Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
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Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
melkior- Posts : 17503
Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
prije 15 sati (uređeno)Russians had around 30k troops north of Kiev. Nobody takes Kiev of 3 mil population plus 20k defenders with 30k troops. Nobody. Russians might do some mistakes but they aint stupid. Specially not Generals and not Putin. When Russians advance on a city usually they have 3 or 4 to 1 ratio. Meaning 4 Russians vs 1 Ukrainian. In many cases Russians take smaller cities with 2:1 ratio. But no army on earth will cease Kiev with 30k troops. It is simply impossible because you have to secure it. Its a huge city. Huge. So North of Kiev was a diversion as Ukrainians had to pull military and merchanaries from South of Ukraine to defend Kiev. Russians than took South. It was said that Ukrainians lose around 500 dead per day and 1000-1500 wounded daily. That wears out Ukrainian military badly. Most of Azov keep it behind Ukrainian military and drafted people. Its another tactic to "purefy" nation of those that nazis see less "worth". This is not just a war. Its also psychological war where many Ukrainians break from pressure, refuse to fight, argue, use drugs to suppress fear, get drunk due to pressure, commanding officers leaving man on front lines, no proper instructions, lack of tactics and diversions ect. There are tactical retreats, offensives, changing hands of territory and all sorys of things. Also some failuers by both sides, learn and adopt. But I hear Ukrainians are doing 4th round of recruiting now due to lack of man even women are being recruited which is terrible... All this while Zelensky stole 1.6 billion dollars, selling western weapons on black market to Sria and Africa, printed 20% of Ukrainian currency exchanged it for dollars, sold whole Ukraine and even took IMF loans with 300% interests and even took land lease, Ukraine wont be able to repay all this for next 400 years. This is how bad it is. Not to mention Nazis, criminal rising, prostitution, civilians lost savings, poor food supplies, economy drawning, inflation risimg, east Ukraine independamce, loss of industry, smaller Ukraine, 7 million refugees, 7 million Russians moving away from Ukraine with east Ukraine independance... Leaving 26 million Ukrainians with a lot smaller country and undeveloped. Its a total destruction of Ukraine thanks to the US, UK and NATO with puppet Zelensky jew who is willing to kill all Ukrainians.
melkior- Posts : 17503
Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
Enrique Hidalgo
prije 19 satiAbout Ukraine: nation created in Lenin's time (not to be confused with the history of the city of Kiev and/or with Kievan Rus & its Rurik dynasty started by Prince Rurik of Novgorod; Novgorod is an ancient Russian city), but only theoretical/administrative terms, since it remained under Russian control in the Soviet era, the conformation of its territory today consists mainly of territories that have historically belonged to the Russians (from the center to the eastern and southern side) and the western side has historically belonged to Poland. Important issue about Poland: the h4tred of the Poles towards the Russians is immense and it is they who have partly influenced the western part of Ukraine, this h4tred is historical, since Poland and Russia have had multiple w4rs for several centuries, even the Poles invaded Moscow at some point and were driven out by the Russians (look for the monument to Minin and Pozharsky in Moscow's Red Square). Now if you add this historical h4tred towards Russia with Neo-Naz1 elements (in western Ukraine) that by default relate Russia to the greatest enemy of the Naz1s, that is, the Soviets, who ended up destroying their beloved H1tler, you will have a gigantic anti-Russian national1sm, which the United States has been able to use as a geopolit1cal tool against the Russ1ans. On the current crisis: The people of Donbass are ethnic Russians and they did not support the 2014 coup, as those who took control of Kiev (with US backing) are openly xenophob1c against the Russians, they even banned the Russian language in Ukraine, which is the native language of the people living in Donbass. Ethnic Russians have lived in Donbass for several centuries, so at the moment they are defending their families and the lands where they have lived for many generations. People living in Donbass voted in a referendum to gain more autonomy and stay inside Ukraine, the latter being important as it shows that the Western narrative that the Donbass conflict was started by "pro-Russian separat1sts" is not is so true and this was part of the typical western pr0paganda to confuse the world about reality and adapt everything to the western narrative of "it's Russia's fault", I repeat "the people of Donbass did not vote for independence from Ukraine and/or to join Russia, they voted to have