Iran ulazi u Euroazijsku Uniju
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Re: Iran ulazi u Euroazijsku Uniju
Krampa je glup čovik, ne vidi dalekoročne posljedice onoga kaj radi jerbo je prezaokupljen svojom narcisoidnošću.prckov wrote:koristi trampovu miroljubivostHektorović wrote:Putko plete mrežu ... malo Kina, malo Iran, malo Turska, malo Indija...RayMabus wrote:Putin jebe ne vadi.
Danas sa Rohanijem sutra već stiže Duterte
da mu je hilarija dosla kurac bi on sklapo
Misli uveo sankcije, i odmah mu se ovi moraju klanjati.
Killary bu pak izazvala trići svitski u kojem bu Rusija, Iran i Kina bili pobidnici.
Ugl kako god, smetljarski zapad je gubitnik, a ovi pobidnici. :P
AlfaOmega- Posts : 10386
Re: Iran ulazi u Euroazijsku Uniju
Iran će biti izrokan. Neće republikanci vječno bit na vlasti.
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Iran ulazi u Euroazijsku Uniju
Neinteligentni ljudi to govore već 30 godina. Kad god su demokrate na vlasti, vele kak će ih izrokati čim republikanci dođu. Onda kad vide da ovi ne mogu nikaj, opet zazivaju demokrate.
Ka što rekoh, killary je luda i započela bu rat. Ali previše je snage okrenuto protiv njih, ne bu imali puno šanse. Džaba i zarđale nuklearke i minutemani, to nima više željeni efekat.
Ka što rekoh, killary je luda i započela bu rat. Ali previše je snage okrenuto protiv njih, ne bu imali puno šanse. Džaba i zarđale nuklearke i minutemani, to nima više željeni efekat.
I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.
AlfaOmega- Posts : 10386
Re: Iran ulazi u Euroazijsku Uniju
Iran će bit izrokan. Ne govorin to ja nego Nostradamus. No nemogu ga osvojit pa će Iran i saveznici uzvratit. To ti je sve dio trećeg svijetskog rata. Trump se jednostavno ne želi uvlačivati u sukobe no zato ovaj demokrata s time nema problema.
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Iran ulazi u Euroazijsku Uniju
Svi oni vape da izrokaju Iran, ali kad se okruže savitnicima oko sebe sa nešt više sive mase u glavi, brzo odustanu od takvih ideja.
I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.
AlfaOmega- Posts : 10386
Re: Iran ulazi u Euroazijsku Uniju
AlfaOmega wrote:Svi oni vape da izrokaju Iran, ali kad se okruže savitnicima oko sebe sa nešt više sive mase u glavi, brzo odustanu od takvih ideja.
Problem ješto i Iran može rokati
Hektorović- Posts : 26373
Re: Iran ulazi u Euroazijsku Uniju
Ja sam za rokačinu Irana jer imam podatak da će Ažir i Tunis stat na stranu Irana a puna Francuska Arapa.
Napad na Iran = početak građanskog rata u Francuskoj.
Napad na Iran = početak građanskog rata u Francuskoj.
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Iran ulazi u Euroazijsku Uniju
Hektorović wrote:AlfaOmega wrote:Svi oni vape da izrokaju Iran, ali kad se okruže savitnicima oko sebe sa nešt više sive mase u glavi, brzo odustanu od takvih ideja.
Problem ješto i Iran može rokati
najveći problem je što Iranu odgovara rat i želi da ga se izroka, sa druge strane Trumpu ne odgovara rat, zašto da pokreće rat, kada mu kod kuće "glava visi" , demokrati ,elita i mediji ga pokušavaju srušiti non stop, jebe se njega za Iran itd. Isto tako rat bi mu narušio rejting, zato je paradoxalna situacija, da Iran želi se ratovati sa USA , a USA ne želi
Iranska elita (ajtolasi i pripadajući sloj kapitalista i vjerskih vođa) treba rat , da mlado nezadovoljno iransko stanovništvo dovede u red.. U Iranu je kao u Hrvatskoj na kvadrat, vlada žestoka korupcija, Iranski HDZ žive kao u haremu(bila je ona grupa "rich kids of teherean" ) a obične irance panduri hapse radi loše postavljene marame ili nekih pizdarija.. a elita šmrče koku i kurva se i pije alkohol.. i ništa. .. plus deru ih sankcije jebeno, inflacija , mladi su nezaposleni, nemogu priuštiti familije niti stan - zato je iranski natalitet pao na europsku razinu, doslovno sve manje se nove dice rađa, mladima je sex financijski nemoguć, i frustrirani su.
