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Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu

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Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu - Page 13 Empty Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu

Post by Eroo Fri 8 Jul - 0:11

NASA: zadnji snimak s bojišta...koji se, tako mi izgleda, proširio i na okupirano područje.
Ovo je stvarno pakao...Ne miriše na dobro.

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Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu - Page 13 5


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Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu - Page 13 Empty Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu

Post by Eroo Fri 8 Jul - 0:16

Ne znam je li povezano s gornjim komentarom, djeluje mi nestvarno...
Ponomarenko je ozbiljan novinar i blizu je ukr. vojsci.


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Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu - Page 13 Empty Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu

Post by Eroo Fri 8 Jul - 0:30

Belgorod (Rusija).
Vidi ovo, ispalili dvije  iskander rakete i obe s vratile pošiljatelju.
Druga Armija na svijetu...Ovi su najopasniji po sebe.

Nulla rosa sine spina

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Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu - Page 13 Empty Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu

Post by melkior Fri 8 Jul - 0:31

               Enrique Hidalgo

prije 1 sat

About Ukraine: nation created in Lenin's time (not to be confused with the history of the city of Kiev and/or with Kievan Rus & its Rurik dynasty started by Prince Rurik of Novgorod; Novgorod is an ancient Russian city), but only theoretical/administrative terms, since it remained under Russian control in the Soviet era, the conformation of its territory today consists mainly of territories that have historically belonged to the Russians (from the center to the eastern and southern side) and the western side has historically belonged to Poland. Important issue about Poland: the h4tred of the Poles towards the Russians is immense and it is they who have partly influenced the western part of Ukraine, this h4tred is historical, since Poland and Russia have had multiple w4rs for several centuries, even the Poles invaded Moscow at some point and were driven out by the Russians (look for the monument to Minin and Pozharsky in Moscow's Red Square). Now if you add this historical h4tred towards Russia with Neo-Naz1 elements (in western Ukraine) that by default relate Russia to the greatest enemy of the Naz1s, that is, the Soviets, who ended up destroying their beloved H1tler, you will have a gigantic anti-Russian national1sm, which the United States has been able to use as a geopolit1cal tool against the Russ1ans. On the current crisis: The people of Donbass are ethnic Russians and they did not support the 2014 coup, as those who took control of Kiev (with US backing) are openly xenophob1c against the Russians, they even banned the Russian language in Ukraine, which is the native language of the people living in Donbass. Ethnic Russians have lived in Donbass for several centuries, so at the moment they are defending their families and the lands where they have lived for many generations. People living in Donbass voted in a referendum to gain more autonomy and stay inside Ukraine, the latter being important as it shows that the Western narrative that the Donbass conflict was started by "pro-Russian separat1sts" is not is so true and this was part of the typical western pr0paganda to confuse the world about reality and adapt everything to the western narrative of "it's Russia's fault", I repeat "the people of Donbass did not vote for independence from Ukraine and/or to join Russia, they voted to have more autonomy within Ukraine", in fact this is the basis of the famous Minsk agreements that Kiev and the West refuse to implement (accusing Russia of not complying with them, when Russia does not has obligations in the agreement), and it has to be repeated that the people of Donbass wanted this because they simply never accepted the 2014 