Nizozemski premijer : Namjerno ćemo zarazit cijelu Europu
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Nizozemski premijer : Namjerno ćemo zarazit cijelu Europu
Et'ga na.
Nizozemska trenutno ima : 1,709 zaraženih i 43 mrtva.
Nizozemska trenutno ima : 1,709 zaraženih i 43 mrtva.
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Nizozemski premijer : Namjerno ćemo zarazit cijelu Europu
eh taj protestantski duh...trpaj još
epikur37- Posts : 45339
Re: Nizozemski premijer : Namjerno ćemo zarazit cijelu Europu
Ovom liberalu na čelu Nizozemske želim deset tisuća zaraženih u državi pa kad se javnost digne da to triba spriječiti pa onda pokušaju da mu se desi to da shvati da se ovo ne može kontrolirati jednom kad tako pustiš da izbije jer ne znaš tko je zaražen a ima ih puno pa u kombinaciji s velikom gustoćom stanovnika od 500 stanovnika po km kvadratnom fino će ti svi bit zaraženi i imat ćeš nekih 2,5% mrtvih.
Gustoća naseljenosti Nizozemske :
I onda ćeš se pozdravit sa svojom političkom karijerom jer si usra Nizozemsku.
Gustoća naseljenosti Nizozemske :
I onda ćeš se pozdravit sa svojom političkom karijerom jer si usra Nizozemsku.
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Nizozemski premijer : Namjerno ćemo zarazit cijelu Europu
sad cemo vidjeti tko je od kakvog materijala nacinjen..
Guest- Guest
Re: Nizozemski premijer : Namjerno ćemo zarazit cijelu Europu
Pustit će stariju i bolesniju populaciju da poumire...
Time će se rasteretiti zdravstveni i mirovinski sustav, stvoriti slobodni stambeni kapaciteti za mlade i migrante te će se dati novi zamah gospodarstvu...
Dok jednom ne smrkne, drugom ne svane...
Time će se rasteretiti zdravstveni i mirovinski sustav, stvoriti slobodni stambeni kapaciteti za mlade i migrante te će se dati novi zamah gospodarstvu...
Dok jednom ne smrkne, drugom ne svane...
T.- Posts : 17557
Age : 83
Re: Nizozemski premijer : Namjerno ćemo zarazit cijelu Europu
Opet se sjetih Dedalusa...a tako su ga popljuvali ovdje neuki mozgovi..T. wrote:Pustit će stariju i bolesniju populaciju da poumire...
Time će se rasteretiti zdravstveni i mirovinski sustav, stvoriti slobodni stambeni kapaciteti za mlade i migrante te će se dati novi zamah gospodarstvu...
Dok jednom ne smrkne, drugom ne svane...
Guest- Guest
Re: Nizozemski premijer : Namjerno ćemo zarazit cijelu Europu
Holandski ministar zdravstva i sporta se onesvijestio tokom sastanka o koronavirusu
Bruno Bruins ministar zdravstva i sporta u Holandiji onesvijestio se tokom sastanka Donjeg doma parlamenta ove zemlje na kojem se razgovaralo o mjerama protiv širenja koronavirusa.
Kako piše RT, Holandija se proteklih dana bori sa više od 2.000 potvrđenih slučajeva koronavirusa, a ministar zdravstva i sporta je zbog toga naporno radio s obzirom da se njegova stranka susretala s velikim izazovima zbog širenja ovog virusa.
Kamere su u prostoriji parlamenta snimile ministrov pad, a na snimcima se vidi kako su mu kolege pritrčale u pomoć.
Iako su se mnogi uplašili da je Bruins kolabirao zbog toga što postoji mogućnost da je zaražen koronavirusom, on ih je uvjeravao da je to rezultat prekomjernog rada.
"Bio sam iscrpljen nakon više sedmica rada, sada se osjećam puno bolje", napisao je ministar Bruins na Twitteru.
Bruno Bruins
[ltr]Dank voor al jullie steun voor zojuist. Ik had last van een flauwte door oververmoeidheid en intensieve weken. Inmiddels gaat het weer beter. Ik ga nu naar huis om vanavond uit te rusten, zodat ik morgen weer aan de slag kan om de #coronacrisis zo goed mogelijk te bestrijden.[/ltr]
7:52 PM - Mar 18, 2020
Twitter Ads info and privacy
Na pauzi sastanka Bruins je otišao kući, a poručio je kako nakon kratkog odmora sutra nastavlja s obavezama.
SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 watcher@2019nCoVwatcher
[ltr]BREAKING: Dutch Minister of medical care collapses during #coronavirus debate.
Get well soon, @bruno_bruins [/ltr]
7:35 PM - Mar 18, 2020
Twitter Ads info and privacy
U Holandiji je do sada umrlo 60 osoba, a za razliku od nekih drugih evropskih država ova država je tek u ponedjeljak odlučila zatvoriti škole i vrtiće, a granice još uvijek nije.
Holandija koronavirus Bruno Bruins
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Nizozemski premijer : Namjerno ćemo zarazit cijelu Europu
Na Nizozemskoj bi se trebali testirati nuklearni pokusi.
Posts : 19761
Age : 46
Re: Nizozemski premijer : Namjerno ćemo zarazit cijelu Europu
T. wrote:Pustit će stariju i bolesniju populaciju da poumire...
Time će se rasteretiti zdravstveni i mirovinski sustav, stvoriti slobodni stambeni kapaciteti za mlade i migrante te će se dati novi zamah gospodarstvu...
Dok jednom ne smrkne, drugom ne svane...
Pola na intenzivnoj u nizozemskoj su mlađi od 50
Za tjedan-dva će imati kaos kad i za mlađe nestane mjesta...
Hektorović- Posts : 26373
Re: Nizozemski premijer : Namjerno ćemo zarazit cijelu Europu
RayMabus wrote:Et'ga na.
Nizozemska trenutno ima : 1,709 zaraženih i 43 mrtva.
Zaboravio je na mutacije, koje mogu biti još razornije.
Virus treba jednostavnu ugušiti. Slično kao SARS, na primjer.
Nisam stručnjak za ovo područje, samo logički razmišljam.
Nulla rosa sine spina
Eroo- Posts : 78946
Re: Nizozemski premijer : Namjerno ćemo zarazit cijelu Europu
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Re: Nizozemski premijer : Namjerno ćemo zarazit cijelu Europu
New Evidence Shows How COVID-19 Has Affected Global Air Pollution
17 MARCH 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic is getting more overwhelming by the day, with increasing lockdowns, a death toll of more than 7,000 people across the world, and a direct hit to the global economy.
But if there's a sliver of good news, it's about how the spread of the new coronavirus has been decreasing air pollution, and possibly even saving lives in the process.
Back on March 8, Stanford University environmental resource economist Marshall Burke did some back-of-the-envelope calculations about the recent air pollution drop over parts of China and potential lives saved, posting it on a global food, environment and economic dynamics blog, G-FEED.
The situation has continued to unfold since then, so those numbers won't stay current for long; but according to Burke, even conservatively, it's very likely that the lives saved locally from the reduction in pollution exceed COVID-19 deaths in China.
"Given the huge amount of evidence that breathing dirty air contributes heavily to premature mortality, a natural - if admittedly strange - question is whether the lives saved from this reduction in pollution caused by economic disruption from COVID-19 exceeds the death toll from the virus itself," Burke writes.
"Even under very conservative assumptions, I think the answer is a clear 'yes'."
The two months of pollution reduction, Burke calculates, has probably saved the lives of 4,000 children under 5 and 73,000 adults over 70 in China. That's significantly more than the current global death toll from the virus itself.
Although this might seem a little surprising, it's something we've known about for quite a long time. Earlier this month, research suggested that air pollution costs us three years, on average, off our global life expectancy.
"It is remarkable that both the number of deaths and the loss in life expectancy from air pollution rival the effect of tobacco smoking and are much higher than other causes of death," physicist Jos Lelieveld from the Cyprus Institute in Nicosia stated at the time.
"Air pollution exceeds malaria as a global cause of premature death by a factor of 19; it exceeds violence by a factor of 16, HIV/AIDS by a factor of 9, alcohol by a factor of 45, and drug abuse by a factor of 60."
So, it's well established that air pollution really does kill.
But Burke's analysis was just using data from China, and was completed before there was more information about how COVID-19 has affected the rest of the world.
With the second largest number of cases occurring in Italy, and the country putting in place strict quarantine measures, satellite data over northern Italy have now shown a large drop in air pollution - specifically nitrogen dioxide, a gas mainly emitted by cars, trucks, power plants and some industrial plants.
Using the Tropomi instrument on the Copernicus Sentinel-5P satellite, images taken from 1 January to 11 March 2020 showed nitrogen dioxide dropping dramatically.
You can see that happening in the video below:
"The decline in nitrogen dioxide emissions over the Po Valley in northern Italy is particularly evident," explains Claus Zehner, ESA's Copernicus Sentinel-5P mission manager.
