Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
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Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
inače video s jubita nije dokaz ničeg. Što se "dokaza" tiče
marcellus- Posts : 46005
Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
AssadNaPodmornici wrote:inače ne radi se o "civilima" radi se o nekim klošarima koji su valjda napucali vojnike , neki ulični klošari napucali neke vojnike , pa ovi pozvali svoju ekipu i ubila boga u ovima..
i ne samo što su ih izbatinali nego će ih poslati na istočnu frontu da posluže kao topovsko meso
da? kako znaš?
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Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
marcellus wrote:inače video s jubita nije dokaz ničeg. Što se "dokaza" tiče
zašto vi onda stavljate hrpu tih videa sa jubita twittera telegrama i orgijate drkate i svršavate ko napaljene pubetetlije nad tim video snimkama kada to nije dokaz ničeg što se dokaza tiče.
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Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
Peskov je komentirao svoj jučerašnji intervju za britanski Sky News te je rekao da se "Rusija nada da će operacija postići svoje ciljeve ili će završiti zahvaljujući pregovorima ruske i ukrajinske delegacije u narednih nekoliko dana, u doglednoj budućnosti".
Kad su ga danas novinari pitali bi li se zaista moglo raditi o danima, Peskov je rekao: "Govorimo o doglednoj budućnosti."Na pitanje na čemu temelji takva predviđanja, Peskov je rekao: "Operacija se nastavlja i njezini ciljevi se postižu.""Naša vojska radi velik posao u smislu napredovanja operacije, a rezultate postižu i pregovarači koji razgovaraju sa svojim ukrajinskim kolegama", rekao je Peskov.
ukrajinskim kolegama...svasta
debotoijusto- Posts : 31574
Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
inače slovačka će ukraincima pokloniti 16komada ovakvih artiljerijskih sustava
May Allah destroy Australia
AssadNaPodmornici- Posts : 22271
Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
Sad ćemo izrokat cilu Ukrajinu, pobit divljački hrpu civila pa neka meni Salter eu povjerenik za BiH onda opet kaže kako NEMA PROSTORA za promjenu izbornog zakona i da se izbori moraju održat a upravo je ta eu žgadija cijelo vrijeme podržavala SDA i SDP BiH da blokiraju pregovore oko toga kako bi i četvrti put instalirala Komšića.
Cila san se uzruja.
Rusija ne pada usprkos sankcijama, drži je Njemačka koja kupuje njihove energente i suučensik je u ovome i ruke su im krvave I BITI ĆE SVAKI DAN SVE KRVAVIJE I KRVAVIJE.
Cila san se uzruja.
Rusija ne pada usprkos sankcijama, drži je Njemačka koja kupuje njihove energente i suučensik je u ovome i ruke su im krvave I BITI ĆE SVAKI DAN SVE KRVAVIJE I KRVAVIJE.
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
RUSKA vojska reorganizirala je zapovjedništvo svojih operacija u Ukrajini, pa je tako zapovijedanje ruskim snagama preuzeo iskusni general koji je puno vremena proveo na bojišnici u Siriji, rekao je zapadni dužnosnik, a prenosi BBC.
Naime, ruske snage koje su napale Ukrajinu 24. veljače bile su organizirane odvojeno, a zapovijedi su primale iz regija iz kojih su došle, naveo je dužnosnik.
"Zbog toga smo vidjeli jako lošu koordinaciju ruskih snaga", rekao je dužnosnik, dodavši da ruske snage nisu uvježbane za funkcioniranje na taj način. Zapovjedništvo svih ruskih snaga u Ukrajini sad će preuzeti zapovjednik ruskog južnog vojnog distrikta, rekao je dužnosnik, dodavši da se radi o generalu Aleksanderu Dvornikovu.
"Taj zapovjednik ima jako puno iskustva u ruskim operacijama u Siriji. Zbog toga očekujemo da će se zapovjedništvo i kontrola poboljšati", rekao je dužnosnik.
Naime, ruske snage koje su napale Ukrajinu 24. veljače bile su organizirane odvojeno, a zapovijedi su primale iz regija iz kojih su došle, naveo je dužnosnik.
"Zbog toga smo vidjeli jako lošu koordinaciju ruskih snaga", rekao je dužnosnik, dodavši da ruske snage nisu uvježbane za funkcioniranje na taj način. Zapovjedništvo svih ruskih snaga u Ukrajini sad će preuzeti zapovjednik ruskog južnog vojnog distrikta, rekao je dužnosnik, dodavši da se radi o generalu Aleksanderu Dvornikovu.