more autonomy within Ukraine", in fact this is the basis of the famous Minsk agreements that Kiev and the West refuse to implement (accusing Russia of not complying with them, when Russia does not has obligations in the agreement), and it has to be repeated that the people of Donbass wanted this because they simply never accepted the 2014 coup, which brought to power people who h4te ethnic Russians. The Ukrainian army launched an 4ttack on these regions in 2014, moving its entire 4rsenal against the civilians of Donbass, this topic is important since the w4r takes place in the lands of Donbass, therefore civilian v1ctims are always the civilians who live in the Donbass (usually the Western media always interviews Ukrainian civilians living in regions that do not suff3r the real consequences of these w4rs), the people of Donbass won practically all the b4ttles, there were a lot of material on youtube about these b4ttles, where they showed civilians f1ghting aga1nst the Ukrainian army, but youtube has cens0red almost everything. These victories should not really surprise us too much, since the people of Donbass were defend1ng their homes against people who h4te Russians (their ethn1city), any of us would fight with full force if you see that your family is thre4tened by crazy rac1sts that h4te your friends and family, today after all the 4ttacks they have received by Kiev, if they hold a new referendum it is very sure that they will vote to join Russia, they have already seen the true face of the Westerners and of those they control Kiev today. It is interesting that the West always supports autonomies when they are initiated within en3my nations: H0ng K0ng in Ch1na, the K*rds in Syr1a, K0s0vo in Serb1a, Ch3chny4 in Russ1a and a long list. It is true that Russ1a supports those Russ1ans who live in Donbass, in fact it has more right to do so than the illegal military presence of the Y4nkees in northern Syr1a ("support1ng" the K*rds and steal1ng Syrian oil along the way), the inhabitants from Donbass are ethn1c Russ1ans, they are in lands close to the Russ1an border (secur1ty issue), they have an obvious connection with Russ1an culture and above all they share many family members with Russ1ans, for this reason after 2014 many residents of Donbass have obtained a Russian p4ssport (Russian citizensh1p). Possible w4r: If a w4r breaks out between Russ1a and Ukra1ne, it will be when K1ev attacks the Russ1ans living in D0nbass, because Russ1a has said for years that it will intervene with the Russian 4rmy to protect its citizens in any part of the world, including the D0nbass region, some believe that Russia will r0ot out the pr0blem, even reaching K1ev to cle4n up the g0vernment house that is under US c0ntrol. The US n4rrative about a possible Russian 1nvas1on of Ukra1ne is based on this last point, because the Y4nkees know very well that a provocation from K1ev is enough for Russ1a to 1ntervene and the Western med1a will have "pr0of" of the alleged 4ggress1on against the "peaceful" K1ev. The western n4rr4t1ve has always been based on l1es, they are heirs to the Br1t1sh emp1re, experts in this type of str4tegy: ly1ng, caus1ng d1vis1on and succeed1ng. The objectives of the Un1ted States: Everything written above explains some symptoms, but not the real cause of the confl1ct and the main objective. As everyone knows, the United States became the hegemon1c world power when Europe was totally destroyed in the Sec0nd W0rld W4r, destruct1on that also extended in Asia, China was the second nation to suffer more hum4n l0sses after the Sov1et Un1on. Therefore today, in a world where Ch1na has managed to 0vertake the United States in terms of GDP-PPP, becoming the first und1sputed w0rld p0wer in economic terms, the United States has no other alternative than to resort to w4r in order to ret4ke the hegem0ny that has been l0sing, a new c0ld w4r is necessary to d3str0y Russia economically and gain full c0ntrol of Western Europe (in ec0nomic and p0litical terms), this will help to c0nfr0nt Ch1na (the Western med1a is already mention1ng Ch1na in this European confl1ct). You have doubts? Just look at what N$TO's first secretary general, Lord Ismay, said, explaining NATO's goal: "to keep the USA in, the Russ1ans out, and the Germ4ns d0wn." The US is the one who needs this w4r, that's why the western med1a controlled by the western el1te push this w4r, the Ukrain1ans are just a che4p t0ol for the westerners. Now we must write using numbers to avoid western c3ns0rsh1p, long live fr33 w3stern express1on haha.
melkior- Posts : 17503
Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
melkior- Posts : 17503
Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
The situation in the vicinity of Popasnaya, as of 20:00 on June 13, 2022.
— Chebureki Vibes (@PelmeniPusha) June 13, 2022
1—The assault units of PMC Wagner have liberated the village of Roty, moving towards the Bakhmut-Svetlodarsk highway and leveling out the front line in the Klinovoye-Mironovka area.
