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How students swapped meat for bugs, and cars for bikes for one month

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How students swapped meat for bugs, and cars for bikes for one month Empty How students swapped meat for bugs, and cars for bikes for one month

Post by prckov 23/6/2022, 13:54

A university class swapped meat for bugs and cars for bikes for 30 days in a bid to be more sustainable.
Dr Darren Clarke asked his students studying the BA in Climate and Environmental Sustainability in DCU to take on one challenge for 30 days that will contribute positively to the climate emergency. 
The challenge ends ahead of the UN Climate Change Conference ( COP26) on October 30 - and students have created blogs to document how they’ve been getting on. 
One student got particularly creative and decided to incorporate bugs into his diet, as it is a more sustainable way to consume protein in comparison to animal meat

Cricket taco, anyone? How students swapped meat for bugs, and cars for bikes for one month - Independent.ie

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984

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How students swapped meat for bugs, and cars for bikes for one month Empty Re: How students swapped meat for bugs, and cars for bikes for one month

Post by catabbath 23/6/2022, 14:06

Haha svi sretni...osim buba. Never go full retard.

How students swapped meat for bugs, and cars for bikes for one month Fb_img10

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