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Ero- Posts : 13866
Ero- Posts : 13866
Re: Sirija
Nedaleko od Rake nalazi se zracna baza,kad ona padne u ruke SAA odatle ce se moci vrsiti zracni udari pogotovo helihopterma
И показа ми чисту реку воде живота, бистру као кристал, која излажаше од престола Божијег и Јагњетовог.
Winter is coming-
Posts : 9181
Re: Sirija
Syrian Army continues Raqqa offensive amid dust storm: video | Al-Masdar News
Video u linku. Ova je postrojba -pustinjski sokoli- pod izravnim zapovjedništvom Rusije | Al-Masdar News
Video u linku. Ova je postrojba -pustinjski sokoli- pod izravnim zapovjedništvom Rusije
Yehudi- Posts : 14715
Re: Sirija
Syria Despited Aleppo, Reg. forces focused on Raqqa op. with recently delivered arms - T-72B, T-90A, RPO-A Shmel.
u tijeku je ofenziva na provinciju Raqqa, vojska je u 48 sati ušla 75 kilometara duboko
Who are the Syrian Desert Hawks? | Al-Masdar News
Yehudi- Posts : 14715
Re: Sirija
ne pomazu vise ni tow raketlini
И показа ми чисту реку воде живота, бистру као кристал, која излажаше од престола Божијег и Јагњетовог.
Winter is coming-
Posts : 9181
Re: Sirija
Omar al Dagestani šehidijo od prijateljske vatre
friendly fire jedne grupe "umjerenih", roknila drugu grupu "umjerenih"
Omar Daghestani, #Al Nusra most important field commander was killed by Failaq al-Sham friendly fire in S.#Aleppo
Dagestanca roknili Čečeni
friendly fire jedne grupe "umjerenih", roknila drugu grupu "umjerenih"
Omar Daghestani, #Al Nusra most important field commander was killed by Failaq al-Sham friendly fire in S.#Aleppo
Dagestanca roknili Čečeni
Yehudi- Posts : 14715
Re: Sirija
pazi ovu zajebanciju haha,kamel fakers i njihove pushione:
И показа ми чисту реку воде живота, бистру као кристал, која излажаше од престола Божијег и Јагњетовог.
Winter is coming-
Posts : 9181
Re: Sirija
ovo su spickali svoje, ukokali dagestanija, bas finocapreko_vode_do_slobode wrote:
Re: Sirija
Ero wrote:Zaeban je taj američki TOW, ili kako se već zove.
pogodili su ruski kornetom :D ruske rakete su vjerojatno više manje jednake američkim, samo ovi pro-američki kanibali su bolje obučeni i snimaju videa pa ima više efekta
ali nije baza čime su gađali, mogli su petardom pogoditi , desilo bi se isto.
pogodili su kaćušu koja je bila natrpana raketama i usput je detoniralo streljivo koje je bilo u blizini i zapalilo okolna vozila, pobilo vojsku itd..
Guest- Guest
Re: Sirija
cuje eru kak se veseli sto su kanibali sprzili tenk sa americkim towom, nek je americki pa makar rukovali s njime i najgori gamacidi na kugli zemaljskoj,Ero wrote:
Ma kakav tenk...nema mu spasa.
jel ero jel vjezbas alahu ekser pred ogledalom
Re: Sirija
mislim, nisu ni zasluzili drugo, pa koji drljavi kreten moras biti da dovuces kacusu na 2 km od aktivne crte sukoba, tenk parkirati na neku poljanu i slicno, onda se cude kad ih ovi ukokaju, ne znam jel se sjecas onijeh borbi iz dzobara, kako uredno tenkisti ispale granatu dvije i crta iza nekog zida u par godina izgubili 2 tenka, i to su ih stresli rpgeom i ostetilipreko_vode_do_slobode wrote:Ero wrote:Zaeban je taj američki TOW, ili kako se već zove.
pogodili su ruski kornetom :D ruske rakete su vjerojatno više manje jednake američkim, samo ovi pro-američki kanibali su bolje obučeni i snimaju videa pa ima više efekta
ali nije baza čime su gađali, mogli su petardom pogoditi , desilo bi se isto.
pogodili su kaćušu koja je bila natrpana raketama i usput je detoniralo streljivo koje je bilo u blizini i zapalilo okolna vozila, pobilo vojsku itd..
