Minneapolis će raspustit policiju
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Re: Minneapolis će raspustit policiju
inace trump je sam kriv sto mu se dasava...ne zbog stava...ne zbog plana nego netakticno je nastupao...i u ovim govnarima samo stvorio inat...mogao je nesto nauciti od putina,orbana i drugih..koji su svoje odradili u tišini ali vrlo ucinkovito...potrpali u zatvore ove 'antife',poslali svoje da udijele lekcije inatljivcima po mogucnosti batinama a pokoji 'mrak ga pojeo' naravno u tisini po sistemu..'o'šo negdje nije s ejavio'...
vuksadinare- Posts : 100240
Re: Minneapolis će raspustit policiju
Critical theory is the reflective assessment and critique of society and culture to reveal and challenge power structures. It argues that social problems are influenced and created more by societal structures and cultural assumptions than by individual and psychological factors. Critical theory has origins in sociology and also in literary criticism. The sociologist Max Horkheimer described a theory as critical insofar as it seeks "to liberate human beings from the circumstances that enslave them".[1]Hektorović wrote:prckov wrote:ima video klip di protestori pitaju gradonalcenika minneapolis-a je li za to da raspusti policijuaben wrote:to je samo dim uoči
merikanci nisu glupi, ovo će biti rohada ko kad uvatu svećenika sa ministranton
a on je nesto izjavio nakon cega su ga bukvalno otjerali
malo je falilo da ga nalupaju
i onda su skandirali da dadne ostavku
ovo je valjda nekakav pokusaj kompromisnog rjesenja
Amerika upravo prolazi kroz svojevrsnu kulturnu revoluciju, ovo se masovno događa, čak i u manjim mjestima.
Čak se i Mitt Romney pridružio protestima.
A Biden sve više raste u anketama...
In sociology and political philosophy, the term Critical Theory describes the Western Marxist philosophy of the Frankfurt School, which was developed in Germany in the 1930s.
Critical theory maintains that ideology is the principal obstacle to human liberation. Critical theory was established as a school of thought primarily by the Frankfurt School theoreticians Herbert Marcuse, Theodor Adorno, Max Horkheimer, Walter Benjamin, and Erich Fromm. Modern critical theory has additionally been influenced by György Lukács and Antonio Gramsci, as well as the second generation Frankfurt School scholars, notably Jürgen Habermas. In Habermas's work, critical theory transcended its theoretical roots in German idealism and progressed closer to American pragmatism. Concern for social "base and superstructure" is one of the remaining Marxist philosophical concepts in much of contemporary critical theory.
Critical pedagogy is a philosophy of education and social movement that developed and applied concepts from critical theory and related traditions to the field of education and the study of culture. Advocates of critical pedagogy reject the idea that knowledge is ever politically neutral and argue that teaching is an inherently political act, whether the teacher acknowledges that or not. They therefore insist that issues of social justice and democracy are not distinct from acts of teaching and learning. The goal of critical pedagogy is emancipation from oppression through an awakening of the critical consciousness, based on the Portuguese term conscientização. When achieved, critical consciousness encourages individuals to affect change in their world through social critique and political action in order to self-actualize
Critical pedagogy was founded by the Brazilian philosopher and educator Paulo Freire, who promoted it through his 1968 book, Pedagogy of the Oppressed. It subsequently spread internationally, developing a particularly strong base in the United States, where proponents sought to develop means of using teaching to combat racism, sexism, and capitalism. The topic was promoted through peer-review journals such as Radical Teacher. As it grew, it incorporated elements from other leftist-oriented fields like postmodern theory, feminist theory, postcolonial theory, and queer theory.
