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Izbjeglice Šveđanima: ‘Kršćani, preobratite se na islam ili umrite! Kalifat je ovdje!"

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Izbjeglice Šveđanima: ‘Kršćani, preobratite se na islam ili umrite! Kalifat je ovdje!" - Page 2 Empty Re: Izbjeglice Šveđanima: ‘Kršćani, preobratite se na islam ili umrite! Kalifat je ovdje!"

Post by AlfaOmega Fri 16 Oct - 21:32

Bit ćemo previše zaglibljeni u materijalizam tad, i onda ćemo opet izmisliti neku religiju. Kak god okreneš, ne valja vuče. No


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Izbjeglice Šveđanima: ‘Kršćani, preobratite se na islam ili umrite! Kalifat je ovdje!" - Page 2 Empty Re: Izbjeglice Šveđanima: ‘Kršćani, preobratite se na islam ili umrite! Kalifat je ovdje!"

Post by Guest Fri 16 Oct - 21:35

AlfaOmega wrote:Bit ćemo previše zaglibljeni u materijalizam tad, i onda ćemo opet izmisliti neku religiju. Kak god okreneš, ne valja vuče. No
Ne, sada ćete biti natjerani da shvatite svoju zaglibljenost materijalnošću...

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Izbjeglice Šveđanima: ‘Kršćani, preobratite se na islam ili umrite! Kalifat je ovdje!" - Page 2 Empty Re: Izbjeglice Šveđanima: ‘Kršćani, preobratite se na islam ili umrite! Kalifat je ovdje!"

Post by Guest Fri 16 Oct - 21:36

ko se tome nije nadao ?  migracija je razorila one preko bare,
a sad je red na ....... crkva nije resila temeljan problem savremene
evropske civilizacije. kako sacuvati spiritus movens na širem društvenom
nivou. da interesi zajednice budu pojednako bitni kao i principi
konformizama, u biću svakog coveka. hriscanstvo je se tokom vekova
drobilo, postalo porozno, razjedinjeno. nemoj niko da se cudi, po tim
savovima neki daleki narodi grade svoju politiku. nemoj da idemo
previse daleko. englezi više zaziru od rusa nego od nekih koji im
satarama jure vojnike po londonu. nepostoji ni jedan dovoljno jak
razlog koji sme da uspori hrišćanski ekumenizam. to je cilj koji mora
da se ostvari, ubrzano, bez komentarisanja stavova koji se tome protive.
neveznao da li su oni interni ili externi. evropa mora da gradi, ubrzano
duh zajedništa. ako su temelji evrope, istorijski,  atina i rim,
onda mora na tome da gradi i svoju sadašnjost i budućnost. ako podeljenost
izmedju  rima i atine nije postojala u vremenu pre I.H. kako to da  ON, bude
nešto što razjedinjuje, kada se radi o univerzalnom jedinstvu. koliko ja kapiram.

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Izbjeglice Šveđanima: ‘Kršćani, preobratite se na islam ili umrite! Kalifat je ovdje!" - Page 2 Empty Re: Izbjeglice Šveđanima: ‘Kršćani, preobratite se na islam ili umrite! Kalifat je ovdje!"

Post by Guest Fri 16 Oct - 21:38

Shvatite sada, ovo je nemoguća situacija...Miješanje toliko kultura...Zaboravili ste svoju esenciju...Velika većina vas to nije shvatila...Čak niti kapitalisti koji u ovome svemu vide brojnu radnu snagu...Oh, kako griješe...

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Izbjeglice Šveđanima: ‘Kršćani, preobratite se na islam ili umrite! Kalifat je ovdje!" - Page 2 Empty Re: Izbjeglice Šveđanima: ‘Kršćani, preobratite se na islam ili umrite! Kalifat je ovdje!"

Post by RayMabus Sat 17 Oct - 6:24

Izbjeglice Šveđanima: ‘Kršćani, preobratite se na islam ili umrite! Kalifat je ovdje!" - Page 2 Article-2330247-19F7006C000005DC-935_634x378

imigranti zapalili stotine automobila stokholm gori

SWEDEN BURNS: 1000s of migrants torch Capital

By Mathius Spooner -
October 7, 2015

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Izbjeglice Šveđanima: ‘Kršćani, preobratite se na islam ili umrite! Kalifat je ovdje!" - Page 2 Article-2330247-19FA7694000005DC-941_308x185
It is supposed to be the model multicultural state. But Sweden is facing problems of its own after gangs of immigrants spent a fifth consecutive night rioting in Stockholm.
Officers are battling to keep the capital under control after hundreds of cars were torched, a police station set alight and fire services kept from a major blaze by a stone-throwing mob of youths.
To make matters worse, rioting has now spread to Sweden’s two other major cities, Gothenburg and Malmo.
The disturbances, which have lasted longer than the riots in England in the summer of 2011, started last week after police shot dead a foreign-born pensioner who threatened to attack them with a machete.
Left-wing activists came forward to accuse police of racism – a charge strongly denied by the Stockholm force.
Growing unrest turned to violence last Sunday in a north-western suburb called Husby – where more than 80 per cent of the residents are from overseas, mostly Turkey, Somalia and the Middle East.
Trouble then spread to some of the city’s most deprived areas, shattering the country’s proud claim that it is a template for a successful and ethnically diverse society.
On Thursday night there were 90 separate blazes in the capital. Thirty cars were torched and there were eight arrests – mostly of people in their early 20s.
In earlier attacks, groups of up to 100 rioters targeted schools, nurseries and shops – breaking windows and setting buildings ablaze.
In Skogas, south of Stockholm, emergency services were kept from a fire in a restaurant when a gang of youths pelted fire engines with rocks.
And in nearby Ragsved a violent mob set fire to a police station – the second to come under attack in two days.
Lars Bystrom, a Stockholm police spokesman, said: ‘Such fires are mainly lit to lure the police to the scene, who are then attacked.’
He admitted officers have been forced to change their tactics, saying: ‘Now if there is a small fire that is not likely to spread, and there is no risk to life, we will send out a patrol and keep an eye on it from a distance.
‘But we are not going to bring in the fire brigade unless it’s really dangerous.’



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