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Hungary and Poland say no to LGBTIQ

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Hungary and Poland say no to LGBTIQ Empty Hungary and Poland say no to LGBTIQ

Post by Guest 9/12/2018, 18:47

Spat highlights widening rift on questions of fundamental values.


12/7/18, 4:04 AM CET
Updated 12/9/18, 1:30 PM CET

"A Europe that protects" is Austria's motto for its presidency of the Council of the EU. But it couldn't agree to protect everyone.
Hungary and Poland on Thursday torpedoed a joint statement by EU employment and social affairs ministers intended to promote gender equity in the digital era because of objections to a reference to LGBTIQ, the initialism intended to cover the fullest panorama of gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer and questioning individuals.
Having failed to achieve unanimity, and facing a revolt from EU countries that said they would no longer tolerate the actions of Warsaw and Budapest, Austria adopted the text with the reference to LGBTIQ included. But in EU jargon it was classified as "presidential conclusions" which do not carry the legal weight of formal Council conclusions.
It was an outcome that left no one particularly happy and highlighted the widening rift on questions of fundamental values that has divided Poland and Hungary from the rest of the bloc.
Both countries are facing so-called Article 7 disciplinary proceedings for allegedly violating EU democratic norms. The European Commission is seeking to sanction Poland because of controversial changes to the country's judicial system, while the European Parliament has brought Hungary up on charges of undermining judicial independence, freedom of expression, and the rights of minorities. The Parliament also cited public corruption and maltreatment of migrants and refugees in its case against Hungary.
“LGBTIQ inclusion and equality are core values of our European Union" — Wouter Koolmees, Dutch minister for social affairs and employment
The Polish and Hungarian governments have rejected those charges, and insisted that their positions largely reflect the values of their conservative societies. But repeated efforts by the two governments to water down language that would protect at-risk groups has infuriated other EU countries who see Warsaw and Budapest advocating flagrant discrimination against minorities and indefensible disregard for fundamental human rights.
The Polish and Hungarian governments did not respond to requests for comment.
“LGBTIQ inclusion and equality are core values of our European Union," the Dutch minister for social affairs and employment, Wouter Koolmees, said in a statement. "This is where I draw the line. We will never compromise our principles. This is not up for discussion and should have never been an issue for any member state. So I am happy that the reference is back in the text. Although I do regret we were not able to adopt them as Council conclusions.”
Some EU countries were seething that the Austrian presidency initially buckled to Hungary and Poland's objections and put forward an alternative text that removed the LGBTIQ reference, but included vaguer language referring to "genetic features" and "sexual orientation."
A spokeswoman for the Austrian presidency said the complaints were unjustified and noted that its original proposal included the LGBTIQ reference, as did the final version adopted by the presidency.
Hungary and Poland say no to LGBTIQ GettyImages-865535776-714x403

Netherlands Prime Minister Mark Rutte (R) speaks with Minister of Social Affairs and Employment Wouter Koolmees at The Stadhouderskamer in The Hague | Bas Czerwinsk/AFP via Getty Images

"The debates were really tough in the beginning," the spokeswoman said. "There were obviously states that have issues with the mention of LGBTIQ and of course our aim was to ensure that we have the Council conclusions." She added, "We really tried to find common ground here. If you have member states that block it, I think it's unfair to project that on the presidency."
The language as adopted by Austria calls on EU countries "to support young people in strengthening their digital competences and self-confidence in using digital technologies as well as in improving their online and social media literacy by ... taking steps to create and support an inclusive, safe and non-discriminatory online space for all ... including young people of low socio-economic status, young people from ethnic minorities including Roma, young persons with disabilities, young people in rural areas, young people with a migrant background and young LGBTIQ persons."
But the fight seemed less over the precise text than over broader frustration by many EU countries with persistent obstruction by Poland and Hungary on similar issues.
“The signal this stance sends to minorities is certainly not encouraging" — EU Diplomat
At a meeting of EU justice ministers in October, for instance, Poland blocked Council conclusions on the state of human rights in the EU over similar objections.
“The omission of the reference to LGBTIQ would undermine our goal of inclusion and respect for diversity," one EU diplomat said.
A second EU diplomat lamented the dispute. “The signal this stance sends to minorities is certainly not encouraging," the second diplomat said. "But those two countries are quite isolated in their approach to LGBTI rights. All the more important that the other EU member states take a stand to defend European values."
Countries, including the Netherlands and Malta, that were angered by Austria's willingness to negotiate with Poland and Hungary, put forward a separate document calling on the Commission to develop and implement a broader strategy to guarantee the fundamental rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex persons.
That document was endorsed by 19 EU countries. But in a sign of how the debate can get caught up, even in potentially unintended technicalities, the non-paper inexplicably left out the Q — questioning or queer individuals.