"Taj zapovjednik ima jako puno iskustva u ruskim operacijama u Siriji. Zbog toga očekujemo da će se zapovjedništvo i kontrola poboljšati", rekao je dužnosnik.
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
evo gledam na wiki ovo nisu stari sovjetski sustavi(i takvi su odlično oružje) ovo je novije slovačko , po kvaliteti vjerojatno u razini njemačkih PanzerHaubica, max domet 40km... ovakvi sustavi trebaju ukraincima..
dron izvodi pozicije rusa, i onda ova artiljerija na 30-40km udaljenosti dostavlja im 150mm granate po glavama..
dakle krenulo se.. stižu tenkovi, artiljerijski sustavi, oklopna i patrolna vozila..
britanci i ameri poslali dodatne pošiljke stingera, javelina i starstreakova i samoubilačkih dronova.
preko privatnih kanala, ja pratim jednog ukrainskog gejmera starcraft2(pratim ga godinama) momak nije bio niakakav nacionalist, priča ruski, živi u odesi.. on se osobno angažira u nabavci pošto je imao community igrača.. on osobno po fejsu se slikava kako je preko privatnih donacija nabavio dronove, noćnu optiku, i takve stvari.. takve stvari im dolaze na dnevnoj razini više nego što ih mogu rasporediti..
inače rusi baš obrnuto imaju problem sa noćnom optikom, radio stanicama, i dronovima.. hrpu svojih dronova su potrošili a teško im nabaviti nove..
dron izvodi pozicije rusa, i onda ova artiljerija na 30-40km udaljenosti dostavlja im 150mm granate po glavama..
dakle krenulo se.. stižu tenkovi, artiljerijski sustavi, oklopna i patrolna vozila..
britanci i ameri poslali dodatne pošiljke stingera, javelina i starstreakova i samoubilačkih dronova.
preko privatnih kanala, ja pratim jednog ukrainskog gejmera starcraft2(pratim ga godinama) momak nije bio niakakav nacionalist, priča ruski, živi u odesi.. on se osobno angažira u nabavci pošto je imao community igrača.. on osobno po fejsu se slikava kako je preko privatnih donacija nabavio dronove, noćnu optiku, i takve stvari.. takve stvari im dolaze na dnevnoj razini više nego što ih mogu rasporediti..
inače rusi baš obrnuto imaju problem sa noćnom optikom, radio stanicama, i dronovima.. hrpu svojih dronova su potrošili a teško im nabaviti nove..
May Allah destroy Australia
AssadNaPodmornici- Posts : 22271
Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
Galina wrote:gnječ
2:0 za mene
not so fast.
As the scandal surrounding the Bucha massacre grows, new elements prove that this episode is indeed worthy of the mass graves of Timisoara, between the disinformation of the New York Time which releases satellite images that do not hold water, the Ukraine which releases the video of a drone taken on another day, and the truth which appears in the video filmed by the Ukrainian troops in charge of “cleaning the city”.
Another piece of information obtained thanks to this Telegram channel is that the Ukrainian army landed in Bucha on 1 April 2022, and not on 2 April as the Botsman (Ukrainian commander) video suggested. This means that Ukrainian troops could well be responsible for the deaths visible in the April 1 video (see yesterday’s article).
Let’s go back to this video of Botsman, who had already revealed that Ukrainian soldiers were allowed to shoot men not wearing blue armbands (the mark of Ukrainian soldiers).
Satellite photos allow this video to be located as having been filmed in Vokzalnaya Street where a column of Russian equipment was destroyed on 27 February 2022 (equipment seen in the video).
The mistreatment of those suspected of collaborating with Russian forces can be seen in this video filmed by the Ukrainians themselves. The arrested men are severely beaten by Ukrainian soldiers, including in the head.
As a result, the hypothesis of a massacre of civilians in Bucha who had received aid from Russian forces by Ukrainian armed forces is reinforced. Indeed, several of the bodies visible in the photos are located near Russian military rations, which the civilians must have obtained as humanitarian aid from Russia.
However, Ukrainian MP Alexei Zhuravko has published a video of an interview with a woman who left Bucha on 25 March. This woman tells how her house was bombed an hour after she accepted humanitarian aid from the Russian army. Clearly, whistleblowers (probably neighbors, since as the interview with Meduza proves, members of the territorial defense battalions were in Bucha) reported that she had accepted Russian aid, and the Ukrainian army shelled her house.
