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U Njemačkoj strahovito rapidno raste broj zaraženih - Page 4 Empty Re: U Njemačkoj strahovito rapidno raste broj zaraženih

Post by immortal Sun 22 Mar - 10:14

Unimatrix_Zero wrote:
Legendovich wrote:
jastreb wrote:Sad je na HRT 3 talijanski film Zombi 2. 

nope...ja gledjim ovih dana World War Z,Karantene,i slicno.. :cleanteeth

onaj zombi scenario uopste nije nemoguc,postoji bojni otrov koji bi onako djelovao na ljude
bit će da su ga isprobali i dobili ovo što su prenijeli na film


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Post by Šandor Winnetou Sun 22 Mar - 10:17

nakaza wrote:Na koji način Nemačka uspešno odoleva korona virusu?
Pa evo „objašnjenja“ . “ Povežete neke osobe sa nekim mestima“ po „formuli srpskog ministra Stefanovića i tome dodate „stručno“ mišljenje srpskog Pneumologa Dr. Nestorovića “ Srbi su genetski otporniji od drugih (Ne Srba) na viruse svih vrsta“.
Povežite: Oboleli od Korona virusa u Dojčland-u su skoro sve Gastarbajteri iz Srbije, a njima virusi ne mogu ništa , „jači su od sudbine“.
Prosto zar ne. Ništa bez nas.
Ali to djeluje samo ako si srbin u srbiji, čim napustiš majčicu srbiju odma postaneš obični smrtnik.

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Šandor Winnetou
Šandor Winnetou

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U Njemačkoj strahovito rapidno raste broj zaraženih - Page 4 Empty Re: U Njemačkoj strahovito rapidno raste broj zaraženih

Post by Guest Sun 22 Mar - 17:08

[size=32]Curfews in the whole of Germany? Merkel drops decision contact ban decided[/size]

  • U Njemačkoj strahovito rapidno raste broj zaraženih - Page 4 Autor_Strobl_Richard-20190911163448678-2ae2
    ofRichard Strobl

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    Katharina Haase

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    Patrick Mayer

The Corona-crisis changed the public life in Germany completely. Even a curfew - as in Italy, Spain and France?

  • Corona-crisis: Italy, France, Spain and Belgium have curfews prescribed.
  • In Germany is it due to the corona virus* as yet no nation-wide curfew for the citizens.
  • Certain provinces impose but output restrictions.
  • Here you will find the basic facts about the Coronavirus and the Corona-News from Germany. In addition, you will find current case numbers in Germany as a card. Currently there are the following recommendations to the Corona-protection measures.


Curfews in the whole of Germany? Merkel drops decision contact ban decided

Update 22. In March, 15.54 PM: In the fight against the Coronavirus have the Federation and the Länder in a telephone conference between Angela Merkel and the Minister presidents of the Länder, apparently, to a prohibition of Contact agreed. The dpa reported. Consequently, the accumulation of more than two persons, in principle, be prohibited. Except for families, as well as in a household should be. All information can be found here.

Corona curfew in Germany: What would be the effects?

Update 22. March, 11.03 PM: in the whole of Germany a curfew? Chancellor Merkel advises at the Sunday from 14 o'clock with the Minister presidents of the länder about it, after Italy* and Spain, such a measure already certified loose had. Also Bavaria* has far-reaching output restrictions decided. However, the effects of such a measure late on the Infected Numbers to read.
"The time from infection until the onset of the disease is between five days and two weeks. However, put simulation and epidemiological models suggest that the effects of the School and store closures at the earliest after three weeks of attack,“ explains chief physician Clemens Wendtner from the clinic for infectious diseases* in Munich, clinic Schwabing. An end to the crisis is hardly predictable. However, he does not think that a period of several months until late summer to be realistic.

Coronavirus in Germany: Doctors prepare - "shaft is already in the Anschwappen"

Nevertheless, the infection Loge remains confident that the German health system can cope with the crisis. "We don't do everything, so that we can get in Germany conditions such as we now see it in Italy. We have a certain amount of time ahead of the Italian colleagues.“
It is about two weeks, which would now be used to define pandemic zones and device upgrade memberships as well as staff. Because patient numbers are increasing. "The wave is more or less in Anschwappen," said Wendtner. "We prepare for this scenario."
About 80 to 85 percent of the patients had gradients, mild illness or even no symptoms; you would at home healthy. Of the remaining two-thirds could be supplied to the Infectious disease ward. The rest - about five percent of all patients need intensive medical care.

