Argentina: Povećanja poreza i pristojbi te kozmetičke reforme vode državu u propast
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Argentina: Povećanja poreza i pristojbi te kozmetičke reforme vode državu u propast
[size=36]Incrementalism Has Failed Argentina[/size]
A protester in Buenos Aires protests the IMF during the "corralito," the 2001-2002 freezing of bank deposits. (Wikimedia)
Argentine President Mauricio Macri has had a tough week of his own making. He let down supporters with a bogus austerity package that includes cosmetic cuts and new taxes that will harm Argentina’s economic recovery.
One federation of farmers has called the higher export tariffs on products such as soybeans, corn, and maize “a betrayal.” These tariffs were the staple of the previous Cristina Kirchner administration, and Macri campaigned to eventually eliminate them due to the distortions they create in the economy.
During a televised address to the country on Monday, Macri asked farmers to “make a sacrifice” for the common good. He called the tariffs “very bad,” but he claimed that international conditions left him no choice in the face of a growing fiscal deficit.
There was a glimmer of hope due to rumors that a new economy minister would change course toward less government intervention. That hope died as Macri confirmed Nicolás Dujovne on Monday.
Another measure that has angered Argentine centrists and liberals alike was the introduction of a new tax on software exports. Franco Amati, a blockchain entrepreneur and bitcoin enthusiast, says[/url] of the new tariff: “Not even the Kirchneristas dared to do this. Trust [in the Macri administration] is completely broken, even among his base voters.“
Equally disappointing was the hollow announcement that over half of the central government’s ministries (12 out of 22) would be eliminated. The Macri administration has admitted that this is a political stunt: it implies no significant savings, since no layoffs or budget cuts are in the plan. Instead, former ministries such as of Health, Energy, Tourism, and Science will become “secretaries” under the authority of the remaining ministries—their payrolls intact.
The so-called austerity package comes after the Argentine peso tumbled around 20 percent last week. So far this year, the national currency has lost half of its value against the US dollar. In response, the central bank raised interest rates to the highest in the world: 60 percent, up from 45 percent. That means credit for struggling and small businesses is much more expensive.
On Tuesday, US President Donald Trump publicly backed Macri’s efforts. Support from the United States is key to securing the expedited $50 billion loan Argentina has been requesting from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The loan comes with strings attached, most notably a reduction in the fiscal deficit. Macri pledged to go beyond that and balance the budget in 2019 and then achieve a 1 percent surplus in 2020.
If only. Last year, the government set an annual inflation target of 12 percent for 2018. In May, it grudgingly revised the number to 15 percent. Private forecasts now predict the annual inflation rate will go past 40 percent, among the world’s highest. The Macri administration acknowledges that another recession is unfolding, as GDP will fall by 1 percent this year.
When the Argentine government announced on August 30 that it would ask the IMF for an early release of the loan, it triggered the opposite of trust. Markets still remember the 2001 debacle after Argentina defaulted on her debt; the government froze bank accounts; and social chaos ensued. The IMF and other lenders had to bail out the country, effectively stiffing investors who held sovereign bonds.
The currency crisis is just the latest example of Argentine politicians wanting to have it both ways. They want to reform a dysfunctional economy without incurring the necessary social and political costs. Argentina used to be one of the richest countries on Earth. Now her GDP is less than the market cap of Amazon, a single company founded less than 25 years ago in a garage.
Yet they don’t learn the lesson of their own history. Macri’s so-called austerity package is anything but. Alberto Benegas Lynch, one of the country’s leading liberal intellectuals, penned an open letter asking Macri not to attempt reelection. He urged the president to instead make the hard choices needed to fix the economy and then go home.
Indeed, that would be the best way out—only if it weren’t so far-fetched. The renowned economist should know that there is little incentive for politicians to engage in the kind of romantic self-sacrifice that Macri is demanding of the Argentine people. At the end of the day, it’s not the president’s savings or livelihood that are on the line.
No One Trusts Mauricio Macri’s Not-So-Austere Austerity
A protester in Buenos Aires protests the IMF during the "corralito," the 2001-2002 freezing of bank deposits. (Wikimedia)
- Daniel Duarte
- Sep, 08, 2018
Argentine President Mauricio Macri has had a tough week of his own making. He let down supporters with a bogus austerity package that includes cosmetic cuts and new taxes that will harm Argentina’s economic recovery.