coup, which brought to power people who h4te ethnic Russians. The Ukrainian army launched an 4ttack on these regions in 2014, moving its entire 4rsenal against the civilians of Donbass, this topic is important since the w4r takes place in the lands of Donbass, therefore civilian v1ctims are always the civilians who live in the Donbass (usually the Western media always interviews Ukrainian civilians living in regions that do not suff3r the real consequences of these w4rs), the people of Donbass won practically all the b4ttles, there were a lot of material on youtube about these b4ttles, where they showed civilians f1ghting aga1nst the Ukrainian army, but youtube has cens0red almost everything. These victories should not really surprise us too much, since the people of Donbass were defend1ng their homes against people who h4te Russians (their ethn1city), any of us would fight with full force if you see that your family is thre4tened by crazy rac1sts that h4te your friends and family, today after all the 4ttacks they have received by Kiev, if they hold a new referendum it is very sure that they will vote to join Russia, they have already seen the true face of the Westerners and of those they control Kiev today. It is interesting that the West always supports autonomies when they are initiated within en3my nations: H0ng K0ng in Ch1na, the K*rds in Syr1a, K0s0vo in Serb1a, Ch3chny4 in Russ1a and a long list. It is true that Russ1a supports those Russ1ans who live in Donbass, in fact it has more right to do so than the illegal military presence of the Y4nkees in northern Syr1a ("support1ng" the K*rds and steal1ng Syrian oil along the way), the inhabitants from Donbass are ethn1c Russ1ans, they are in lands close to the Russ1an border (secur1ty issue), they have an obvious connection with Russ1an culture and above all they share many family members with Russ1ans, for this reason after 2014 many residents of Donbass have obtained a Russian p4ssport (Russian citizensh1p). Possible w4r: If a w4r breaks out between Russ1a and Ukra1ne, it will be when K1ev attacks the Russ1ans living in D0nbass, because Russ1a has said for years that it will intervene with the Russian 4rmy to protect its citizens in any part of the world, including the D0nbass region, some believe that Russia will r0ot out the pr0blem, even reaching K1ev to cle4n up the g0vernment house that is under US c0ntrol. The US n4rrative about a possible Russian 1nvas1on of Ukra1ne is based on this last point, because the Y4nkees know very well that a provocation from K1ev is enough for Russ1a to 1ntervene and the Western med1a will have "pr0of" of the alleged 4ggress1on against the "peaceful" K1ev. The western n4rr4t1ve has always been based on l1es, they are heirs to the Br1t1sh emp1re, experts in this type of str4tegy: ly1ng, caus1ng d1vis1on and succeed1ng. The objectives of the Un1ted States: Everything written above explains some symptoms, but not the real cause of the confl1ct and the main objective. As everyone knows, the United States became the hegemon1c world power when Europe was totally destroyed in the Sec0nd W0rld W4r, destruct1on that also extended in Asia, China was the second nation to suffer more hum4n l0sses after the Sov1et Un1on. Therefore today, in a world where Ch1na has managed to 0vertake the United States in terms of GDP-PPP, becoming the first und1sputed w0rld p0wer in economic terms, the United States has no other alternative than to resort to w4r in order to ret4ke the hegem0ny that has been l0sing, a new c0ld w4r is necessary to d3str0y Russia economically and gain full c0ntrol of Western Europe (in ec0nomic and p0litical terms), this will help to c0nfr0nt Ch1na (the Western med1a is already mention1ng Ch1na in this European confl1ct). You have doubts? Just look at what N$TO's first secretary general, Lord Ismay, said, explaining NATO's goal: "to keep the USA in, the Russ1ans out, and the Germ4ns d0wn." The US is the one who needs this w4r, that's why the western med1a controlled by the western el1te push this w4r, the Ukrain1ans are just a che4p t0ol for the westerners. Now we must write using numbers to avoid western c3ns0rsh1p, long live fr33 w3stern express1on haha.