The mistreatment of those suspected of collaborating with Russian forces can be seen in this video filmed by the Ukrainians themselves. The arrested men are severely beaten by Ukrainian soldiers, including in the head.
Meanwhile, the War on Fakes team discovered that Maxar is refusing to sell Bucha’s WorldView and GeoEye-1 satellite images dated 19, 22 and 23 March 2022, claiming that they can only provide 31 March. Maxar claims that the images for the three dates of 19-23 March are not available, even though they are in their catalogue. This is strange, to say the least, because if the image for 19 March was provided to the New York Times, it should be available.
Another attempt, this time by telling us that a Ukrainian drone filmed Russian troops shooting at a civilian on 3 March 2022:
OPREZ! fotografije i videa na linku nisu za svakoga. link otvarate na vlastitu odgovornost.
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Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
Ukraine becomes an international rallying point for neo-Nazis and mercenaries
Ukraine is becoming a rallying point for neo-Nazis and mercenaries from all over the world. They are being given the opportunity to fight, kill and gain experience under real war conditions.
The resulting unrestrained banditry is exacerbating and prolonging the war. Moreover, the mobilization of such forces is a danger to the working class in the countries from which the mercenaries originate.
Ukraine’s role as a place of pilgrimage for militant neo-Nazis did not just begin with the start of the current war. The far-right militias that played a central role in the overthrow of President Yanukovych in 2014 and subsequently kept the war in the Donbas going are very well networked internationally, maintaining relations with militant neo-Nazi groups all over the world.
According to Time magazine in January of last year, “more than 17,000 foreign fighters from 50 countries have come to Ukraine in the last six years,” as the WSWS has reported .
In particular, the Azov Regiment, founded by the self-confessed neo-Nazi and anti-Semite Andriy Biletsky, plays a central role in recruiting and training far-right forces. The regiment was incorporated into the Ukrainian National Guard in the autumn of 2014 and deployed in the fight against the pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine, giving it access to state-of-the-art weaponry provided by the US and other NATO member countries.
Since the beginning of the current war, the recruitment of mercenaries has been official government policy. At the end of February, President Volodymyr Zelensky announced the creation of an “International Legion.” He declared, “If you have combat experience, you can join us and defend Europe with us.”
Since then, the Ukrainian government has been intensively recruiting volunteers, preferably with military training and combat experience, via social media and on special websites. It provides detailed instructions on how to join the “fight against the aggressor,” and refers people to the Ukrainian embassies, which will clarify experience and suitability and help with travel.
The video begins with the words: “This is an open call to all the heroes of the free world.” Then, accompanied by images of battle scenes and heavy war equipment, it says of Russian President Vladimir Putin: “He planned the ‘blitzkrieg’ but got the ‘blitz-fuck’ instead, when his numerous bastards who call themselves the “Russian Army” met Ukrainians armed with Stingers, Javelins, Bayraktars and an uncompromising willingness to protect liberty.”
Ukraine is becoming a rallying point for neo-Nazis and mercenaries from all over the world. They are being given the opportunity to fight, kill and gain experience under real war conditions.
The resulting unrestrained banditry is exacerbating and prolonging the war. Moreover, the mobilization of such forces is a danger to the working class in the countries from which the mercenaries originate.
Ukraine’s role as a place of pilgrimage for militant neo-Nazis did not just begin with the start of the current war. The far-right militias that played a central role in the overthrow of President Yanukovych in 2014 and subsequently kept the war in the Donbas going are very well networked internationally, maintaining relations with militant neo-Nazi groups all over the world.
According to Time magazine in January of last year, “more than 17,000 foreign fighters from 50 countries have come to Ukraine in the last six years,” as the WSWS has reported .
In particular, the Azov Regiment, founded by the self-confessed neo-Nazi and anti-Semite Andriy Biletsky, plays a central role in recruiting and training far-right forces. The regiment was incorporated into the Ukrainian National Guard in the autumn of 2014 and deployed in the fight against the pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine, giving it access to state-of-the-art weaponry provided by the US and other NATO member countries.
Since the beginning of the current war, the recruitment of mercenaries has been official government policy. At the end of February, President Volodymyr Zelensky announced the creation of an “International Legion.” He declared, “If you have combat experience, you can join us and defend Europe with us.”