Re: Sirija
daLeviathan2 wrote:mislim, nisu ni zasluzili drugo, pa koji drljavi kreten moras biti da dovuces kacusu na 2 km od aktivne crte sukoba, tenk parkirati na neku poljanu i slicno, onda se cude kad ih ovi ukokaju, ne znam jel se sjecas onijeh borbi iz dzobara, kako uredno tenkisti ispale granatu dvije i crta iza nekog zida u par godina izgubili 2 tenka, i to su ih stresli rpgeom i ostetilipreko_vode_do_slobode wrote:Ero wrote:Zaeban je taj američki TOW, ili kako se već zove.
pogodili su ruski kornetom :D ruske rakete su vjerojatno više manje jednake američkim, samo ovi pro-američki kanibali su bolje obučeni i snimaju videa pa ima više efekta
ali nije baza čime su gađali, mogli su petardom pogoditi , desilo bi se isto.
pogodili su kaćušu koja je bila natrpana raketama i usput je detoniralo streljivo koje je bilo u blizini i zapalilo okolna vozila, pobilo vojsku itd..
inače isto tako gledam, kaćuše i cijeli bataljun ostalih vozila doslovno parkiran na brdu u centru grada alepa gdje se vode brutalne borbe..
umjesto da kaćuše stave 20km iza linije fronta, ovi na 800m od kanibala i izložili ih.. tako se ukraincima desilo tamo u ljeto 2014, kada su rusi krenuli iz rusije pomoći braći pobunjenicima, da je vojska RF zarobila i okružila ukrainsku vojsku i to artiljeriju itd..
to je katastrofa kada ne znaš artiljeriju staviti iza.. kasnije su i ludi ukrainci naučili pa im se više to ne može dogoditi, valjda će tako i sirijci.. samo kako sam rekao 100puta, sirijcima nije problem tehnika(imaju vlastitu proizvodnju, zalihe, rusi i iranci šalju oružja koliko treba) nego nemaju ljudstva a još manje ljudi sa mozgom..
DOSLOVNO nije moglo biti gore.. raznjeli kaćušu , i zanimljivo odmah je tu bilo skladište oružja, i usput je zapalilo okolne kamione itd.. i onda ekipa koja je preživjela to, kasnije i njih gađali raketama.. horor.. pitaj boga koliko je ljudi poginulo
taj rat u siriji je brutalan.. svaki dan nekoliko destaka ljudi gine na nekoj od strana
Guest- Guest
Re: Sirija
da pročita sam :/ odmah maklo video, često ti TOW videa nestanu, ekipa (obje strane) prijavljuju da "video je pun nasilja" i onda ga youtube autoamtski makne(kada se skupi dovoljno reportova onda automatski se video makne)Leviathan2 wrote:ovo su spickali svoje, ukokali dagestanija, bas finocapreko_vode_do_slobode wrote:
iako vjerojatno ima i negdje kopija + live lieak itd..
Guest- Guest
Re: Sirija
članak na russia today, koji je negativno protiv kurda
kao na šemu da zabijaju nož u leđa assadu, da šuruju sa amerima, da cijepaju državu...
