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Pedeset vojnika 53. mehanizovane brigade ukrajinske armije napustilo je svoje položaje, odbacilo oružje i pešice otišlo i kancelariju tužioca u gradu Nikolajevo kako bi podneli tužbu zbog uslova u kojima žive.
9. FEBRUARA 2016.
Podeli na Fejsbuku
Tvitni na Tviteru
Oni su objasnili da ne dobijaju plate, a da im vojska dostavlja samo jedan oskudan obrok dok im je rečeno da sva druga potrebna sredstva kupuju od svog novca. Deo vojnika je mobilisan ali među ima i onih koji su pod ugovorom.
Vojnici su objasnili da među njima vlada episemija vašaka ali i raznih bolesti, a da im vojska dostavlja lekove sa proteklim rokom.[/size]
И показа ми чисту реку воде живота, бистру као кристал, која излажаше од престола Божијег и Јагњетовог.
Winter is coming-
Posts : 9181
Re: Ukrajina
O bokte prestani, ruje su popušile. Nema ništa od sao novorusije. Diši i pomiri se, ta već jednom jesi
Novinari crvi
Riplex- Posts : 1845
Re: Ukrajina
[size=40]Rusija danas proširuje granice?
Rusija će danas u sedištu UN u Njujorku predstaviti zahtev za proširenje svojih granica epikontinentalnog pojasa na Arktiku.
9. FEBRUARA 2016.
Podeli na Fejsbuku
Tvitni na Tviteru
To je naučno zasnovani zahtev za povećanje teritorije koja pripada Rusiji za oko milion i 200.000 kvadratnih kilometara unutar trougla grad Murmansk — Severni pol — Čukotsko poluostrvo. Očekuje se da će pripajanje teritorija pojasa povećati za pet milijardi tona potencijalne ruske zalihe ugljovodonika.
Prema međunarodnim propisima, priobalna zemlja ima pravo na eksploataciju resursa na pojasu u razdaljini do 200 nautičkih milja od kopna, u posebnim slučajevima — do 350 milja. Rusija se još 2001. godine obratila stručnoj komisiji UN za zahtevom da se proširi teritorija njenog epikontinentalnog pojasa i iznela dokaze da je takozvani podvodni greben Lomonosova, koji su otkrili sovjetski istraživači 1948. godine, nastavak kontinenta Evroazije, što bi značilo da se limit od 350 milja ne odnosi na Rusiju.
Ruski zahtev je više puta odbijen, ali, kako je u maju 2015. godine naveo ruski ministar prirodnih resursa Donskoj, njegov resor je pripremio 11 tomova dokaznog materijala.
Domaći analitičari ističu da je ruski zahtev u skladu sa međunarodnim pravom i da zategnuta politička situacija u svetu neće uticati na planove Rusije, bez obzira na moguće primedbe od strane drugih zemalja, koje i dalje tumače sve ruske poteze kao nastavak politike „osvajanja tuđih teritorija“.
Profesor Sanktpeterburškog državnog univerziteta Valerij Konišev kaže da čak i ukoliko UN bude donele odluku pozitivnu za Rusiju, druge arktičke zemlje, pre svega Kanada i Danska, neće odustati od svojih zahteva za proširenjem.
И показа ми чисту реку воде живота, бистру као кристал, која излажаше од престола Божијег и Јагњетовог.
Winter is coming-
Posts : 9181
Re: Ukrajina
evo malo i humora haha
[size=40]Sakašvili: „Dajte Ukrajincima oružje i osvojiće celu Rusiju“
Bivši predsednik Gruzije Mihail Sakašvili smatra da Ukrajinci mogu da pobede Rusiju ako im SAD pomognu u obučavanju i naoružavanju vojske.
9. FEBRUARA 2016.
Podeli na Fejsbuku
Tvitni na Tviteru
Glavni minus Ukrajine je zastarelo protivtenkovsko oružje. Ali, Amerikanci imaju novije, i ako nam ga daju, ako Ukrajina digne u vazduh 50 ruskih tenkova, imaćemo sasvim drugu priču. Amerikanci su spremni da nam to oružje daju, spremni su da daju bespilotne letelice i artiljeriju.