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Hungary and Poland say no to LGBTIQ Empty Re: Hungary and Poland say no to LGBTIQ

Post by Guest 9/12/2018, 20:12

Geje hiperventiliraju..forumski geje na aparatah... lol!

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Hungary and Poland say no to LGBTIQ Empty Re: Hungary and Poland say no to LGBTIQ

Post by catabbath 9/12/2018, 20:14

Meanwhile in Croatia


Gej par poslao pismo vladajućima: Ne možemo udomiti dijete, tužit ćemo Hrvatsku

Hungary and Poland say no to LGBTIQ Fb_img10

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Hungary and Poland say no to LGBTIQ Empty Re: Hungary and Poland say no to LGBTIQ

Post by Guest 9/12/2018, 20:17

hoće Pederi posto poto seksualnu igracku....ccccc.... :cleanteeth

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Hungary and Poland say no to LGBTIQ Empty Re: Hungary and Poland say no to LGBTIQ

Post by Guest 9/12/2018, 20:24

Geje u ofenzivi... lol! lol! lol!

Hungary and Poland say no to LGBTIQ IvoiMladen1200pxcrol
Ivo Šegota (lijevo) i Mladen Kožić (desno)Foto: Crol.hr

MLADEN Kožić i Ivo Šegota poslali su otvoreno pismo vladi, saboru i ministrici Nadi Murganić.
"Naša obitelj odlučila je poslati čestitku Vladi RH povodom Zakona o udomiteljstvu. Mi smo par koji je prošao stručnu evaluaciju za udomitelje ali je zaustavljen političkim dekretom nakon čega smo tužili RH zbog diskriminacije", stoji u mailu koji je ovaj gej par uputio na adrese svih medija.
Njihovo pismo prenosimo u cijelosti:
"Zahvaljujemo vam što ste temu udomiteljstva i djece bez prikladne roditeljske skrbi doveli u središte javnog interesa posljednjih mjeseci. Svi ćemo se složiti da se snaga društva mjeri odnosom prema najslabijima, a to su u ovom slučaju djeca.
Zajedno s udomiteljskom zajednicom i strukom, radujemo se jučerašnjem donošenju Zakona o udomiteljstvu te vam zahvaljujemo što ste prepoznali važnost donošenja novog Zakona.
Međutim, istim tim zakonom kojim ste mnogima donijeli radost, drugima ste uzeli nadu. Odbijajući uvrstiti obiteljske zajednice životnih partnera u zakon, strahujući od potencijalne dodatne stigmatizacije djece, upravo ste Vi stigmu dodatno učvrstili i dali joj pravni okvir. Proglašavajući obiteljsku zajednicu životnih partnera neželjenom udomiteljskom obitelji, ne samo da ste onemogućili djeci u domovima pristup najvećem mogućem broju potencijalnih kvalificiranih udomitelja, nego ste stigmatizirali sve postojeće dugine obitelji u Hrvatskoj.
"U Hrvatskoj već žive brojne dugine obitelji, mnoge s djecom"

