Kutak za rusofile
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Re: Kutak za rusofile
I ode Fedor sa srecom. Ovo je povijesni trenutak, jer ovi roboti ce ici na Mjesec da pripreme sve za dolazak ruske ljudske posade na Mjesec 2030te.
Ovo je svakako zanimljivije od budalastina raznih ustaskih debila i imbecila poput onog morona Glasnovica i njemu slicnih ustaskih kreatura.
Ovo je svakako zanimljivije od budalastina raznih ustaskih debila i imbecila poput onog morona Glasnovica i njemu slicnih ustaskih kreatura.
Ringo10- Posts : 21667
Re: Kutak za rusofile
Problemi sa pristajanjem Sojuza na ISS. Operacija pristajanja odgodjena 24 do 48 sati zbog nekakvog kvara necega ili nekakvog modula za navodjenje na samoj medjunarodnoj stanici. Jer sa Sojuzom je navodno sve u redu.
Kosmonauti ce zamijeniti taj modul i onda ponovo pokusati sa automatskim pristajanjem.
A ako ne bude moguce onda navodno postoji nekakav nacin za rucnu odnosno manualnu operaciju pristajanja.
Koliko sam uspio razumjeti.
Kosmonauti ce zamijeniti taj modul i onda ponovo pokusati sa automatskim pristajanjem.
A ako ne bude moguce onda navodno postoji nekakav nacin za rucnu odnosno manualnu operaciju pristajanja.
Koliko sam uspio razumjeti.
Ringo10- Posts : 21667
Re: Kutak za rusofile
Russian MMA Fighter Vitaly Minakov Knocks Out American Timothy Johnson at Bellator 225
Yehudim- Posts : 4913
Re: Kutak za rusofile
taj udarac nogom nije ocekivao,odlicna kombinacija,noga,pa desna,lijeva desna lijeva i to je to
Counter-Strike- Posts : 4231
Re: Kutak za rusofile
Drugi pokusaj pristajanja MS 14 na ISS sa robotom FEDOROM uspio savrseno.Ringo10 wrote:Problemi sa pristajanjem Sojuza na ISS. Operacija pristajanja odgodjena 24 do 48 sati zbog nekakvog kvara necega ili nekakvog modula za navodjenje na samoj medjunarodnoj stanici. Jer sa Sojuzom je navodno sve u redu.
Kosmonauti ce zamijeniti taj modul i onda ponovo pokusati sa automatskim pristajanjem.
A ako ne bude moguce onda navodno postoji nekakav nacin za rucnu odnosno manualnu operaciju pristajanja.
Koliko sam uspio razumjeti.
Nek je sa srecom jer ovo je znacajan dan za svemirska istrazivanja.
Ringo10- Posts : 21667
Re: Kutak za rusofile
Sutra je 15-godišnjica strašne tragedije u Beslanu u Južnoj Osetiji. 334 djece je sahranjeno u Gradu Andjela u Beslanu.
Teroristi finacirani, obučavani i naoružavani od strane raznih zapadnih službi i koje zapadni mediji nazivaju pobunjenicima i borcima za slobodu. I plaču za njima i daju im političke azile.
Teroristi finacirani, obučavani i naoružavani od strane raznih zapadnih službi i koje zapadni mediji nazivaju pobunjenicima i borcima za slobodu. I plaču za njima i daju im političke azile.
Ringo10- Posts : 21667
Re: Kutak za rusofile
Jedna zanimljiva istinita priča o rusko-američkim ujdurmama
Godine 1970, u Aprilu, Sovjetska mornarica je u Biskajskom Zalivu pokupila kapsulu Apolla. U to vrijeme se pisalo da je to neka izgubljena kapsula ali se kasnije u javnosti pojavile vijesti da je rijec o kapsuli Apolla 13 koji se upravo tada vracao na Zemlju.
Kapsula je bila potpuno prazna čak i bez toplotne zaštite. Priče kako je to tobože nekakva kapsula koja je nestala u svemiru 2 godine ranije malo ko je povjerovao a cijela priča je držana u tajnosti.
Kapsula je nakon nešto manje od godinu dana predata Amerikancima u Murmansku.
Po svemu sudeći Sovjeti su imali u rukama neoboriv dokaz falsifikacije Apollo misija.
Zašto su Sovjeti šutjeli. To je zagonetka, ali ruski naalitičari podjećaju da je tada Amerika počela otopljavanje sa SSSRom i žestoko odriješila kesu. SSSR je dobio ogromne količine žita skoro pa budzašto jer je tada u SSSR bila suša koja je uništila žetvu.
SSSr je tada primljen u gomilu međunarodnih ekonomski asocijacija i organizacija što su Amerikaci do tada kategorički odbijali da uopće razgovaraju o tome.
Amerika i Zapad su tada napravili gigantske investicije u ekonomiju SSSRa a navodno je i tvornica KAMAZ jedna od tih investicija.
Brežnjev i Nixon su u prijateljskoj atmosferi potpisali gomile sporazuma i ekonomskih i političkih a jedan od rezultata je i misija Apollo-Soyuz.