Naši oficiri koji su prošli obuku sa američkim instruktorima sada obučavaju našu vojsku. Oni kažu da je ukrajinski borbeni duh najjači na svetu – rekao je ruskim medijima Sakašvili, koji je sada gubernator Odeske oblasti.
Sakašvili je takođe ubeđen da će SAD više da pomažu Ukrajini.
– Oni su videli veliku borbu ukrajinskog naroda. Videli su da je Ukrajina spremna da se bori za demokratske vrednosti koje su za SAD najvažnije – rekao je Sakašvili i dodao da se sudbina čitavog postsovjetskog prostora sada rešava u Ukrajini.
[size=40]Sakašvili: „Dajte Ukrajincima oružje i osvojiće celu Rusiju“
Bivši predsednik Gruzije Mihail Sakašvili smatra da Ukrajinci mogu da pobede Rusiju ako im SAD pomognu u obučavanju i naoružavanju vojske.
9. FEBRUARA 2016.
Podeli na Fejsbuku
Tvitni na Tviteru
Glavni minus Ukrajine je zastarelo protivtenkovsko oružje. Ali, Amerikanci imaju novije, i ako nam ga daju, ako Ukrajina digne u vazduh 50 ruskih tenkova, imaćemo sasvim drugu priču. Amerikanci su spremni da nam to oružje daju, spremni su da daju bespilotne letelice i artiljeriju.
Naši oficiri koji su prošli obuku sa američkim instruktorima sada obučavaju našu vojsku. Oni kažu da je ukrajinski borbeni duh najjači na svetu – rekao je ruskim medijima Sakašvili, koji je sada gubernator Odeske oblasti.
Sakašvili je takođe ubeđen da će SAD više da pomažu Ukrajini.
– Oni su videli veliku borbu ukrajinskog naroda. Videli su da je Ukrajina spremna da se bori za demokratske vrednosti koje su za SAD najvažnije – rekao je Sakašvili i dodao da se sudbina čitavog postsovjetskog prostora sada rešava u Ukrajini.
И показа ми чисту реку воде живота, бистру као кристал, која излажаше од престола Божијег и Јагњетовог.
Winter is coming-
Posts : 9181
Re: Ukrajina
Ukraine's former PM Yatsenyuk embarrasses himself on BBC
07.03.2017 | Source:
Stephen Sackur, the host of the program, received a very strange reply from Yatsenyuk: "Who is Vladimir Putin in the context of NATO and Ukrainian independence? ... I'm saying that the Ukrainian army is strong. I'm saying that the Ukrainian people manage to survive. We still have our nation, our country, and what President Putin wants doesn't concern me."
The presenter laughed and noted that the person, who had a clear strategy of what he wanted was Vladimir Putin, although Yatsenyuk, of course, may not worry about what the Russian president wanted.
Political scientist, historian, journalist and TV host Vladimir Kornilov commented on the interview on his Facebook page. "Sackur asked Yatsenyuk about his financial condition, and the latter said that he had about a million dollars (funny, right?), and then explained that he had worked as a banker for ten years. Well, I thought that I did not know something about the biography of the ex-premier. I've read his biography and could not find those ten years," Kornilov wrote.
"Sackur humiliated Arseniy Yatsenyuk, when the latter started talking about the unprecedented "reforms" that he was implementing when serving as the prime minister. The host of the program reminded him that the rating of his government was only to percent at the time when Yatsenyuk resigned," he also wrote. Yatsenyuk could only mumble that there was an information campaign conducted against his government.
The presenter also asked Yatsenyuk point blank questions and wondered whether the former prime minister of Ukraine could look in the eyes of the mothers, who lost their sons in the Donbass war. Yatsenyuk did not answer the question. He only said that those men were heroes.
Read article on the Russian version of Pravda.Ru[/size]
- See more at:
07.03.2017 | Source:
AP photo
Former Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk said in an interview with BBC's HARDtalk that the wishes of Russian President Putin did not concern him.
