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Re: Katastrofa
Gnječ wrote:kaya wrote:Pa sve lijekove uzimaš na vlastitu odgovornost, fino pišu moguće nuspojave ali sam ga uzmeš.Hartmann wrote:I dok god se potpisuje na vlastitu odgovornost,uzimanje"cjepiva" dotle tu nesto debelo ne stima...Pa tko voli nek izvoli.
Isto kao u bolnici, za svaki zahvat prije potpišeš da je na vlastitu odgovornost.
za covid vakcine ne pišu moguće nuspojave. to je ogromna razlika.
pišu, naravno.
marcellus- Posts : 46005
Re: Katastrofa
A za boginje i tbc su ti inače dali papir na tri pisma i zamolili te da pročitaš i da mama dođe da kaže da se slaže. Ili je bila ambulantna, 1 c neka se spusti , ubod i nogom u guzicu. Živ i zdrav si još i sadaGnječ wrote:kaya wrote:Pa sve lijekove uzimaš na vlastitu odgovornost, fino pišu moguće nuspojave ali sam ga uzmeš.Hartmann wrote:I dok god se potpisuje na vlastitu odgovornost,uzimanje"cjepiva" dotle tu nesto debelo ne stima...Pa tko voli nek izvoli.
Isto kao u bolnici, za svaki zahvat prije potpišeš da je na vlastitu odgovornost.
za covid vakcine ne pišu moguće nuspojave. to je ogromna razlika.
kaya- Posts : 31419
marcellus and niels like this post
Re: Katastrofa
marcellus wrote:mutava baštarda wrote:Šansa da djetetu bude nešto od ovog virusa je nikakva, a šansa da će biti od ovog cijepiva, je dokazano velika.marcellus wrote:
rekli smo da pikica nije strašna stvar i sad ne plače kad dobije pikicu. Hrabra curica.
dokazano su danas ljudi kukavice i pičke
jebote nekad su se ljudi mlatili toljagama u ratovima, lovili medvjede, vozili trkaće aute bez kaciga, pojaseva i bilo kakvih sigurnosnih sprava, upravljali dvokrilcima koje bi jači vjetar spizdio o zemlju, ili jednostavno uletjeli u neku frku i riskirali život čisto zato jer su bili frajeri i jer su to od sebe očekivali.
danas se muškarci boje pikice. Jer tko zna što su ovi smućkali. i brze hrane, i glutena, i kancerogenih tvari u cigaretama, svega.
Drago mi je da je još neko to skužio, da ne bude da stari jamra.
Tiboga neki dan četiri dečka, valjda je srednja, uske traperice, majice s šljokicama, frizurice, tenisice bez čarapa, vrećice iz dućana i štirkaju na mobitelima, šute i piju mineralnu. Sve skupa ako imaju 100 kg žive vage, dobro je. Ja sam u njihovo doba bil oženjen, imel sam dete i spremal sam se da oderem dve godine u JNA.
Pa sam u to ime naručio još jednu pivu bez konzervansa i komplimentiral konobarici, zacrvenila se kakti lutkica. :)
Posts : 4797
Age : 85
Re: Katastrofa
A u p. materinu ... Ja se u zadnje vrime najčešće pitam, di je nestao razum?mutava baštarda wrote:Šansa da djetetu bude nešto od ovog virusa je nikakva, a šansa da će biti od ovog cijepiva, je dokazano velika.marcellus wrote:mutava baštarda wrote:Mislim da se ne radi o pošasti virusa koji prijeti opstanku čovječanstva, već se radi o dimnoj zavjesi...epikur37 wrote:mutava baštarda wrote:Moja mater se cijepila. Protiv gripe sam joj savjetovao NE, a koronu joj nisam htio savjetovati. To je osobna odluka zaštičena Nimberškom deklaracijom, pa kad krene lov na djecu i na nas ostale da nas cijepe nadam se da ćete tada uspit vidit na čijoj ste strani.epikur37 wrote:sad će mi doći tata i mama, provjerit ću im antitijela jer su preboljeli u poliklinici analiza
ako ne bude dovoljno oboje cijepim
ako brojevi idu na bolje i svijet se oslobađa pošasti...sve će biti ok
Ako si mislio da će ovo završiti zajebao si se.
Jedno je sigurno, tebe čeka treća doza prije zime...
joj strašno dobit ćemo pikicu
pa moja kćerka od 2 godine ne drami kad se ide cijepit, to je normalno
rekli smo da pikica nije strašna stvar i sad ne plače kad dobije pikicu. Hrabra curica.