Curfews in the whole of Germany: Merkel consults - the day of the decision?

Update 22. March, 7.12 PM: On Sunday at 14 clock starts the conference by Angela Merkel and the Minister presidents of the individual Federal States. In the course of which it will be decided whether and which of the single measures in Germany are to be taken to curb the rapid spread of the Coronavirus more. So far, different rules apply in each of the 16 Federal States in part. Bavaria, Baden-württemberg and the Saarland were yet presses ahead with its own measures - and thus to criticism. Angela Merkel herself is not regarded as an advocate of a curfew, which seeks to prevent with all means, and the appeal to the good sense of citizens.

Curfews in Germany: the SPD Chairman wants unity during Corona-crisis

Also, the SPD Chairman, Norbert Walter-Borjans, calls, in terms of the output limitations of a sense of proportion, but wants a common set of rules and an end to the Patchwork of provisions.
"It remains the case that We need to stretch the spread of the pandemic in time as far as possible, so any time sufficient treatment capacity available," said Walter-Borjans, of the dpa. "With all understanding for different problems from Region to Region, it would be still more useful measures across countries to be coordinated, as to awaken in the Public the impression that in every country the rules are different".
Update vom 21. März, 22.45 Uhr:  Ausgangssperre in ganz Deutschland? Diese zwei Bundesländer haben bisher die striktesten Maßnahmen ergriffen:
BAVARIA: Since midnight, Friday and Saturday, apply to the whole of the free state of far-reaching output restrictions, with the help of the spread of the Coronavirus contained is to be. The Leaving of one's own apartment is only allowed with valid reasons, such as the way to work and to necessary purchases, urgent visits to the doctor, but also sports and walks in the fresh air - but usually alone.

Dining establishments of all types must remain closed. The exception of delivery services, take-away offers, and Drive-in-switch.

Curfew in the whole of Germany? Strict measures in Baden-württemberg

BADEN-WÜRTTEMBERG: Since midnight, Friday to Saturday, are gatherings of people in public places with more than three people not allowed. Exceptions there were for families and couples.

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Freiburg: Three police officers go out with a homeless guy through the city. The city of Freiburg has, because of the Corona of a pandemic, a so-called prohibition for public places up to 3. April adopt.

:copyright: picture alliance/dpa / Patrick Seeger

Pubs and Restaurants are closed for guests. Take-away food may be permitted to continue. Violations against the new establishment can ban, according to interior Minister Thomas Strobl (CDU), with fines up to 25 000 euros and also with more years of imprisonment will be punished.

Ausgangssperre?  Jetzt auch Ausgangsbeschränkungen im Saarland

Update vom 20. März, 18.32 Uhr: Nach Bayern hat auch das Saarland Ausgangsbeschränkungen im Kampf gegen die Coronavirus-Pandemie verfügt. Ab Samstag 00.00 Uhr dürfe man die eigene Wohnung nur noch verlassen, wenn man dafür einen triftigen Grund habe, kündigte der saarländische Ministerpräsident Tobias Hans (CDU) am Freitag in Saarbrücken an.
Dazu gehörten der Weg zur Arbeit, notwendige Einkäufe oder Arztbesuche. Auch „gemeinsame Spaziergänge etwa in der Familie mit Abstand zu anderen bleiben weiter möglich. Niemand wird eingesperrt“, sagte er. Zudem würden die Restaurants im Saarland für Gäste geschlossen. Die Lieferung von Speisen bliebe aber weiter erlaubt.
Corona in München: Mit Durchsagen macht die Feuerwehr die Bevölkerung auf die Ausgangsbeschränkung aufmerksam
Update vom 20. März, 14.46 Uhr: Im Messengerdienst Whatsapp kursiert unterdessen eine Falschmeldung über eine angebliche Ausgangssperre in Berlin. Es wird ein offenbar gefälschtes Foto der Internetseite des Landesamts für Gesundheit und Soziales verbreitet, auf dem ein Betretungsverbot öffentlicher Orte ab Montag angekündigt wird. "Es handelt sich hierbei in der Tat um eine Falschmeldung", schrieb das Amt am Freitag via Twitter.
Die Behörde rief dazu auf, die Information zu verbreiten, dass der Screenshot gefälscht ist. In Berlin wurde bislang keine Ausgangssperre wegen der Ausbreitung des Coronavirus* verhängt.
Update vom 20. März, 13.43 Uhr: Das Saarland will im Kampf gegen die Ausbreitung des Coronavirus Gaststätten schließen und eine Ausgangsbeschränkung erlassen. 
Das werde Ministerpräsident Tobias Hans (CDU) noch am Freitag dem Kabinett zum Beschluss vorschlagen, teilte die Staatskanzlei in Saarbrücken mit.

