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Trideset devet od 50 najprestiznijih medicinskih obrazovni institucija u Americi preuzeli mislioci 21 stoljeca

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Trideset devet od 50 najprestiznijih medicinskih obrazovni institucija u Americi preuzeli mislioci 21 stoljeca Empty Trideset devet od 50 najprestiznijih medicinskih obrazovni institucija u Americi preuzeli mislioci 21 stoljeca

Post by prckov 17/5/2022, 16:14


Prof. richard lowery

they've done so much to suppress what anyone else can say on campus, and than beyond, if you look at the reaction of the critical race theorist and school boards types to parents, it's always about suppressing what others have to say. We have policy now where all faculty for promotion and hiring are supposed to be expressing their support for diversity, equity and inclusion as defined by critical race theorists group, so they want representation on all the hiring and promotions committees. That's not academic freedom. Than as soon as anyone starts pushing back, and saying 'no we need to be free to do our thing and you can't impose your ideas on us', than they get worked up about academic freedom. The hypocrisy sorts of gets to me a little bit. 
Why the faculty members voted for this?
Well, we've had a real shift in the university over the past few decades that a lot of people don't appreciate, that so many faculty viewed themselves as activists first, and educators and researchers maybe second or third at best, so there is this mindset of what we need to be doing is bringing about this specific set of social changes dictated by this odd theory that they built up, not educate children and adults and not provide education and not look objectively at facts. 
Do we paying for activism or teaching from our pay-check?
You paying awful lot of activism unless it's engineering class. There is a lot of activism, and even the money that you're not paying - the state money that flaws in from tax payers. We found out that they are using a hundred-thousand dollars state grant to create critical race theory training materials for 4 year olds to send out to preschool. That's not education, they are using your money as a parent or as a donor to just push their ideas through activism. That's really what so much of the money is used for now. 
The key is to understand the process that the critical race theorist and the related fields use. They get in the institution and they use the rules to make sure not that they have an opportunity to express their ideas, but that everyone has to be forced to adhere to their ideas, so they will take over classes, they will take acquired classes and you can't get to that class if you don't express the ideas that they want you to express. We have what are called 'flag requirements', they get on the flag committees and they say things "assigning your student activism  qualifies you for this flag. So it's not like you sitting around, like, let's talk about classical liberal philosophy, let's talk about postmodern philosophy, it is like you must sit here and your only option, the only perspective you can use is intersectional feminism and if you don't get on this class you don't get this flag and you don't graduate.

e richarde bojim se da ces uskoro ic na burzu za poso

Last edited by prckov on 17/5/2022, 16:23; edited 2 times in total

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984

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Trideset devet od 50 najprestiznijih medicinskih obrazovni institucija u Americi preuzeli mislioci 21 stoljeca Empty Re: Trideset devet od 50 najprestiznijih medicinskih obrazovni institucija u Americi preuzeli mislioci 21 stoljeca

Post by prckov 17/5/2022, 16:29

ucite ne zato da biste poznali svijet nego da biste ga promjenili
da bi ga spoznali to je klasicna epistemiologija, ona sa mislima iz 19 stoljeca

ova nova marksisticka iz 21 stoljeca je prava

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984

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Trideset devet od 50 najprestiznijih medicinskih obrazovni institucija u Americi preuzeli mislioci 21 stoljeca Empty Re: Trideset devet od 50 najprestiznijih medicinskih obrazovni institucija u Americi preuzeli mislioci 21 stoljeca

Post by prckov 17/5/2022, 16:32


At least 39 of the nation's top 50 medical schools have some form of Critical Race Theory in their curriculums, according to the website CriticalRace.org.