Nikad do sada nije bio problem cijepljenje niti je bilo ovoliko stručnjaka za sve boleštine.
Eroo- Posts : 78954
Re: Katastrofa
marcellus wrote:Gnječ wrote:kaya wrote:Pa sve lijekove uzimaš na vlastitu odgovornost, fino pišu moguće nuspojave ali sam ga uzmeš.Hartmann wrote:I dok god se potpisuje na vlastitu odgovornost,uzimanje"cjepiva" dotle tu nesto debelo ne stima...Pa tko voli nek izvoli.
Isto kao u bolnici, za svaki zahvat prije potpišeš da je na vlastitu odgovornost.
za covid vakcine ne pišu moguće nuspojave. to je ogromna razlika.
pišu, naravno.
Guest- Guest
Re: Katastrofa
za svako cjepivo imaš product sheet na stranicama proizvođača, i navedene su ti kontraindikacije i sve što te zanima.
marcellus- Posts : 46005
Re: Katastrofa
marcellus wrote:jebote vi antivakseri ste počeli malo sličit na srbe.
Tebe sve podsjeća na Srbe.
Oni mali bijeli oblaci što plove po nebu, ne smiješ dići glavu. Svi ko četnici.
Posts : 29707
Re: Katastrofa
marcellus wrote:vuksadinare wrote:Koga nema bez njega se mora...ako je jedan dobar vojnik izbacen iz stroja ne znaci da ce postrojba izgubit bitku
osim što nam je to do sad bio najbolji igrač i strijelac, a i s njim bi teško prošli španjolsku jer je realno puno bolja. Plus, lovren ima dva žuta i ne igra.
Hvala Bogu da to deblo u ovakvoj formi ne igra... opet je na razini kad kiksa nemilo, a što i ne čudi jer treba i na onog blesavog Vidu netko cijelo vrijeme paziti... Ćaleta Car i Gvardiol pa nek se kale... tko jebe mater i rezultatu, protiv Španjolske ionako nemaš što izgubiti. Opcija manje za kalkuliranje i igranje na nulu, treba im probati nametnuti svoj ritam, a ako naš vezni red potpomognut krilima to ne može, nek si jebu mater s time da su najbolji na svijetu...mi nemamo više onako britku ratničku momčad koja je homogena, to je bio taj momentu Rusiji i tko zna kad više... Treba pokušati igrati na našu poznatu taktičku divljinu i time izbaciti njihove linije iz kolosijeka, a u improvizaciji nas više ne mogu pratiti, nemaju više toliku klasu, snaga im je isključivo u kolektivu, igraju šematski i svakom mogu stvoriti nekoliko mrtvaca, ali ih jebe realizacija... odigraju li naši hrabro i agresivno na njihovu zadnju liniju, to ih jedino može izbaciti iz ritma, povučemo li se, dobivamo 5 komada s Perišićem, Lovrenom ili bez...
Posts : 19761
Age : 46
niels likes this post
Re: Katastrofa
srbi su mu poštapalicacrvenkasti wrote:marcellus wrote:jebote vi antivakseri ste počeli malo sličit na srbe.
Tebe sve podsjeća na Srbe.
Oni mali bijeli oblaci što plove po nebu, ne smiješ dići glavu. Svi ko četnici.
inače bi mumumucal
Sora- Posts : 23832
Re: Katastrofa
Gnječ wrote:marcellus wrote:Gnječ wrote:kaya wrote:Pa sve lijekove uzimaš na vlastitu odgovornost, fino pišu moguće nuspojave ali sam ga uzmeš.Hartmann wrote:I dok god se potpisuje na vlastitu odgovornost,uzimanje"cjepiva" dotle tu nesto debelo ne stima...Pa tko voli nek izvoli.
Isto kao u bolnici, za svaki zahvat prije potpišeš da je na vlastitu odgovornost.
za covid vakcine ne pišu moguće nuspojave. to je ogromna razlika.
pišu, naravno.
pišu pišu
AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine (COVID-19 Vaccine (ChAdOx1-S [recombinant])) is
indicated for active immunization of individuals 18 years of age and older for the
prevention of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
1.1 Pediatrics
The safety and efficacy of AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine in children under 18 years
of age have not yet been established. No data are available.