iduća ekonomska kriza i Iranska elita će završiti kao Šah i njegova elita.. zato Irancima treba rat, da se uvede izvarendno stanje, da se mlade usmjeri na mržnju prema vanjskom neprijatelju, plus tu je vjerski fanatizam vladajućih koji očekuju neki konačni rat itd..
Eh ssada koliko će ih izvući ova EuroAzijska unija, u cijeloj toj Euroazijskoj uniji, cijela ta EUAzijska unija ima manji izvoz industrijske robe sa dodatnom vrijednosti nego jedna Poljska.. sankcije ih za sada jebački deru
AssadNaPodmornici- Posts : 22267
Re: Iran ulazi u Euroazijsku Uniju
Putin će najviše profitirat od ovoga. Trump im i lijekove zabranio uvozit i sad će Rusi uvozit. Iran je pod žestokim sankcijama a praktički jedini veći izvozni proizvod im je nafta.
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Iran ulazi u Euroazijsku Uniju
Brilliant path facing Iran’s economy by Eurasian membership
Tehran, Oct 1, IRNA - Iranian President Hassan Rouhani's visit to Armenia to attend the Eurasian Union summit prompted the Iranian media to examine the goals and prospects facing Iran for joining the union.
Brilliant path facing Iran’s economy by Eurasian membership
Tehran, Oct 1, IRNA - Iranian President Hassan Rouhani's visit to Armenia to attend the Eurasian Union summit prompted the Iranian media to examine the goals and prospects facing Iran for joining the union.
[size=12]A few days after returning from the UN General Assembly, President Rouhani traveled to Yerevan, the capital of Armenia, on Monday to attend the Eurasian Economic Union's regular session; a visit that will host political officials where they will also hold bilateral economic and political consultations. The Eurasian Economic Union is formed in 2014 countries and includes Russia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Belarus. The union actually belongs to countries located in the north and central Asia and Eastern Europe. Improving sustainable development and improving the quality of life of member-states have been the main reason for the formation of the Eurasian Economic Union.
A review of newspapers, websites and domestic news agencies shows that the media, concurrent with the President's visit to Armenia, described Iran's presence in the Eurasian Economic Union as a major step in the development of regional and commercial cooperation with our country's neighbors and emphasized the need to exploit it. They have emphasized utilizing investment opportunities and facilitating economic relations with the EU member-states.
Iranian and Armenian officials' emphasis on expanding bilateral relations and strategic prospects in Tehran-Yerevan relations is another focus in the domestic media.
The president pointed to his bilateral meetings in Armenia, and said, "We will have bilateral talks with most of the countries that are present at the summit. Tonight we will meet with the President of Armenia and Tuesday. Rouhani also mentioned plans to meet Kazakh, Russian and Singaporean officials at the Eurasian summit in Yerevan, and noted that this is an opportunity to meet with the member-states, those who are official members, and countries such as Singapore that later joined.
Entekhab wrote that Rouhani on Monday night, during a trip to Armenia to attend the Eurasian Economic Union summit, at a meeting with Armenian President Armen Sarkissian, said that Tehran and Yerevan have always had friendly and intimate relations. The country is on the path of growth and development, President Rouhani said, adding, "Developing and strengthening more relations with all neighboring countries, including Armenia, is one of the principles of the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran." Rouhani considered the cultural and historical commonalities of the two nations as an opportunity to establish lasting comprehensive relations between the two countries, and said that the Islamic Republic of Iran and Armenia have wide capacities and potentials in various fields such as energy transit and tourism, tourism and they have industries that can be exploited to serve the interests of both nations.