[size]Stephen Sackur, the host of the program, received a very strange reply from Yatsenyuk: "Who is Vladimir Putin in the context of NATO and Ukrainian independence? ... I'm saying that the Ukrainian army is strong. I'm saying that the Ukrainian people manage to survive. We still have our nation, our country, and what President Putin wants doesn't concern me."
The presenter laughed and noted that the person, who had a clear strategy of what he wanted was Vladimir Putin, although Yatsenyuk, of course, may not worry about what the Russian president wanted.
Political scientist, historian, journalist and TV host Vladimir Kornilov commented on the interview on his Facebook page. "Sackur asked Yatsenyuk about his financial condition, and the latter said that he had about a million dollars (funny, right?), and then explained that he had worked as a banker for ten years. Well, I thought that I did not know something about the biography of the ex-premier. I've read his biography and could not find those ten years," Kornilov wrote.
"Sackur humiliated Arseniy Yatsenyuk, when the latter started talking about the unprecedented "reforms" that he was implementing when serving as the prime minister. The host of the program reminded him that the rating of his government was only to percent at the time when Yatsenyuk resigned," he also wrote. Yatsenyuk could only mumble that there was an information campaign conducted against his government.
The presenter also asked Yatsenyuk point blank questions and wondered whether the former prime minister of Ukraine could look in the eyes of the mothers, who lost their sons in the Donbass war. Yatsenyuk did not answer the question. He only said that those men were heroes.
Read article on the Russian version of Pravda.Ru[/size]
- See more at:
Guest- Guest
Re: Ukrajina
trump zatvara špinu USAIDu, likovi poput jatsenjuka, sakašvilija, turčinova će morati naći nove sponzore... možda im putin počne plaćati :)))
Iduća dva tjedna su ključna
mutava baštarda- Posts : 21037
Re: Ukrajina
[size=40]Radioactive [size=40]Wild[/size] [size=40]Boars[/size] [size=40]Roam[/size] [size=40]Fukushima,[/size] [size=40]Attack[/size] [size=40]Humans[/size] [size=40](PHOTOS)[/size][/size]
03:39 10.03.2017(updated 10:29 10.03.2017) Get short URL
Wild boar walks on a street at a residential area in an evacuation zone near TEPCO's tsunami-crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Namie town
"It is not really clear now which is the master of the town, people or wild boars," said Tamotsu Baba, mayor of Namie. "If we don't get rid of them and turn this into a human-led town, the situation will get even wilder and uninhabitable."
Members of Tomioka Town's animal control hunters group, take a photo of wild boars after they killed the wild boars in a booby trap at a residential area in an evacuation zone near TEPCO's tsunami-crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Tomioka town
Although the Namie evacuation order has been lifted, over half of the 21,500 residents have decided not to return. They left the town six years ago, and concerns over high radiation levels remain. Japanese authorities assert, however, that radiation levels in Namie have returned to pre-meltdown levels.
A member of Tomioka Town's animal control hunters group, holds a pellet gun to kill wild boars which are in a booby trap at a residential area in an evacuation zone near TEPCO's tsunami-crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Tomioka town
In the neighboring town of Tomioka, teams of hunters place traps baited with rice flour and shoot the boars on sight with air rifles. "After people left, they began coming down from the mountains and now they are not going back," said local hunter Shoichiro Sakamoto to Reuters.
Wild boars are seen in a booby trap as a member of Tomioka Town's animal control hunters group, holds a pellet gun at a residential area in an evacuation zone near TEPCO's tsunami-crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Tomioka town
"They found a place that was comfortable. There was plenty of food and no one to come after them."
Wild boar is seen at a residential area in an evacuation zone near TEPCO's tsunami-crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Namie town
Japanese sources estimate some 13,000 boars have taken up residence in the exclusion zone. The Fukushima prefectural government is offering a bounty for hunters to "inspire" a culling of the species.
The creatures reproduce quickly, however. The gestation period is only four to five months, with the average litter being four to six piglets. The cute little piggies will become, in just 2 years, fully-grown aggressive omnivores that can run at 25 mph.