1.2 Geriatrics
Currently, there is limited information from clinical trials on the efficacy of AstraZeneca
COVID-19 Vaccine in individuals ≥65 years of age. No dose adjustment is required.
AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine is contraindicated in individuals who are
hypersensitive to the active substance or to any ingredient in the formulation. For a
PACKAGING section.
AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine is contraindicated in individuals who have
experienced major venous and/or arterial thrombosis with thrombocytopenia following
vaccination with AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine/COVISHIELD.
A combination of thrombosis and thrombocytopenia, in some cases accompanied by
bleeding, has been observed very rarely following vaccination with AstraZeneca
COVID-19 Vaccine (see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS, Hematologic section)
As with any vaccine, vaccination with AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine may not protect
all vaccine recipients.
Individuals may not be optimally protected until after receiving the second dose of the
Hypersensitivity and anaphylaxis
Hypersensitivity reactions including anaphylaxis and angioedema have occurred
following administration of AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine
Appropriate medical treatment and supervision should always be readily available in
case of an anaphylactic event following the administration of the vaccine.
Vaccine recipients should be kept under observation for at least 15 minutes after
A second dose of the vaccine should not be given to those who have experienced a
hypersensitivity reaction to the first dose of AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine.
Concurrent illness
Vaccination should be postponed in individuals suffering from an acute severe febrile
illness or acute infection. However, the presence of a minor infection and/or low-grade
fever should not delay vaccination.
There are no safety, immunogenicity or efficacy data to support interchangeability of
AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine with other non-ChAdOx1-S (recombinant) COVID-19
Driving and Operating Machinery
AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine has no or negligible influence on the ability to drive
and use machines. However, some of the adverse reactions mentioned under
ADVERSE REACTIONS may temporarily affect the ability to drive or use machines.
Thrombosis and thrombocytopenia
A combination of thrombosis and thrombocytopenia, in some cases accompanied by
bleeding, has been observed very rarely following vaccination with AstraZeneca
COVID-19 Vaccine during post-authorization use. This includes severe cases in
unusual sites such as cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) and splanchnic vein
thrombosis, as well as arterial thrombosis, concomitant with thrombocytopenia. The
majority of these cases occurred within the first 3 weeks following vaccination. Some
cases had a fatal outcome.
Healthcare professionals should be alert to the signs and symptoms of thrombosis and
thrombocytopenia. Vaccinated individuals should be instructed to seek immediate
medical attention if they develop symptoms such as shortness of breath, chest pain,
leg swelling or pain, or persistent abdominal pain following vaccination. Additionally,
anyone with neurological symptoms after vaccination including sudden onset of severe
headaches, persistent or worsening headaches, blurred vision, confusion or seizures,
or who experiences unusual skin bruising or petechiae beyond the site of vaccination
after a few days, should seek prompt medical attention.
Individuals who have experienced a previous CVST with thrombocytopenia or heparininduced thrombocytopenia (HIT) should only receive the AstraZeneca COVID-19
Vaccine/COVISHIELD if the potential benefits outweigh the potential risks. Patients
who have experienced major venous or arterial thrombosis with thrombocytopenia
following vaccination with AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine/COVISHIELD should not
receive a second dose of AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine/COVISHIELD.
Since medical management of a post-vaccine thrombosis with thrombocytopenia may
be different than medical management of other thromboses, if patients present with
thrombosis with thrombocytopenia, healthcare professionals should consult with
current guidance and hematologic specialists to diagnose and treat this post-vaccine
Risk of bleeding with intramuscular administration
As with other intramuscular injections, AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine should be
given with caution to individuals with thrombocytopenia, any coagulation disorder or to
persons on anticoagulation therapy, because bleeding or bruising may occur following
an intramuscular administration in these individuals.
Immunocompromised individuals
Immunocompromised persons, including individuals receiving immunosuppressant
therapy, may have a diminished immune response to the vaccine.
Syncope (fainting) can occur following, or even before, any vaccination as a
psychogenic response to the needle injection. Procedures should be in place to
prevent injury from fainting and manage syncopal reactions.
It is unknown whether AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine may impact fertility. No data
are available.
7.1 Special Populations
7.1.1 Pregnant Women
The safety and efficacy of AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine in pregnant women have
not yet been established.
Use of AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine in pregnant women should be based on an
assessment of whether the benefits of vaccination outweigh the potential risks.