Critical pedagogy has several other strands and foundations. Postmodern, anti-racist, feminist, postcolonial, and queer theories all play a role in further expanding and enriching Freire's original ideas about a critical pedagogy, shifting its main focus on social class to include issues pertaining to religion, military identification, race, gender, sexuality, nationality, ethnicity, and age. Much of the work also draws on anarchism, György Lukács, Wilhelm Reich, postcolonialism, and the discourse theories of Edward Said, Antonio Gramsci, Gilles Deleuze (rhizomatic learning) and Michel Foucault. Radical Teacher is a magazine dedicated to critical pedagogy and issues of interest to critical educators. Many contemporary critical pedagogues have embraced Postmodern, anti-essentialist perspectives of the individual, of language, and of power, "while at the same time retaining the Freirean emphasis on critique, disrupting oppressive regimes of power/knowledge, and social change".
Paulo Freire was a Brazilian educator and philosopher who was a leading advocate of critical pedagogy, contributed a philosophy of education which blended classical approaches stemming from Plato and modern Marxist, post-Marxist and anti-colonialist thinkers. His Pedagogy of the Oppressed (1968) can be read as an extension of, or reply to, Frantz Fanon's The Wretched of the Earth (1961)
Critical legal studies (CLS) is a school of critical theory that first emerged as a movement in the United States during the 1970s. Critical Legal Studies adherents claim that laws are used to maintain the status quo of society's power structures; it is also held that the law is a codified form of society's biases against marginalized groups.
The British critical legal studies movement started roughly at a similar time as its American counterpart. However, it centered around a number of conferences held annually, particularly the Critical Legal Conference and the National Critical Lawyers Group. There remain a number of fault lines in the community; between theory and practice, between those who look to Marxism and those who worked on Deconstruction, between those who look to explicitly political engagements and those who work in aesthetics and ethics.
Critical Gender Studies is an undergraduate program specializing in the study of gender and sexuality. We came to life as a program in Women’s Studies, but at the urging of faculty and students, reconstituted ourselves in 1998 by pairing gender studies and sexuality studies in one course of study.
Radical Teacher is a socialist, feminist, and anti-racist journal dedicated to the theory and practice of teaching.
60 godina se u skolama se serviralo ovo neomarksisticko smece
iz skola je uslo u medije, kulturu i korporacije
sad to dolazi na naplatu kretenima koji su dozvolili ovakvo smece da se proda pod liberalizam
It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984
prckov- Posts : 34555
Re: Minneapolis će raspustit policiju
kina tu nema sta pomocHektorović wrote:AssadNaPodmornici wrote:Mogao bi Trump izvisiti a to će biti kraj zapadne civilizacije, Kina će dobiti doslovno lutkicu u bijeloj kući, a vidit ćete kako će se kineska lutkica krenuti obračunavati sa Rusima i europskim konzervativcima
Lijepo je jučer Colin Powell, Kina nije ne prijatelj, treba razgovarati i uvažavati.
jedino moze odmoc
prckov- Posts : 34555
Re: Minneapolis će raspustit policiju
iz iste kuhinje je i bijela privilegija, toksicna muskost, bijela krhkost itd
It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984
prckov- Posts : 34555
Re: Minneapolis će raspustit policiju
b.t.w...pokazalo se da kod republikanaca pola njih lazno se predstavljaju 'republikancima' a vise pripadaju po ponasanju i nekim stavovima demokratima..nesto slicno kao kod plenkija...koji je predsjednik hdz-a a mentalno blize ljevici
vuksadinare- Posts : 100240
Re: Minneapolis će raspustit policiju
politika tu samo prati novu kulturnu i moralnu promjenuvuksadinare wrote:b.t.w...pokazalo se da kod republikanaca pola njih lazno se predstavljaju 'republikancima' a vise pripadaju po ponasanju i nekim stavovima demokratima..nesto slicno kao kod plenkija...koji je predsjednik hdz-a a mentalno blize ljevici
ne moze to politika rjesit
prckov- Posts : 34555
Re: Minneapolis će raspustit policiju
Ne bi me cudilo da je i on dobio neki donaciju od Kineza. Crnac je i još republikanac i laje protiv Trumpa i Kina mu je "ok", sa Rusima se treba obračunati, a prije toga je razvalio cijeli bliski istok i nitko ga od tih medija ne proziva za odgovornostHektorović wrote:AssadNaPodmornici wrote:Mogao bi Trump izvisiti a to će biti kraj zapadne civilizacije, Kina će dobiti doslovno lutkicu u bijeloj kući, a vidit ćete kako će se kineska lutkica krenuti obračunavati sa Rusima i europskim konzervativcima
Lijepo je jučer Colin Powell, Kina nije ne prijatelj, treba razgovarati i uvažavati.