Corona-Krise: Ausgangsbeschränkungen in Bayern

Update vom 20. März, 12.40 Uhr:  Zur Eindämmung des Coronavirus hat Bayerns Ministerpräsident Markus Söder (CSU) „grundlegende Ausgangsbeschränkungen“ für den ganzen Freistaat angekündigt. Das kündigte Söder am Freitag an. „Wir fahren das öffentliche Leben nahezu vollständig herunter“, sagte der Regierungschef.

Söder imposed output restrictions in Bavaria: "the protection of all of us"

The Leaving of one's own apartment is from Saturday only when there are proper grounds allowed. This includes, among other things, on the way to work, shopping, doctor and pharmacy visits, helping others, visits to partners, but also Sport and exercise in the fresh air - but only alone or with the people with whom one lives together. "We don't want to hide. We now want to with you together in this crisis,“ said Bavaria's Prime Minister Söder in the press conference regarding the Corona-crisis.
The decisions are not taken lightly. "It comes to the protection of all of us," says Söder. It's a character test for all of them. "The faster we meet the measures and all join in, the more likely the Chance that it is not so, as in China and elsewhere."
Update from the 20. March, 11.51 am: Now has alsoa virologist Alexander Kekulé to the much-discussed topic of "curfews" to word reported. Via Twitter, he spoke out against the measure: "A nationwide curfew would be epidemiologically unjustified, economically disastrous , and a social disaster." There are less drastic, but equally effective means, so Kekulé more.
A nationwide #curfew would be epidemiologically unjustified, economically disastrous, and a social disaster. There are less drastic, but equally effective means. #coronavirus #bude Koller
— Prof Alexander Kekulé, MD PhD (@Alexander Kekule) March 20, 2020
Update from the 20. March, 9.49 am: After the Thursday Winfried Kretschmann, Minister-President of Baden-Württemberg, with a curfew had threatened, threatened now by the baden-württemberg Minister of the interior Thomas Strobl with curfews. 
Meanwhile, said Karl Lauterbach (SPD) in an Interview to ntv: "I fear that we are on a curfew not come." From a medical point of view, it is the most sensible, so Lauterbach more. The current Figures would also show that Germany is in need of a very drastic containment of the Virus.

The first major city to curfew - Merkel Confidant imposed: "Saturday is for Germany"

Update from the 20. March, 8.41 PM: the curfew for the whole of Germany or not? After on Thursday ebreits the first major city to have a curfew arranged had, now seems to be also clear when the final decision for the whole of Germany could fall.
As the Chancellery chief Helge Braun to the mirror, explained to Saturday is the crucial day for the[/size]

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Post by Guest Sun 22 Mar - 17:08


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Post by Noor Sun 22 Mar - 17:11

Jawohl und sofort!

It's So Good To Be Bad

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U Njemačkoj strahovito rapidno raste broj zaraženih - Page 4 Empty Re: U Njemačkoj strahovito rapidno raste broj zaraženih

Post by Guest Sun 22 Mar - 17:12

uglavno,put do posela,u ducane i apoteku,doma je opravdan..sve ostalo slijede restrikcije..

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U Njemačkoj strahovito rapidno raste broj zaraženih - Page 4 Empty Re: U Njemačkoj strahovito rapidno raste broj zaraženih

Post by max123 Sun 22 Mar - 17:33

sportiziranje(džoganje u prirodi) je dozvoljeno i poželjno(jačanje imunitita).ali teško da ćeš srest one(debele i masne), kojima je i više nego potrebno, da ojačaju svoj imunitet.zato,što više takvih pocrka manja zdrastvena izdanja...

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Post by kaya Sun 22 Mar - 17:42

Tja...disciplinirani njemci uopće nisu disciplinirani u stvari. A i da jesu, isto im se piše.

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Post by Guest Sun 22 Mar - 22:50

[size=32]Coronavirus: In Germany, output, threaten to lock - What you need to know[/size]

  • U Njemačkoj strahovito rapidno raste broj zaraženih - Page 4 Autor_Richters_Marcel-20200211123752188-3Ge2
    ofMarcel Richters

More and more likely, it seems that in Germany, too, because of the Coronavirus output locks are adopted. But what does this mean for everyday life?