President Rouhani, heading to Yerevan as the Interim Free Trade Agreement between Iran and Eurasia, entered the operational and operational phase on October 26, the Etemad daily reported. In the last three years, the debate over Iran's accession to the Union was pursued with greater speed and focus, and the Parliament finally approved the accession to the Union on January 27, 2019, according to which Iran had been an interim member of the union for three years, the country will be admitted as a permanent member of the free trade zone if sakeholders agree with its admission. The use of trade tariffs, investment opportunities and facilitation of economic relations with the member-states of the Union is a summary of the benefits of Iran's membership in the Eurasian Economic Union. According to some experts, Iran's trade balance with all the member-states of the union is negative, but membership in the union could facilitate Iran's export process and provide new markets for Iranian goods.
The latest data released by the International Trade Center (ITC) on the status of Iran's trade with the Eurasian Economic Union indicates that Iran's total exports to the eight countries in the union last year amounted to $1.9 million And in contrast, exports of Eurasian Union member states to Iran amounted to about $1.5 billion per year. Among the members of the Eurasian Economic Union, Iran has the highest imports from Russia at $1.5 billion and the least imports from Kyrgyzstan at nearly $5 million. Most of Iran's exports to the union were registered in Russia last year ($ 1.9 million), and Iran's least exports were to Belarus ($1.1 million). According to statistics from the International Trade Center, about 4.9 percent of these countries' imports were from Iran. Also, among the member-states of the Union, Iran's share of the country's import demand (about 3.7 percent) was higher than that of other countries, and about 5 percent of its exports to Iran.
In his meeting with his Iranian counterpart, the Armenian president also emphasized that his country attaches great importance to the further development of relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran. The Armenian President said that Armenia is looking forward to further development of relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran. This is especially true in the economic, industrial, energy and environmental fields. The President of Armenia said that the activity of the Eurasian region could be bigger than the current situation and in this regard it is ready to fully develop relations with Tehran and we fully welcome the activation of free zones.
A review of newspapers, websites and domestic news agencies shows that the media, concurrent with the President's visit to Armenia, described Iran's presence in the Eurasian Economic Union as a major step in the development of regional and commercial cooperation with our country's neighbors and emphasized the need to exploit it. They have emphasized utilizing investment opportunities and facilitating economic relations with the EU member-states.
Iranian and Armenian officials' emphasis on expanding bilateral relations and strategic prospects in Tehran-Yerevan relations is another focus in the domestic media.
The president pointed to his bilateral meetings in Armenia, and said, "We will have bilateral talks with most of the countries that are present at the summit. Tonight we will meet with the President of Armenia and Tuesday. Rouhani also mentioned plans to meet Kazakh, Russian and Singaporean officials at the Eurasian summit in Yerevan, and noted that this is an opportunity to meet with the member-states, those who are official members, and countries such as Singapore that later joined.
Entekhab wrote that Rouhani on Monday night, during a trip to Armenia to attend the Eurasian Economic Union summit, at a meeting with Armenian President Armen Sarkissian, said that Tehran and Yerevan have always had friendly and intimate relations. The country is on the path of growth and development, President Rouhani said, adding, "Developing and strengthening more relations with all neighboring countries, including Armenia, is one of the principles of the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran." Rouhani considered the cultural and historical commonalities of the two nations as an opportunity to establish lasting comprehensive relations between the two countries, and said that the Islamic Republic of Iran and Armenia have wide capacities and potentials in various fields such as energy transit and tourism, tourism and they have industries that can be exploited to serve the interests of both nations.
President Rouhani, heading to Yerevan as the Interim Free Trade Agreement between Iran and Eurasia, entered the operational and operational phase on October 26, the Etemad daily reported. In the last three years, the debate over Iran's accession to the Union was pursued with greater speed and focus, and the Parliament finally approved the accession to the Union on January 27, 2019, according to which Iran had been an interim member of the union for three years, the country will be admitted as a permanent member of the free trade zone if sakeholders agree with its admission. The use of trade tariffs, investment opportunities and facilitation of economic relations with the member-states of the Union is a summary of the benefits of Iran's membership in the Eurasian Economic Union. According to some experts, Iran's trade balance with all the member-states of the union is negative, but membership in the union could facilitate Iran's export process and provide new markets for Iranian goods.