meni je zanimljiviji odgovor jednog kurda na taj članak, nego propagadni pamlfet ruskog CNNA :D
As a Kurd, I see so many mistakes in this "article" (propaganda piece). Let's debunk the lies one by one: " Preceding the declaration of the northern federation by the Kurds in March, US troops had taken control of an airfield just outside Rmeilan in January. It doesn’t take a genius to discern a connection between both." The WHOLE point of the Kurds even fighting is because we WANTED to declare an autonomous federation! Why else are we the best fighters against ISIS? Because we have motivation. Our ultimate goal was always to create their own territory, with or without the U.S. "the Americans have developed a close military alliance with the Kurds over the past few months, even at the cost of incurring the extreme displeasure of their NATO ally, Turkey." How is this a bad thing? It is simple realpolitik: the U.S. knows the Kurds are the best fighting forces against ISIS in Syria, so they are training and funding us. Negotiations are taking place with Turkey. This conspiracy theorist is saying that the U.S. is doing something bad JUST because there is some disagreement with its allies. False logic. "in 2011 President Assad granted thousands of them citizenship" The author himself says there are 2.5 million Kurds in Syria, and yet, after decades of having lived there, only a few thousand of us even have citizenship. Then this id*ot asks why we want to create an autonomous zone! "Syria remains a sovereign state and its people will not accept any of its territory being cleaved off" Liar! Nobody said Syria would LOSE territory! Canada and Russia are federations, do they "lose" territory? No! Kurdistan will be a PART of Syria! Also, this propagandist is being hypocritical here: if those in the Donbas are allowed to create autonomous zones with help from Russia (which this lying author supports), then why can't the Kurds do the same in Syria with help from the U.S? Hypocrisy at its finest. "The notion that Ankara would stand by while something approximating to a Kurdish state is established on its border at any time" AUTONOMOUS entity of Syria is NOT the same thing as separating! Keep in mind the Kurdish language was BANNED for 52 years in Syria until the valiant Kurds kicked out Assad's squatters and allowed their language to FINALLY be used in schools and religious venues. Please, everyone, do NOT listen to this Russian disinformation agent!
kao na šemu da zabijaju nož u leđa assadu, da šuruju sa amerima, da cijepaju državu...
meni je zanimljiviji odgovor jednog kurda na taj članak, nego propagadni pamlfet ruskog CNNA :D
As a Kurd, I see so many mistakes in this "article" (propaganda piece). Let's debunk the lies one by one: " Preceding the declaration of the northern federation by the Kurds in March, US troops had taken control of an airfield just outside Rmeilan in January. It doesn’t take a genius to discern a connection between both." The WHOLE point of the Kurds even fighting is because we WANTED to declare an autonomous federation! Why else are we the best fighters against ISIS? Because we have motivation. Our ultimate goal was always to create their own territory, with or without the U.S. "the Americans have developed a close military alliance with the Kurds over the past few months, even at the cost of incurring the extreme displeasure of their NATO ally, Turkey." How is this a bad thing? It is simple realpolitik: the U.S. knows the Kurds are the best fighting forces against ISIS in Syria, so they are training and funding us. Negotiations are taking place with Turkey. This conspiracy theorist is saying that the U.S. is doing something bad JUST because there is some disagreement with its allies. False logic. "in 2011 President Assad granted thousands of them citizenship" The author himself says there are 2.5 million Kurds in Syria, and yet, after decades of having lived there, only a few thousand of us even have citizenship. Then this id*ot asks why we want to create an autonomous zone! "Syria remains a sovereign state and its people will not accept any of its territory being cleaved off" Liar! Nobody said Syria would LOSE territory! Canada and Russia are federations, do they "lose" territory? No! Kurdistan will be a PART of Syria! Also, this propagandist is being hypocritical here: if those in the Donbas are allowed to create autonomous zones with help from Russia (which this lying author supports), then why can't the Kurds do the same in Syria with help from the U.S? Hypocrisy at its finest. "The notion that Ankara would stand by while something approximating to a Kurdish state is established on its border at any time" AUTONOMOUS entity of Syria is NOT the same thing as separating! Keep in mind the Kurdish language was BANNED for 52 years in Syria until the valiant Kurds kicked out Assad's squatters and allowed their language to FINALLY be used in schools and religious venues. Please, everyone, do NOT listen to this Russian disinformation agent!
Guest- Guest
Re: Sirija
"And Syrians know this. Consequently, not only are the various jihadist groups despised by from two-thirds to around 80% of the Syrian public, but at least 55% of Syrians would vote for Bashar al-Assad to be the country’s leader, in any free and fair election — and Obama knows this, which is the reason why he has strenuously opposed democracy in Syria, and even Ban ki-Moon has (though very quietly) condemned Obama’s position that rejects democracy in Syria. Furthermore, the Syrian people overwhelmingly (by 82%, to be exact) cite the U.S. as being the main source of the immense suffering they face."