May Allah destroy Australia
AssadNaPodmornici- Posts : 22267
Re: Minneapolis će raspustit policiju
gene je naivanAssadNaPodmornici wrote:Ne bi me cudilo da je i on dobio neki donaciju od Kineza. Crnac je i još republikanac i laje protiv Trumpa i Kina mu je "ok", sa Rusima se treba obračunati, a prije toga je razvalio cijeli bliski istok i nitko ga od tih medija ne proziva za odgovornostHektorović wrote:AssadNaPodmornici wrote:Mogao bi Trump izvisiti a to će biti kraj zapadne civilizacije, Kina će dobiti doslovno lutkicu u bijeloj kući, a vidit ćete kako će se kineska lutkica krenuti obračunavati sa Rusima i europskim konzervativcima
Lijepo je jučer Colin Powell, Kina nije ne prijatelj, treba razgovarati i uvažavati.
prckov- Posts : 34555
Re: Minneapolis će raspustit policiju
pa stvar je sto protivnici trumpa u stvari zele ratove..radi biznisa...kako demokrati tako i dio republikanaca..debele novce prvo na svoj privatni racun izvucu na racun ratova..a amerika kao drzava ulazi u minus..pa dok je crnjo bio predsjednik amerika je otvorila nekoliko ratova...ko nijedan predsjednik prije njega u povijesti..normalno uz opravdanje 'nedemokratski sistemi'...plus otvarajuci ratove najvise profitira americka vojna industrija...i naftni lobi..jer jedno uz drugo ide...a interesantno kad otvore neki rat onda ti isti koji danas prosvjeduju i rade nerede prosvjeduju kao fol protiv americkog predjednika iz demokratskih redova ali nikad nasilni nisu to prosvjedi..nego ono tipa fickaljke i transparenti..i opet na koncu glasuju za nekog tipa obama...AssadNaPodmornici wrote:Ne bi me cudilo da je i on dobio neki donaciju od Kineza. Crnac je i još republikanac i laje protiv Trumpa i Kina mu je "ok", sa Rusima se treba obračunati, a prije toga je razvalio cijeli bliski istok i nitko ga od tih medija ne proziva za odgovornostHektorović wrote:AssadNaPodmornici wrote:Mogao bi Trump izvisiti a to će biti kraj zapadne civilizacije, Kina će dobiti doslovno lutkicu u bijeloj kući, a vidit ćete kako će se kineska lutkica krenuti obračunavati sa Rusima i europskim konzervativcima
Lijepo je jučer Colin Powell, Kina nije ne prijatelj, treba razgovarati i uvažavati.
vuksadinare- Posts : 100240
Re: Minneapolis će raspustit policiju
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[*]Unarmed mediation and intervention teams
Unarmed but trained people, often formerly violent offenders themselves, patrolling their neighborhoods to curb violence right where it starts. This is real and it exists in cities from Detroit to Los Angeles. Stop believing that police are heroes because they are the only ones willing to get in the way of knives or guns — so are the members of groups like Cure Violence, who were the subject of the 2012 documentary The Interrupters. There are also feminist models that specifically organize patrols of local women, who reduce everything from cat-calling and partner violence to gang murders in places like Brooklyn. While police forces have benefited from military-grade weapons and equipment, some of the most violent neighborhoods have found success through peace rather than war.
[*]The decriminalization of almost every nonviolent crime
What is considered criminal is something too often debated only in critical criminology seminars, and too rarely in the mainstream. Violent offenses count for a fraction of the 11 to 14 million arrests every year, and yet there is no real conversation about what constitutes a crime and what permits society to put a person in chains and a cage. Decriminalization doesn’t work on its own: The cannabis trade that used to employ poor Blacks, Latinos, indigenous and poor whites in its distribution is now starting to be monopolized by already-rich landowners. That means that wide-scale decriminalization will need to come with economic programs and community projects. To quote investigative journalist Christian Parenti’s remarks on criminal justice reform in his book Lockdown America, what we really need most of all is “less.”
[*]Unarmed mediation and intervention teams
Unarmed but trained people, often formerly violent offenders themselves, patrolling their neighborhoods to curb violence right where it starts. This is real and it exists in cities from Detroit to Los Angeles. Stop believing that police are heroes because they are the only ones willing to get in the way of knives or guns — so are the members of groups like Cure Violence, who were the subject of the 2012 documentary The Interrupters. There are also feminist models that specifically organize patrols of local women, who reduce everything from cat-calling and partner violence to gang murders in places like Brooklyn. While police forces have benefited from military-grade weapons and equipment, some of the most violent neighborhoods have found success through peace rather than war.
[*]The decriminalization of almost every nonviolent crime
What is considered criminal is something too often debated only in critical criminology seminars, and too rarely in the mainstream. Violent offenses count for a fraction of the 11 to 14 million arrests every year, and yet there is no real conversation about what constitutes a crime and what permits society to put a person in chains and a cage. Decriminalization doesn’t work on its own: The cannabis trade that used to employ poor Blacks, Latinos, indigenous and poor whites in its distribution is now starting to be monopolized by already-rich landowners. That means that wide-scale decriminalization will need to come with economic programs and community projects. To quote investigative journalist Christian Parenti’s remarks on criminal justice reform in his book Lockdown America, what we really need most of all is “less.”
Hektorović- Posts : 26373
Re: Minneapolis će raspustit policiju
[*]Restorative Justice
Also known as reparative or transformative justice, these models represent an alternative to courts and jails. From hippie communes to the IRA and anti-Apartheid South Africanguerrillas to even some U.S. cities like Philadelphia’s experiment with community courts, spaces are created where accountability is understood as a community issue and the entire community, along with the so-called perpetrator and the victim of a given offense, try to restore and even transform everyone in the process. It has also been used uninterrupted by indigenous and Afro-descendant communities like San Basilio de Palenque in Colombia for centuries, and it remains perhaps the most widespread and far-reaching of the alternatives to the adversarial court system.
[*]Direct democracy at the community level
Reducing crime is not about social control. It’s not about cops, and it’s not a bait-and-switch with another callous institution. It’s giving people a sense of purpose. Communities that have tools to engage with each other about problems and disputes don’t have to consider what to do after anti-social behaviors are exhibited in the first place. A more healthy political culture where people feel more involved is a powerful building block to a less violent world.
[*]Community patrols
This one is a wildcard. Community patrols can have dangerous racial overtones, from pogroms to the KKK to George Zimmerman. But they can also be an option that replaces police with affected community members when police are very obviously the criminals. In Mexico, where one of the world’s most corrupt police forces only has credibility as a criminal syndicate, there have been armed groups of Policia Comunitaria and Autodefensas organized by local residents for self-defense from narcotraffickers, femicide and police. Obviously these could become police themselves and then be subject to the same abuses, but as a temporary solution they have been making a real impact. Power corrupts, but perhaps in Mexico, withering power won’t have enough time to corrupt.
[*]Real mental-healthcare
In 2012, Mayor Rahm Emanuel closed up the last trauma clinics in some of Chicago’s most violent neighborhoods. In New York, Rikers Island jails as many people with mental illnesses “as all 24 psychiatric hospitals in New York State combined,” which is reportedly 40 percent of the people jailed at Rikers. We have created a tremendous amount of mental illness, and in the real debt and austerity dystopia we’re living in, we have refused to treat each other for our physical and mental wounds. Mental health has often been a trapdoor for other forms of [url=https://libcom.org/files/Michel Foucault - Madness and Civilization.pdf]institutionalized social control[/url] as bad as any prison, but shifting toward preventative, supportive, and independent living care can help keep those most impacted from ending up in handcuffs or dead on the street.
[*]Restorative Justice
Also known as reparative or transformative justice, these models represent an alternative to courts and jails. From hippie communes to the IRA and anti-Apartheid South Africanguerrillas to even some U.S. cities like Philadelphia’s experiment with community courts, spaces are created where accountability is understood as a community issue and the entire community, along with the so-called perpetrator and the victim of a given offense, try to restore and even transform everyone in the process. It has also been used uninterrupted by indigenous and Afro-descendant communities like San Basilio de Palenque in Colombia for centuries, and it remains perhaps the most widespread and far-reaching of the alternatives to the adversarial court system.
[*]Direct democracy at the community level
Reducing crime is not about social control. It’s not about cops, and it’s not a bait-and-switch with another callous institution. It’s giving people a sense of purpose. Communities that have tools to engage with each other about problems and disputes don’t have to consider what to do after anti-social behaviors are exhibited in the first place. A more healthy political culture where people feel more involved is a powerful building block to a less violent world.
[*]Community patrols
This one is a wildcard. Community patrols can have dangerous racial overtones, from pogroms to the KKK to George Zimmerman. But they can also be an option that replaces police with affected community members when police are very obviously the criminals. In Mexico, where one of the world’s most corrupt police forces only has credibility as a criminal syndicate, there have been armed groups of Policia Comunitaria and Autodefensas organized by local residents for self-defense from narcotraffickers, femicide and police. Obviously these could become police themselves and then be subject to the same abuses, but as a temporary solution they have been making a real impact. Power corrupts, but perhaps in Mexico, withering power won’t have enough time to corrupt.
[*]Real mental-healthcare
In 2012, Mayor Rahm Emanuel closed up the last trauma clinics in some of Chicago’s most violent neighborhoods. In New York, Rikers Island jails as many people with mental illnesses “as all 24 psychiatric hospitals in New York State combined,” which is reportedly 40 percent of the people jailed at Rikers. We have created a tremendous amount of mental illness, and in the real debt and austerity dystopia we’re living in, we have refused to treat each other for our physical and mental wounds. Mental health has often been a trapdoor for other forms of [url=https://libcom.org/files/Michel Foucault - Madness and Civilization.pdf]institutionalized social control[/url] as bad as any prison, but shifting toward preventative, supportive, and independent living care can help keep those most impacted from ending up in handcuffs or dead on the street.
Hektorović- Posts : 26373
Re: Minneapolis će raspustit policiju
...problem je sto trump u svom mandatu nije otvorio nijedan rat...i time sprijecio punjenje đepova naftnom lobiju,vojnom lobiju i jos nekim lobijima...tako da je bilo jasno a ja sam tu pisao prije da ce tesko trump dohvatiti drugi mandat sprijecit ce ga ili izborima a mozes jedino sprijeciti da izazoves pizdarije unutar same amerike..ili ce ga upucati odnosno svrgnuti na neki drugi nacin..ali velim dobrim djelom je i sam trump tome pridonio svojom netakticnosti u prvom redu sto se rjesio nekih ljudi iz svog tima koji su mu bili lojalni i podrzavali ga cisto iz sebicnih razloga jer je htio biti broj 1 u svemu...na zalost trump je u prvom redu biznismen a politika i je biznis ali jso vis enije..tu se trazi u prvom redu mudrost i takticnost...ne mozes voditi politiku preko twittera...preko twittera politiku ne vode ni putin ni orban ni jos neki...niti s eoni rjesavaju lojalnih ljudi jer se ujutro probude na lijevu ili desnu nogu
vuksadinare- Posts : 100240
Re: Minneapolis će raspustit policiju
michel foucault je postmodernist, osim sto je gej
neomarksizam je postmodernizam + frankfurtska skola sa critical theory
neomarksizam je postmodernizam + frankfurtska skola sa critical theory
It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984
prckov- Posts : 34555
Re: Minneapolis će raspustit policiju
Postmodern critical approaches gained purchase in the 1980s and 1990s, and have been adopted in a variety of academic and theoretical disciplines, including cultural studies, philosophy of science, economics, linguistics, architecture, feminist theory, and literary criticism, as well as art movements in fields such as literature, contemporary art, and music. Postmodernism is often associated with schools of thought such as deconstruction, post-structuralism, and institutional critique, as well as philosophers such as Jean-François Lyotard, Jacques Derrida, and Fredric Jameson.prckov wrote:michel foucault je postmodernist, osim sto je gej
neomarksizam je postmodernizam + frankfurtska skola sa critical theory
Last edited by prckov on 8/6/2020, 15:46; edited 1 time in total
It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984
prckov- Posts : 34555
Re: Minneapolis će raspustit policiju
vuksadinare wrote:
tako da je bilo jasno a ja sam tu pisao prije da ce tesko trump dohvatiti drugi mandat sprijecit ce ga ili izborima a mozes jedino sprijeciti da izazoves pizdarije unutar same amerike..ili ce ga upucati odnosno svrgnuti na neki drugi nacin..
Srećom za Trumpa, tvoje su se prognoze uvijek pokazale kao loše.
Guest- Guest
Re: Minneapolis će raspustit policiju
samo cudo ce bit ako poslije ovog tramp ne dobije izboreSpeare Shaker wrote:vuksadinare wrote:
tako da je bilo jasno a ja sam tu pisao prije da ce tesko trump dohvatiti drugi mandat sprijecit ce ga ili izborima a mozes jedino sprijeciti da izazoves pizdarije unutar same amerike..ili ce ga upucati odnosno svrgnuti na neki drugi nacin..
Srećom za Trumpa, tvoje su se prognoze uvijek pokazale kao loše.
medije drze demokrati tako da njihove prognoze nisu pouzdane
prckov- Posts : 34555
Re: Minneapolis će raspustit policiju
da bar..ali ovaj put...ne radi se tu o izborima u nekom normalnom ozracju...plus sto su trumpu otezali podobar broj onih koji su republikanci i koji su sad ziheraski i misleci na svoju guzicu mu okrenuli leđa i optuzuju ga...Speare Shaker wrote:vuksadinare wrote:
tako da je bilo jasno a ja sam tu pisao prije da ce tesko trump dohvatiti drugi mandat sprijecit ce ga ili izborima a mozes jedino sprijeciti da izazoves pizdarije unutar same amerike..ili ce ga upucati odnosno svrgnuti na neki drugi nacin..
Srećom za Trumpa, tvoje su se prognoze uvijek pokazale kao loše.
vuksadinare- Posts : 100240
Re: Minneapolis će raspustit policiju
vuksadinare wrote:da bar..ali ovaj put...ne radi se tu o izborima u nekom normalnom ozracju...plus sto su trumpu otezali podobar broj onih koji su republikanci i koji su sad ziheraski i misleci na svoju guzicu mu okrenuli leđa i optuzuju ga...Speare Shaker wrote:vuksadinare wrote:
tako da je bilo jasno a ja sam tu pisao prije da ce tesko trump dohvatiti drugi mandat sprijecit ce ga ili izborima a mozes jedino sprijeciti da izazoves pizdarije unutar same amerike..ili ce ga upucati odnosno svrgnuti na neki drugi nacin..
Srećom za Trumpa, tvoje su se prognoze uvijek pokazale kao loše.
Nisu se mogli bolje namjestiti na listu za politički odstrijel nakon izbora.
Guest- Guest
Re: Minneapolis će raspustit policiju
prckov wrote:samo cudo ce bit ako poslije ovog tramp ne dobije izboreSpeare Shaker wrote:vuksadinare wrote:
tako da je bilo jasno a ja sam tu pisao prije da ce tesko trump dohvatiti drugi mandat sprijecit ce ga ili izborima a mozes jedino sprijeciti da izazoves pizdarije unutar same amerike..ili ce ga upucati odnosno svrgnuti na neki drugi nacin..
Srećom za Trumpa, tvoje su se prognoze uvijek pokazale kao loše.
medije drze demokrati tako da njihove prognoze nisu pouzdane
Građanska Amerika sigurno neće izabrati anarhiju i revolucionarno nasilje koje im nudi Demokratska stranka sa Sandersom kao isturenim igračem. Nitko normalan naravno ne vjeruje da bi dementni Joe mogao stvarno obnašati ulogu predsjednika i da dobije izbore. Umjesto njega bi to činila neka vrsta centranog komiteta DS.
Guest- Guest
Re: Minneapolis će raspustit policiju
ne znam...ocito ovaj globalni liberalno lijevi politicki i svakojaki svijet je poceo igrati na posljednju kartu na - nasilje..prije izbora...a bojim se da ce ta scena se preljeti i na druge zemlje zapada tj eu-a...kako desna scena jaca...ne preostaje im nista drugo inace ce popusiti...a kako se kaze na koncu cilj ne bira sredstvo..Speare Shaker wrote:vuksadinare wrote:da bar..ali ovaj put...ne radi se tu o izborima u nekom normalnom ozracju...plus sto su trumpu otezali podobar broj onih koji su republikanci i koji su sad ziheraski i misleci na svoju guzicu mu okrenuli leđa i optuzuju ga...Speare Shaker wrote:vuksadinare wrote:
tako da je bilo jasno a ja sam tu pisao prije da ce tesko trump dohvatiti drugi mandat sprijecit ce ga ili izborima a mozes jedino sprijeciti da izazoves pizdarije unutar same amerike..ili ce ga upucati odnosno svrgnuti na neki drugi nacin..
Srećom za Trumpa, tvoje su se prognoze uvijek pokazale kao loše.
Nisu se mogli bolje namjestiti na listu za politički odstrijel nakon izbora.
vuksadinare- Posts : 100240
Re: Minneapolis će raspustit policiju
Speare Shaker wrote:prckov wrote:samo cudo ce bit ako poslije ovog tramp ne dobije izboreSpeare Shaker wrote:vuksadinare wrote:
tako da je bilo jasno a ja sam tu pisao prije da ce tesko trump dohvatiti drugi mandat sprijecit ce ga ili izborima a mozes jedino sprijeciti da izazoves pizdarije unutar same amerike..ili ce ga upucati odnosno svrgnuti na neki drugi nacin..
Srećom za Trumpa, tvoje su se prognoze uvijek pokazale kao loše.
medije drze demokrati tako da njihove prognoze nisu pouzdane
Građanska Amerika sigurno neće izabrati anarhiju i revolucionarno nasilje koje im nudi Demokratska stranka sa Sandersom kao isturenim igračem. Nitko normalan naravno ne vjeruje da bi dementni Joe mogao stvarno obnašati ulogu predsjednika i da dobije izbore. Umjesto njega bi to činila neka vrsta centranog komiteta DS.
Mislim da bi tek sad neki na ovom forumu mogli shvatiti točnost mojih postova na ovom forumu iz proteklih godina o pogubnosti anarhizma i kako ta priča uvijek završava. Uostalom, to je dobro dokazano još na primjeru Francuske revolucije, ali neki jako teško uče lekcije učiteljice života.
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