Osnovan Mali Schengen, balkanska integracija je počela
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Re: Osnovan Mali Schengen, balkanska integracija je počela
buducnost je nepoznata,podlozna izmjenama i promjenama
Counter-Strike- Posts : 4231
Re: Osnovan Mali Schengen, balkanska integracija je počela
Pa ne baš...Unimatrix_Zero wrote:buducnost je nepoznata,podlozna izmjenama i promjenama
red wolf-
Posts : 15947
Lokacija: : Svemir
Re: Osnovan Mali Schengen, balkanska integracija je počela
Slabo , slabo. Tuga brate. Samo šestorica.Unimatrix_Zero wrote:ima li imaigranata kupus im jebemRayMabus wrote:Ja sam u krarkim rukavima i u boksericama. Dere Jugo vanka alal nije zima. Ne grijemo još. U kratkim rukavima sam i u boksericama.Unimatrix_Zero wrote:longi imal zime dolje kod vasRayMabus wrote:A evo baš čitam.£otk@ wrote:
I ja mislim da Crna Gora ima šansu.
Taman dok mi napravimo Pelješki most oni će pozatvarat bar još desetak poglavlja. Sad su zatvorili samo 3 od moguća 33 no koliko vidim u konačnici nema nekog razloga da ne zatvore i ostale a za razliku od Albanije kojoj se čak i jedna Nizozemska protivila ovi nemaju repova sa susjedima nit su neka velika zemlja da se desnica boji neke navale radne snage i ta priča.
U puno boljoj su poziciji od Albanije jer ona vuće problematiku Kosova i Makedonije a s time se nitko u Eu ne želi bačkat.
Nema ništa , slabo , tuga , tuga. Nikako da navale.
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Counter-Strike- Posts : 4231
Re: Osnovan Mali Schengen, balkanska integracija je počela
je,nikola tesla je govorio da moze vidjeti buducnost,a ako postoje vremeplovi onda znaci da tijek dogadjaja moze biti promjenjen,gledaj terminatora i star trekred wolf wrote:Pa ne baš...Unimatrix_Zero wrote:buducnost je nepoznata,podlozna izmjenama i promjenama
Counter-Strike- Posts : 4231
Re: Osnovan Mali Schengen, balkanska integracija je počela
Unimatrix_Zero wrote:je,nikola tesla je govorio da moze vidjeti buducnost,a ako postoje vremeplovi onda znaci da tijek dogadjaja moze biti promjenjen,gledaj terminatora i star trekred wolf wrote:Pa ne baš...Unimatrix_Zero wrote:buducnost je nepoznata,podlozna izmjenama i promjenama
Pa to je malo komplicirano...
red wolf-
Posts : 15947
Lokacija: : Svemir
Re: Osnovan Mali Schengen, balkanska integracija je počela
Provjeram taj navod.Unimatrix_Zero wrote:je,nikola tesla je govorio da moze vidjeti buducnost,a ako postoje vremeplovi onda znaci da tijek dogadjaja moze biti promjenjen,gledaj terminatora i star trekred wolf wrote:Pa ne baš...Unimatrix_Zero wrote:buducnost je nepoznata,podlozna izmjenama i promjenama
Vidjeti da , ne i iči u budućnost. No imati u vidu da se budućnost mijenja iz sadašnjosti tako da ....u prošlost možeš kao i vratit se iz prošlosti u sadašnjost no iz sadašnjosti u budućnost malo teže.
Vidjeti da al to je budućnost iz sadašnjosti , promjenjiva je.
Riječ je u suštini o televiziji pomoću koje se može gledati unaprijed pod uvjetom da se nikakva bitna varijabla tu ne promjeni.
Uostalom tako su ti se pojavili NLO kad su srušeni kule blizanci jer neke vanzemaljske vrste imaju taj uređaj pa se pojave kao promatrači i skupljači preživjelih koji bi inače umrli.
Na taj način na neki način krše neke zakone o miješanju a istodobno ih spašavaju od sigurne smrti.
Rupa u zakonu.
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Osnovan Mali Schengen, balkanska integracija je počela
Samo Bog i vremenski putnici iz budćnosti znaju budućnost s tim da se vremenski putnik mora vratit unatrag pa je ispričati. To ti je slučaj kod Nostradamusa. Kod njega se skrio jedan vremenski putnik pa je on zapisao događaje.
