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gdje nestade ukrajinska avijacija? izgleda da su ih potepali ko muve sa neba,mozda im neko da neke polovne sklopocije i pilota placenika zeljnih slave,bice to odlicna vjezba za novorosijske pvo jedinice
Winter is coming- Posts : 9181
jedan od najvecih bisera nove ukrajinske vlasti je odluka da kupe gorivo za nuclear plants od westinghousa uprkos upozorenjeima od strane rusa da to gorivo i old style soviet plants nisu kompatibilne,sami sebi spremaju novi chernobil,u ovoj elektrani u zaporozju je vec bilo incidenata i povecana je radioaktivnost u okolini,iako su ukrajinske vlasti (ako se to krdo kretena tako moze nazvati) izjavile da nema opasnosti's accident waiting to happen,i za te debile me nije ni briga ali radijacija nezna za granice
И показа ми чисту реку воде живота, бистру као кристал, која излажаше од престола Божијег и Јагњетовог.
Winter is coming-
Posts : 9181
interesantno,nisam to bas pratio...medolino_zg wrote:jedan od najvecih bisera nove ukrajinske vlasti je odluka da kupe gorivo za nuclear plants od westinghousa uprkos upozorenjeima od strane rusa da to gorivo i old style soviet plants nisu kompatibilne,sami sebi spremaju novi chernobil,u ovoj elektrani u zaporozju je vec bilo incidenata i povecana je radioaktivnost u okolini,iako su ukrajinske vlasti (ako se to krdo kretena tako moze nazvati) izjavile da nema opasnosti's accident waiting to happen,i za te debile me nije ni briga ali radijacija nezna za granice
Guest- Guest
medolino_zg wrote:gdje nestade ukrajinska avijacija? izgleda da su ih potepali ko muve sa neba,mozda im neko da neke polovne sklopocije i pilota placenika zeljnih slave,bice to odlicna vjezba za novorosijske pvo jedinice
gdje je njihova avijacija? ne koriste ih , jer rusi su dovukli dosta modernih PZO sustava u to područje kojima upravlja vojska ruske federacije.
usput većina avijacije se bila raspadala sada ukrainci sve to moderniziraju i čuvaju kao rezervu u slučaju ruskog napada.
inače ukrainci imaju među najbolju PZO obranu na svijetu, čitao sam da bi u slučaju ruske invazije na ukrainu, rusima bilo uništeno 150 aviona u prvih dva tjedna...
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Ukrainski predsjednik porošenko govori da bi rat u Ukraini mogao trajati desetljećima - što i nije daleko od istine. i da svaki ukrainac mora zbog toga proći vojnu obuku.
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evo čitam da su Ukrainci pretukli u Krahovu osobu koja je imala SSSR majicu(takvih majica ima ovdje i po RH i nitko nikoga nedira)
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Inače ovo je navodno mapa Ukrainske potencijalne "ofenzive" koja procurila.. Ukrainci su u toj regiji navodno dovukli 90 000 vojnika(prošle godine u ovo vrijeme nije bilo niti 15 000 ukrainaca , a tamo ove zime niti 30-40 000) i zadnja dva tjedna svi napeto očekuju "opći ukrainski napad"..
Pobunjenici su otkazali odmor svakom vojniku jer svi čekaju Ukrainski opći napad - koji se neće dogodit.
Jer nisu valjda toliko maniti Ukrainci - da krenu , počnu gaziti pobunjenike, a onda ulete Rusi iz Rusije i naprave sranje(iako je i hrpa jadnih Rusa poginula i Rusi zbog toga bježe iz regularne vojske)..
Tako da neće biti Ukrainskog napada, nego će Ukrainci artiljerijom mrtviti regiju dok je ne umrtve.. U tom području već se odselilo preko pola milijuna ljudi, a pobunjenici malo po malo isto bježe..
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prati to svetac i nabavi zalihe iodina i vec sve sta ide uz to,mozda i radiation detectorbogomdani wrote:interesantno,nisam to bas pratio...medolino_zg wrote:jedan od najvecih bisera nove ukrajinske vlasti je odluka da kupe gorivo za nuclear plants od westinghousa uprkos upozorenjeima od strane rusa da to gorivo i old style soviet plants nisu kompatibilne,sami sebi spremaju novi chernobil,u ovoj elektrani u zaporozju je vec bilo incidenata i povecana je radioaktivnost u okolini,iako su ukrajinske vlasti (ako se to krdo kretena tako moze nazvati) izjavile da nema opasnosti's accident waiting to happen,i za te debile me nije ni briga ali radijacija nezna za granice
И показа ми чисту реку воде живота, бистру као кристал, која излажаше од престола Божијег и Јагњетовог.