There is a pregnancy exposure registry that monitors pregnancy outcomes in women
exposed to AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine during pregnancy. Women who are
vaccinated with AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine during pregnancy are encouraged to
enroll in the registry by visiting https://c-viper.pregistry.com or calling 1-800-616-3791.
7.1.2 Breast-feeding
It is unknown if AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine is excreted in human milk. A risk to
the newborns/ infants cannot be excluded. The developmental and health benefits of
breast feeding should be considered along with the mother’s clinical need for
immunization against COVID-19.
7.1.3 Pediatrics
The safety and efficacy of AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine in children and adolescents
(under 18 years of age) have not yet been established. No data are available.
7.1.4 Geriatrics
Currently, there is limited information from clinical trials on the efficacy of AstraZeneca
COVID-19 Vaccine in individuals ≥65 years of age (see ADVERSE REACTIONS and
CLINICAL TRIALS section). No dose adjustment is required.
8.1 Adverse Reaction Overview
The overall safety of AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine is based on an interim analysis
of pooled data from four ongoing clinical trials conducted in the United Kingdom
(COV001 and COV002), Brazil (COV003), and South Africa (COV005). At the time of
analysis, 23,745 participants ≥18 years of age had been randomised and received
either one or two doses of AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine (n=12,021) or a control
treatment (n=11,724). Two doses of AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine were received by
7,598 participants ages 18 to 64 and by 668 participants ages 65 and above. The
median follow-up after second dose for these age groups were 63.0 days and 30.0
days, respectively.
Control treatments consisted of a licensed meningococcal vaccine (MenACWY), a
saline placebo, or a combination of the two. Of the total number of control doses
administered in the studies, 77.7% were MenACWY and 22.3% were saline placebo.
Demographic characteristics were generally similar among participants who received
AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine and those who received control. Overall, among the
participants who received AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine, 90.3% were aged 18 to 64
years and 9.7% were 65 years of age or older. The majority of recipients were White
(75.5%), 10.1% were Black and 3.5% were Asian; 55.8% were female and 44.2%
Following vaccination, recipients may experience multiple adverse reactions occurring
at the same time (for example, myalgia/arthralgia, headache, chills, pyrexia and
When compared with the first dose, adverse reactions reported after the second dose
were generally milder and reported less frequently.
Adverse reactions were generally milder and reported less frequently in older adults
(≥65 years old).
Data is presented here for the reactogenicity subset that consists of subjects enrolled
in studies COV001, COV002 and COV003 who received the standard dose for their
first dose of vaccine, and who were given diary cards to record solicited adverse
reactions. Data from subjects in Study COV005 were excluded from this subset due to
differences in data collection. In this analysis set, 1,736 subjects (402 aged ≥65 years)
received AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine and 1,596 (324 aged ≥65 years) received
the control.
In the reactogenicity subset, the most frequently reported adverse reactions in subjects
18 years of age and older (percentage of subjects) were injection site tenderness
(75.3%), injection site pain (54.2%), fatigue (62.3%), headache (57.5%), myalgia
(48.6%), malaise (44.2%), pyrexia (33.6%), chills (31.9%), arthralgia (27.0%), and
nausea (21.9%).
8.2 Clinical Trial Adverse Reactions
Clinical trials are conducted under very specific conditions. The adverse reaction rates
observed in the clinical trials; therefore, may not reflect the rates observed in practice
and should not be compared to the rates in the clinical trials of another drug. Adverse
reaction information from clinical trials may be useful in identifying and approximating
rates of adverse drug reactions in real-world use.
Solicited adverse reaction data were collected from Day 1 to Day 7 and reported by
participants in a symptom diary card after each dose and on electronic case report
forms. Reported solicited local and systemic adverse reactions are presented in
Tables 1 to 4.
Table 1 – Solicited Local Adverse Events Within 7 Days After First and Second Injection
by Grade-Participants 18-64 Years of Age (Dose 1 SD for Safety Analysis Set,
Including Studies COV001, COV002, and COV003 Only)
tablicu si pogledaj na linku itd.