Ako bi ti sad iša u budućnost a onda te nema u sadašnjosti a gledaš budućnost iz sadašnjosti onda to nije ista budućnost kao i da si ostao u njoj.
Zašto ?
Pa jer si otišao a možda da si ostao imao bi dijete koje bi nešto izmislilo i promjenilo tu budućnost.
Zato možeš samo gledat alternativu no pod uvjetom da to gledaš izolirano kako nikojom varijablom ne bi utjecal na događaj koji gledaš.
Ako bi ti sad iša u budućnost a onda te nema u sadašnjosti a gledaš budućnost iz sadašnjosti onda to nije ista budućnost kao i da si ostao u njoj.
Zašto ?
Pa jer si otišao a možda da si ostao imao bi dijete koje bi nešto izmislilo i promjenilo tu budućnost.
Zato možeš samo gledat alternativu no pod uvjetom da to gledaš izolirano kako nikojom varijablom ne bi utjecal na događaj koji gledaš.
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Osnovan Mali Schengen, balkanska integracija je počela
U budućnost bi mogao ići jedino na ovako opisan način a da je to 100% ta budućnost.
Dakle ti jednog dana ideš pecat , brod potone i tijelo nikad ne ispliva.
Ja to vidim i spasim te.
Nikakva varijabla nije promjenjena jer si taj dan ionako morao umrijeti a tijela nema niti će ga naći.
Dakle apsolutno ništa nisam promjenio u sadašnjosti.
I tad te pošaljem u budućnost i dobit ćeš 100% tj upravo takva će biti.
Sve drugo neće jer je neka varijabla izmjenjena.
Budućnost je altalternativa.
Alternativni svemiri.
Dakle ti jednog dana ideš pecat , brod potone i tijelo nikad ne ispliva.
Ja to vidim i spasim te.
Nikakva varijabla nije promjenjena jer si taj dan ionako morao umrijeti a tijela nema niti će ga naći.
Dakle apsolutno ništa nisam promjenio u sadašnjosti.
I tad te pošaljem u budućnost i dobit ćeš 100% tj upravo takva će biti.
Sve drugo neće jer je neka varijabla izmjenjena.
Budućnost je altalternativa.
Alternativni svemiri.
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Osnovan Mali Schengen, balkanska integracija je počela
Paradoks cile priče je u tome šta će ljudi tamo u 2500 godini izmislit vremeplov , pa će ga koristit u tom stoljeću i na kraju zabranit jer će shvatit da odlazak u prošlost ako se nešto promjeni će promjenit i budućnost.
A paradoks leži u tome šta ja to znam. Oni će čak tražit i tog lika koji se skrio kod Nostradamusa. Ne znaju uopće gdje je. A ja znam.
Vidiš to je vremenska petlja.
Ispada da ja imam više podataka od vaših autoriteta u budućnosti.
To znači da ćete se tehnološki razvit a opet nećete doć do moje točke znanja.
Pa ćemo morat vas pustit pa vam doć u 2500 najvjerovatnije delegacija sa Sirijusa da vam objasni da je igranje sa putovanjem kroz vrijeme opasno.
Pobijegao vam je jedan.
A paradoks leži u tome šta ja to znam. Oni će čak tražit i tog lika koji se skrio kod Nostradamusa. Ne znaju uopće gdje je. A ja znam.
Vidiš to je vremenska petlja.
Ispada da ja imam više podataka od vaših autoriteta u budućnosti.
To znači da ćete se tehnološki razvit a opet nećete doć do moje točke znanja.
Pa ćemo morat vas pustit pa vam doć u 2500 najvjerovatnije delegacija sa Sirijusa da vam objasni da je igranje sa putovanjem kroz vrijeme opasno.
Pobijegao vam je jedan.
