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Korona novosti i spoznaje

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Korona novosti i spoznaje - Page 50 Empty Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje

Post by epikur37 11/9/2021, 15:05

Gnječ wrote:
epikur37 wrote:Ljudima se ne može odrediti obvezno cijepljenje ali ih se može malo po malo nagurkati...

jesi se cijepio? jesi. jel te ko tjerao? nije. i onda zašto ti inzistiraš i tjeraš da se i drugi cijepe i to na ovako podle načine? zašto?

Ne tjeram nikog, samo gurkam

da nas bude više imuniziranih, manje prostora virusu za širenje i mutacije

i manji pritisak na zdravstvo


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Korona novosti i spoznaje - Page 50 Empty Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje

Post by Guest 11/9/2021, 15:08

ebenica wrote:

Ti znaš kad sam nervozan planem
pa mi ruka poleti
ali te moje tamne strane
ne znače da te ne volim.

Tako je .. drzava je toliko ulozila u tebe, a ti svjesno riskiras svoj zivot, odnosno potratio bi sav taj novac i vrijeme za tvoje obrazovanje i tu radnu snagu kojom se drzava koristi. Ne moze. Bila ti je mater, sad ce bit' maceha, kad drugacije ne ide.

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Korona novosti i spoznaje - Page 50 Empty Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje

Post by epikur37 11/9/2021, 15:19

violatorko stalno mijenjaš profilne, izludit ćeš kica

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Korona novosti i spoznaje - Page 50 Empty Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje

Post by Guest 11/9/2021, 15:21

violator wrote:
Gnječ wrote:
epikur37 wrote:Ljudima se ne može odrediti obvezno cijepljenje ali ih se može malo po malo nagurkati...

jesi se cijepio? jesi. jel te ko tjerao? nije. i onda zašto ti inzistiraš i tjeraš da se i drugi cijepe i to na ovako podle načine? zašto?

Ma sto? Pa fino te nahrane!
.Korona novosti i spoznaje - Page 50 24175510

Pokusavam doznati gdje je to, nadam se da je sala. :) Ako nije, malo me taj panino podsjeca na gratis sir u misolovkama.

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Korona novosti i spoznaje - Page 50 Empty Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje

Post by Guest 11/9/2021, 15:33

AssadNaPodmornici wrote:


What is the difference between antibodies from vaccination and antibodies from having had COVID-19?

Q: Is there a difference between the antibodies you develop from the vaccination and the antibodies you develop from having Covid19? Is there a reason that antibody tests aren’t a good indicator of whether the vaccine was effective for you.

A: Antibodies developed from having from COVID-19 recognize different parts of the virus while antibodies from the vaccine specifically recognize the spike protein.

Some antibody tests do not test for presence of antibodies to the spike protein but rather to antibodies against a different SARS-CoV-2 protein called nucleocapsid. Universal antibody testing is not recommended after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination because the clinical trial data show that levels of antibody against the spike protein is high after vaccination in the patients tested and antibody tests are not developed to be predictive for immunity against COVID-19.

The Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazeneca, Janssen, GSK and Novavax vaccines all train the immune system to recognize the spike protein of SARS-COV-2. The spike protein is the part of the virus that it uses to get into your cells.

But developing antibodies against the spike protein the vaccines stop the virus from using the spike protein to enter the cell. The antibodies bind the spike protein and then the spike protein would not be able to see anything- like a blindfold covering the eyes of the virus.

Neutralizing ( nucleocapsid ) antibodies physically stop the virus from entering a cell.


zanimljivo i ima jebenog smisla sa onim što sam čitao od prije..

ljudi koji su preboljeli koronu, nakon 8 mjeseci i dalje imaju neku nisku razinu anti tijela ali im je ta razina očito dovolja i štiti ih.. obrnuto, oni koji su cijepljeni, imaju brutalni skok nekih općih anti-tijela koji onda naglo padaju i skloni su razboljevanju.. 

ali za sada informacije govore da ih štiti od smrti (za sada) ne sve ali u nekom postotku, tako da tu kemikaliju koju uštrcaju pruža određen nivo zaštite iako i dalje 13 puta slabiji od onih koji su preboljeli prirodno.