I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.
AlfaOmega- Posts : 10386
Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
وفد من جمهورية دونيتسك الشعبية الانفصالية ( أوكرانيا ) يصل إلى دمشق للقاء بشار الأسد
— همام عيسى (@humam_isa) June 13, 2022
I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.
AlfaOmega- Posts : 10386
Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
melkior- Posts : 17503
Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.
AlfaOmega- Posts : 10386
Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
Hoće jer izgleda da nadiru sa svih strana prema Slavyansku odnosno sa sjevera, s juga i s istoka.AlfaOmega wrote:To će ići malo teže jerbo bi težište ofenzive moralo da se prebaci zapadnije prema selu Barvinkove, sa ciljem da obuhvati praktično cilu administrativnu granicu Donetska skroz doli do Velike Novosilke. To je inicijalno i bila ideja Rusa još prilikom zauzimanja Izyuma, ali se brzo pokazalo ka teže izvedivo. Što ne znači da neće pokušati ponovo ak osjete da ukrajinska odbrana popušta pod silnim udarima.
melkior- Posts : 17503
Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
melkior- Posts : 17503
Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
melkior- Posts : 17503
Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
Vidim da ćemo pazarit s onim našim tenkovima.
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
Ponavljam još jednom video.melkior wrote:
melkior- Posts : 17503
Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
Ma nek se napuši kurca.RayMabus wrote:Podoljak je pozvao Zapad da Ukrajini isporuči 300 raketnih bacača, 500 tenkova, 2000 oklopnih vozila i 1000 haubica prije ključnog sastanka u srijedu. Riječ je o sastanku ministara obrane u Bruxellesu.
Vidim da ćemo pazarit s onim našim tenkovima.
melkior- Posts : 17503
Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
Pročitajte više na: -
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
Zašto Rusi nisu išli lakšim putem?
Koridor kroz koji Ukrajinci dolaze do gradova na najužem mjestu širine je tek dvadesetak kilometara. Jednom većom ofenzivom ruske su ga snage mogle prekinuti. Tim prije jer su u tom području nagomilale ogromni broj artiljerijskog oružja koje je svakodnevno zasipalo Severodonjeck. Međutim, Rusi za sada nisu pokušali prekinuti koridor. Zašto?U tom se području već nalazi više nego dostatno ruske artiljerije da očisti put za napredovanje ruskih snaga. No problem je u snagama koje bi trebale napredovati, prije svega u tenkovima. Veliko je pitanje koliko je ruskih tenkova, nakon više od tri mjeseca ratovanja, spremno za borbena djelovanja.
Ne samo zato što su uništeni i oštećeni u borbi već i zbog sve većeg broja kvarova. Drugi problem su tenkovske posade. Sjesti danas u ruski tenk u Ukrajini jednako je kao igrati ruski rulet s pet metaka u bubnju i tek jednim praznim ležištem. Dosadašnja su iskustva Ruse poučila da je samo pitanje vremena (često nekoliko minuta) kad će tenkove koji predvode napad pogoditi neki od mnogobrojnih ukrajinskih protutenkovskih projektila.
Pa čak i kad su Rusi promijenili taktiku napada s guranjem pješaštva ispred tenkova, dalekodometni protutenkovski projektili Javelin bez problema bi prvo uništili tenkove, a onda bi nastradali ruski pješaci.
Masovnom upotrebom artiljerije po gradovima Rusi su konačno sveli gubitke na prihvatljivu razinu.
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
Vivien Martin
prije 57 minuta (uređeno)If the UK attempts to negotiate with the DPR the dealth penalty sentence of the DPR court, the UK will defacto have recognized the DPR as a state. So it is not so much about the severity of the sentence which is deliberate, but the DPR or the LPR trying to force recognition of the break away republics as states. The two "volunteers" are being used as political pawns.
melkior- Posts : 17503
Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
#RussianArmy completely secured the town of Dovhen'ke/Довгеньке after taking control over big parts of the southern forest. Battles are now at Mazanivka/Мазанівка village, which is on the verge of being taken.
— @Suriyak (@Suriyakmaps) June 13, 2022
Map: [ ]
ukraine.liveuamap je davno izgubila kredibilitet. Ev danas Rusi u poletu na više frontova, oni ni spomena. A kad je situacija obratna, farbaju kartu i pri neg Ukrajinac pruži korak.
I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.
AlfaOmega- Posts : 10386
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» Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
» Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
» Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
» Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu