EU više ne priznaje Guaidóa kao predsjednika Venezuele
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EU više ne priznaje Guaidóa kao predsjednika Venezuele
The European Union has dropped its recognition of Juan Guaidó as Venezuela's interim president after he lost his position as head of its parliament.
Josep Borrell, the EU's foreign affairs chief, referred to him in his latest statement as one of the "political and civil society actors striving to bring back democracy to Venezuela", after controversial incumbent Nicolás Maduro took control of the Venezuelan National Assembly at last December's disputed elections.
But the European Commission explained that it was a decision taken collectively by EU governments.
"This is a text agreed and adopted by 27 EU member states," commission spokesman Peter Stano said.
"So the text is capturing the position of the EU and the position of the EU is saying that we consider Juan Guaidó and the members of the last democratically elected institution, which is the outgoing National Assembly, as particularly relevant interlocutors with whom we will continue working."
According to one of the European Parliament's Vice President, Dita Charanzová, this is a decision that many MEPs regret, as the institution has always shown clear support for Guaidó.
"I do not know why Mr. Borrell made such a statement," Charanzová told Euronews. "For me what is crystal clear is that the European Union must continue to support democratic forces in Venezuela and continue to recognise Juan Guaidó as the legitimate representative of Venezuela."
The UK and US still recognise Guaido as Venezuela's leader after the disputed 2018 re-election of Maduro.
Borrell's statement is much more forceful, however, when it comes to the new National Assembly. It rejects its legitimacy, since it considers the last elections in December as "undemocratic".
Maduro’s allies swept legislative elections last month boycotted by the opposition and denounced as a sham by the US, the European Union and several other foreign governments. While the vote was marred by anemically low turnout, it nonetheless seemed to relegate into irrelevancy the US-backed opposition led by lawmaker Guaidó.
Exactly a year ago, Guaidó, in a blue suit and tie, tried to scale a spiked iron fence to get past riot police blocking him from attending the parliament’s inaugural session, which according to the constitution must be held every year on Jan. 5.
The European Union has dropped its recognition of Juan Guaidó as Venezuela's interim president after he lost his position as head of its parliament.
Josep Borrell, the EU's foreign affairs chief, referred to him in his latest statement as one of the "political and civil society actors striving to bring back democracy to Venezuela", after controversial incumbent Nicolás Maduro took control of the Venezuelan National Assembly at last December's disputed elections.
But the European Commission explained that it was a decision taken collectively by EU governments.
"This is a text agreed and adopted by 27 EU member states," commission spokesman Peter Stano said.
"So the text is capturing the position of the EU and the position of the EU is saying that we consider Juan Guaidó and the members of the last democratically elected institution, which is the outgoing National Assembly, as particularly relevant interlocutors with whom we will continue working."
According to one of the European Parliament's Vice President, Dita Charanzová, this is a decision that many MEPs regret, as the institution has always shown clear support for Guaidó.
"I do not know why Mr. Borrell made such a statement," Charanzová told Euronews. "For me what is crystal clear is that the European Union must continue to support democratic forces in Venezuela and continue to recognise Juan Guaidó as the legitimate representative of Venezuela."
The UK and US still recognise Guaido as Venezuela's leader after the disputed 2018 re-election of Maduro.
Borrell's statement is much more forceful, however, when it comes to the new National Assembly. It rejects its legitimacy, since it considers the last elections in December as "undemocratic".
Maduro’s allies swept legislative elections last month boycotted by the opposition and denounced as a sham by the US, the European Union and several other foreign governments. While the vote was marred by anemically low turnout, it nonetheless seemed to relegate into irrelevancy the US-backed opposition led by lawmaker Guaidó.
Exactly a year ago, Guaidó, in a blue suit and tie, tried to scale a spiked iron fence to get past riot police blocking him from attending the parliament’s inaugural session, which according to the constitution must be held every year on Jan. 5.
Hektorović- Posts : 26373
Re: EU više ne priznaje Guaidóa kao predsjednika Venezuele
prije da je vezano uz promjenu režima u USA.
novi Američki režim je jako jako dobar sa Madurom. Zaboravljate činjenicu da pola demokratske stranke su fanovi Chaveza.
i to se automatski prebacuje na EU, da je Trump ostao čvrsto na vlasti, drugačija bi bila politika
novi Američki režim je jako jako dobar sa Madurom. Zaboravljate činjenicu da pola demokratske stranke su fanovi Chaveza.
i to se automatski prebacuje na EU, da je Trump ostao čvrsto na vlasti, drugačija bi bila politika
May Allah destroy Australia
AssadNaPodmornici- Posts : 22267
Re: EU više ne priznaje Guaidóa kao predsjednika Venezuele
Maduro se iskazao pametnijim nego što se mislilo, poslušao je Ruske savjete, otvorio je tržište, uklonio kontrolu cijena, dok je svojim pristašama zadržao socijalnu pomoć za one siromašnije, ili razne poslovne koncesije za one bogatije. Proamerička srednja klasa je protiv njega uvijek bila, no stabilizirao je sitauciju sa pro chavezističkom elitom i masama. Isto tako imaju jako dobro opremljenu i solidno plaćenu vojsku.
Očito je kako nekakvog brzog regime changea neće biti...
Očito je kako nekakvog brzog regime changea neće biti...
Hektorović- Posts : 26373
Re: EU više ne priznaje Guaidóa kao predsjednika Venezuele
da , u prijevodu odbacio je socijalizam i vratio se na kapitalizam sa diktatorskim ovlastima(buduća najpopularnija kombinacija, jer očito je da demokracija izumire, a i socijalizam isto tako - budućnost će biti jednopartijske diktature sa korporativnim kapitalizmom, kina i USA dvije najjače države svijeta su dokaz toga)Hektorović wrote:Maduro se iskazao pametnijim nego što se mislilo, poslušao je Ruske savjete, otvorio je tržište, uklonio kontrolu cijena, dok je svojim pristašama zadržao socijalnu pomoć za one siromašnije, ili razne poslovne koncesije za one bogatije. Proamerička srednja klasa je protiv njega uvijek bila, no stabilizirao je sitauciju sa pro chavezističkom elitom i masama. Isto tako imaju jako dobro opremljenu i solidno plaćenu vojsku.
Očito je kako nekakvog brzog regime changea neće biti...
opet ostaje i činjenica da i promjena režima u USA mu totalno odgovara, kako rekoh pola demokratske stranke je slalo hvalospjeve Chavezu , za razliku od republikanaca
AssadNaPodmornici- Posts : 22267
Re: EU više ne priznaje Guaidóa kao predsjednika Venezuele
Kakav fail EU hahahaha. Ce tako i sa Tihanovskajom, po sistemu ako prodje, prodje, ako ne, onda smo se samo malo salili?
Pirate- Posts : 1512
Re: EU više ne priznaje Guaidóa kao predsjednika Venezuele
EU cirkusanti i njihov kredibilitet.
I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.
AlfaOmega- Posts : 10386
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