  • In Germany threaten curfews because of the Coronavirus
  • High penalties are possible
  • What you because of the curfews by the Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 need to know

Frankfurt - Due to the Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 to impose more and more countries are starting to lock. Increasingly restrictive are also the measures in Germany to be taken. Now the question is, whether here on earth, curfews come from and what these mean would have.

Coronavirus: What is the meaning of "curfew"?

In Germany, appear to curfews because of the Coronavirus is becoming increasingly possible. Curfew means that the house or property to certain times or throughout the day leave is allowed. Moreover, public squares, streets and buildings in the context of a curfew no longer used.

Coronavirus: This should have the effect of the curfew

The main objective of a curfew in Germany would be the spread of the Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 to prevent. The public life should be restricted as far as possible, and thus any direct social contact is prevented.
Frequent curfews by the police or the military in exceptional situations arranged. Such is also the spread of theCoronavirus in Germany. A curfew , however, is not quarantine. The term quarantine is usually much, much stricter conditions.

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Curfews are not because of the Coronavirus in Germany.

:copyright: picture-alliance/Uwe Zucchi/dpa

Coronavirus: curfews mean no house arrest

It is still not clear what the output block because of the Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 in Germany mean. Possible are, however, exceptions with regard to the output block, to run errands to do and situations to respond. The following situations would be:

  • Way to work and back
  • Visits to the doctor

  • Vital Purchases
  • Medical Emergencies

It would also be possible, that the curfew in Bavaria as a model for a nationwide scheme is used.

Coronavirus: This happens to the lock in case of infringements of the output

Violations of curfews , because of the Coronavirus could have come up with various penalties are. The most important measure of the space-reference, and thus the police instruction to not more Outdoor exercise is likely to be.
But also appears to be possible to Impose fines. The city of Freiburg for their curfew during the Corona pandemic on Clause 73 of the infection protection act, in which penalties of up to 25,000 euros for infringement are provided. In Munich, it will be handled as well.
We will control Your interest and for all the people of the Corona-risk groups, compliance with the #output restriction. The topic is serious!

In the case of non-compliance with fines of up to 25,000 euros.

Please keep this in mind, it serves all of our health.#FlattenTheCuve

— Police Munich (@Police MUENCHEN) March 20, 2020

Due to the Coronavirus: In these countries there are already curfews

Some States have protection against the Coronavirus already curfews imposed. Among which are:

  • Belgium
  • Italy
  • Spain
  • China
  • France

Also in Parts of the USA, appropriate regulations have been adopted. In the city of New York and the state of California, citizens are not more obliged to leave your house.
Section list image: :copyright: picture alliance/dpa[/size]

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Post by Guest Sun 22 Mar - 22:50


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Post by Leviathan2 Sun 22 Mar - 22:54

tik tok 

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U Njemačkoj strahovito rapidno raste broj zaraženih - Page 4 Empty Re: U Njemačkoj strahovito rapidno raste broj zaraženih

Post by Guest Sun 22 Mar - 22:57

štrafe do 25000 ojrova tko se ne pokori policiji..

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Post by Leviathan2 Sun 22 Mar - 22:59

Legendovich wrote:štrafe do 25000 ojrova tko se ne pokori policiji..
a ako nema?

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Post by Guest Mon 23 Mar - 11:15

[size=36]Who's in Bayern now out of the house may[/size]


Volume 90%


Coronavirus: Söder announces output restrictions for Bayern in The Video article

(Video: Reuters Photo:Matthias Balk/dpa )

The state government arranges far-reaching output restrictions from Saturday. For whom exceptions apply, how is it controlled? The answers to the important questions.
By Kassian Stroh

In the free state of Bavaria, Germany from Saturday to all the residents only in a few cases, out of the house. The state government has imposed on Friday at noon far-reaching output restrictions. The lock on the way to work, to shopping or to a doctor are excluded. Are allowed also walks alone or with family members, but no group formation in the General Public. All have the Cabinet in a phone unlock unanimously decided, - said the Prime Minister, Markus Söder (CSU) at noon in a press conference with. The restrictions will initially apply for two weeks.

What are the Details of the output restriction are?

