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Clinton : Europske banke moraju prestati financirati terorizam

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Clinton : Europske banke moraju prestati financirati terorizam Empty Clinton : Europske banke moraju prestati financirati terorizam

Post by RayMabus 23/3/2016, 23:57


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Clinton : Europske banke moraju prestati financirati terorizam Empty Re: Clinton : Europske banke moraju prestati financirati terorizam

Post by RayMabus 23/3/2016, 23:58

Prwo ih nawučemo u Ewropu , onda to stwori rat na relačiji Ewropljani wehabizam ( suniti ) a onda u takwoj situačiji Ewropljani gledaju Iran kao saweznika ........bačimo petardu na Iran i počme weliki rat između šijita i sunita a suniti su se netom prije zakačili sa Ewropom.

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Clinton : Europske banke moraju prestati financirati terorizam Med2cover

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Clinton : Europske banke moraju prestati financirati terorizam Empty Re: Clinton : Europske banke moraju prestati financirati terorizam

Post by gargamel0101 24/3/2016, 00:01


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Clinton : Europske banke moraju prestati financirati terorizam Empty Re: Clinton : Europske banke moraju prestati financirati terorizam

Post by Kermit 24/3/2016, 00:02

"Bringing down Assad would not only be a massive boon to Israel’s security, it would also ease Israel’s understandable fear of losing its nuclear monopoly."

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Clinton : Europske banke moraju prestati financirati terorizam Empty Re: Clinton : Europske banke moraju prestati financirati terorizam

Post by Kermit 24/3/2016, 00:03

Back to Syria. It is the strategic relationship between Iran and the regime of Bashar Assad in Syria that makes it possible for Iran to undermine Israel's security — not through a direct attack, which in the thirty years of hostility between Iran and Israel has never occurred, but through its proxies in Lebanon, like Hezbollah, that are sustained, armed and trained by Iran via Syria. The end of the Assad regime would end this dangerous alliance. Israel's leadership understands well why defeating Assad is now in its interests. Speaking on CNN's Amanpour show last week, Defense Minister Ehud Barak argued that "the toppling down of Assad will be a major blow to the radical axis, major blow to Iran.... It's the only kind of outpost of the Iranian influence in the Arab world...and it will weaken dramatically both Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza." Bringing down Assad would not only be a massive boon to Israel's security, it would also ease Israel's understandable fear of losing its nuclear monopoly. Then, Israel and the United States might be able to develop a common view of when the Iranian program is so dangerous that military action could be warranted. Right now, it is the combination of Iran's strategic alliance with Syria and the steady progress in Iran's nuclear enrichment program that has led Israeli leaders to contemplate a surprise attack — if necessary over the objections of Washington. With Assad gone, and Iran no longer able to threaten Israel through its, proxies, it is possible that the United States and Israel can agree on red lines for when Iran's program has crossed an unacceptable threshold. In short, the White House can ease the tension that has developed with Israel over Iran by doing the right thing in Syria.

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Clinton : Europske banke moraju prestati financirati terorizam Empty Re: Clinton : Europske banke moraju prestati financirati terorizam

Post by Kermit 24/3/2016, 00:03


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Clinton : Europske banke moraju prestati financirati terorizam Empty Re: Clinton : Europske banke moraju prestati financirati terorizam

Post by Kermit 24/3/2016, 00:03

Ovo je čak od ove vještice nova razina ljigavosti

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Clinton : Europske banke moraju prestati financirati terorizam Empty Re: Clinton : Europske banke moraju prestati financirati terorizam

Post by Kermit 24/3/2016, 00:04

Clinton : Europske banke moraju prestati financirati terorizam C05794498-1

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Clinton : Europske banke moraju prestati financirati terorizam Empty Re: Clinton : Europske banke moraju prestati financirati terorizam

Post by gargamel0101 24/3/2016, 00:04

Čudno da ju Trum ne napada sa tim izvješćem od WkiLeaksa

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Clinton : Europske banke moraju prestati financirati terorizam Empty Re: Clinton : Europske banke moraju prestati financirati terorizam

Post by Kermit 24/3/2016, 00:04

Clinton : Europske banke moraju prestati financirati terorizam ?format=1000w

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Clinton : Europske banke moraju prestati financirati terorizam Empty Re: Clinton : Europske banke moraju prestati financirati terorizam

Post by RayMabus 24/3/2016, 00:05

asilovski wrote:Ovo je čak od ove vještice nova razina ljigavosti
Zašto ?