The latest data released by the International Trade Center (ITC) on the status of Iran's trade with the Eurasian Economic Union indicates that Iran's total exports to the eight countries in the union last year amounted to $1.9 million And in contrast, exports of Eurasian Union member states to Iran amounted to about $1.5 billion per year. Among the members of the Eurasian Economic Union, Iran has the highest imports from Russia at $1.5 billion and the least imports from Kyrgyzstan at nearly $5 million. Most of Iran's exports to the union were registered in Russia last year ($ 1.9 million), and Iran's least exports were to Belarus ($1.1 million). According to statistics from the International Trade Center, about 4.9 percent of these countries' imports were from Iran. Also, among the member-states of the Union, Iran's share of the country's import demand (about 3.7 percent) was higher than that of other countries, and about 5 percent of its exports to Iran.
In his meeting with his Iranian counterpart, the Armenian president also emphasized that his country attaches great importance to the further development of relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran. The Armenian President said that Armenia is looking forward to further development of relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran. This is especially true in the economic, industrial, energy and environmental fields. The President of Armenia said that the activity of the Eurasian region could be bigger than the current situation and in this regard it is ready to fully develop relations with Tehran and we fully welcome the activation of free zones.
Hektorović- Posts : 26373
Re: Iran ulazi u Euroazijsku Uniju
AssadNaPodmornici wrote:Hektorović wrote:AlfaOmega wrote:Svi oni vape da izrokaju Iran, ali kad se okruže savitnicima oko sebe sa nešt više sive mase u glavi, brzo odustanu od takvih ideja.
Problem ješto i Iran može rokati
najveći problem je što Iranu odgovara rat i želi da ga se izroka, sa druge strane Trumpu ne odgovara rat, zašto da pokreće rat, kada mu kod kuće "glava visi" , demokrati ,elita i mediji ga pokušavaju srušiti non stop, jebe se njega za Iran itd. Isto tako rat bi mu narušio rejting, zato je paradoxalna situacija, da Iran želi se ratovati sa USA , a USA ne želi
Iranska elita (ajtolasi i pripadajući sloj kapitalista i vjerskih vođa) treba rat , da mlado nezadovoljno iransko stanovništvo dovede u red.. U Iranu je kao u Hrvatskoj na kvadrat, vlada žestoka korupcija, Iranski HDZ žive kao u haremu(bila je ona grupa "rich kids of teherean" ) a obične irance panduri hapse radi loše postavljene marame ili nekih pizdarija.. a elita šmrče koku i kurva se i pije alkohol.. i ništa. .. plus deru ih sankcije jebeno, inflacija , mladi su nezaposleni, nemogu priuštiti familije niti stan - zato je iranski natalitet pao na europsku razinu, doslovno sve manje se nove dice rađa, mladima je sex financijski nemoguć, i frustrirani su.
iduća ekonomska kriza i Iranska elita će završiti kao Šah i njegova elita.. zato Irancima treba rat, da se uvede izvarendno stanje, da se mlade usmjeri na mržnju prema vanjskom neprijatelju, plus tu je vjerski fanatizam vladajućih koji očekuju neki konačni rat itd..
Eh ssada koliko će ih izvući ova EuroAzijska unija, u cijeloj toj Euroazijskoj uniji, cijela ta EUAzijska unija ima manji izvoz industrijske robe sa dodatnom vrijednosti nego jedna Poljska.. sankcije ih za sada jebački deru
S druge strane, čitava drka u Ukrajini je bila da ne uđe u EEU jer se vjerovalo da bi je to pretjerano osnažilo...
Sad umjesto Ukrajine ulazi Iran, sa svojih 80 milijuna i ogromnim resursima on prestvavlja i bolju akviziciju.
Za Putina je veliki win da se Iran snažnije vezuje za Rusiju, kao i Kina... ostalo je jedino želja i za boljom integracjom sa Japanom pa da ima osigurano sve osim zapadnih granica.
