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Re: Denkverbot
aben wrote:ili tice ili jo
'Ajde kvragu, Abene! Je l' moras biti takav gnjus? Je, bojim se da nemas za piletinu ili puretinu.
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Re: Denkverbot
Je li sad ovo tema o vegetarijanstvu jer znam da konzumiras hranu zivotinjskog podrijetla. Rado bih tebe i Abena primorala da trckarate sumicom dok sam vam za petama sa zracnicom ili nekom tezom artiljerijom.
Poanta mog komentara bila je da si moze priustiti meso bilo koje vrste, ne mora dodatno ubijati ptice.
Poanta mog komentara bila je da si moze priustiti meso bilo koje vrste, ne mora dodatno ubijati ptice.
Guest- Guest
Re: Denkverbot
polomit ćeš si prste bezze. i mi priprosti iz puka ponekad znamo značenja riječi :Dviolator wrote:
Da, jucer sam se zabavljala porno estetikom.. :D
Inace, ovaj sam net magazin i pocela citati zbog jedne feminstkinje koja je otvoreno zagovarala svoju strast prema pornografiji. To mi je bilo neobicno. Uobicajeno je "drvljem i kamenjem" na porno sadrzaj... Medjutim, ona u svojim.clancima istice njen subverzivni potencijal (povijesno gledano, npr., predstavlja svjetovni otpor prema.moralitetu Crkve), a i cini razliku izmedju pornografije (dieektan prikaz sexa s namjerom uzbudjivanja gledatelja) i pornofikacije (marketinsko pseudocudoredje koje karakterizira upotreba ublazene pornografije za prodaju razlicitih proizvoda.
neki puta kurve imaju ulogu anđela, postoje muškarci toliko odbojni da bi im nepostojanje kurvi život činilo paklom...sve ima neko svoje mjesto, pretpostavljam, pa tako i pornografija.
puritanizam je npr. krasna riječ.
Last edited by ebenica on 8/4/2020, 19:30; edited 1 time in total
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Re: Denkverbot
Pipice i Purice dobrovoljno trče vratom pod nož... vidjeh toga niti u najdavnijoj osobnoj historiji,a imali smo i Pipica i Purica i Patkica i Guskica..sve su one sirote pokusavale nekud zgiljati da sacuvaju svoje necijenjene zivote...kic wrote:
piletina i puretina dobrovoljno budu zaklane, pda.
Guest- Guest
Re: Denkverbot
violator wrote:aben wrote:ili tice ili jo
'Ajde kvragu, Abene! Je l' moras biti takav gnjus? Je, bojim se da nemas za piletinu ili puretinu.
imun šoldov, država mi je isplotila 3500 kun,
ali nemo za kupiti kokoš. ni mesa.
bocun keksov po vrtlu, pa se ćoci skupljoju..naviknuti ću ih da dolazu, pa ako buden glodan, da ne morun hoditi daleko. imun još iskricu šarunov i srde u ledu, ali sa je misečina pa nemo ni toga za uzesti...
dakle, ili one ili jo
Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;
And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational
aben- Posts : 35492
Re: Denkverbot
možda bude zanimalo koga pa samo da stavim link nešto novo otkriveno ovih dana
We may have spotted a parallel universe going backwards in time
Strange particles observed by an experiment in Antarctica could be evidence of an alternative reality where everything is upside down
IN THE Antarctic, things happen at a glacial pace. Just ask Peter Gorham. For a month at a time, he and his colleagues would watch a giant balloon carrying a collection of antennas float high above the ice, scanning over a million square kilometres of the frozen landscape for evidence of high-energy particles arriving from space.
When the experiment returned to the ground after its first flight, it had nothing to show for itself, bar the odd flash of background noise. It was the same story after the second flight more than a year later.
While the balloon was in the sky for the third time, the researchers decided to go over the past data again, particularly those signals dismissed as noise. It was lucky they did. Examined more carefully, one signal seemed to be the signature of a high-energy particle. But it wasn’t what they were looking for. Moreover, it seemed impossible. Rather than bearing down from above, this particle was exploding out of the ground.