Since then, the Ukrainian government has been intensively recruiting volunteers, preferably with military training and combat experience, via social media and on special websites. It provides detailed instructions on how to join the “fight against the aggressor,” and refers people to the Ukrainian embassies, which will clarify experience and suitability and help with travel.
The video begins with the words: “This is an open call to all the heroes of the free world.” Then, accompanied by images of battle scenes and heavy war equipment, it says of Russian President Vladimir Putin: “He planned the ‘blitzkrieg’ but got the ‘blitz-fuck’ instead, when his numerous bastards who call themselves the “Russian Army” met Ukrainians armed with Stingers, Javelins, Bayraktars and an uncompromising willingness to protect liberty.”
Guest- Guest
Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
Gnječ dosadan si.
Mene ne zanima koliko će mrtvih biti.
Ja znam šta hoću a ne bude li to cijela Europa će biti okupana u krvi.
Mene ne zanima koliko će mrtvih biti.
Ja znam šta hoću a ne bude li to cijela Europa će biti okupana u krvi.
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
donbass insider ... justice4poland... sta je ovo kolega @gnjacavi ?
debotoijusto- Posts : 31574
Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
Slamka?debotoijusto wrote:donbass insider ... justice4poland... sta je ovo kolega @gnjacavi ?
Posts : 7009
Lokacija: : 9 krug
Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
A ako ne znaš na šta mislim a pošto mi se ne da sad tražit moji postovi unatrag di san o tome više puta pisa evo :RayMabus wrote:Gnječ dosadan si.
Mene ne zanima koliko će mrtvih biti.
Ja znam šta hoću a ne bude li to cijela Europa će biti okupana u krvi.
Izborni zakon u BiH
Najmanje ispod čega neću ić sada je da se za predsjednika predsjedništva BiH netko može kandidrati najviše dva puta uopće kao šta je uostalom slučaj i u samoj Americi.
Ispod toga ne idem.
Najavio san već tada ogromno klanje po Evropi a to je mjesecima prije ove invazije šta sad gledaš.
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
PLIVAT ĆETE U KRVI JEBO TI MAJKU.RayMabus wrote:Šef Delegacije EU u Bosni i Hercegovini Johann Sattler tokom gostovanja u emisiji "U fokusu" na OBN-u rekao je da više nema prostora za dogovor o Izbornom zakonu i da će se Opći izbori u oktobru održati.
U vezi najava pojedinih političara iz HDZ-a i Hrvatske da bi se pregovori mogli nastaviti u Briselu Sattler je kazao da se taj prostor i šansa zatvara.
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
debotoijusto wrote:donbass insider ... justice4poland... sta je ovo kolega @gnjacavi ?
Guest- Guest
Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
CIA: Undermining and Nazifying Ukraine Since 1953
The recent declassification of over 3800 documents by the Central Intelligence Agency provides detailed proof that since 1953 the CIA operated two major programs intent on not only destabilizing Ukraine but Nazifying it with followers of the World War II Ukrainian Nazi leader Stepan Bandera.
The CIA programs spanned some four decades. Starting as a paramilitary operation that provided funding and equipment for such anti-Soviet Ukrainian resistance groups as the Ukrainian Supreme Liberation Council (UHVR); its affiliates, the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) and Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), all Nazi Banderists. The CIA also provided support to a relatively anti-Bandera faction of the UHVR, the ZP-UHVR, a foreign-based virtual branch of the CIA and British MI-6 intelligence services. The early CIA operation to destabilize Ukraine, using exile Ukrainian agents in the West who were infiltrated into Soviet Ukraine, was codenamed Project AERODYNAMIC.
A formerly TOP SECRET CIA document dated July 13, 1953, provides a description of AERODYNAMIC: «The purpose of Project AERODYNAMIC is to provide for the exploitation and expansion of the anti-Soviet Ukrainian resistance for cold war and hot war purposes. Such groups as the Ukrainian Supreme Council of Liberation (UHVR) and its Ukrainian Insurgent Army (OUN), the Foreign Representation of the Ukrainian Supreme Council of Liberation (ZPUHVR) in Western Europe and the United States, and other organizations such as the OUN/B will be utilized». The CIA admitted in a 1970 formerly SECRET document that it had been in contact with the ZPUHVR since 1950.
The OUN-B was the Bandera faction of the OUN and its neo-Nazi sympathizers are today found embedded in the Ukrainian national government in Kiev and in regional and municipal governments throughout the country.