Isto tako ovo osnažuje samu EEU pošto više Rusija neće dominirati nad ostalim članicama, sad zajedno sa Iranom skoro da imaju polovinu stanovništva. Uzbekistan, Tađikistan, Turkmenistan bi sad mogli pristupiti pošto sa Iranom EEU više ne izgleda kao neki Ruski neoimperijalni projekt.
Sam Iran može biti konukrentan, a Rusko tržište je jako blizu, imaju direktnu vezu preko Kaspijskog mora...
Hektorović- Posts : 26373
Re: Iran ulazi u Euroazijsku Uniju
MOSCOW, April 23. /TASS/. Israel has resumed talks on a free trade zone agreement with the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), Israeli ambassador to Russia Harry Koren said on Monday.
"Today we have resumed negotiations on preparation of a free trade zone agreement with member-states of the Eurasian Economic Union," the diplomat said.
"Today we have resumed negotiations on preparation of a free trade zone agreement with member-states of the Eurasian Economic Union," the diplomat said.
Hektorović- Posts : 26373
Re: Iran ulazi u Euroazijsku Uniju
Sad će USa uvesti sankcije pa iran i rusija neće imati što jesti.
epikur37- Posts : 45339
Re: Iran ulazi u Euroazijsku Uniju
Sve su to gluposti. Sad će se podržat Kurdi da destabiliziraju Iran i Tursku.
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Iran ulazi u Euroazijsku Uniju
10% stanovništva , oko osam miljuna ljudi.
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Iran ulazi u Euroazijsku Uniju
Carinske unije :
Ono šta je zanimljivo je da izlaskom V.B iz EU evropska carinska unija je manja i slabija a ova euroazijska dobiva Iran i postaje jača i veća.
Ono šta je zanimljivo je da izlaskom V.B iz EU evropska carinska unija je manja i slabija a ova euroazijska dobiva Iran i postaje jača i veća.
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Iran ulazi u Euroazijsku Uniju
epikur37 wrote:Sad će USa uvesti sankcije pa iran i rusija neće imati što jesti.
Očito fali sankcija
Hektorović- Posts : 26373
Re: Iran ulazi u Euroazijsku Uniju
epikur37 wrote:Sad će USa uvesti sankcije pa iran i rusija neće imati što jesti.
Russia's Net Public Debt Falls to Zero
Despite low oil prices, Russia Inc. is accumulating money quickly again as it has become a lot more profitable than it was in the noughties.
Ben Aris for bne IntelliNewsSep. 11, 2019Russian President Vladimir Putin has a bee in his bonnet about debt. Having lived through the 1998 crisis when Russia’s financial system was wiped out for the want of a few billion dollars to meet the government’s obligations, there has been a strong “never again” meme that has run through the Kremlin’s financial policy.
Amongst the first things that Putin did when he came to power in 2000 was pay off all Russia’s debt to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) early and then shortly afterwards the so-called London and Paris Club debts left over from the Soviet Union days. During the boom years Putin signed off on former Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin’s plan to ring fence several reserve funds that amazingly were kept away from greedy oligarchs and profligate Duma deputies.
This February Putin crowed in his state of the nation speech that Russia’s cash reserves had grown so big the country can now cover its external debt dollar-for-dollar with cash as Russia’s gross international reserves (GIR) overtook the external debt for the first time ever.
bne IntelliNews
Now the country has gone to the next level. Russia’s net public debt has fallen to zero for the first time since the introduction of sanctions and the collapse of oil prices, reports RBC.
Public debt is the broadest definition of debt and includes the more narrowly defined external debt, as well as the domestic debts of the government, the regions and the municipalities. As of Aug. 1 the total state debt was 16.2 trillion rubles ($248 billion) or 15% of GDP and equivalent to what the government takes in each year in total as taxes. The amount the state has in cash in deposits with the Central Bank was 17.6 trillion rubles ($269 billion) on the same date, or 16.2% of GDP.
“In other words, if Russia suddenly needed to pay off all its debts immediately, it could do it just by dipping into the cash on account at the government deposits with the Central Bank and commercial banks,” writes Ivan Tkachev, the economics editor at RBC.