That strange finding was made in 2016. Since then, all sorts of suggestions rooted in known physics have been put forward to account for the perplexing signal, and all have been ruled out. What’s left is shocking in its implications. Explaining this signal requires the existence of a topsy-turvy universe created in the same big bang as our own and existing in parallel with it. In this mirror world, positive is negative, left is right and time runs backwards. It is perhaps the most mind-melting idea ever to have emerged from the Antarctic ice – but it might just be true. …
We may have spotted a parallel universe going backwards in time
Strange particles observed by an experiment in Antarctica could be evidence of an alternative reality where everything is upside down
IN THE Antarctic, things happen at a glacial pace. Just ask Peter Gorham. For a month at a time, he and his colleagues would watch a giant balloon carrying a collection of antennas float high above the ice, scanning over a million square kilometres of the frozen landscape for evidence of high-energy particles arriving from space.
When the experiment returned to the ground after its first flight, it had nothing to show for itself, bar the odd flash of background noise. It was the same story after the second flight more than a year later.
While the balloon was in the sky for the third time, the researchers decided to go over the past data again, particularly those signals dismissed as noise. It was lucky they did. Examined more carefully, one signal seemed to be the signature of a high-energy particle. But it wasn’t what they were looking for. Moreover, it seemed impossible. Rather than bearing down from above, this particle was exploding out of the ground.
That strange finding was made in 2016. Since then, all sorts of suggestions rooted in known physics have been put forward to account for the perplexing signal, and all have been ruled out. What’s left is shocking in its implications. Explaining this signal requires the existence of a topsy-turvy universe created in the same big bang as our own and existing in parallel with it. In this mirror world, positive is negative, left is right and time runs backwards. It is perhaps the most mind-melting idea ever to have emerged from the Antarctic ice – but it might just be true. …
Guest- Guest
Re: Denkverbot
Gnječ wrote:možda bude zanimalo koga pa samo da stavim link nešto novo otkriveno ovih dana
We may have spotted a parallel universe going backwards in time
Strange particles observed by an experiment in Antarctica could be evidence of an alternative reality where everything is upside down
IN THE Antarctic, things happen at a glacial pace. Just ask Peter Gorham. For a month at a time, he and his colleagues would watch a giant balloon carrying a collection of antennas float high above the ice, scanning over a million square kilometres of the frozen landscape for evidence of high-energy particles arriving from space.
When the experiment returned to the ground after its first flight, it had nothing to show for itself, bar the odd flash of background noise. It was the same story after the second flight more than a year later.
While the balloon was in the sky for the third time, the researchers decided to go over the past data again, particularly those signals dismissed as noise. It was lucky they did. Examined more carefully, one signal seemed to be the signature of a high-energy particle. But it wasn’t what they were looking for. Moreover, it seemed impossible. Rather than bearing down from above, this particle was exploding out of the ground.
That strange finding was made in 2016. Since then, all sorts of suggestions rooted in known physics have been put forward to account for the perplexing signal, and all have been ruled out. What’s left is shocking in its implications. Explaining this signal requires the existence of a topsy-turvy universe created in the same big bang as our own and existing in parallel with it. In this mirror world, positive is negative, left is right and time runs backwards. It is perhaps the most mind-melting idea ever to have emerged from the Antarctic ice – but it might just be true. …
kako god jest, ča god činilo stvarnost iza koltrin, socijalizam sucks.
Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;
And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational
aben- Posts : 35492
Re: Denkverbot
Legendovich wrote:Pipice i Purice dobrovoljno trče vratom pod nož... vidjeh toga niti u najdavnijoj osobnoj historiji,a imali smo i Pipica i Purica i Patkica i Guskica..sve su one sirote pokusavale nekud zgiljati da sacuvaju svoje necijenjene zivote...kic wrote:
piletina i puretina dobrovoljno budu zaklane, pda.
Opet si povlacio lajne.
Guest- Guest
Re: Denkverbot
Gnječ wrote:možda bude zanimalo koga pa samo da stavim link nešto novo otkriveno ovih dana
We may have spotted a parallel universe going backwards in time
Strange particles observed by an experiment in Antarctica could be evidence of an alternative reality where everything is upside down
IN THE Antarctic, things happen at a glacial pace. Just ask Peter Gorham. For a month at a time, he and his colleagues would watch a giant balloon carrying a collection of antennas float high above the ice, scanning over a million square kilometres of the frozen landscape for evidence of high-energy particles arriving from space.