AERODYNAMIC placed field agents inside Soviet Ukraine who, in turn, established contact with Ukrainian Resistance Movement, particularly SB (intelligence service) agents of the OUN who were already operating inside Ukraine. The CIA arranged for airdrops of communications equipment and other supplies, presumably including arms and ammunition, to the «secret» CIA army in Ukraine. Most of the CIA’s Ukrainian agents received training in West Germany from the US Army’s Foreign Intelligence Political and Psychological (FI-PP) branch. Communications between the CIA agents in Ukraine and their Western handlers were conducted by two-way walkie-talkie (WT), shortwave via international postal channels, and clandestine airborne and overland couriers.
An affiliated project under AERODYNAMIC was codenamed CAPACHO.
CIA documents show that AERODYNAMIC continued in operation through the Richard Nixon administration into 1970.
AERODYNAMIC continued into the 1980s as operation QRDYNAMIC, which was assigned to the CIA’s Political and Psychological Staff’s Soviet East Europe Covert Action Program.
Assistant Secretary of State for European/Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland, the baked goods-bearing «Maiden of Maidan,» told the US Congress that the United States spent $5 billion to wrest control of Ukraine from the Russian sphere since the collapse of the Soviet Union. With the recent disclosures from the CIA it appears that the price tag to the American tax payers of such foreign shenanigans was much higher.
hebote, wtf???
The recent declassification of over 3800 documents by the Central Intelligence Agency provides detailed proof that since 1953 the CIA operated two major programs intent on not only destabilizing Ukraine but Nazifying it with followers of the World War II Ukrainian Nazi leader Stepan Bandera.
The CIA programs spanned some four decades. Starting as a paramilitary operation that provided funding and equipment for such anti-Soviet Ukrainian resistance groups as the Ukrainian Supreme Liberation Council (UHVR); its affiliates, the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) and Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), all Nazi Banderists. The CIA also provided support to a relatively anti-Bandera faction of the UHVR, the ZP-UHVR, a foreign-based virtual branch of the CIA and British MI-6 intelligence services. The early CIA operation to destabilize Ukraine, using exile Ukrainian agents in the West who were infiltrated into Soviet Ukraine, was codenamed Project AERODYNAMIC.
A formerly TOP SECRET CIA document dated July 13, 1953, provides a description of AERODYNAMIC: «The purpose of Project AERODYNAMIC is to provide for the exploitation and expansion of the anti-Soviet Ukrainian resistance for cold war and hot war purposes. Such groups as the Ukrainian Supreme Council of Liberation (UHVR) and its Ukrainian Insurgent Army (OUN), the Foreign Representation of the Ukrainian Supreme Council of Liberation (ZPUHVR) in Western Europe and the United States, and other organizations such as the OUN/B will be utilized». The CIA admitted in a 1970 formerly SECRET document that it had been in contact with the ZPUHVR since 1950.
The OUN-B was the Bandera faction of the OUN and its neo-Nazi sympathizers are today found embedded in the Ukrainian national government in Kiev and in regional and municipal governments throughout the country.
AERODYNAMIC placed field agents inside Soviet Ukraine who, in turn, established contact with Ukrainian Resistance Movement, particularly SB (intelligence service) agents of the OUN who were already operating inside Ukraine. The CIA arranged for airdrops of communications equipment and other supplies, presumably including arms and ammunition, to the «secret» CIA army in Ukraine. Most of the CIA’s Ukrainian agents received training in West Germany from the US Army’s Foreign Intelligence Political and Psychological (FI-PP) branch. Communications between the CIA agents in Ukraine and their Western handlers were conducted by two-way walkie-talkie (WT), shortwave via international postal channels, and clandestine airborne and overland couriers.
An affiliated project under AERODYNAMIC was codenamed CAPACHO.
CIA documents show that AERODYNAMIC continued in operation through the Richard Nixon administration into 1970.
AERODYNAMIC continued into the 1980s as operation QRDYNAMIC, which was assigned to the CIA’s Political and Psychological Staff’s Soviet East Europe Covert Action Program.
Assistant Secretary of State for European/Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland, the baked goods-bearing «Maiden of Maidan,» told the US Congress that the United States spent $5 billion to wrest control of Ukraine from the Russian sphere since the collapse of the Soviet Union. With the recent disclosures from the CIA it appears that the price tag to the American tax payers of such foreign shenanigans was much higher.
hebote, wtf???
Guest- Guest
Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
debotoijusto wrote:donbass insider ... justice4poland... sta je ovo kolega @gnjacavi ?
kaj si ti ćorav? sam si mogao pročitati lijepo klikneš na ABOUT US. jebote koji je tvoj IQ?