It shall apply from Saturday 0 o'clock and is controlled by the police and the security services of the municipalities, as Söder said. In the case of a violation, a fine is imminent - according to the infection protection act, penalties of up to EUR 25 000 are possible. The exception for doctor visits does not apply to occupational or speech therapist, whose practices are closed, but in urgent cases, for visits to the Psycho - and physiotherapists, and also at the vet. Other exceptions: the visit of a life partner, the Old, the sick and disabled at home, the accompaniment of children, the accompaniment of the Dying as well as funerals. To practice Outdoor sports, is allowed to continue, said Söder - such as walks with the family or the dog. Söder appealed again to the people: "Stay home, go out only in exceptional cases, outside." We should also celebrate at home, no more parties, including, for example, not to invite the neighboring children.

What has been decided by the state government to further regulate?

All the Restaurants are now closed in General, for restricted opening Hours were previously. Are allowed only the issue of food-to-go, and Drive-in counters and Food delivery to your home. In addition, are now also hair salons as well as construction and garden markets closed that were previously open. Residents in care homes may only be visited if you are in the Die. Visits to the hospital are only allowed in three cases: in death cases, for parents who want to see her sick child, and for fathers to visit their newborn child and the mother.

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Detail view open

Police officers patrol on Wednesday of this week through the English garden in Munich.
 (Photo: Matthias Balk/dpa)

Why imposed, the state government's far-reaching output restrictions?

All of the authorities in Germany and also the state government, as Söder says to follow the strategy that you have to slow down the rapid increase in the number of Coronavirus infections, as far as it'll go. To gain time is to have the health system to upgrade to for a variety of new Covid-19-patients. This applies especially to the hospitals. 4000 beds for intensive care, according to the state government is currently in the Bavarian clinics; the number will double, so the last output, because the 4000 would be enough.

But it is also about Physicians and health offices, the need, for example, is far more protective equipment than you have so far. Also the capacity in the laboratories for Tests on the Coronavirus, will be expanded. This slowdown only works, so the overwhelming opinion of the experts, if possible, a few people meet. Therefore, the output constraints as a very far-reaching tool. "We need to try to break the wave of infections," said Söder.

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Coronavirus in Munich

"The more concessions we provide, the better,"

Doctor Basil Bustami departs every day from house to house, to take samples of potential Corona-patients. The procedure is time-consuming and the task is onerous.Interview by Philipp Crone

What instruments have been chosen?

A week ago, on Friday, ordered the state government to close all schools and day-care centres for five weeks. On Monday not only the country-wide disaster was the case, but also announced that from Tuesday onwards, all recreational facilities must close by Wednesday to all stores with the exception of those for day-to-day care; Restaurants and canteens had significant limitations. Other public facilities such as libraries and cultural establishments have been closed for this week, the Offices offer hardly any public traffic.
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All messages for the current situation in Germany and worldwide, as well as the most important news of the day - twice daily with SZ Espresso. Our Newsletter brings you up in the morning and in the evening at the latest. Free registration: sz.de/espresso. In our news App (download here) you can use the Espresso or breaking news also as a Push message to subscribe to.

Waren diese Regelungen nicht ausreichend?

In den Augen der Staatsregierung nicht. Denn es war schon die ganze Woche über zu beobachten, wie sich bei frühlingshaftem Wetter zum Beispiel vor Eisdielen, in Parks oder an Flüssen wie der Isar in München nach wie vor viele Menschen trafen - trotz aller gegenteiligen Appelle der Regierungen und Experten. Am Montag hatte Söder noch gesagt: "Es gibt keine Ausgangssperre." Am Dienstag sagte er, er hoffe, "dass die jetzigen Einschränkungen reichen". Am Mittwoch schloss er eine Ausgangssperre nicht mehr aus. Am Donnerstagvormittag sagte er im Landtag deutlich, dass er entschlossen sei, eine solche zu verhängen, sollte die anderen, bereits beschlossenen Maßnahmen nicht greifen. Das ist nun der Fall, wie er sagte.

Will die Staatsregierung die Ausgangsbeschränkungen zu einer generellen Sperre ausweiten, also etwa auch Spaziergänge verbieten?

"Further measures are conceivable," said Söder, such as municipalities, in whole or in part, to bar - as it has been since Wednesday in mitterteich in the upper Palatinate is the case. Söder emphasized, however, that in the free state from Saturday to output restrictions apply, but not to a curfew; this would entail that no one is more likely to leave your apartment. Had this about China used.

Why not preach of Bavaria such restrictions, but all States have in common?