When the experiment returned to the ground after its first flight, it had nothing to show for itself, bar the odd flash of background noise. It was the same story after the second flight more than a year later.
While the balloon was in the sky for the third time, the researchers decided to go over the past data again, particularly those signals dismissed as noise. It was lucky they did. Examined more carefully, one signal seemed to be the signature of a high-energy particle. But it wasn’t what they were looking for. Moreover, it seemed impossible. Rather than bearing down from above, this particle was exploding out of the ground.
That strange finding was made in 2016. Since then, all sorts of suggestions rooted in known physics have been put forward to account for the perplexing signal, and all have been ruled out. What’s left is shocking in its implications. Explaining this signal requires the existence of a topsy-turvy universe created in the same big bang as our own and existing in parallel with it. In this mirror world, positive is negative, left is right and time runs backwards. It is perhaps the most mind-melting idea ever to have emerged from the Antarctic ice – but it might just be true. …
Ukucaj "axis of evil" + cosmology
Nema veze s ovim, ali jako zanimljivo otkrice koje moze potpuno nastetiti teoriji Velikog praska, a moze biti - nista. Kozmicka osovina. Malo podsjeca i na "stablo zivota" mitoloskih prica razlicitih naroda
Guest- Guest
Re: Denkverbot
ebenica wrote:polomit ćeš si prste bezze. i mi priprosti iz puka ponekad znamo značenja riječi :Dviolator wrote:
Da, jucer sam se zabavljala porno estetikom.. :D
Inace, ovaj sam net magazin i pocela citati zbog jedne feminstkinje koja je otvoreno zagovarala svoju strast prema pornografiji. To mi je bilo neobicno. Uobicajeno je "drvljem i kamenjem" na porno sadrzaj... Medjutim, ona u svojim.clancima istice njen subverzivni potencijal (povijesno gledano, npr., predstavlja svjetovni otpor prema.moralitetu Crkve), a i cini razliku izmedju pornografije (dieektan prikaz sexa s namjerom uzbudjivanja gledatelja) i pornofikacije (marketinsko pseudocudoredje koje karakterizira upotreba ublazene pornografije za prodaju razlicitih proizvoda.
neki puta kurve imaju ulogu anđela, postoje muškarci toliko odbojni da bi im nepostojanje kurvi život činilo paklom...sve ima neko svoje mjesto, pretpostavljam, pa tako i pornografija.
puritanizam je npr. krasna riječ.
Ma ponekad pisem tako da si sve usput pojasnjavam. I ono sto znam i ono sto ne znam. A cesto u razgovoru shvatim da su neki termini visesmisleni, zapravo da su pomalo ispraznjeni od sadrzaja pa svatko misli o njima nesto svoje. I tako mi "ostane" u razgovoru ili pisanju. Pojasnjavanje.
Sto se teme tice, sto mislis o animiranoj pornografiji? Hentai.
Guest- Guest
Re: Denkverbot
aben wrote:violator wrote:aben wrote:ili tice ili jo
'Ajde kvragu, Abene! Je l' moras biti takav gnjus? Je, bojim se da nemas za piletinu ili puretinu.
imun šoldov, država mi je isplotila 3500 kun,
ali nemo za kupiti kokoš. ni mesa.
bocun keksov po vrtlu, pa se ćoci skupljoju..naviknuti ću ih da dolazu, pa ako buden glodan, da ne morun hoditi daleko. imun još iskricu šarunov i srde u ledu, ali sa je misečina pa nemo ni toga za uzesti...
dakle, ili one ili jo
Joj, Abene! : )))
A daj mi reci, kakve ti keksice volis?