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Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
ne treba ti više satelit, ovak izgleda cesta kad ubiješ nekoga vezanog na cesti, pucaš mu u glavu. donbasss insider, justice4poland. kolegaebenica wrote:debotoijusto wrote:donbass insider ... justice4poland... sta je ovo kolega @gnjacavi ?
Guest- Guest
Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
Bit će krvi do kolena.
Pobit ću vas sve.
Cilu Evropu.
Razno razni plačenici birokrati iz Brisela a po naputku Pentagona već treći put od mene prave idiota a sad bi i četvrti.
Stavija san ti kaluzulu da će se morat barem promijeniti to da jedna osoba ne može biti više od dva puta predsjednik BiH a to znači da Komšić se neće moći kandirati.
To je zamka.
U Americi je taj zakon od najviše dva puta i ne budeš li to uveja u BiH nego to podržava unatoč svemu i mojoj ogromnoj toleranciji....
Pobit ću vas sve.
Cilu Evropu.
Razno razni plačenici birokrati iz Brisela a po naputku Pentagona već treći put od mene prave idiota a sad bi i četvrti.
Stavija san ti kaluzulu da će se morat barem promijeniti to da jedna osoba ne može biti više od dva puta predsjednik BiH a to znači da Komšić se neće moći kandirati.
To je zamka.
U Americi je taj zakon od najviše dva puta i ne budeš li to uveja u BiH nego to podržava unatoč svemu i mojoj ogromnoj toleranciji....
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
donbas.informe...ovaj, insiderGnječ wrote:Galina wrote:gnječ
2:0 za mene
not so fast.
As the scandal surrounding the Bucha massacre grows, new elements prove that this episode is indeed worthy of the mass graves of Timisoara, between the disinformation of the New York Time which releases satellite images that do not hold water, the Ukraine which releases the video of a drone taken on another day, and the truth which appears in the video filmed by the Ukrainian troops in charge of “cleaning the city”.
Another piece of information obtained thanks to this Telegram channel is that the Ukrainian army landed in Bucha on 1 April 2022, and not on 2 April as the Botsman (Ukrainian commander) video suggested. This means that Ukrainian troops could well be responsible for the deaths visible in the April 1 video (see yesterday’s article).
Let’s go back to this video of Botsman, who had already revealed that Ukrainian soldiers were allowed to shoot men not wearing blue armbands (the mark of Ukrainian soldiers).
Satellite photos allow this video to be located as having been filmed in Vokzalnaya Street where a column of Russian equipment was destroyed on 27 February 2022 (equipment seen in the video).
The mistreatment of those suspected of collaborating with Russian forces can be seen in this video filmed by the Ukrainians themselves. The arrested men are severely beaten by Ukrainian soldiers, including in the head.
As a result, the hypothesis of a massacre of civilians in Bucha who had received aid from Russian forces by Ukrainian armed forces is reinforced. Indeed, several of the bodies visible in the photos are located near Russian military rations, which the civilians must have obtained as humanitarian aid from Russia.
However, Ukrainian MP Alexei Zhuravko has published a video of an interview with a woman who left Bucha on 25 March. This woman tells how her house was bombed an hour after she accepted humanitarian aid from the Russian army. Clearly, whistleblowers (probably neighbors, since as the interview with Meduza proves, members of the territorial defense battalions were in Bucha) reported that she had accepted Russian aid, and the Ukrainian army shelled her house.
The mistreatment of those suspected of collaborating with Russian forces can be seen in this video filmed by the Ukrainians themselves. The arrested men are severely beaten by Ukrainian soldiers, including in the head.
Meanwhile, the War on Fakes team discovered that Maxar is refusing to sell Bucha’s WorldView and GeoEye-1 satellite images dated 19, 22 and 23 March 2022, claiming that they can only provide 31 March. Maxar claims that the images for the three dates of 19-23 March are not available, even though they are in their catalogue. This is strange, to say the least, because if the image for 19 March was provided to the New York Times, it should be available.
Another attempt, this time by telling us that a Ukrainian drone filmed Russian troops shooting at a civilian on 3 March 2022:
OPREZ! fotografije i videa na linku nisu za svakoga. link otvarate na vlastitu odgovornost.
It's So Good To Be Bad
Noor- Posts : 25907
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» Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
» Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
» Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
» Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
» Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
» Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
» Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
» Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
» Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu
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