a collection of works by the greatest known mathematical genius of the pre-Christian era. In this particular case, the original writing of Archimedes’ text was scraped off the parchment on which it had been copied, the codex cut into pieces, and the resulting pages used to create a prayer book. “The first piece of parchment in [the Christian scribe’s] new codex contained On Floating Bodies. He covered it with a blessing for loaves for Easter. Further into the codex, he wrote over a different section with a prayer for repentance.” The monk who repurposed the parchment of Archimedes’ text to make a prayer book was either too ignorant to know he was erasing a foundational work on mathematics or knew and didn’t care.

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Gramatika je rasizam Empty Re: Gramatika je rasizam

Post by prckov 4/21/2016, 16:01

bijeli rasisti fuj

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984

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Gramatika je rasizam Empty Re: Gramatika je rasizam

Post by Regoč 4/21/2016, 16:11

Živio rasizam!

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