Although oil prices are much lower than their boom years peak of some $150, Russia Inc is accumulating money quickly again as it has become a lot more profitable than it was in the noughties. In the noughties the breakeven price of oil for the budget was $115 per barrel but now that has fallen to around $41, so while the prices are lower Russia’s profit margin is wider.
The gross international reserves increased sharply in 2018 and are likely to increase at the same pace this year, reports RBC. The volume of cash currency and cash on deposits in the general government accounts in 2018 grew by a record 3.87 trillion rubles ($59 billion), according to Rosstat data on national accounts — an all time record gain in a single year.
bne IntelliNews
But Russia’s campaign to drive down debt has come at a cost. The austerity that comes with not leveraging up the country's economic potential and borrowing a bit more carries the price of slow growth, say analysts. Russia could have increased its total debt by half without threatening financial stability and used the extra money to boost growth and end the stagnation, according to analysts at Sberbank CIB, but won’t as long as it is in a de facto economic war with the US.
Russia’s uniquely low net debt
Russia’s zero net public debt makes it unique amongst the major economies of the world, but it is not debt free and this does not include the commercial debt, which in Russia’s case makes up eight out of every ten dollars of its total gross debt.
However, even including the commercial debt into the calculation, Russia still comes out way ahead of the rest of the world. Most countries ran up huge bills as they borrowed heavily to stave off recession following the 2008 global financial crisis, caused by the implosion of the US sub-prime mortgage market and its mortgage backed securities.
Developed world economies are running total gross debt to GDP ratios of around 200% of GDP or more and global gross debt is currently at a record high. Total global gross debt topped $184 billion at the end of 2017, or 225% of global GDP, according to the IMF.
In per capita terms that is $86,000 of debt per person on the planet, or the equivalent of two and a half times the average annual income of all the people in the world on average. In Russia there is a mere $900 of gross total debt per capita, or slightly more than the equivalent of one month’s salary.
While Russia’s total public debt is around 15% of GDP its total gross debt is 84% of GDP of which 81% is privately owned debt, according to the IMF. The difference is that while developed markets, with their sophisticated financial sectors, maintain only small international foreign exchange reserves, as they can finance imports using financial instruments, the emerging markets tend to keep at least three months of reserves on account as a buffer against external shocks. In Russia’s case these reserves topped $500 billion earlier this year for the first time since the Crimean sanctions were imposed, which is enough to pay for 13.5 months of imports — vastly in excess of what economists believe is needed to ensure the stability of the national currency.
For comparison the U.S. is now one of the biggest debtors in the world, both in nominal and relative terms with a gross debt (private and public) equivalent to 256% of GDP of which 58% is privately owned, according to the IMF. As the chart shows, all of the developed markets have significantly higher debt than the emerging markets, with Japan as the outlier with almost 400% of GDP of total debt.
Hektorović- Posts : 26373
Re: Iran ulazi u Euroazijsku Uniju
Dakle Rusija ne da nema duga, nego skuplja lovu... za crne dane... i to nakon 5 godina sankcija...
Hektorović- Posts : 26373
Re: Iran ulazi u Euroazijsku Uniju
Putin vodi sposobnu ekonomsku politiku.. samo je problem ostala korupcija u Rusiji.. ali fiskalna i monetarna politika im je top.. korupcija teško da će otići, u rusiji je to čak gore nego u RHHektorović wrote:Dakle Rusija ne da nema duga, nego skuplja lovu... za crne dane... i to nakon 5 godina sankcija...
AssadNaPodmornici- Posts : 22267
Re: Iran ulazi u Euroazijsku Uniju
Zamisli da HDZ ima 500 milijardi dolara na državnom računu.AssadNaPodmornici wrote:Putin vodi sposobnu ekonomsku politiku.. samo je problem ostala korupcija u Rusiji.. ali fiskalna i monetarna politika im je top.. korupcija teško da će otići, u rusiji je to čak gore nego u RHHektorović wrote:Dakle Rusija ne da nema duga, nego skuplja lovu... za crne dane... i to nakon 5 godina sankcija...
Rusija je lako mogla nakon 2014 završiti kao Venezuela. Tome su se i nadali...
Hektorović- Posts : 26373
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