marcellus- Posts : 46005
Re: Katastrofa
u socijalizmu smo bili prosječno siromašniEroo wrote:A u p. materinu ... Ja se u zadnje vrime najčešće pitam, di je nestao razum?mutava baštarda wrote:Šansa da djetetu bude nešto od ovog virusa je nikakva, a šansa da će biti od ovog cijepiva, je dokazano velika.marcellus wrote:mutava baštarda wrote:Mislim da se ne radi o pošasti virusa koji prijeti opstanku čovječanstva, već se radi o dimnoj zavjesi...epikur37 wrote:mutava baštarda wrote:Moja mater se cijepila. Protiv gripe sam joj savjetovao NE, a koronu joj nisam htio savjetovati. To je osobna odluka zaštičena Nimberškom deklaracijom, pa kad krene lov na djecu i na nas ostale da nas cijepe nadam se da ćete tada uspit vidit na čijoj ste strani.epikur37 wrote:sad će mi doći tata i mama, provjerit ću im antitijela jer su preboljeli u poliklinici analiza
ako ne bude dovoljno oboje cijepim
ako brojevi idu na bolje i svijet se oslobađa pošasti...sve će biti ok
Ako si mislio da će ovo završiti zajebao si se.
Jedno je sigurno, tebe čeka treća doza prije zime...
joj strašno dobit ćemo pikicu
pa moja kćerka od 2 godine ne drami kad se ide cijepit, to je normalno
rekli smo da pikica nije strašna stvar i sad ne plače kad dobije pikicu. Hrabra curica.
Nikad do sada nije bio problem cijepljenje niti je bilo ovoliko stručnjaka za sve boleštine.
u demokraciji smo prosječno idioti
Sora- Posts : 23832
Sora- Posts : 23832
Re: Katastrofa
kaya wrote:A za boginje i tbc su ti inače dali papir na tri pisma i zamolili te da pročitaš i da mama dođe da kaže da se slaže. Ili je bila ambulantna, 1 c neka se spusti , ubod i nogom u guzicu. Živ i zdrav si još i sadaGnječ wrote:kaya wrote:Pa sve lijekove uzimaš na vlastitu odgovornost, fino pišu moguće nuspojave ali sam ga uzmeš.Hartmann wrote:I dok god se potpisuje na vlastitu odgovornost,uzimanje"cjepiva" dotle tu nesto debelo ne stima...Pa tko voli nek izvoli.
Isto kao u bolnici, za svaki zahvat prije potpišeš da je na vlastitu odgovornost.
za covid vakcine ne pišu moguće nuspojave. to je ogromna razlika.
vakcina za boginje se koristila uspješno još u 10.-tom stoljeću u Kini. ne razumijem toliku ignorantnost utebe jebote jel ti imaš mozak ili klitoris u glavi??? tbc vakcina odnosno BCG razvijala se i testirala 13 godina od 1908. do 1921. godine dakle obje vakcine su u upotrebi 100 godina za boginje se može reći više stoljeća.
vakcina za covid napravljena je u dva 2 dana!!!! i odmah ajmo pelcovanje
šta ti nije jasno?
Guest- Guest
Re: Katastrofa
Sora wrote:gnječo , cjepi se
nemoj se zajebavati
rađe ću uzeti kalašnjikov i 10 sanduka municije i pobiti što više rvata uspijem. prokleti bili sjeme vam se zatrlo!
Guest- Guest
Re: Katastrofa
a učinio bi dobro djeloGnječ wrote:Sora wrote:gnječo , cjepi se
nemoj se zajebavati
rađe ću uzeti kalašnjikov i 10 sanduka municije i pobiti što više rvata uspijem. prokleti bili sjeme vam se zatrlo!
ali nastradali bi i nevini , pa onda nemoj
uostalom tvoj je izbor
Sora- Posts : 23832
Re: Katastrofa
Složit ću se s tobom da su ljudi danas kukavice i pičke...marcellus wrote:mutava baštarda wrote:Šansa da djetetu bude nešto od ovog virusa je nikakva, a šansa da će biti od ovog cijepiva, je dokazano velika.marcellus wrote:
rekli smo da pikica nije strašna stvar i sad ne plače kad dobije pikicu. Hrabra curica.
dokazano su danas ljudi kukavice i pičke
jebote nekad su se ljudi mlatili toljagama u ratovima, lovili medvjede, vozili trkaće aute bez kaciga, pojaseva i bilo kakvih sigurnosnih sprava, upravljali dvokrilcima koje bi jači vjetar spizdio o zemlju, ili jednostavno uletjeli u neku frku i riskirali život čisto zato jer su bili frajeri i jer su to od sebe očekivali.
danas se muškarci boje pikice. Jer tko zna što su ovi smućkali. i brze hrane, i glutena, i kancerogenih tvari u cigaretama, svega.
Iduća dva tjedna su ključna
mutava baštarda- Posts : 21037
Re: Katastrofa
marcellus wrote:Gnječ wrote:marcellus wrote:Gnječ wrote:kaya wrote:Pa sve lijekove uzimaš na vlastitu odgovornost, fino pišu moguće nuspojave ali sam ga uzmeš.Hartmann wrote:I dok god se potpisuje na vlastitu odgovornost,uzimanje"cjepiva" dotle tu nesto debelo ne stima...Pa tko voli nek izvoli.
Isto kao u bolnici, za svaki zahvat prije potpišeš da je na vlastitu odgovornost.
za covid vakcine ne pišu moguće nuspojave. to je ogromna razlika.
pišu, naravno.
pišu pišu
AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine (COVID-19 Vaccine (ChAdOx1-S [recombinant])) is
indicated for active immunization of individuals 18 years of age and older for the
prevention of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
1.1 Pediatrics
The safety and efficacy of AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine in children under 18 years
of age have not yet been established. No data are available.
1.2 Geriatrics
Currently, there is limited information from clinical trials on the efficacy of AstraZeneca
COVID-19 Vaccine in individuals ≥65 years of age. No dose adjustment is required.
AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine is contraindicated in individuals who are
hypersensitive to the active substance or to any ingredient in the formulation. For a
PACKAGING section.
AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine is contraindicated in individuals who have
experienced major venous and/or arterial thrombosis with thrombocytopenia following
vaccination with AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine/COVISHIELD.
A combination of thrombosis and thrombocytopenia, in some cases accompanied by
bleeding, has been observed very rarely following vaccination with AstraZeneca
COVID-19 Vaccine (see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS, Hematologic section)
As with any vaccine, vaccination with AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine may not protect
all vaccine recipients.
Individuals may not be optimally protected until after receiving the second dose of the
Hypersensitivity and anaphylaxis
Hypersensitivity reactions including anaphylaxis and angioedema have occurred
following administration of AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine
Appropriate medical treatment and supervision should always be readily available in
case of an anaphylactic event following the administration of the vaccine.
Vaccine recipients should be kept under observation for at least 15 minutes after
A second dose of the vaccine should not be given to those who have experienced a
hypersensitivity reaction to the first dose of AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine.
Concurrent illness
Vaccination should be postponed in individuals suffering from an acute severe febrile
illness or acute infection. However, the presence of a minor infection and/or low-grade
fever should not delay vaccination.
There are no safety, immunogenicity or efficacy data to support interchangeability of
AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine with other non-ChAdOx1-S (recombinant) COVID-19
Driving and Operating Machinery
AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine has no or negligible influence on the ability to drive
and use machines. However, some of the adverse reactions mentioned under
ADVERSE REACTIONS may temporarily affect the ability to drive or use machines.
Thrombosis and thrombocytopenia
A combination of thrombosis and thrombocytopenia, in some cases accompanied by
bleeding, has been observed very rarely following vaccination with AstraZeneca
COVID-19 Vaccine during post-authorization use. This includes severe cases in
unusual sites such as cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) and splanchnic vein
thrombosis, as well as arterial thrombosis, concomitant with thrombocytopenia. The
majority of these cases occurred within the first 3 weeks following vaccination. Some
cases had a fatal outcome.
Healthcare professionals should be alert to the signs and symptoms of thrombosis and
thrombocytopenia. Vaccinated individuals should be instructed to seek immediate
medical attention if they develop symptoms such as shortness of breath, chest pain,
leg swelling or pain, or persistent abdominal pain following vaccination. Additionally,
anyone with neurological symptoms after vaccination including sudden onset of severe
headaches, persistent or worsening headaches, blurred vision, confusion or seizures,
or who experiences unusual skin bruising or petechiae beyond the site of vaccination
after a few days, should seek prompt medical attention.
Individuals who have experienced a previous CVST with thrombocytopenia or heparininduced thrombocytopenia (HIT) should only receive the AstraZeneca COVID-19
Vaccine/COVISHIELD if the potential benefits outweigh the potential risks. Patients
who have experienced major venous or arterial thrombosis with thrombocytopenia
following vaccination with AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine/COVISHIELD should not
receive a second dose of AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine/COVISHIELD.