Guest- Guest
Re: Denkverbot
nikakove, jo ne idin keksiviolator wrote:aben wrote:violator wrote:aben wrote:ili tice ili jo
'Ajde kvragu, Abene! Je l' moras biti takav gnjus? Je, bojim se da nemas za piletinu ili puretinu.
imun šoldov, država mi je isplotila 3500 kun,
ali nemo za kupiti kokoš. ni mesa.
bocun keksov po vrtlu, pa se ćoci skupljoju..naviknuti ću ih da dolazu, pa ako buden glodan, da ne morun hoditi daleko. imun još iskricu šarunov i srde u ledu, ali sa je misečina pa nemo ni toga za uzesti...
dakle, ili one ili jo
Joj, Abene! : )))
A daj mi reci, kakve ti keksice volis?
Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;
And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational
aben- Posts : 35492
Re: Denkverbot
jel to na bodulski praćka?aben wrote:slingshotNoor wrote:praćku?aben wrote:koja priča?
jo sun voli biti izviđoč. nami su doduše ispirali mozak komunizmon, ali ipak se iskricu učilo. prije dvo miseca sun naruči iz kine gume i balini za pucalicu, a danas sun našo kakovu takovu ključicu. sutra ću je udelati i načiniti, pa pojti u tice:)
It's So Good To Be Bad
Noor- Posts : 25907
Re: Denkverbot
ni, ovo je praćkaNoor wrote:jel to na bodulski praćka?aben wrote:slingshotNoor wrote:praćku?aben wrote:koja priča?
jo sun voli biti izviđoč. nami su doduše ispirali mozak komunizmon, ali ipak se iskricu učilo. prije dvo miseca sun naruči iz kine gume i balini za pucalicu, a danas sun našo kakovu takovu ključicu. sutra ću je udelati i načiniti, pa pojti u tice:)
Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;
And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational
aben- Posts : 35492
Re: Denkverbot
To je električarska praćka za izbijanje očiju.aben wrote:ni, ovo je praćkaNoor wrote:jel to na bodulski praćka?aben wrote:slingshotNoor wrote:praćku?aben wrote:koja priča?
jo sun voli biti izviđoč. nami su doduše ispirali mozak komunizmon, ali ipak se iskricu učilo. prije dvo miseca sun naruči iz kine gume i balini za pucalicu, a danas sun našo kakovu takovu ključicu. sutra ću je udelati i načiniti, pa pojti u tice:)
Ovo je prava praćka
Guest- Guest
Re: Denkverbot
Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;
And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational
aben- Posts : 35492
Re: Denkverbot
violator wrote:Gnječ wrote:možda bude zanimalo koga pa samo da stavim link nešto novo otkriveno ovih dana
We may have spotted a parallel universe going backwards in time
Strange particles observed by an experiment in Antarctica could be evidence of an alternative reality where everything is upside down
IN THE Antarctic, things happen at a glacial pace. Just ask Peter Gorham. For a month at a time, he and his colleagues would watch a giant balloon carrying a collection of antennas float high above the ice, scanning over a million square kilometres of the frozen landscape for evidence of high-energy particles arriving from space.
When the experiment returned to the ground after its first flight, it had nothing to show for itself, bar the odd flash of background noise. It was the same story after the second flight more than a year later.
While the balloon was in the sky for the third time, the researchers decided to go over the past data again, particularly those signals dismissed as noise. It was lucky they did. Examined more carefully, one signal seemed to be the signature of a high-energy particle. But it wasn’t what they were looking for. Moreover, it seemed impossible. Rather than bearing down from above, this particle was exploding out of the ground.
That strange finding was made in 2016. Since then, all sorts of suggestions rooted in known physics have been put forward to account for the perplexing signal, and all have been ruled out. What’s left is shocking in its implications. Explaining this signal requires the existence of a topsy-turvy universe created in the same big bang as our own and existing in parallel with it. In this mirror world, positive is negative, left is right and time runs backwards. It is perhaps the most mind-melting idea ever to have emerged from the Antarctic ice – but it might just be true. …
Ukucaj "axis of evil" + cosmology
Nema veze s ovim, ali jako zanimljivo otkrice koje moze potpuno nastetiti teoriji Velikog praska, a moze biti - nista. Kozmicka osovina. Malo podsjeca i na "stablo zivota" mitoloskih prica razlicitih naroda
tnx. našao. budem pročitao možda ima neke veze s ovim.
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