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Osnovan Mali Schengen, balkanska integracija je počela
da,otprilike,u teoriji je poznato da je moguce vidjeti pa cak i putovati u buducnost ali u praksi to nije napravljeno,osim par neuspjelih eksperimenata ali eventualno ce uspjeti ako se nastavi ici u tom pravcu,evo pogledaj npr ovaj klip iz star treka,kapetan janeway odlazi u buducnost i dobija oruzje iz buducnosti za borbu protiv superiornijeg neprijatelja
Counter-Strike- Posts : 4231
Re: Osnovan Mali Schengen, balkanska integracija je počela
[size=37]THE PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT[/size] THE TRUE STORY SESSION 10/OCT/99 Medium: Jorge Raul Olguin. Entity that came to dialogue: Master Ruanel. Interlocutor: Well, the first question is related to the most advanced discoveries on Earth, probably in the United States or Russia. What has been done? I mean, obviously, to those discoveries that have not yet revealed and that they’re still hidden. Ruanel: A discovery that was stopped due to a matter of hazard and a matter of money investment... You have to know that at these moments the projects that have been stopped are Mars, to Venus, etc., due to a financial reason. Theoretically, in the year 2005, the man was supposed to go to Mars, and now this project has been delayed 20 years... Now it is said that it will be achieved in the year 2025. It is a matter of economy, of dollars. What I want to convey is that a long time ago, almost more than half century, the Project Philadelphia already existed, where transubstantiation of matter had already been achieved. The matter could even travel through time. Interlocutor: What was in fact the Philadelphia Experiment, as it’s commonly known? Ruanel: It was an experiment in which there was not only transubstantiation... it was not as like they said invisible matter to radar, but directly what happened was the disappearance - I ratify disappearance - of matter from the physical plane 1. Interlocutor: But where did that matter go? To the plane 2? Ruanel: Yes, it went to the plane 2... Interlocutor: Was there a ship on the plane 2 then? Ruanel: Yes, it existed, but not like it was. I will explain it in the most understandable way possible, using as an example computer science. There are different computer programs. For example, if I want to open a picture in MS Word, that picture won’t open in MS Word, but it will appear as if it were a hieroglyphic. Do you understand? Interlocutor: Perfectly. It is something that happened to me before. Ruanel: I repeat: if one opens a file in another non compatible program, instead of appearing as it is whether a text or a picture, one will see representative symbols, but not that text or that picture. When we speak of a ship in the plan 2 or in the plan 3, it doesn’t fuse or reproduce a ship, because in those plans there is no matter, but rather it will appear as a kind of representative lights of that ship, not readable, but not the ship itself. Even a human body in the plane 2, will see himself and he will see his hands, but he won't see to the other spirits. And then he will say: How come I don't see them if I am also in the plane 2? What happens is that the images of the spirits will be opaque; they will be representative, not readable, because they will be in another dimension. They will be in the same plane but in different programs. It is something similar when the angels generate some karma and they lower of level... There are angels of extreme cruelty that can be in the planes 2 and 3... Maybe those angels won't mix with the spirits. They are going to be with representative images, but they won't collide. Interlocutor: Was there extraterrestrial intervention in the Experiment? Ruanel: No, no... We should acknowledge that in the physical plane there were big brains. Besides, don’t forget that the spirits of terrestrials are the same spirits of extraterrestrials. Let us give credit to the human beings too. Interlocutor: But nothing at all, not even in a minimum part there were extraterrestrials in the project? Ruanel: No, those who worked in that project were American and German scientist fundamentally, I mean German people that sympathized with the United States because in that time both countries were at war. Interlocutor: That is to say, Americans and Germans that used as a base the unified field theory of Einstein... Ruanel: Correct, there was scientist of both countries. When I say German people that sympathized with the United States I speak about Germans that were horrified by the massacres of the Nazism. Interlocutor: I understand... Now then, the ship they were experimenting on disappeared and appeared in another place, according to some witnesses... Ruanel: But at the same time it traveled through time. Besides it didn't reappear immediately. It was during a while in anothervibrational plane. Interlocutor: And the crew members? It was said that some were seen passing through the walls... Ruanel: The thing was not like that. First, the experiment was not well performed, because there were flaws in the transubstantiation and there were flaws when it became unified again. Let us suppose that I pass from a computer program to another program. Let us suppose from CorelDraw to MSWord, and later on I want to return, but the machine doesn't work well. Then, I transcribe it badly, and the drawing is, for example, with the head on the feet and with the colors changed. What was made, when everything returned to the physical plane 1, maybe it “put together” the man again, but with the head at one side of the wall and the legs at the other. Or he was badly assembled. Obviously, that man disincarnated because he was cut by the steel of the ship. Interlocutor: As far as I know others died burnt... Ruanel: Correct. Others died deformed by the great heat generated by the change of plane. They made the experiment badly because they didn't fulfill the requirements that the theory of the unified field needed to work with success, because the magnetos they put didn't provide the enough magnetism to generate balance. When having imbalance in the transubstantiation, everything was a disaster. Then, the economy was not enough to continue that research and the Project was filed. Interlocutor: Did the sailors that suffered all those accidents have some karma to compensate? Ruanel: No, everything was random. Interlocutor: There was an enigmatic character, I believe,Allende... who was he? Some alien? Ruanel: No, he was simply a collaborator. Interlocutor: Has been achieved in some experiment a dimensional portal or the transference to another parallel universe, for example, using a worm hole Ruanel: The terrestrial laboratories have achieved small worms where directly small particles can travel to a distance of hundreds light years, but with very small particles. Interlocutor: That is to say that not even with humans... Ruanel: No, because they are not sophisticated machines with the necessary balance to achieve it. These machines consume such a big, but so big energy that a worm hole of a cubic millimeter starting from the entrance tunnel would need energy enough to supply a big city as Chicago during a whole night, for example. Interlocutor: Have the Americans been able to defeat gravity in some magnitude? Ruanel: Yes, in small magnitudes. The physicists to whom I respect a lot, have achieved antimatter somehow, they have been able to defeat gravity... Interlocutor: Are we always speaking of United States or Russia as well? Ruanel: No, only the United States. What Russia did, and I believe that it’s lost... there was a rest of a space ship... and this is interesting for you since you are interested on the topic... There was a ship, and this might seem laughable that didn't come in exploratory mission, but simply to sightseeing... Interlocutor: Are you telling me that these aliens came to our planet, as we can go to another country on vacation? Ruanel: Correct. Just like the airplanes on this planet that transport passengers, this ship was transporting travelers as tourists who were coming to have a good time. Interlocutor: And in which place did they land? Ruanel: In a part of Siberia. Interlocutor: Was there some special reason they did land there? Ruanel: Yes, because the planet where they came from was, I mean it is a very cold planet and the hard weather of Siberia was very good for them. Interlocutor: Can we know what planet it is? Ruanel: It doesn’t matter. What matters is what happened... Just like there are people on Earth who go on a trip to a place and they don't take care of ecology, throwing away waste, cans and leftovers of food, these extraterrestrials although very but very advanced thought that this place was completely deserted and there was not nobody, so they left things in what speaking of terrestrial language would be a "picnic" and the Russians have found them. Interlocutor: Of what year are we speaking? Ruanel: 1945... That is to say, several decades ago. Approximately at the same time the Roswell Incident took place... Well, the Russians have found an empty flask. That flask didn't have glass. It was an energy flask... Interlocutor: I don’t understand... Do you say that it contained energy? Ruanel: I translate it: let us suppose that we in the physical plane have a fluorescent tube of 15 cm.[6 inches] long, and it has a metallic cap, let us suppose made of titanium, and o the side another cap of titanium, but in the middle an entire energy tube, where if one wants to take on can do it, but feeling it as a resistance, because although to the eye you don't see anything between those caps there is an energy channel. Interlocutor: It is perfectly clear. Ruanel: The Russians, considered that flask as empty, because it was a kind of energy flask that didn't contain anything. But it was empty simply because the aliens had consumed its content and then they throw it away. Interlocutor: Something similar when we drink a beer, for example and we throw away the empty can. Ruanel: More or less something like that, with the difference that instead of being a metallic can or a glass bottle or plastic it was energy. Interlocutor: Yes, it is clear. Ruanel: There was also another similar container that had a green