Since medical management of a post-vaccine thrombosis with thrombocytopenia may
be different than medical management of other thromboses, if patients present with
thrombosis with thrombocytopenia, healthcare professionals should consult with
current guidance and hematologic specialists to diagnose and treat this post-vaccine
Risk of bleeding with intramuscular administration
As with other intramuscular injections, AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine should be
given with caution to individuals with thrombocytopenia, any coagulation disorder or to
persons on anticoagulation therapy, because bleeding or bruising may occur following
an intramuscular administration in these individuals.
Immunocompromised individuals
Immunocompromised persons, including individuals receiving immunosuppressant
therapy, may have a diminished immune response to the vaccine.
Syncope (fainting) can occur following, or even before, any vaccination as a
psychogenic response to the needle injection. Procedures should be in place to
prevent injury from fainting and manage syncopal reactions.
It is unknown whether AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine may impact fertility. No data
are available.
7.1 Special Populations
7.1.1 Pregnant Women
The safety and efficacy of AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine in pregnant women have
not yet been established.
Use of AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine in pregnant women should be based on an
assessment of whether the benefits of vaccination outweigh the potential risks.
There is a pregnancy exposure registry that monitors pregnancy outcomes in women
exposed to AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine during pregnancy. Women who are
vaccinated with AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine during pregnancy are encouraged to
enroll in the registry by visiting https://c-viper.pregistry.com or calling 1-800-616-3791.
7.1.2 Breast-feeding
It is unknown if AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine is excreted in human milk. A risk to
the newborns/ infants cannot be excluded. The developmental and health benefits of
breast feeding should be considered along with the mother’s clinical need for
immunization against COVID-19.
7.1.3 Pediatrics
The safety and efficacy of AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine in children and adolescents
(under 18 years of age) have not yet been established. No data are available.
7.1.4 Geriatrics
Currently, there is limited information from clinical trials on the efficacy of AstraZeneca
COVID-19 Vaccine in individuals ≥65 years of age (see ADVERSE REACTIONS and
CLINICAL TRIALS section). No dose adjustment is required.
8.1 Adverse Reaction Overview
The overall safety of AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine is based on an interim analysis
of pooled data from four ongoing clinical trials conducted in the United Kingdom
(COV001 and COV002), Brazil (COV003), and South Africa (COV005). At the time of
analysis, 23,745 participants ≥18 years of age had been randomised and received
either one or two doses of AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine (n=12,021) or a control
treatment (n=11,724). Two doses of AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine were received by
7,598 participants ages 18 to 64 and by 668 participants ages 65 and above. The
median follow-up after second dose for these age groups were 63.0 days and 30.0
days, respectively.
Control treatments consisted of a licensed meningococcal vaccine (MenACWY), a
saline placebo, or a combination of the two. Of the total number of control doses
administered in the studies, 77.7% were MenACWY and 22.3% were saline placebo.
Demographic characteristics were generally similar among participants who received
AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine and those who received control. Overall, among the
participants who received AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine, 90.3% were aged 18 to 64
years and 9.7% were 65 years of age or older. The majority of recipients were White
(75.5%), 10.1% were Black and 3.5% were Asian; 55.8% were female and 44.2%
Following vaccination, recipients may experience multiple adverse reactions occurring
at the same time (for example, myalgia/arthralgia, headache, chills, pyrexia and
When compared with the first dose, adverse reactions reported after the second dose
were generally milder and reported less frequently.
Adverse reactions were generally milder and reported less frequently in older adults
(≥65 years old).
Data is presented here for the reactogenicity subset that consists of subjects enrolled
in studies COV001, COV002 and COV003 who received the standard dose for their
first dose of vaccine, and who were given diary cards to record solicited adverse
reactions. Data from subjects in Study COV005 were excluded from this subset due to
differences in data collection. In this analysis set, 1,736 subjects (402 aged ≥65 years)
received AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine and 1,596 (324 aged ≥65 years) received
the control.
In the reactogenicity subset, the most frequently reported adverse reactions in subjects
18 years of age and older (percentage of subjects) were injection site tenderness
(75.3%), injection site pain (54.2%), fatigue (62.3%), headache (57.5%), myalgia
(48.6%), malaise (44.2%), pyrexia (33.6%), chills (31.9%), arthralgia (27.0%), and
nausea (21.9%).