Some of the schools listed in the study include Harvard Medical School, Stanford University School of Medicine, University of Virginia Medical School, and The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984

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Trideset devet od 50 najprestiznijih medicinskih obrazovni institucija u Americi preuzeli mislioci 21 stoljeca Empty Re: Trideset devet od 50 najprestiznijih medicinskih obrazovni institucija u Americi preuzeli mislioci 21 stoljeca

Post by prckov 17/5/2022, 16:50

inace ovaj pedagoski model koji uvaljuju u obrazovanje je kreiro paolo freire (kad sam ga nedavno guglo bio je samo na wiki koliko se sjecam, sad je citavo more linkova i pohvala o njemu) Tako neki prof u njemackoj po njegovom modelu poducava migrante,cak imaju i skolu nazvanu po njegovom imenu u njemackoj). Ukratko cilj nije ucit klasicne predmete koji samo proizvode one koji ce se uklopit opresivni kapitalisticki sistem i tako nastavit odrzavat statue quo, teziste treba stavit na podizanje svijest o socijalnoj pravdi, tj nepravdi u takvom sistemu. Probudit pravu svijest oslobodenu od misli 19 stoljeca 
Inace generacije nastavnika i profesora u americi i sire su se skolovale po njegovom shvacanju pedagogije i njene svrhe
Takode bio je u pokrety liberation theology di je uz jednog svecenika tog pokreta(zaboravio sam ime) blisko vezan bio on i Papa Franjo

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984

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Trideset devet od 50 najprestiznijih medicinskih obrazovni institucija u Americi preuzeli mislioci 21 stoljeca Empty Re: Trideset devet od 50 najprestiznijih medicinskih obrazovni institucija u Americi preuzeli mislioci 21 stoljeca

Post by prckov 17/5/2022, 16:56

uglavnom uskoro ce u americi bit generacije doktora Gnoza koji ce umjesto operacije slijepog crijeva odrezat ljudima nogu

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984

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Trideset devet od 50 najprestiznijih medicinskih obrazovni institucija u Americi preuzeli mislioci 21 stoljeca Empty Re: Trideset devet od 50 najprestiznijih medicinskih obrazovni institucija u Americi preuzeli mislioci 21 stoljeca

Post by prckov 17/5/2022, 17:14

post-modernizam je siroko otvorio vrata znanstvenom gnosticizmu i tako izazvo umnozavanje i eksploziju znanstvenog gnosticizma. Danas se ta gnosticka svijest prelila u identitetsku politiku koja je postala mainstream na zapadu. Pa tako queer teorija shvaca queer identitet kao identitet koji nema sustinu tako da kroz njega svaki narcisoidni pubertetlija sa nestabilnim osjecajem o sebi kroz tzv znanost o seksu, genderu i seksualnosti dobija visoko-specijalno znanje o svijetu i njegovom funkcioniranju. Istovremeno kriticka rasna teorija tvrdi da je rasa nametnuti socijalni konstrukt tako da se prava svijest, to jest spoznaja o tome sta je rasa moze jedino stec kroz nametnute podvale kriticke rasne teorije.

ovo je ono sto treba imat u vidu da bi se razumilo stanje ludila danasnjeg svijeta, , gnosticizam se ponovo siri u novoj postmodernoj i znanstvenoj formi, a njegovi gnosticki kultovi su na svoju stranu (ludilo) pridobili jako puno ljudi i preuzeli skoro sve institucije na zapadu. Opet su se pojavili znalci sa religioznim fanatizmom koji misle da ce svojim Znanjem preoblikovat propali svijet i sve one koji su se nesrecom nasli u njemu. Rezultat toga je da masa relativno razumnih ljudi osjeca da zivi u propalom (gesnom) svijetu kojeg ce kroz pravu Teoriju, kroz pravu gnozu, oni pozlatit tako da odgovara i njima, probudenim znalcima, i svima drugima u svijetu. Al u praksi, s obzirom da je to kult na metafizickom tripu, svi narativi i podaci im moraju sluzit Teoriji, jer teorija je ta "mapa" koja vodi do apsolutnog znanja-svijesti, bilo to o klasi, rasi, rodu i slicno, a koje bi nam inace Bog i priroda uskratili, kako kroz teologiju tako i kroz prirodne "instrumente" (zakone). I ne samo uskratili, nego im i stoje na putu do ostvarenja svog cilja. Medutim i ova luda Teorija kao i one prije nje ce naravno propast. Nepokorna priroda, ljudska i opcenito, ce i dalje ostat nepokorna i od nje nece bit oslobodenja, jer oslobodit se od realnosti je nemoguce. Marksisticki pristup o ucenju o prirodi da bi ju se izmjenilo, a ne da bi ju se razumilo ponovo je objavio rati i Bogu i prirodi. Pitanje je samo kolko ce ovaj put fanatici izazvat zrtava,siromastva i patnji uz  sve mogucnosti koje im pruza moderna tehnologija, i koji ce vremenom level demonizma dostic rezim koji ce oni po svoj prilici uspjet utemeljit