liquid, it had been consumed partially. Interlocutor: I presume that the Russians should have turned crazy with those containers... Ruanel: But there were also other objects, and one of them exploded in the hand of one of the Russians and it disintegrated half of his body. Interlocutor: Was it some weapon? Ruanel: No, he simply manipulated the object in order to open it and he did mistakenly and then it exploded. All of this teaches a lesson that I want to emphasize... We laugh at Pithecanthropus Erectus, the Man of Neanderthal... What would happen if we gave him a revolver? Unintentionally, he could blow up his head or the head of somebody else! Interlocutor: Obviously... Ruanel: And what has happened to these Russian scientists? Once they saw the destruction made by that artifact to the body of their partner who was manipulating it, they took it with infinite precautions trying to figure out its secrets. Interlocutor: And what is it known at the present time about these objects and the result of that research? Ruanel: Presumably they have gotten lost because the economic problems of Russia finished with those researches and its results were filed in some unknown place, if they didn't disappear completely. This is, then, the message of this experience: the human being shows arrogance and superiority before who preceded him in evolution and he ends up disintegrated - and obviously dead – as he was not able to manipulate a simple flask brought to us by extraterrestrial tourists. Interlocutor: I understand the message, Master... Returning to the topic of discoveries... For example, have they discovered methods to provoke earthquakes? Ruanel: Not at a strange level as you want to convey. They can be provoked if nuclear devices are placed in certain places and they are detonated though. Interlocutor: I understand... And about weapons of war, which is the most destructive? Ruanel: The neutron bomb. Interlocutor: And flying disks? Ruanel: Even though Americans want to make the world believe that they are a "superpower", and all those things, they are still experimenting with antigravity and their achievements are insignificant. |
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Osnovan Mali Schengen, balkanska integracija je počela
Rađeni su projekti po Anštajnovoj teoriji ujedinjenog polja no ta teorija nije dobra pa su imali problem.Unimatrix_Zero wrote:da,otprilike,u teoriji je poznato da je moguce vidjeti pa cak i putovati u buducnost ali u praksi to nije napravljeno,osim par neuspjelih eksperimenata ali eventualno ce uspjeti ako se nastavi ici u tom pravcu,evo pogledaj npr ovaj klip iz star treka,kapetan janeway odlazi u buducnost i dobija oruzje iz buducnosti za borbu protiv superiornijeg neprijatelja
Ajnštaj je postavija teoriju no način da ne postoji ništa izvan ovog svemira tj brže od svijetlosti no u suštini postoji i onda završiš na planu 2 šta je osnova da uopće možeš putovati kroz vrijeme prostor.
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Osnovan Mali Schengen, balkanska integracija je počela
Putovanje kroz vrijeme se svodi na ovo : ti pješačiš a paralelno uz tebe pići vlak. Vlak se neće zaustaviti jer on pići. Njegove brzine ( i frekvencije ) su veće od brzine svjetlosti. Dakle ostaje ti jedino da ti ubrzaš kako bi se našao paralelno uz vlak istom brzinom. Tada ispada da stojite jedan do drugoga.
Onda otvoriš vrata i uđeš u vlak i sad si u njemu i ideš naprid il nazad. Kad poželiš izać izađeš i skočiš i pješačiš.
No nisi više u istom vremenu.
To ti je kroz priču kako to radi.
Onda otvoriš vrata i uđeš u vlak i sad si u njemu i ideš naprid il nazad. Kad poželiš izać izađeš i skočiš i pješačiš.
No nisi više u istom vremenu.
To ti je kroz priču kako to radi.
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Osnovan Mali Schengen, balkanska integracija je počela
[size=30]Makron rekao Vučiću: "Mali Šengen dobar korak ka EU"[/size]
Serbinho-3- Posts : 27664
Lokacija: : Italy
Re: Osnovan Mali Schengen, balkanska integracija je počela
Ovo je pojednostavljeno objašnjenje i točno je. Nešto kao da malon ditetu iden objasnit da shvati bit.RayMabus wrote:Putovanje kroz vrijeme se svodi na ovo : ti pješačiš a paralelno uz tebe pići vlak. Vlak se neće zaustaviti jer on pići. Njegove brzine ( i frekvencije ) su veće od brzine svjetlosti. Dakle ostaje ti jedino da ti ubrzaš kako bi se našao paralelno uz vlak istom brzinom. Tada ispada da stojite jedan do drugoga.
Onda otvoriš vrata i uđeš u vlak i sad si u njemu i ideš naprid il nazad. Kad poželiš izać izađeš i skočiš i pješačiš.
No nisi više u istom vremenu.
To ti je kroz priču kako to radi.
Normalno sad ako ćemo u detalje onda ljudski organizam ne može ovako ubrzat bez posljedica nego se mora stvorit neka vrsta plašta oko tijela. Dakle tijelo promatramo kao objekat. Taj plaš vibrira na toj većoj frekvenciji. Znači ako je to jaje plaš je tu ljuska. Zatim dolazi do velikih naprezanja unutar tog jajeta i to je bijelanac a žumanjac u sredini bi bio tijelo i da bi netko tko putuje kroz vrijeme uopće mogao ovo uspješno izvest bez posljedica mora biti u jakoj fizičkoj i psihičkoj kondiciji poput astronauta.