8.2 Clinical Trial Adverse Reactions
Clinical trials are conducted under very specific conditions. The adverse reaction rates
observed in the clinical trials; therefore, may not reflect the rates observed in practice
and should not be compared to the rates in the clinical trials of another drug. Adverse
reaction information from clinical trials may be useful in identifying and approximating
rates of adverse drug reactions in real-world use.
Solicited adverse reaction data were collected from Day 1 to Day 7 and reported by
participants in a symptom diary card after each dose and on electronic case report
forms. Reported solicited local and systemic adverse reactions are presented in
Tables 1 to 4.
Table 1 – Solicited Local Adverse Events Within 7 Days After First and Second Injection
by Grade-Participants 18-64 Years of Age (Dose 1 SD for Safety Analysis Set,
Including Studies COV001, COV002, and COV003 Only)
tablicu si pogledaj na linku itd.
ovo je Date of Revision:April 23, 2021 znači da pišu nuspojave kako se pojavljuju kod cijepljenih jebem ti oca da ti jebem! znači to je trial na ljudima na ljudima testiraju vakcinu i onda svako malo dodaju neku novu nuspojavu.
daj odjebi jadniče.
Guest- Guest
Re: Katastrofa
Sora wrote:dokazano si retard na kvadratmutava baštarda wrote:Šansa da djetetu bude nešto od ovog virusa je nikakva, a šansa da će biti od ovog cijepiva, je dokazano velika.marcellus wrote:mutava baštarda wrote:Mislim da se ne radi o pošasti virusa koji prijeti opstanku čovječanstva, već se radi o dimnoj zavjesi...epikur37 wrote:mutava baštarda wrote:Moja mater se cijepila. Protiv gripe sam joj savjetovao NE, a koronu joj nisam htio savjetovati. To je osobna odluka zaštičena Nimberškom deklaracijom, pa kad krene lov na djecu i na nas ostale da nas cijepe nadam se da ćete tada uspit vidit na čijoj ste strani.epikur37 wrote:sad će mi doći tata i mama, provjerit ću im antitijela jer su preboljeli u poliklinici analiza
ako ne bude dovoljno oboje cijepim
ako brojevi idu na bolje i svijet se oslobađa pošasti...sve će biti ok
Ako si mislio da će ovo završiti zajebao si se.
Jedno je sigurno, tebe čeka treća doza prije zime...
joj strašno dobit ćemo pikicu
pa moja kćerka od 2 godine ne drami kad se ide cijepit, to je normalno
rekli smo da pikica nije strašna stvar i sad ne plače kad dobije pikicu. Hrabra curica.
koliko je milijuna u hrvatskoj cijepljeno do sad
jel skoro pola ?
i da, moguće je da nekom baš i nije cjepivo sjelo, alergičarima npr.
od tih 1,5 milijuna cijepljenih ti vidiš dokaz da opasnost velika
razmišljam o tvom IQ, nema tako mali
dokazao si
Iduća dva tjedna su ključna
mutava baštarda- Posts : 21037
Re: Katastrofa
Sora wrote:a učinio bi dobro djeloGnječ wrote:Sora wrote:gnječo , cjepi se
nemoj se zajebavati
rađe ću uzeti kalašnjikov i 10 sanduka municije i pobiti što više rvata uspijem. prokleti bili sjeme vam se zatrlo!
ali nastradali bi i nevini , pa onda nemoj
uostalom tvoj je izbor
pa šta ako strada netko nevin? i ja sam pošten i nevin i stradao sam od i zbog prokletih hrvata pa koga boli kurac?
Guest- Guest
Re: Katastrofa
Gnječ wrote:
vakcina za covid napravljena je u dva 2 dana!!!! i odmah ajmo pelcovanje
šta ti nije jasno?
Evo što ne znaš, ali zašto lažeš?
Eroo- Posts : 78954
Re: Katastrofa
Gnječ wrote:
vakcina za boginje se koristila uspješno još u 10.-tom stoljeću u Kini.
cjepivo, "vakcina" kako ti kažeš, je izumljeno u 19. stoljeću (odnosno točnije na samom kraju 18) pa se nije moglo koristiti u 10.
Kinezi su prije 1000 godina koristili inokulaciju, što nipošto nije isto što i cijepljenje.
The method was first used in China, India, parts of Africa and the Middle East before it was introduced into England and North America in the 1720s in the face of some opposition. The method is no longer used today. It was replaced by smallpox vaccine, a safer alternative. This in turn led to the development of the many vaccines now available against other diseases.
marcellus- Posts : 46005
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