Winter is coming-
Posts : 9181
Navodno se za sutra očekuje napad ukra.
Biće ovih dana imaju neki praznik.
Шарий о том, как украинский танк «Оплот» превзошел «Армату» и стал «лучшим в мире»
Video o tome kako je ukro tenk -oplot- postao "najbolji na Svijetu"
Abrams i Tigar dijele drugo misto a -Armata- zadnja
U komjutorskoj animaciji montaži dakako, jasno. Ali svejedno ukro eksperti uvjeravaju
-banderologe- da je to tako.
Biće ovih dana imaju neki praznik.
Шарий о том, как украинский танк «Оплот» превзошел «Армату» и стал «лучшим в мире»
Video o tome kako je ukro tenk -oplot- postao "najbolji na Svijetu"
Abrams i Tigar dijele drugo misto a -Armata- zadnja
U komjutorskoj animaciji montaži dakako, jasno. Ali svejedno ukro eksperti uvjeravaju
-banderologe- da je to tako.
Last edited by Yehudi on Sun 23 Aug - 19:36; edited 1 time in total
Yehudi- Posts : 14715
Ma jok..pripemi se bogomdani na S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 ili 3...medolino_zg wrote:prati to svetac i nabavi zalihe iodina i vec sve sta ide uz to,mozda i radiation detectorbogomdani wrote:interesantno,nisam to bas pratio...medolino_zg wrote:jedan od najvecih bisera nove ukrajinske vlasti je odluka da kupe gorivo za nuclear plants od westinghousa uprkos upozorenjeima od strane rusa da to gorivo i old style soviet plants nisu kompatibilne,sami sebi spremaju novi chernobil,u ovoj elektrani u zaporozju je vec bilo incidenata i povecana je radioaktivnost u okolini,iako su ukrajinske vlasti (ako se to krdo kretena tako moze nazvati) izjavile da nema opasnosti's accident waiting to happen,i za te debile me nije ni briga ali radijacija nezna za granice
Guest- Guest
jesi igrao kad war games na pley stationu?
И показа ми чисту реку воде живота, бистру као кристал, која излажаше од престола Божијег и Јагњетовог.
Winter is coming-
Posts : 9181
oplot nije sigurno najbolji tenk, iako kladim se da nema sigurnih tenkova na svijetu.. solidan RPG ili pogodak iz drugog tenka sve razvali.. Američki abramsi su gorili na bliskom istoku, čak i Merkave koje su se smatrale najbolje njih je hezbollah, a kamo li neće sovjetska tehnologija...Yehudi wrote:Navodno se za sutra očekuje napad ukra.
Biće ovih dana imaju neki praznik.
što se tiče armate, još neznamo kakav je tenk, nije battle tested, međutim mislim da je to najskuplji tenk na svijetu ili među najskupljim.. tako da rusi dugo dugo dugo neće moći priuštiti više od 50ak takvih tenkova..
Eh da , Ukrainski napad kojeg svi čekaju, neće ništa biti od toga. To je psihološka igra Ukrainaca, psihološki iscrpljuju pobunjeničku regiju. (i sebe pomalo). Granatiraju svaki dan nesretnu regiju, uništavaju što infrastrukturu što vojnu što civilnu, ruše moral stanovnika i vojnika, a pošto tamo u regiji imaju 2 puta manje vojnika nego Ukrainci, ovako su ih prisilili da se svi mobiliziraju.. dosta vojnika iz Donbasa se nije doslovno preko godinu dana odmorilo od fronte.. i taman kada su otišli neki na odmor pozvalo ih nazad jer moraju čekati Ukrainski napad koji se neće dogoditi.. Rat bi se tamo mogao odužiti desetljećima ili barem par godina minimalno..
U slučaju da se sukob oduži tipa 10ak godina, Ukraina će do tada već nabaviti i razviti nuklearno oružje, imaju u planu razvoj balističkih projektila koji mogu gađati veće Ruske gradove samo im treba nuklaerno oružje..