naravno onda dolazimo do nuspojava koji se skrivaju kao zmija noge, svi znamo ljude koje su cijepiva oborila sa nogu, i to govorimo o kratkoročnim efektima, dugoročne ćemo saznati za koju godinu.. .možda ih bude možda ne, a ono što je slovoslagar stavlja totalno mi e se nesviđa

i naravno svaka osoba je individuala za sebe. 
ja sam zdrava osoba, još sam mlađi(iako ne premlad više jbg), relativno pazim što jedem, nešto treniran, i najvažnije prebolio sam.. po svim logičnim kriterijima meni cijepivo ne donosi ništa nego dodatni nepotrebni rizik  i nema šanse da ga uzmem, pogotovo kada je fašistička prisila u pitanju,  ako situacija eskalira da bude oni ili mi, ja sam spreman na sukob sa korona fašistima.. ali ako mi pobjedimo onda je bolje da ih nema nećemo im praštati tek tako... tako da neka se cijepi svatko tko želi ali meni nitko nema pravo uštrcavati neispitane kemikalije za bolest koju sam prebolio i koja mi nije opasna

na boldano ću odgovoruti ovako: laž je slatka i ljudi je popiju odmah a istina je jebeno gorka i ljudi je nerado piju čak im je odbojna a oni koji piju istinu moraju je piti kap po kap jer je gorčina nesnošljiva.

htio sam napisati poduži post ali ne ide jer mi je riknuo laptop i sad sam opet u kamenom dobu spao sam na laptop sa Windows xp i dok sam našao browser koji donekle radi na win xp-u dobio sam slom živaca. uglavnom jedan browser radi ali dok nakrca stranicu ja zarolam i popušim dvije cigarete. pa ću samo staviti linkove koje bi trebalo pročitati ako nitko drugi onda neka ih slovoslagar pročita.

Researchers Discover Hidden SARS-CoV-2 ‘Gate’ That Opens to Allow COVID Infection
Supercomputing-derived movies reveal details of deceptive sugar coating on spike protein, presenting new possibilities to block cell entry and infection

August 19, 2021

Korona novosti i spoznaje - Page 50 081921-amaro-covid

The glycan gate opens: Supercomputing-driven simulations depict the glycan N343 (magenta) acting as a molecular crowbar to pry open the SARS-CoV-2 spike’s receptor binding domain, or RBD (cyan), from a “down” to an "up" position. Credit: Terra Sztain, Surl-Hee Ahn, Lorenzo Casalino (Amaro Lab, UC San Diego).

Published August 19 in the journal Nature Chemistry, a research study led by Amaro, co-senior author Lillian Chong at the University of Pittsburgh, first author and UC San Diego graduate student Terra Sztain and co-first author and UC San Diego postdoctoral scholar Surl-Hee Ahn, describes the discovery of glycan “gates” that open to allow SARS-CoV-2 entry.

We essentially figured out how the spike actually opens and infects,” said Amaro, a professor of chemistry and biochemistry and a senior author of the new study. “We’ve unlocked an important secret of the spike in how it infects cells. Without this gate the virus basically is rendered incapable of infection.”

Amaro believes the research team’s gate discovery opens potential avenues for new therapeutics to counter SARS-CoV-2 infection. If glycan gates could be pharmacologically locked in the closed position, then the virus is effectively prevented from opening to entry and infection.

“We were actually able to watch the opening and closing,” said Amaro. “That’s one of the really cool things these simulations give you—the ability to see really detailed movies. When you watch them you realize you’re seeing something that we otherwise would have ignored.

You look at just the closed structure, and then you look at the open structure, and it doesn’t look like anything special.

It’s only because we captured the movie of the whole process that you actually see it doing its thing.

Published: 19 August 2021

A glycan gate controls opening of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein


“Standard techniques would have required years to simulate this opening process, but with my lab’s ‘weighted ensemble’ advanced simulation tools, we were able to capture the process in only 45 days,” said Chong.

The computationally intensive simulations were first run on Comet at the San Diego Supercomputer Center at UC San Diego and later on Longhorn at the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) at UT Austin. Such computing power provided the researchers with atomic-level views of the spike protein receptor binding domain, or RBD, from more than 300 perspectives. The investigations revealed glycan “N343” as the linchpin that pries the RBD from the “down” to “up” position to allow access to the host cell’s ACE2 receptor. The researchers describe N343 glycan activation as similar to a “molecular crowbar” mechanism.

Jason McLellan, an associate professor of molecular biosciences at UT Austin and his team created variants of the spike protein and tested to see how a lack of the glycan gate affected the RBD’s ability to open.

We showed that without this gate, the RBD of the spike protein can’t take the conformation it needs to infect cells,” McLellan said.



imunološki sustav opis: mislite da znate sve o imunološkom sustavu? nope. pročitajte ovo preporučam svima:

You're only as young as your immune system


There has never been a more important time to keep your immune system fit and healthy. And as Graham Lawton discovers, there are now ways to keep it younger than you are

We know that the immune system gets weaker as we age – which is a key reason why those over the age of 70 are most at risk from the disease. But what is becoming clear is that when it comes to immune health, age is just a number. Some people have an immune system that is effectively significantly older or younger than they are. “Some 60-year-olds have the immune system of a 40-year-old, some are more like an 80-year-old,” says Shai Shen-Orr, an immunologist at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology. The good news is that there are some simple ways to turn back the immunological clock. Because even after the threat of this virus has passed – sooner or later another one is going to come along, and none of us is getting any younger.

As anyone who has studied immunology will tell you, the immune system is immensely, mind-bogglingly intricate. “It is the second-most complicated system in your body after your brain,” says Shen-Orr. It consists of hundreds of cell types and signalling molecules controlled by some 8000 genes, interacting in a network of near-infinite complexity.

Happily, you don't need to know all of its intricacies to take advantage of the latest developments in immunology – although a little knowledge can help (see “Immunology at a glance ”).



Differences in Antibody Responses Linked to COVID-19 Outcomes
In a small study of patients hospitalized due to SARS-CoV-2 infection, researchers report distinct early differences between the antibody responses of patients who recovered and those who died, possibly paving the way for a tool to predict disease prognosis.

early half a year into the coronavirus pandemic, hospital clinicians still have no good way of knowing how and why some of their COVID-19 patients recover from infection, whereas others take a turn for the worse and die.

A recent study of 22 hospitalized COVID-19 patients provides some clues. Through an extensive computational analysis of the patients’ antibody features and functions, researchers report marked differences between those who survived and those who died. Notably, antibody responses against SARS-CoV-2’s spike protein were stronger among COVID-19 survivors, whereas antibody responses targeting the virus’s nucleocapsid protein were elevated in patients who died. The findings were published last month (July 30) in Immunity.
In addition, “you could [potentially] have a means of monitoring these COVID patients to identify these signatures, and thereby get a sense of what the prognosis could be.”



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Korona novosti i spoznaje - Page 50 Empty Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje

Post by immortal 11/9/2021, 15:37

Eroo wrote:
Korona novosti i spoznaje - Page 50 VzAUHi8c_bigger

stavljaš ono što tebi paše

Bože čuvaj svoj narod u cijelom svijetu. 

Daj da na vrijeme razotkriveni i pokošeni budu mučitelji naši i krvnici.

Posts : 23277

Lokacija: : CROATIA

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Korona novosti i spoznaje - Page 50 Empty Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje

Post by Guest 11/9/2021, 15:49

violator wrote:
violator wrote:
Gnječ wrote:
epikur37 wrote:Ljudima se ne može odrediti obvezno cijepljenje ali ih se može malo po malo nagurkati...

jesi se cijepio? jesi. jel te ko tjerao? nije. i onda zašto ti inzistiraš i tjeraš da se i drugi cijepe i to na ovako podle načine? zašto?

Ma sto? Pa fino te nahrane!
.Korona novosti i spoznaje - Page 50 24175510

Pokusavam doznati gdje je to, nadam se da je sala. :) Ako nije, malo me taj panino podsjeca na gratis sir u misolovkama.

istina je.