Sad kad su uwalili owoliko sunita u Ewropu i kad wide da je to došlo do te točke wiše manje sad če okrenit ploču. Sad hebu ewropske čelnike da se owi moraju oprawdawat swojoj raji šta je istina a šta ne.

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Clinton : Europske banke moraju prestati financirati terorizam Empty Re: Clinton : Europske banke moraju prestati financirati terorizam

Post by RayMabus 24/3/2016, 00:41

Američki planowi su takwi kakwi su no nažalost u Ewropi nema dowoljno intelignete i utječajne osobe da kad neki njhiow plan dođe do jedne faze u kojoj če oni naprawiti točno određen korak ti naprawiš baš nešto šta oni nisu planirali..

Rečimo Erdogan ....Ewropa da kuži američki plan onda bi Erdogana bez obzira šta je diktator podržawala.

Amerikanči bi probili na mozak jer im se owaj opire a kako su Turči suniti a plan je okrenit Ewropu protiw sunita i da Turska ostane izolirana i owisna o Američi.....

....i ti ga podržiš i Amerika dobije slom plana.

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Clinton : Europske banke moraju prestati financirati terorizam Empty Re: Clinton : Europske banke moraju prestati financirati terorizam

Post by RayMabus 24/3/2016, 00:48

Turska postane diktatorska držawa koju podržawa Ewropa , Amerikanči na aparatima jer ga nisu slomili i potčinili sebi ..............i užiwaš i boli te kuraz.

Onda Amerikanči naprawe nemire u Turskoj s čiljem swrgawanja diktatora koji nije njihow a ti ga podržawaš i dalje ......i lome se međusobno i tko ih hebe.

Posts : 182007

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Clinton : Europske banke moraju prestati financirati terorizam Empty Re: Clinton : Europske banke moraju prestati financirati terorizam

Post by RayMabus 24/3/2016, 00:51

Onda kad počmu neredi u Turskoj onda ti kao EU njega diktatora malo podržawaš , malo ne , filozofiraš , owi se kolju u građansko ratu koji stimulira Amerika da owoga swrgne ............kad oporba bude jaka pošalješ Erdoganu pomoč u oružju , on ih nabije ....i tako u krug.

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Clinton : Europske banke moraju prestati financirati terorizam Empty Re: Clinton : Europske banke moraju prestati financirati terorizam

Post by omni 24/3/2016, 11:34

RayMabus wrote:Onda kad počmu neredi u Turskoj onda ti kao EU njega diktatora malo podržawaš , malo ne , filozofiraš , owi se kolju u građansko ratu koji stimulira Amerika da owoga swrgne ............kad oporba bude jaka pošalješ Erdoganu pomoč u oružju , on ih nabije ....i tako u krug.
Nemamo mi politicare za takvu akciju, imamo samo placenike veleizdajnike i opoziciju wannabe placenika veleizdajnika.

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Clinton : Europske banke moraju prestati financirati terorizam Empty Re: Clinton : Europske banke moraju prestati financirati terorizam

Post by Guest 24/3/2016, 11:47

omni wrote:
RayMabus wrote:Onda kad počmu neredi u Turskoj onda ti kao EU njega diktatora malo podržawaš , malo ne , filozofiraš , owi se kolju u građansko ratu koji stimulira Amerika da owoga swrgne ............kad oporba bude jaka pošalješ Erdoganu pomoč u oružju , on ih nabije ....i tako u krug.
Nemamo mi politicare za takvu akciju, imamo samo placenike veleizdajnike i opoziciju wannabe placenika veleizdajnika.
Clinton : Europske banke moraju prestati financirati terorizam Kolind15

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Clinton : Europske banke moraju prestati financirati terorizam Empty Re: Clinton : Europske banke moraju prestati financirati terorizam

Post by Yehudi 24/3/2016, 13:18

Clinton : Europske banke moraju prestati financirati terorizam Obama_i_kastro_0

 Castro ga uhvatio kao lopova/ djepara kad se uhvati


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