U Hrvatskoj već žive brojne dugine obitelji od kojih mnoge s djecom. Vašim izjavama tijekom javne i saborske rasprave posljednjih mjeseci u kojima ste opetovano ponavljali kako će djeca u duginim obiteljima patiti zbog tradicionalne okoline nanijeli ste veliku štetu djeci u našim obiteljima. Takav stav temeljite na vlastitim strahovima i to je posve razumljivo. Ali neprihvatljivo. Vi ste na poziciji koja zahtjeva odgovornost, a temeljiti stav na vlastitim strahovima i projicirati svoj strah u javne politike je u najmanju ruku neodgovorno. Vaši strahovi nemaju uporište niti u znanstvenim činjenicama, niti u svakodnevnom životu. Pitajte naše obitelji, pitajte našu djecu, pitajte naše znanstvenike i stručnjake. Vi ste ozakonili vaše strahove, ozakonili ste antiznanstvene stavove narugavši se stručnjacima koji su javno branili znanstvene nalaze iz 19 tisuća znanstvenih publikacija koje potvrđuju kako je dobrobit djeteta u duginim obiteljima usporediva sa dobrobiti djeteta u dominantom tipu obitelju. Vjerujem da vam to nije bio cilj, ali vi ste posljedično ozakonili stigmatizaciju djece u duginim obiteljima.
Pritom ste stigmatizirali majke i očeve svih nas u životnom partnerstvu. Kako da objasnimo našim majkama da ste njihovu djecu označili kao osobe koje nisu sposobne pružiti socijalnu skrb, koje nisu sposobne brinuti o drugom čovjeku, djetetu, srodniku ili starijoj osobi? Istovremeno, stručni tim Centra za socijalnu skrb procijenio je našu obitelj poželjnim kandidatom za udomiteljsku obitelj.  Vi, naši saborski zastupnici i naši ministri, odlučili ste zanijekati mišljenje struke, narugavši se našim majkama i očevima, strahom ste ispunili javni prostor i strah ste ozakonili. Život vođen strahom, kao i zakon temeljen na strahu, ne pruža mogućnost osobnog niti društvenog rasta. To je život preživljavanja koji ne nudi nadu. A vi ste svjesno preuzeli ulogu onih koji ne nude nadu svima koji se ne uklapaju u vaš svijet.
"Vrijeme je da prestanete biti predstavnici samo jedne vrste obitelji"
Vi imate odgovornost skrbiti o svim obiteljima u Hrvatskoj uključujući jednoroditeljske, udomiteljske, posvojiteljske, dugine itd. Vi ste i naši saborski zastupnici, naši ministri, Ministarstvo obitelji je i naše ministarstvo. Prema istraživanju GfK iz 2016. obitelj je vrijednost br.1 u Hrvatskoj. Kako je moguće da vrijednost koju svi dijelimo biva privatizirana privilegija koja pripada samo onima koje vi označite prikladnima, kako je moguće da ozakonite isključivanje jedne obiteljske zajednice iz niza zakona? Vrijeme je da prestanete biti predstavnici samo jedne vrste obitelji i da preuzmete odgovornost za sve obitelji. Hrvatska treba biti zemlja koja poštuje, prihvaća i slavi sve obitelji.

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Hungary and Poland say no to LGBTIQ Empty Re: Hungary and Poland say no to LGBTIQ

Post by T. 9/12/2018, 20:31

To nije put kojim hrvatska želi ići...
Hrvatska želi ići putem tolerancije, uključivosti i poštivanja ljudskih prava...

Hungary and Poland say no to LGBTIQ 60810

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Hungary and Poland say no to LGBTIQ Empty Re: Hungary and Poland say no to LGBTIQ

Post by Guest 9/12/2018, 20:33

ebi ga..sudbina je u vasim rukama..ne kriti ručice iza ledja... :cleanteeth

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Hungary and Poland say no to LGBTIQ Empty Re: Hungary and Poland say no to LGBTIQ

Post by Oh_Femder 9/12/2018, 21:02

pismejker wrote:Hungary and Poland say no to LGBTIQ GettyImages-865535776-714x403

Netherlands Prime Minister Mark Rutte...
Super je taj Rutte. U sred srijede Niskozemske, najtolerantnije zemlje po pitanju pederluka, ali ne bi taj javno priznao da voli mlade dečke pa da ga siluje čopor napaljenih ninfomanki ;D

Hungary and Poland say no to LGBTIQ Mark-rutte-gay

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Hungary and Poland say no to LGBTIQ Empty Re: Hungary and Poland say no to LGBTIQ

Post by Guest 9/12/2018, 23:04

Oh_Femder wrote:
pismejker wrote:Hungary and Poland say no to LGBTIQ GettyImages-865535776-714x403

Netherlands Prime Minister Mark Rutte...
Super je taj Rutte. U sred srijede Niskozemske, najtolerantnije zemlje po pitanju pederluka, ali ne bi taj javno priznao da voli mlade dečke pa da ga siluje čopor napaljenih ninfomanki ;D

Hungary and Poland say no to LGBTIQ Mark-rutte-gay
yahh..ti mu iskocio iz kreveta??...hajd dojmovi..;D :clown

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