Members of Tomioka Town's animal control hunters group carry a wild boar which killed by a pellet gun in a booby trap, at a residential area in an evacuation zone near TEPCO's tsunami-crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Tomioka town
There is no evidence that radiation has adversely affected the boars, although two to three generations of boars have lived in the irradiated exclusion zone. "I'm sure officials at all levels are giving some thought to this," said Namie resident Hidezo Sato to Reuters. "Something must be done."[/size]
[size=40]Radioactive [size=40]Wild[/size] [size=40]Boars[/size] [size=40]Roam[/size] [size=40]Fukushima,[/size] [size=40]Attack[/size] [size=40]Humans[/size] [size=40](PHOTOS)[/size][/size]
© REUTERS/ Toru Hanai
03:39 10.03.2017(updated 10:29 10.03.2017) Get short URL
Irradiated wild boars wreaking havoc? No, they're not an enemy in Fallout 4. They're creatures roaming the exclusion zone around the Fukushima Daiichi power plant, after it suffered a meltdown in 2011. Wild boars moved into the area after it was evacuated, but now that people are returning there have been multiple clashes between man and beast.
In the seaside town of Namie, just 2.5 miles from the nuclear plant, the boars roamed empty streets in search of food. When the humans tried to return, they were met with bloody-toothed wild pigs weighing, on average, nearly 200 pounds.© REUTERS/ TORU HANAI
[size]Wild boar walks on a street at a residential area in an evacuation zone near TEPCO's tsunami-crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Namie town
"It is not really clear now which is the master of the town, people or wild boars," said Tamotsu Baba, mayor of Namie. "If we don't get rid of them and turn this into a human-led town, the situation will get even wilder and uninhabitable."
[size]Members of Tomioka Town's animal control hunters group, take a photo of wild boars after they killed the wild boars in a booby trap at a residential area in an evacuation zone near TEPCO's tsunami-crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Tomioka town
Although the Namie evacuation order has been lifted, over half of the 21,500 residents have decided not to return. They left the town six years ago, and concerns over high radiation levels remain. Japanese authorities assert, however, that radiation levels in Namie have returned to pre-meltdown levels.
[size]A member of Tomioka Town's animal control hunters group, holds a pellet gun to kill wild boars which are in a booby trap at a residential area in an evacuation zone near TEPCO's tsunami-crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Tomioka town
In the neighboring town of Tomioka, teams of hunters place traps baited with rice flour and shoot the boars on sight with air rifles. "After people left, they began coming down from the mountains and now they are not going back," said local hunter Shoichiro Sakamoto to Reuters.
[size]Wild boars are seen in a booby trap as a member of Tomioka Town's animal control hunters group, holds a pellet gun at a residential area in an evacuation zone near TEPCO's tsunami-crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Tomioka town
"They found a place that was comfortable. There was plenty of food and no one to come after them."
[size]Wild boar is seen at a residential area in an evacuation zone near TEPCO's tsunami-crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Namie town
Japanese sources estimate some 13,000 boars have taken up residence in the exclusion zone. The Fukushima prefectural government is offering a bounty for hunters to "inspire" a culling of the species.
The creatures reproduce quickly, however. The gestation period is only four to five months, with the average litter being four to six piglets. The cute little piggies will become, in just 2 years, fully-grown aggressive omnivores that can run at 25 mph.
[size]Members of Tomioka Town's animal control hunters group carry a wild boar which killed by a pellet gun in a booby trap, at a residential area in an evacuation zone near TEPCO's tsunami-crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Tomioka town
There is no evidence that radiation has adversely affected the boars, although two to three generations of boars have lived in the irradiated exclusion zone. "I'm sure officials at all levels are giving some thought to this," said Namie resident Hidezo Sato to Reuters. "Something must be done."[/size]
Guest- Guest
Re: Ukrajina
ukrajinci se stvarno primili opako sankcija da kazne sami sebe
eo citam da spremaju prekid autobusnog i zeljeznickog prometa prema rusiji :)
ukrajinci se stvarno primili opako sankcija da kazne sami sebe
eo citam da spremaju prekid autobusnog i zeljeznickog prometa prema rusiji :)
Re: Ukrajina
Winter is coming wrote:evo malo i humora haha
[size=40]Sakašvili: „Dajte Ukrajincima oružje i osvojiće celu Rusiju“
Bivši predsednik Gruzije Mihail Sakašvili smatra da Ukrajinci mogu da pobede Rusiju ako im SAD pomognu u obučavanju i naoružavanju vojske.