Ovo je sad dodatak ovom postu gore da ne bi netko pomislio a to samo ubrzaš i hop i eto te. Kad se minja frekvencija oko tebe tj upali taj plaš onda unutar tog polja dolazi do naprezanja bez obzira šta si unutra izoliran a vanjski plašt ubrzava i izdvaja te iz plana 1 a to naprezanje ako je organizam unutra dijeluje i na organizam. Nešto poput barkomore ( prostor pod tlakom ).
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Osnovan Mali Schengen, balkanska integracija je počela
Kako sam i rekao, Makron mu rekao sta da radi a onda pohvalio...
Makron preuzeo od Merkel komandu EU.
Makron preuzeo od Merkel komandu EU.
Serbinho-3- Posts : 27664
Lokacija: : Italy
Re: Osnovan Mali Schengen, balkanska integracija je počela
Makron će da stvori veliku Srbiju i veliku Makedoniju. Zato već sad ovi iz BiH , CG i Kosova imaju otpor prema ovoj ideji.Serbinho-3 wrote:Kako sam i rekao, Makron mu rekao sta da radi a onda pohvalio...
Makron preuzeo od Merkel komandu EU.
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Osnovan Mali Schengen, balkanska integracija je počela
de polako
isuvise se radujete
a niko ne zna ni sirinu ni dubinu tog
buduceg sporazuma.
u staru sam licno kontra, dok mi se detaljno ne pojasni ili sam ukapiram.
dosta ranije, oduvek zazirem od namere zapada da nam indirektno
uvale albaniju, siptare, da ih teglimo.
ne prihvatam da srbija bude zrtvovana zbog takve namere.
oni su miljenici zapada,
"eto im ih " mnogo jednostavno !
v.b, fr i brd imaju vise nehriscana
od balkana.
isuvise se radujete
a niko ne zna ni sirinu ni dubinu tog
buduceg sporazuma.
u staru sam licno kontra, dok mi se detaljno ne pojasni ili sam ukapiram.
dosta ranije, oduvek zazirem od namere zapada da nam indirektno
uvale albaniju, siptare, da ih teglimo.
ne prihvatam da srbija bude zrtvovana zbog takve namere.
oni su miljenici zapada,
"eto im ih " mnogo jednostavno !
v.b, fr i brd imaju vise nehriscana
od balkana.
Guest- Guest
Re: Osnovan Mali Schengen, balkanska integracija je počela
Pa uvalili su vam Šiptare , šta se sad žalite ?pizzon wrote:de polako
isuvise se radujete
a niko ne zna ni sirinu ni dubinu tog
buduceg sporazuma.
u staru sam licno kontra, dok mi se detaljno ne pojasni ili sam ukapiram.
dosta ranije, oduvek zazirem od namere zapada da nam indirektno
uvale albaniju, siptare, da ih teglimo.
ne prihvatam da srbija bude zrtvovana zbog takve namere.
oni su miljenici zapada,
"eto im ih " mnogo jednostavno !
v.b, fr i brd imaju vise nehriscana
od balkana.
CG će vam sasvim sigurno otplovit u EU. Ovi u BiH gledaju na zapad kako da se ekonomski prikače dakle ostajete vi i Šipci tu plus Makedonija.
Šiptarsko srpska unija.
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Osnovan Mali Schengen, balkanska integracija je počela
Je li vam sada jasno zašto je Jugo za Slovence i Hrvate bila nemoguća tvorevina?pizzon wrote:de polako
isuvise se radujete
a niko ne zna ni sirinu ni dubinu tog
buduceg sporazuma.
u staru sam licno kontra, dok mi se detaljno ne pojasni ili sam ukapiram.
dosta ranije, oduvek zazirem od namere zapada da nam indirektno
uvale albaniju, siptare, da ih teglimo.
ne prihvatam da srbija bude zrtvovana zbog takve namere.
oni su miljenici zapada,
"eto im ih " mnogo jednostavno !
v.b, fr i brd imaju vise nehriscana
od balkana.
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