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984

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Trideset devet od 50 najprestiznijih medicinskih obrazovni institucija u Americi preuzeli mislioci 21 stoljeca Empty Re: Trideset devet od 50 najprestiznijih medicinskih obrazovni institucija u Americi preuzeli mislioci 21 stoljeca

Post by prckov 17/5/2022, 17:41

Trideset devet od 50 najprestiznijih medicinskih obrazovni institucija u Americi preuzeli mislioci 21 stoljeca Fqvlbp10

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984

Posts : 34555

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Trideset devet od 50 najprestiznijih medicinskih obrazovni institucija u Americi preuzeli mislioci 21 stoljeca Empty Re: Trideset devet od 50 najprestiznijih medicinskih obrazovni institucija u Americi preuzeli mislioci 21 stoljeca

Post by prckov 18/5/2022, 11:43

Trideset devet od 50 najprestiznijih medicinskih obrazovni institucija u Americi preuzeli mislioci 21 stoljeca Fs0-5a10

Brooklyn College Professor of Math Education Laurie Rubel argued this week on Twitter that the mathematical equation 2+2=4 “reeks of white supremacist patriarchy.” Rubel’s tweet was retweeted and promoted by several academics at universities and colleges around the nation.
According to a report by Campus Reform, Brooklyn College Professor Laurie Rubel, who teaches math education, tried to make the case this week that basic math is “white supremacist.” The tweets are part of a larger trend in recent scholarship by American academics, many of which have argued that “objective truth” is a social construct.
“The idea that math (or data) is culturally neutral or in any way objective is a MYTH. I’m ready to move on with that understanding. Who’s coming with me?” Rubel wrote in a tweet.

treba odbacit realnost i prirodni red i onda ide red marmelade pa red cokolade
sve ce to Teorija pozlatit

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984

Posts : 34555

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Trideset devet od 50 najprestiznijih medicinskih obrazovni institucija u Americi preuzeli mislioci 21 stoljeca Empty Re: Trideset devet od 50 najprestiznijih medicinskih obrazovni institucija u Americi preuzeli mislioci 21 stoljeca

Post by prckov 18/5/2022, 12:01

evo ova politicka prebjeglica iz kine veli da amerika sve vise podsjeca na kinu
ma laze lazljivica jedna brezobrazna

Chinese refugee says America is beginning to resemble China - YouTube

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984

Posts : 34555

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Trideset devet od 50 najprestiznijih medicinskih obrazovni institucija u Americi preuzeli mislioci 21 stoljeca Empty Re: Trideset devet od 50 najprestiznijih medicinskih obrazovni institucija u Americi preuzeli mislioci 21 stoljeca

Post by prckov 18/5/2022, 12:09

church of england uveo wokeizam
goodbye bible, welcome critical race and queer theory 

How to Return the Church to God & Reverse Its Wokery? My Conservative Views Stopped My Ordination. - YouTube

kad ovaj virus ude u francusku rasturice ju gore nego nuklearne havarije, a nacuo sam da je osim bidena, WEF, i onog smrde iz kanade i makron u igri sto se tice wokeizma

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984

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