Guest- Guest
Ma kakvih 10 God, pa ukri će bankrotirati za pola gpd. A za vojsku
Donbasa problema nema. U Rusiji se izbjeglice sa tog područja
obučavaju i vraćaju nazad u Donbas. Uostalom jednako tako je i sa
urima koji već dugo žive u Rusiji. Iz te zdrave sredine će i poteći
pokret koji će makniti pučističku huntu oligarha sa vlasti u Kijevu.
PC (DS) sastavljen je jedino od neonacista i huligana, pedera
ljaškog, narkomana i kriminalaca. Pa neće mirni narod trpiti
takve dugo. Šta se tiče vojske regularne, ne ide baš dobro
mobilizacija........dapače jako loše. Avijacije nema a i da je ima
uzaludu. Sam je parošenko rekao da je nakon Debelcevo kotla
izvan stroja 60% tehnike.
Budu li išli na vojnu soluciju , to će biti kraj ukro vojska.
A maštarije o -atomskoj bombu- ostavi ukro lažovima nek se
nadaju i hrabre. A i šta bi sa tim. Nema od toga ništa.
Donbasa problema nema. U Rusiji se izbjeglice sa tog područja
obučavaju i vraćaju nazad u Donbas. Uostalom jednako tako je i sa
urima koji već dugo žive u Rusiji. Iz te zdrave sredine će i poteći
pokret koji će makniti pučističku huntu oligarha sa vlasti u Kijevu.
PC (DS) sastavljen je jedino od neonacista i huligana, pedera
ljaškog, narkomana i kriminalaca. Pa neće mirni narod trpiti
takve dugo. Šta se tiče vojske regularne, ne ide baš dobro
mobilizacija........dapače jako loše. Avijacije nema a i da je ima
uzaludu. Sam je parošenko rekao da je nakon Debelcevo kotla
izvan stroja 60% tehnike.
Budu li išli na vojnu soluciju , to će biti kraj ukro vojska.
A maštarije o -atomskoj bombu- ostavi ukro lažovima nek se
nadaju i hrabre. A i šta bi sa tim. Nema od toga ništa.
Yehudi- Posts : 14715
u totalnoj su banani,Krim nisu cak ni pokusavali cackati jer znaju da bi to bio direktan napad na Rusku federaciju,i tu bi dobili po repu i otvorili jos jedan front i automatski oslabili postojeci front koji bi se raspao,Glupi prdoshenko nezna sta bi i baca u borbu one jadnike koji ginu kao muhe,jebes budalu,ukrima se ne pise dobro sa takvom ekipom na vlasti
И показа ми чисту реку воде живота, бистру као кристал, која излажаше од престола Божијег и Јагњетовог.
Winter is coming-
Posts : 9181
Konzolitis??..a jok..samo dobro nabrijane Intel/Nvidia kante..medolino_zg wrote:jesi igrao kad war games na pley stationu?
Guest- Guest
kakav konzloitis?
И показа ми чисту реку воде живота, бистру као кристал, која излажаше од престола Божијег и Јагњетовог.
Winter is coming-
Posts : 9181
[size=40][size=40]Away [size=40]From[/size] [size=40]Dollar:[/size] [size=40]Russia,[/size] [size=40]China[/size] [size=40]to[/size] [size=40]Create[/size] [size=40]Entirely[/size] [size=40]Different[/size] [size=40]Gold[/size] [size=40]Market[/size][/size]
18:41 16.08.2015(updated 14:18 22.08.2015) Get short URL
Key central banks, particularly the Federal Reserve and Bank of England, and Western market players have long been accused of clandestine gold price manipulating aimed at preserving the dollar's role "as world reserve currency primus," American-German economic researcher and historian F. William Engdahl writes.
"The COMEX gold futures market in New York and the Over-the-Counter (OTC) trades cleared through the London Bullion Market Association do set prices which are followed most widely in the world. They are also markets dominated by a handful of huge players, the six London Bullion Market Association gold clearing banks — the corrupt JP MorganChase bank; the scandal-ridden UBS bank of Zurich; The Bank of Nova Scotia — ScotiaMocatta, the world's oldest bullion bank which began as banker to the British East India Company, the group that ran the China Opium Wars; the scandal-ridden Deutsche Bank; the scandal-ridden Barclays Bank of London; HSBC of London, the house bank of the Mexican drug cartels; and the scandal and fraud-ridden Societe Generale of Paris," Engdahl narrated.
Gold's Everlasting Shine: Is Fall in Gold Price a Sign of Inevitable Doom?
Furthermore, Western banks are issuing numerous paper "gold-futures" and other speculative contracts which are in fact disconnected from real physical gold.
In a word, operations with the precious metal in London and New York are in questionable hands, the economic researcher noted.
The West's ultimate goal is to preserve the dollar's monopoly in the market thus breathing life into the US-led global financial system. But no one likes monopolists.
Predictably, the current state of affairs cannot satisfy rising economies, such as China, Russia and other emerging powers.
However, "[r]ather than scream and cry 'fraud' at the owners of the COMEX/CME or the London Bullion Market Association Big Six clearing banks, these countries are involved in the genial move to create an entirely different gold market, one that not JP MorganChase or HSBC or Deutsche Bank control, but one that China, Russia and others of a like mind control," Engdahl stressed.
Saudi Determined to Crash Oil Prices Until US Shale Breathes Its Last
This new approach is connected closely with the China-led New Silk Road project and the Shanghai-based Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB).
In May 2015 Beijing announced it had established a state-run gold investment fund, aiming to bolster China's role in global gold trade. The new initiative is a part of China's ambitious One Belt and One Road plan. The "Silk Road Gold Fund" will invest in mining projects in the regions along the New Silk Road encouraging central banks of its members to increase their holdings in the precious metal.
"As China has expressed it, the aim is to enable the Eurasian countries along the Silk Road to increase the gold backing of their currencies. That sounds very much like some clear-thinking and far-sighted governments are thinking of creating a stable group of gold backed currencies that would facilitate orderly trade free from Washington currency wars," the economic researcher elaborated.
Power of Gold: China Establishes Its Largest Gold-Investment Fund
And Russia is actively cooperating with China in this field, he underscored, adding that just before the creation of China's new gold fund the countries inked a deal to explore the gold reserves in Russia's Magadan region.
Over the past several years Russia has been rapidly replenishing its vaults with golden bullions. In accordance with official data, Russian physical gold reserves currently amounted to 1250.9 tons in June 2015.
Today Russia is considered the world's third largest gold producer with 245 metric tons produced in 2014, while China produces over 450 tons a year.
"South Africa, also a member of the BRICS along with China and Russia, stands to add to the new energy surrounding a renaissance in gold as a support of solid, well-based currencies to replace the diluted and devalued dollar system," the researcher stressed.
Dragon Rising: China's Gold Will Break World's Dependence on US Dollar
According to Engdahl, the New Economic Silk Road, integrated with Russia's new Eurasian Economic Union, are more than just energy and railroad infrastructure: they are the central nervous system of the future largest and fastest-growing economic space on Earth.
Interestingly enough, according to the ANZ Research report "East to El Dorado: Asia and the Future of Gold" the gold price may soar as high as $2,000 a troy ounce by 2025. ANZ Research underscored that gold, despite its current slump, remains both an investment and a defensive asset. The rise of emerging economies, such as China and India will facilitate the demand for gold investments.
"While most eyes are fixed on COMEX or the London Bullion Market Association listed daily gold price fix, the real worth of gold as a currency reserve and a standard of monetary soundness is growing in worth by the day," Engdahl concluded adding that this trend is a real pain in the neck of the US Treasury, Federal Reserve and Wall Street. [/size]
Read more:
© Sputnik/ Pavel Lisitsyn
18:41 16.08.2015(updated 14:18 22.08.2015) Get short URL
While key Western banks are artificially restraining gold prices to breathe life into the diluted and devalued dollar system, Russia, China and other emerging economies are involved in "the genial move" to establish an entirely different gold market, F. William Engdahl underscores.
Key central banks, particularly the Federal Reserve and Bank of England, and Western market players have long been accused of clandestine gold price manipulating aimed at preserving the dollar's role "as world reserve currency primus," American-German economic researcher and historian F. William Engdahl writes.
"The COMEX gold futures market in New York and the Over-the-Counter (OTC) trades cleared through the London Bullion Market Association do set prices which are followed most widely in the world. They are also markets dominated by a handful of huge players, the six London Bullion Market Association gold clearing banks — the corrupt JP MorganChase bank; the scandal-ridden UBS bank of Zurich; The Bank of Nova Scotia — ScotiaMocatta, the world's oldest bullion bank which began as banker to the British East India Company, the group that ran the China Opium Wars; the scandal-ridden Deutsche Bank; the scandal-ridden Barclays Bank of London; HSBC of London, the house bank of the Mexican drug cartels; and the scandal and fraud-ridden Societe Generale of Paris," Engdahl narrated.
[size]Gold's Everlasting Shine: Is Fall in Gold Price a Sign of Inevitable Doom?
Furthermore, Western banks are issuing numerous paper "gold-futures" and other speculative contracts which are in fact disconnected from real physical gold.
In a word, operations with the precious metal in London and New York are in questionable hands, the economic researcher noted.
The West's ultimate goal is to preserve the dollar's monopoly in the market thus breathing life into the US-led global financial system. But no one likes monopolists.
Predictably, the current state of affairs cannot satisfy rising economies, such as China, Russia and other emerging powers.
However, "[r]ather than scream and cry 'fraud' at the owners of the COMEX/CME or the London Bullion Market Association Big Six clearing banks, these countries are involved in the genial move to create an entirely different gold market, one that not JP MorganChase or HSBC or Deutsche Bank control, but one that China, Russia and others of a like mind control," Engdahl stressed.
[size]Saudi Determined to Crash Oil Prices Until US Shale Breathes Its Last
This new approach is connected closely with the China-led New Silk Road project and the Shanghai-based Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB).
In May 2015 Beijing announced it had established a state-run gold investment fund, aiming to bolster China's role in global gold trade. The new initiative is a part of China's ambitious One Belt and One Road plan. The "Silk Road Gold Fund" will invest in mining projects in the regions along the New Silk Road encouraging central banks of its members to increase their holdings in the precious metal.
"As China has expressed it, the aim is to enable the Eurasian countries along the Silk Road to increase the gold backing of their currencies. That sounds very much like some clear-thinking and far-sighted governments are thinking of creating a stable group of gold backed currencies that would facilitate orderly trade free from Washington currency wars," the economic researcher elaborated.
[size]Power of Gold: China Establishes Its Largest Gold-Investment Fund
And Russia is actively cooperating with China in this field, he underscored, adding that just before the creation of China's new gold fund the countries inked a deal to explore the gold reserves in Russia's Magadan region.
Over the past several years Russia has been rapidly replenishing its vaults with golden bullions. In accordance with official data, Russian physical gold reserves currently amounted to 1250.9 tons in June 2015.
Today Russia is considered the world's third largest gold producer with 245 metric tons produced in 2014, while China produces over 450 tons a year.
"South Africa, also a member of the BRICS along with China and Russia, stands to add to the new energy surrounding a renaissance in gold as a support of solid, well-based currencies to replace the diluted and devalued dollar system," the researcher stressed.
[size]Dragon Rising: China's Gold Will Break World's Dependence on US Dollar
According to Engdahl, the New Economic Silk Road, integrated with Russia's new Eurasian Economic Union, are more than just energy and railroad infrastructure: they are the central nervous system of the future largest and fastest-growing economic space on Earth.
Interestingly enough, according to the ANZ Research report "East to El Dorado: Asia and the Future of Gold" the gold price may soar as high as $2,000 a troy ounce by 2025. ANZ Research underscored that gold, despite its current slump, remains both an investment and a defensive asset. The rise of emerging economies, such as China and India will facilitate the demand for gold investments.
"While most eyes are fixed on COMEX or the London Bullion Market Association listed daily gold price fix, the real worth of gold as a currency reserve and a standard of monetary soundness is growing in worth by the day," Engdahl concluded adding that this trend is a real pain in the neck of the US Treasury, Federal Reserve and Wall Street. [/size]
Read more:
И показа ми чисту реку воде живота, бистру као кристал, која излажаше од престола Божијег и Јагњетовог.
Winter is coming-
Posts : 9181
Egypt's Sissi Turns to Russia's Putin to Fight Regional Terrorism
Moscow has hosted a number of Middle Eastern leaders in recent weeks as it seeks a greater role in mediating in the Middle East.
Jordanski King Abdullah II takodjer je gostovao u Moskvi nedavno.
Mr. Putin i Al Sisi dogovarali su suradnju u ratu protiv isis terorista.
Moscow has hosted a number of Middle Eastern leaders in recent weeks as it seeks a greater role in mediating in the Middle East.
Jordanski King Abdullah II takodjer je gostovao u Moskvi nedavno.
Mr. Putin i Al Sisi dogovarali su suradnju u ratu protiv isis terorista.
Yehudi- Posts : 14715
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