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Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu - Page 13 Empty Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu

Post by melkior Fri 8 Jul - 0:33

               george Trapzon

prije 55 minuta

in Ukraine we have three different large groups of people: a) the Western Ukrainians, Orthodox in doctrine but belong to the Catholic Church, anti-Russian nationalists, the region belonged to Poland and Austria-Hungary for many years, they fought on the side of the German SS b) central Ukrainians , Orthodox of the Patriarchate of Moscow and after 2021 fewer in the Patriarchate of Kyiv .. and finally c) the people in the east-south sea who are Russian, Russian-speaking, minorities ... leftists, pro-Russian in their majority, fought with the Revolution of 1917, they suffered a lot in 1941-1943 ... and today they are suffering again since the war is taking place in their areas - in their homes - in their land .. the easterners were literally fighting for their land !!!...after the armed coup of the extreme right in 2014, in Ukraine we do not have democratic elections, 11 parties are outlawed and only the pro-Western-pro-American ones exist....everything has changed...the old officers, the old judges, the old statesmen.. .changed ...after 2014 the far-right occupied the state, army, diplomatic corps, judiciary .... the leaders of the Nazi nationalists of 1920-1941-1945 became national heroes ... they fill the minds of young children with hatred. ...there are hundreds of political prisoners on charges of treason!! ...oppression, prisons, murders of communists, leftists, democrats, minorities, Russians, Russian-speakers, Greeks etc...in all the countries of the world there are fascists but in Ukraine after 2014 the fascists are in power!! ...in the civil war 2014-2021 in eastern-southern Ukraine we have 14,000 dead and 1,500,000 refugees ..the solution was the Peace Agreement of Minsk 2 in 2015 (under the auspices of France-Germany-Russia) but the nationalists and the USA-England did not sign, did not support and sabotaged!!..they wanted war and blood!! instead of implementing the Minsk Peace Agreement 2 = 1) free elections with all parties (and the 11 illegal ones) 2) confederations for any region they want and 3) military neutrality .. instead of the above, the far-right Ukrainian nationalists built huge fortresses in the east, they bombarded the people in the east .... with the supervision and financial assistance of the USA-England ..... they took up arms and built a fascist army (all extreme-right-Nazi organizations by law of the state became professional soldiers - public officials...they took more weapons than South Vietnam.....now is the time for truth and punishment!! the far right nationalist Ukrainians destroyed their country, broke the unity of own peoples and led the planet closer to nuclear disaster!! the far-right nationalist Ukrainians are not just the useful idiots of the Anglo-Saxons but criminals!!..look : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_Ukrainian_presidential_election#/media/File:%D0%94%D1%80%D1%83%D0%B3%D0%B8%D0%B9_%D1%82%D1%83%D1%80_2010_%D0%BF%D0%BE_%D0%BE%D0%BA%D1%80%D1%83%D0%B3%D0%B0%D1%85-en.png

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Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu - Page 13 Empty Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu

Post by melkior Fri 8 Jul - 0:35

Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu - Page 13 AKedOLTf7sJJD_bQ-cUvLddU4w-wmYrgErpzEzDW1eU5=s48-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj

Karsten Riise

prije 1 sat

Reading the (mainly Ukrainian) military symbols on the map, it confirms what we already know when putting together other sources.  1. - That Ukraine lost nearly all their effective combat forces in previous battles.  

2. - That Ukraine has virtually not heavy units left - nearly no artillery, tanks, or even armored infantry.  
3. - That Ukraine puts their weakest units, the Territorial Defense Forces" on the frontline as cannon fodder - just like Ukraine has done before - to be killed on the first line.   
4. - That Ukraine sends most of their remaining better (not good, but "better") units to Kherson and Donetsk - places where Ukraine has 100 times proven it cannot go forward. Incompetent. Propagandistic.   5. - That Ukraine has a lot of forces in number - but weak in fighting power - to meet Russia's next major advance these days against the Siversk-Bakhmut-Slavyansk triangle.  
6. - That Russia is pressing with units which are far more advanced - mechanized (armored, heavy) infantry against Ukraine's weak units.  7. - That Ukraine's military command and those in Pentagon controlling them are both incompetent and cynical.  
8. - We shall soon see once more Russia roll-up a large part Ukraine's positions in Donbas.  
9. - This time with a near-total destruction of Ukraine's remaining fighting army - and everything East of Dnepr (incl. Kharkov and eastern Kiev outskirts). Finally: 
10. - After losing Donbas, Ukraine (and the USA) will be in complete panic !! 

I have predicted this before. This episode of Military Summary channel confirms that this is where things are going. Karsten Riise www.ChangeManagement.News


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Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu - Page 13 Empty Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu

Post by AlfaOmega Fri 8 Jul - 1:03

Nastavljaju se pripreme za daljnji prodor prek Soledara i Siverska. Nema stajanja

I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.

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Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu - Page 13 Empty Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu

Post by Eroo Fri 8 Jul - 1:41

Kakvih 25 km  od fronta, na okupiranom području.
Za ovo moraš imati informaciju "u vremenu" i geolokaciju, 
plus precizno oružje, odnosno projektil.
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Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu - Page 13 Empty Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu

Post by Eroo Fri 8 Jul - 1:50

Gornje snimljeno iz daleka, u pravcu Debalceva. 