"Although there could be slight variations in the data due to cloud cover and changing weather, we are very confident that the reduction in emissions that we can see, coincides with the lock-down in Italy causing less traffic and industrial activities."
For now, we don't have peer-reviewed studies measuring the true health impact reduced emissions will bring, but given what we know about the dangers of widespread air pollution, it's likely that there will be a direct benefit in the shape of fewer pollution-related deaths.
Even such a tiny silver lining can hardly make up for the devastation of the COVID-19 pandemic. But these preliminary numbers demonstrate that this global health disaster is an opportunity to assess - which aspects of modern life are absolutely necessary, and what positive changes might be possible if we change our habits on a global scale.
17 MARCH 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic is getting more overwhelming by the day, with increasing lockdowns, a death toll of more than 7,000 people across the world, and a direct hit to the global economy.
But if there's a sliver of good news, it's about how the spread of the new coronavirus has been decreasing air pollution, and possibly even saving lives in the process.
Back on March 8, Stanford University environmental resource economist Marshall Burke did some back-of-the-envelope calculations about the recent air pollution drop over parts of China and potential lives saved, posting it on a global food, environment and economic dynamics blog, G-FEED.
The situation has continued to unfold since then, so those numbers won't stay current for long; but according to Burke, even conservatively, it's very likely that the lives saved locally from the reduction in pollution exceed COVID-19 deaths in China.
"Given the huge amount of evidence that breathing dirty air contributes heavily to premature mortality, a natural - if admittedly strange - question is whether the lives saved from this reduction in pollution caused by economic disruption from COVID-19 exceeds the death toll from the virus itself," Burke writes.
"Even under very conservative assumptions, I think the answer is a clear 'yes'."
The two months of pollution reduction, Burke calculates, has probably saved the lives of 4,000 children under 5 and 73,000 adults over 70 in China. That's significantly more than the current global death toll from the virus itself.
Although this might seem a little surprising, it's something we've known about for quite a long time. Earlier this month, research suggested that air pollution costs us three years, on average, off our global life expectancy.
"It is remarkable that both the number of deaths and the loss in life expectancy from air pollution rival the effect of tobacco smoking and are much higher than other causes of death," physicist Jos Lelieveld from the Cyprus Institute in Nicosia stated at the time.
"Air pollution exceeds malaria as a global cause of premature death by a factor of 19; it exceeds violence by a factor of 16, HIV/AIDS by a factor of 9, alcohol by a factor of 45, and drug abuse by a factor of 60."
So, it's well established that air pollution really does kill.
But Burke's analysis was just using data from China, and was completed before there was more information about how COVID-19 has affected the rest of the world.
With the second largest number of cases occurring in Italy, and the country putting in place strict quarantine measures, satellite data over northern Italy have now shown a large drop in air pollution - specifically nitrogen dioxide, a gas mainly emitted by cars, trucks, power plants and some industrial plants.
Using the Tropomi instrument on the Copernicus Sentinel-5P satellite, images taken from 1 January to 11 March 2020 showed nitrogen dioxide dropping dramatically.
You can see that happening in the video below:
"The decline in nitrogen dioxide emissions over the Po Valley in northern Italy is particularly evident," explains Claus Zehner, ESA's Copernicus Sentinel-5P mission manager.
"Although there could be slight variations in the data due to cloud cover and changing weather, we are very confident that the reduction in emissions that we can see, coincides with the lock-down in Italy causing less traffic and industrial activities."
For now, we don't have peer-reviewed studies measuring the true health impact reduced emissions will bring, but given what we know about the dangers of widespread air pollution, it's likely that there will be a direct benefit in the shape of fewer pollution-related deaths.
Even such a tiny silver lining can hardly make up for the devastation of the COVID-19 pandemic. But these preliminary numbers demonstrate that this global health disaster is an opportunity to assess - which aspects of modern life are absolutely necessary, and what positive changes might be possible if we change our habits on a global scale.
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Re: Nizozemski premijer : Namjerno ćemo zarazit cijelu Europu
Ma neka korone, neka prirodna selekcija odradi svoje pa tko prezivi.
Ma neka korone, neka prirodna selekcija odradi svoje pa tko prezivi.
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Re: Nizozemski premijer : Namjerno ćemo zarazit cijelu Europu
u petak se zatvara vecina autoindustrija u svabiji..360000 radnih mjesta ugrozeno
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Re: Nizozemski premijer : Namjerno ćemo zarazit cijelu Europu
bravo olanđani.najnaprednija i najsređenija nacija u evropi.u svakom smislu...
max123- Posts : 2853
Lokacija: : Zemun,Hrvatska
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