"And Syrians know this. Consequently, not only are the various jihadist groups despised by from two-thirds to around 80% of the Syrian public, but at least 55% of Syrians would vote for Bashar al-Assad to be the country’s leader, in any free and fair election — and Obama knows this, which is the reason why he has strenuously opposed democracy in Syria, and even Ban ki-Moon has (though very quietly) condemned Obama’s position that rejects democracy in Syria. Furthermore, the Syrian people overwhelmingly (by 82%, to be exact) cite the U.S. as being the main source of the immense suffering they face."
Posts : 26479
Re: Sirija
Svaka čast ovome Kurdu.preko_vode_do_slobode wrote:članak na russia today, koji je negativno protiv kurda
kao na šemu da zabijaju nož u leđa assadu, da šuruju sa amerima, da cijepaju državu...
meni je zanimljiviji odgovor jednog kurda na taj članak, nego propagadni pamlfet ruskog CNNA :D
As a Kurd, I see so many mistakes in this "article" (propaganda piece). Let's debunk the lies one by one: " Preceding the declaration of the northern federation by the Kurds in March, US troops had taken control of an airfield just outside Rmeilan in January. It doesn’t take a genius to discern a connection between both." The WHOLE point of the Kurds even fighting is because we WANTED to declare an autonomous federation! Why else are we the best fighters against ISIS? Because we have motivation. Our ultimate goal was always to create their own territory, with or without the U.S. "the Americans have developed a close military alliance with the Kurds over the past few months, even at the cost of incurring the extreme displeasure of their NATO ally, Turkey." How is this a bad thing? It is simple realpolitik: the U.S. knows the Kurds are the best fighting forces against ISIS in Syria, so they are training and funding us. Negotiations are taking place with Turkey. This conspiracy theorist is saying that the U.S. is doing something bad JUST because there is some disagreement with its allies. False logic. "in 2011 President Assad granted thousands of them citizenship" The author himself says there are 2.5 million Kurds in Syria, and yet, after decades of having lived there, only a few thousand of us even have citizenship. Then this id*ot asks why we want to create an autonomous zone! "Syria remains a sovereign state and its people will not accept any of its territory being cleaved off" Liar! Nobody said Syria would LOSE territory! Canada and Russia are federations, do they "lose" territory? No! Kurdistan will be a PART of Syria! Also, this propagandist is being hypocritical here: if those in the Donbas are allowed to create autonomous zones with help from Russia (which this lying author supports), then why can't the Kurds do the same in Syria with help from the U.S? Hypocrisy at its finest. "The notion that Ankara would stand by while something approximating to a Kurdish state is established on its border at any time" AUTONOMOUS entity of Syria is NOT the same thing as separating! Keep in mind the Kurdish language was BANNED for 52 years in Syria until the valiant Kurds kicked out Assad's squatters and allowed their language to FINALLY be used in schools and religious venues. Please, everyone, do NOT listen to this Russian disinformation agent!
gargamel0101- Posts : 3558
Re: Sirija
Yoda vide se ne može vidjeti. Imaš li neku drugu verziju istog videa?preko_vode_do_slobode wrote:
gargamel0101- Posts : 3558
Re: Sirija
Kad smo kod Kurda, Sheikh Maqsoud nije pao u ruke kanibala, kak se prvotno mislilo. Što je dobro, jerbo ogromna koncetracija kanibala tu idalje traje, a RUAF-u će samim tim biti lakše to potamaniti.
I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.
AlfaOmega- Posts : 10385
Re: Sirija
Jes' vidio onog dagestanca i ekipu oko njega prije nego su ih saveznici raznjeli TOWom... dobro su ih turci opremili.AlfaOmega wrote:Kad smo kod Kurda, Sheikh Maqsoud nije pao u ruke kanibala, kak se prvotno mislilo. Što je dobro, jerbo ogromna koncetracija kanibala tu idalje traje, a RUAF-u će samim tim biti lakše to potamaniti.
mutava baštarda- Posts : 21037
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