One federation of farmers has called the higher export tariffs on products such as soybeans, corn, and maize “a betrayal.” These tariffs were the staple of the previous Cristina Kirchner administration, and Macri campaigned to eventually eliminate them due to the distortions they create in the economy.
During a televised address to the country on Monday, Macri asked farmers to “make a sacrifice” for the common good. He called the tariffs “very bad,” but he claimed that international conditions left him no choice in the face of a growing fiscal deficit.
There was a glimmer of hope due to rumors that a new economy minister would change course toward less government intervention. That hope died as Macri confirmed Nicolás Dujovne on Monday.
Another measure that has angered Argentine centrists and liberals alike was the introduction of a new tax on software exports. Franco Amati, a blockchain entrepreneur and bitcoin enthusiast, says[/url] of the new tariff: “Not even the Kirchneristas dared to do this. Trust [in the Macri administration] is completely broken, even among his base voters.“
Equally disappointing was the hollow announcement that over half of the central government’s ministries (12 out of 22) would be eliminated. The Macri administration has admitted that this is a political stunt: it implies no significant savings, since no layoffs or budget cuts are in the plan. Instead, former ministries such as of Health, Energy, Tourism, and Science will become “secretaries” under the authority of the remaining ministries—their payrolls intact.
The so-called austerity package comes after the Argentine peso tumbled around 20 percent last week. So far this year, the national currency has lost half of its value against the US dollar. In response, the central bank raised interest rates to the highest in the world: 60 percent, up from 45 percent. That means credit for struggling and small businesses is much more expensive.
On Tuesday, US President Donald Trump publicly backed Macri’s efforts. Support from the United States is key to securing the expedited $50 billion loan Argentina has been requesting from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The loan comes with strings attached, most notably a reduction in the fiscal deficit. Macri pledged to go beyond that and balance the budget in 2019 and then achieve a 1 percent surplus in 2020.
Crisis Is the New Normal
There is just one problem: no one believes him. A lack of confidence in Macri’s gradualist or incrementalist strategy is what triggered the crisis in the first place. Instead of leveraging his 2015 electoral victory to tackle the deficit head-on, his administration took on more debt and tried to attract investors with assurances that Argentina was now a “normal” country.If only. Last year, the government set an annual inflation target of 12 percent for 2018. In May, it grudgingly revised the number to 15 percent. Private forecasts now predict the annual inflation rate will go past 40 percent, among the world’s highest. The Macri administration acknowledges that another recession is unfolding, as GDP will fall by 1 percent this year.
When the Argentine government announced on August 30 that it would ask the IMF for an early release of the loan, it triggered the opposite of trust. Markets still remember the 2001 debacle after Argentina defaulted on her debt; the government froze bank accounts; and social chaos ensued. The IMF and other lenders had to bail out the country, effectively stiffing investors who held sovereign bonds.
The currency crisis is just the latest example of Argentine politicians wanting to have it both ways. They want to reform a dysfunctional economy without incurring the necessary social and political costs. Argentina used to be one of the richest countries on Earth. Now her GDP is less than the market cap of Amazon, a single company founded less than 25 years ago in a garage.
Yet they don’t learn the lesson of their own history. Macri’s so-called austerity package is anything but. Alberto Benegas Lynch, one of the country’s leading liberal intellectuals, penned an open letter asking Macri not to attempt reelection. He urged the president to instead make the hard choices needed to fix the economy and then go home.
Indeed, that would be the best way out—only if it weren’t so far-fetched. The renowned economist should know that there is little incentive for politicians to engage in the kind of romantic self-sacrifice that Macri is demanding of the Argentine people. At the end of the day, it’s not the president’s savings or livelihood that are on the line.