Nulla rosa sine spina

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Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu - Page 13 Empty Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu

Post by Eroo Fri 8 Jul - 1:57

AlfaOmega wrote:Nastavljaju se pripreme za daljnji prodor prek Soledara i Siverska. Nema stajanja

Jebeš to pokazivanje mišića, ko nadobudni pijevac na seoskom vašaru.
Šta je s akcijom i jesu li uopće stigli tamo gdje su pošli? :D
Nego, imaš li nam što reči oko onih neuspjele dvije Iskander
rakete u Belgorodu?
Nešto se po netu priča da se radilo o KN-23 (sjevernokorejske).
Znaš li ti nešto više o ovome?

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Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu - Page 13 Empty Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu

Post by pokerjocker Fri 8 Jul - 2:04

ti si stvarno naporan lik  :stop

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Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu - Page 13 Empty Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu

Post by Eroo Fri 8 Jul - 2:16

Okupirano područje.
Ukri  izgleda poduzimaju nešto ozbiljnije akcije na okupiranom području. 
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Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu - Page 13 5

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Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu - Page 13 Empty Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu

Post by Eroo Fri 8 Jul - 2:19

pokerjocker wrote:ti si stvarno naporan lik  :stop

Za voajere kao što s ti i treba tako.

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Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu - Page 13 Empty Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu

Post by AlfaOmega Fri 8 Jul - 2:37

Kola više priča da Rusi koriste sjev. korejski KN-23. Ali isti nisu predati na zahtjev Moskve, nego same Sjev. Koreje koja smatra da je ovo jedinstvena prilika da isprobaju svoje inačice preciznih balističkih raketa (Hwasong-6 je ispa sviranje kurcu, i dobar bi bija jedino za neselektivno rokanje gradova).

Riječ je dakako o tek nekolicini ustupljenih primjeraka.

I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.

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Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu - Page 13 Empty Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu

Post by Eroo Fri 8 Jul - 3:06

Oleshky(27 km od fr. linije) je na lijevoj strani Dnjipra, a na desnoj je Herson-bliže frontu prema Mikolajevu.
Opet neko skladište ...goriva ili municije, nije jasno.

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Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu - Page 13 5

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Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu - Page 13 Empty Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu

Post by Eroo Fri 8 Jul - 3:13

AlfaOmega wrote:Kola više priča da Rusi koriste sjev. korejski KN-23. Ali isti nisu predati na zahtjev Moskve, nego same Sjev. Koreje koja smatra da je ovo jedinstvena prilika da isprobaju svoje inačice preciznih balističkih raketa (Hwasong-6 je ispa sviranje kurcu, i dobar bi bija jedino za neselektivno rokanje gradova).

Riječ je dakako o tek nekolicini ustupljenih primjeraka.
Ono je strašno...2 kom.,  jedna za drugom da omane? To mi se čini jako neodgovorno prema stanovnicima Belgoroda.
Balističke rakete se neisprobavaju u gradu, majkumu. Pa još sjevernokorejski...Kakav to sistem kontrole kvalitete  imaju?

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Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu - Page 13 Empty Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu

Post by Ringo10 Fri 8 Jul - 3:16

Jugoistok UKR hoce u Rusiju, Zapad UKR nema nista protiv ujedinjenja as Poljskom, Zakarpatje bi u Madjarsku
Ne moze ta drzava opstati. Mozda centralni dio sa Kijevom ali sta ce oni sami bez morske obale...jedino i oni u Rusiju...Kijev je ruski grad
Nema tu srece

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Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu - Page 13 Empty Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu

Post by Eroo Fri 8 Jul - 3:35

Alfi, šta se ovo dešava s Iskander-M raketama? Kalibr?
Evo još jednog neuspješnog lansiranja , takođe u Belgorodu?

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Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu - Page 13 Empty Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu

Post by Eroo Fri 8 Jul - 3:49


Ako pažljivo pogledate vidjet ćete i na ovom snimku pad prve rakete u vodu.


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Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu - Page 13 Empty Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu

Post by Eroo Fri 8 Jul - 4:00

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Nulla rosa sine spina

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Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu - Page 13 Empty Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu

Post by Eroo Fri 8 Jul - 4:06

PS: Mislim da im nedostaje kontrola kvaliteta s procedurom kontrole,
s podpisom osobe koja je kontrolirala pojedinu fazu izrade rakete...
Ili im šteka softver u raketi, ili lansirnom mjestu. 
Puno mogućnosti je...
Rad s ovim raketama je opasan po ekipu koja ih lansira.

Nulla rosa sine spina

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