For the control of an epidemic, the länder in Germany are responsible. Although Söder said time and again, to him a nationally consistent approach is the best. Also on Friday, he said he wanted to expertise a "no-clutter". In this case, but broke in the free state ahead, without waiting for a scheduled for Sunday meeting of the countries with the Federal government. You have to decide now, said Söder - and he pointed to the special position of Bavaria, as a "border region" and is in the vicinity of also very much of the Coronavirus pandemic-affected countries, such as Austria, which has imposed similar bans. At the same time, the state government had achieved in the past few days, the demand of many citizens for more stringent measures and to meet the request of the local politicians, the country-wide uniform rules.[/size]

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Post by Guest Mon 23 Mar - 11:15


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U Njemačkoj strahovito rapidno raste broj zaraženih - Page 4 Empty Re: U Njemačkoj strahovito rapidno raste broj zaraženih

Post by Guest Wed 25 Mar - 1:39

[size=48]Corona-crisis: No money for Rent[/size]

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(Image: stock.adobe.com)[/size]
The government measures a number of business people, but also housing tenants raises the question of how they all should pay.

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In the General civil code (ABGB) States in Section 1104: If the inventory object taken because of extraordinary coincidences, i.e., fire, war, or disease, ( ... ) or not used can be used, so (...) to pay no rent, or lease interest. That Covid-19 is such an "extraordinary coincidence", it should be clear.
"In addition, the closures were an arrangement. So this law should not also apply to business tenants, the problems are even greater,“ says Barbara Walzl-Sirk, lawyer at the tenants protection Association in Styria.
"No one should fear a must-have"
for apartment tenants is tolerance requests. "No one should have to be afraid to lose his apartment. We request that landlord waive Private as well as cooperatives - voluntary, 50 percent of the Rent. Who slip through the Corona-the crisis in the short-time work or unemployment, can't pay more.“

Delogierungen suspend
Rates, or deferral of payment would be a fair offer. "This would also prevent a rush to the courts." Delogierungen should ever be exposed to.

The German government is already reviewing the possibilities, as tenant, based on the Corona-crisis in financial difficulties, can be protected.

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U Njemačkoj strahovito rapidno raste broj zaraženih - Page 4 Empty Re: U Njemačkoj strahovito rapidno raste broj zaraženih

Post by Guest Wed 25 Mar - 1:41

Coronavirus in Germany: More than 30,000 Infected

Update to 16.48 PM: In Germany, the Corona-infected pay another sad mark will be exceeded. According to the Johns Hopkins University are currently 31.370 people in Germany infected (Stand 24. March, 16: 47). Thus, Germany is behind China, Italy, the United States and Spain on the international list. The current Figures to have died in Germany in 133 people in the Coronavirus.
Update to 13.09 PM: In the University hospital of the Saarland in Homburg since Monday , five Corona-emergency patients from the Eastern French Region of Grand Est treated. She had yesterday been admitted, after the Saarland had said the French neighbors support, announced government spokesman Alexander Zeyer on Tuesday in Saarbrücken. The state had bereiterklört to the inclusion of five of the sick, the more Covid-19-patients from Grand Est would not be expected.
Update 11.45 am: The Coronavirus-spread than in Germany, also on Tuesday continued. According to information from the John Hopkins University there is currently 29.560 confirmed infections with Covid-19 and a total of 126 deaths as a result of the new type of lung disease. 453 Corona-patients could be cured.

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U Njemačkoj strahovito rapidno raste broj zaraženih - Page 4 Empty Re: U Njemačkoj strahovito rapidno raste broj zaraženih

Post by Guest Wed 25 Mar - 1:41


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U Njemačkoj strahovito rapidno raste broj zaraženih - Page 4 Empty Re: U Njemačkoj strahovito rapidno raste broj zaraženih

Post by Guest Wed 25 Mar - 1:54

Moju Veličanstvenost je nekoliko dana drzala neka cudna temperatura,osjecaj u plucima,kao da sam na pocetku gripe,imao sam suhi,na pocetku konjski kasalj,ne cest..
smirio sam se u stanu,i uzimao ovo sto me je dovelo u balans i SVE simptome izljecilo,ovim,Gastarbajterima dostupnim i pristupacnim medikamentima..

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u dva dana,sve nestalo..zdrav ko drenec... :rasta :rasta :rasta

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Post by michaellcmacha Wed 25 Mar - 1:55


"Snažni su duhom, njihova je vojska ustrajna jer brani svoju DOMOVINU" 

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Post by michaellcmacha Wed 25 Mar - 1:56


"Snažni su duhom, njihova je vojska ustrajna jer brani svoju DOMOVINU" 

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