Hektorović- Posts : 26373
Re: Argentina: Povećanja poreza i pristojbi te kozmetičke reforme vode državu u propast
Ma oni su davno prnili u potić
Nebitni su
Nebitni su
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Argentina: Povećanja poreza i pristojbi te kozmetičke reforme vode državu u propast
Budale idu krpati državu tako da oporezuju ono malo izvoza što je ostalo... Čak i naši domoljubi su ekonomski velemajstori prema ovima... Nekada spadala u najbogatije države svijeta koje je koketiranje sa socijalizmom totalno razjebalo
May Allah destroy Australia
AssadNaPodmornici- Posts : 22267
Re: Argentina: Povećanja poreza i pristojbi te kozmetičke reforme vode državu u propast
AssadNaPodmornici wrote:Nekada spadala u najbogatije države svijeta koje je koketiranje sa socijalizmom totalno razjebalo
Je, za vrijeme 2. s. rata (i nešto godina nakon završetka rata) kada su bili neutralni i kada su prodavali ogromne količine mesa svim zaraćenim stranama i tako se obogatili. Dakle, nekad bilo, sad se spominjalo.
Guest- Guest
Re: Argentina: Povećanja poreza i pristojbi te kozmetičke reforme vode državu u propast
AssadNaPodmornici wrote:Budale idu krpati državu tako da oporezuju ono malo izvoza što je ostalo... Čak i naši domoljubi su ekonomski velemajstori prema ovima... Nekada spadala u najbogatije države svijeta koje je koketiranje sa socijalizmom totalno razjebalo
Pa da, i to još lik koji je na izborima obećao prave reforme i manje poreze... Umjesto toga porezi na sve živo (ovo za software i izvoz je ludilo :O) i rezanje administracije preimenovanjem ministarstava u tajništva, bez ikakvih otpuštanja... koji as.
Ovako će opet bankrotirat...
Čardak se čini genijalcima.
Hektorović- Posts : 26373
Re: Argentina: Povećanja poreza i pristojbi te kozmetičke reforme vode državu u propast
May Allah destroy Australia
AssadNaPodmornici- Posts : 22267
Hektorović- Posts : 26373
Re: Argentina: Povećanja poreza i pristojbi te kozmetičke reforme vode državu u propast
Životariš od izvoza poljoprivrede, što napraviš, nabiješ na to porez :D
Hektorović- Posts : 26373
Hektorović- Posts : 26373
Re: Argentina: Povećanja poreza i pristojbi te kozmetičke reforme vode državu u propast
Ono kada su ti Stevo Culej i Njonjo doktori znanosti iz ekonomije prema nekim državama latinske Amerike.. Taj kontinet je zagriza teško u lijevo
May Allah destroy Australia
AssadNaPodmornici- Posts : 22267
Re: Argentina: Povećanja poreza i pristojbi te kozmetičke reforme vode državu u propast
A šta će ? A šta od njih očekuješ? Ma to ti je tamo sve jedno veliko ništaAssadNaPodmornici wrote:Ono kada su ti Stevo Culej i Njonjo doktori znanosti iz ekonomije prema nekim državama latinske Amerike.. Taj kontinet je zagriza teško u lijevo
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Argentina: Povećanja poreza i pristojbi te kozmetičke reforme vode državu u propast
AssadNaPodmornici wrote:Ono kada su ti Stevo Culej i Njonjo doktori znanosti iz ekonomije prema nekim državama latinske Amerike.. Taj kontinet je zagriza teško u lijevo
Pa ovaj Macri je biznismen, obećavao je oživljavnaje ekonomije liberalnim reformama i rezanjem poreza, kad ono...
Hektorović- Posts : 26373
Re: Argentina: Povećanja poreza i pristojbi te kozmetičke reforme vode državu u propast
A ono prc. Kada sjetim jedino tko je imao muda u svijetu napraviti ekonomske reforme zadnjih par godina su Putin i Trump zanimljivo.. Od značajnijih zemaljaHektorović wrote:AssadNaPodmornici wrote:Ono kada su ti Stevo Culej i Njonjo doktori znanosti iz ekonomije prema nekim državama latinske Amerike.. Taj kontinet je zagriza teško u lijevo
Pa ovaj Macri je biznismen, obećavao je oživljavnaje ekonomije liberalnim reformama i rezanjem poreza, kad ono...
AssadNaPodmornici- Posts : 22267
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