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Korona novosti i spoznaje - Page 50 Empty Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje

Post by michaellcmacha 11/9/2021, 15:55

Eroo wrote:...tu..tu...tu...94% necijepljenih je na respiratoru.
94% od 59, s tim da su svi oni stariji od tebe minimalno 5 godina pa naviše... zašto ministar i njegov resor i zdravstvena struka nisu poduzeli bolje mjere uvjeravanja starih ljudi da se trebaju cijepiti, odnosno zašto ih nisu uvjerili da budu odgovorni kao ti i tebi slični po dobi i po komorbiditetima ukoliko nema nekih prepreka da se cijepe. zbog čega se odgovornost pokušava prebaciti na one koji po defaultu ne bi trebali biti odgovorni s obzirom da oni nose drugu odgovornost u ovoj situaciji...spominjao si gripu... sve je isto kao i kod gripe, doslovno sve... tebi za informaciju djcu se protiv gripe cijepi u nos... ;), a stare bolesne i zdravstvene radnike u rame


"Snažni su duhom, njihova je vojska ustrajna jer brani svoju DOMOVINU" 

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Korona novosti i spoznaje - Page 50 Empty Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje

Post by immortal 11/9/2021, 16:21

Korona novosti i spoznaje - Page 50 241520736_986235315494479_861523003347148532_n.jpg?_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=fqKyyyKYX0EAX_Wl5o-&tn=FbWovtfqH8RFd3B5&_nc_ht=scontent.fzag1-2

Bože čuvaj svoj narod u cijelom svijetu. 

Daj da na vrijeme razotkriveni i pokošeni budu mučitelji naši i krvnici.

Posts : 23277

Lokacija: : CROATIA

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Korona novosti i spoznaje - Page 50 Empty Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje

Post by Guest 11/9/2021, 18:12

University of Arkansas Discovers Unique ACE-2 Targeting Antibody That Appears Weeks After COVID-19 As Main Cause Of LONG COVID!

The study findings shockingly showed that many patients with a history of SARS-CoV-2 infection have antibodies specific for ACE2. Patients with ACE2 antibodies have lower activity of soluble ACE2 in plasma. Plasma from these patients also inhibits exogenous ACE2 activity.

These study findings are consistent with the hypothesis that ACE2 antibodies develop after SARS-CoV-2 infection and decrease ACE2 activity. This could lead to an increase in the abundance of Ang II, which causes a proinflammatory state that triggers symptoms of PASC.

Development of ACE2 autoantibodies after SARS-CoV-2 infection


čini mi se da se isto događa i sa "vakcinom" vidi u popisu nuspojava.

ako imunološki sustav krene uništavati ACE2 receptore onda smo kaputt.


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Korona novosti i spoznaje - Page 50 Empty Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje

Post by Guest 11/9/2021, 19:59

Gnječ wrote:
violator wrote:
violator wrote:
Gnječ wrote:
epikur37 wrote:Ljudima se ne može odrediti obvezno cijepljenje ali ih se može malo po malo nagurkati...

jesi se cijepio? jesi. jel te ko tjerao? nije. i onda zašto ti inzistiraš i tjeraš da se i drugi cijepe i to na ovako podle načine? zašto?

Ma sto? Pa fino te nahrane!
.Korona novosti i spoznaje - Page 50 24175510

Pokusavam doznati gdje je to, nadam se da je sala. :) Ako nije, malo me taj panino podsjeca na gratis sir u misolovkama.

istina je.


Il formaggio, nelle trappole per i topi, è sempre gratis. Spiacente è tutto vero. La gente si svende x un panino. Allucinante!

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Korona novosti i spoznaje - Page 50 Empty Re: Korona novosti i spoznaje

Post by mutava baštarda 11/9/2021, 20:01

epikur37 wrote:violatorko stalno mijenjaš profilne, izludit ćeš kica
Epi bilo je četvero na kontraprosvjedu danas u Zadru. Sve neka mularija. Bit će da ste poslali ove šta lipu plakate iz mladeži HDZ a.
Korona novosti i spoznaje - Page 50 Img_2451



Iduća dva tjedna su ključna
mutava baštarda
mutava baštarda

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