9. FEBRUARA 2016.
Podeli na Fejsbuku
Tvitni na Tviteru
Glavni minus Ukrajine je zastarelo protivtenkovsko oružje. Ali, Amerikanci imaju novije, i ako nam ga daju, ako Ukrajina digne u vazduh 50 ruskih tenkova, imaćemo sasvim drugu priču. Amerikanci su spremni da nam to oružje daju, spremni su da daju bespilotne letelice i artiljeriju.
Naši oficiri koji su prošli obuku sa američkim instruktorima sada obučavaju našu vojsku. Oni kažu da je ukrajinski borbeni duh najjači na svetu – rekao je ruskim medijima Sakašvili, koji je sada gubernator Odeske oblasti.
Sakašvili je takođe ubeđen da će SAD više da pomažu Ukrajini.
– Oni su videli veliku borbu ukrajinskog naroda. Videli su da je Ukrajina spremna da se bori za demokratske vrednosti koje su za SAD najvažnije – rekao je Sakašvili i dodao da se sudbina čitavog postsovjetskog prostora sada rešava u Ukrajini.
Russia was able to outrun U.S. and other West countries!
Yehudim- Posts : 4913
Re: Ukrajina
Ukri su bankrotirane budale i tak im i triba. Imali su priliku vratiti se u zagrljaj majke Rusije i biti progresivni faktor u Euroazijskoj uniji, oni budale izabrale propalu EU, kojia ih btw. ni nima muda primiti jerbo znaju da bu ih Rusi pregazili.
Kako god, plus za Ruse, minus (u nizu) za budale.
Kako god, plus za Ruse, minus (u nizu) za budale.
I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.
AlfaOmega- Posts : 10378
AssadNaPodmornici- Posts : 22110
Re: Ukrajina
Koju UkrajinuAssadNaPodmornici wrote:Navijam za Ukrainu
Ukrajina kao samostalna država prestala je postojati nakon državnog udara 2014 godine.
Danas je na mjestu Ukrajine bijedni protektorat kojim se upravlja iz CIA centrale u Kijevu.
Ringo10- Posts : 21667
Re: Ukrajina
Political scientist, historian, journalist and TV host Vladimir Kornilov commented on the interview on his Facebook page. "Sackur asked Yatsenyuk about his financial condition, and the latter said that he had about a million dollars (funny, right?), and then explained that he had worked as a banker for ten years. Well, I thought that I did not know something about the biography of the ex-premier. I've read his biography and could not find those ten years," Kornilov wrote.
"Sackur humiliated Arseniy Yatsenyuk, when the latter started talking about the unprecedented "reforms" that he was implementing when serving as the prime minister.
The presenter also asked Yatsenyuk point blank questions and wondered whether the former prime minister of Ukraine could look in the eyes of the mothers, who lost their sons in the Donbass war. Yatsenyuk did not answer the question.
Potkupljeno blago
Sve lopov do lopova, izdajnik do izdajnika .
"Sackur humiliated Arseniy Yatsenyuk, when the latter started talking about the unprecedented "reforms" that he was implementing when serving as the prime minister.
The presenter also asked Yatsenyuk point blank questions and wondered whether the former prime minister of Ukraine could look in the eyes of the mothers, who lost their sons in the Donbass war. Yatsenyuk did not answer the question.
Potkupljeno blago
Sve lopov do lopova, izdajnik do izdajnika .
Yehudim- Posts : 4913
Re: Ukrajina
ukrajinci su oslobodili beograd
ili proterali hitlera iz begrada
do 60% vojnika bili su ukrajinci.
ukrajinci su oslobodili beograd
ili proterali hitlera iz begrada
do 60% vojnika bili su ukrajinci.
Guest- Guest
Re: Ukrajina
jahh,cuh ja jos od starih baka da su bili navalentni seksualno prema vasim curama i da ste morali i da ih krijete po stalama..a i uzimali su i ostalo blago,konje i svasta nesto...da,da..
Guest- Guest
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