Nixon je Leonidu Brežnjevu poklonio luksuznu Lincoln Continental limuzinu.
I tako je krenuo DETANT.
Da, sve je to ... onako ... slučajno.
Godine 1970, u Aprilu, Sovjetska mornarica je u Biskajskom Zalivu pokupila kapsulu Apolla. U to vrijeme se pisalo da je to neka izgubljena kapsula ali se kasnije u javnosti pojavile vijesti da je rijec o kapsuli Apolla 13 koji se upravo tada vracao na Zemlju.
Kapsula je bila potpuno prazna čak i bez toplotne zaštite. Priče kako je to tobože nekakva kapsula koja je nestala u svemiru 2 godine ranije malo ko je povjerovao a cijela priča je držana u tajnosti.
Kapsula je nakon nešto manje od godinu dana predata Amerikancima u Murmansku.
Po svemu sudeći Sovjeti su imali u rukama neoboriv dokaz falsifikacije Apollo misija.
Zašto su Sovjeti šutjeli. To je zagonetka, ali ruski naalitičari podjećaju da je tada Amerika počela otopljavanje sa SSSRom i žestoko odriješila kesu. SSSR je dobio ogromne količine žita skoro pa budzašto jer je tada u SSSR bila suša koja je uništila žetvu.
SSSr je tada primljen u gomilu međunarodnih ekonomski asocijacija i organizacija što su Amerikaci do tada kategorički odbijali da uopće razgovaraju o tome.
Amerika i Zapad su tada napravili gigantske investicije u ekonomiju SSSRa a navodno je i tvornica KAMAZ jedna od tih investicija.
Brežnjev i Nixon su u prijateljskoj atmosferi potpisali gomile sporazuma i ekonomskih i političkih a jedan od rezultata je i misija Apollo-Soyuz.
Nixon je Leonidu Brežnjevu poklonio luksuznu Lincoln Continental limuzinu.
I tako je krenuo DETANT.
Da, sve je to ... onako ... slučajno.
Ringo10- Posts : 21667
Re: Kutak za rusofile
[size=38]The largest submarine in the world from Russia close to the beach[/size]
The military industry of the USSR, during the Cold war with the United States, has created a submarine so powerful that one of her look inspired an American journalist to the phrase in the 80-ies of the:
We are talking about the submarine Shark project, it is a Typhoon.
The biggest ever submarine, at length almost like 2 football fields. When immersed displaces nearly 50,000 tons of water.
It was she, at the time of transfer resurfaced near the beach. In fact, the distance to it was more than decent. But because of its enormous size, it seems that it is very close.
Vacationers from the number of Russian citizens were delighted to see such a sight, though the greatest impact the appearance of Sharks has had on foreign tourists.
A journalist from Germany said that he sees the submarine the second time in my life and each time could not believe his eyes. Created in the USSR, she moved to Russia and is able without refueling to carry 18 nuclear missiles in world waters:
It is worth noting that submarine of this project made a lot of noise during his appearance in the USSR.
Even Hollywood was inspired by such an epic spectacle that the Soviet structure and was filmed several movies with her participation.
Meanwhile, the Shark calmly completed his run, swim past the beach and continued combat duty.[/size]
The military industry of the USSR, during the Cold war with the United States, has created a submarine so powerful that one of her look inspired an American journalist to the phrase in the 80-ies of the:
[size]"Look at the nuclear monster, who still thinks about the war?"
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We are talking about the submarine Shark project, it is a Typhoon.
The biggest ever submarine, at length almost like 2 football fields. When immersed displaces nearly 50,000 tons of water.
It was she, at the time of transfer resurfaced near the beach. In fact, the distance to it was more than decent. But because of its enormous size, it seems that it is very close.
Vacationers from the number of Russian citizens were delighted to see such a sight, though the greatest impact the appearance of Sharks has had on foreign tourists.
A journalist from Germany said that he sees the submarine the second time in my life and each time could not believe his eyes. Created in the USSR, she moved to Russia and is able without refueling to carry 18 nuclear missiles in world waters:
It is worth noting that submarine of this project made a lot of noise during his appearance in the USSR.
Even Hollywood was inspired by such an epic spectacle that the Soviet structure and was filmed several movies with her participation.
Meanwhile, the Shark calmly completed his run, swim past the beach and continued combat duty.[/size]
Guest- Guest
Re: Kutak za rusofile
[size=40]A source in the defense Ministry explained why Patriot has not recorded the attack on Saudi Aramco
A spokesman pointed out the low efficiency of American systems
The air defense system Patriot
MOSCOW, September 19. /TASS/. The defense of American manufacturing are unable to repel the drones in Saudi Arabia due to the mismatch to the declared characteristics. This was reported on Thursday to journalists the high-ranking source in the defense Ministry.
The attack on Saudi Aramco businesses. Facts
He noted that the Northern border of Saudi Arabia now cover 88 launchers of Patriot, of which 36 are modified PAC-2 and 52 - the latest PAC-3. In the Persian Gulf off the coast of Saudi Arabia, the source added, there are three U.S. Navy destroyer equipped with Aegis missile defense system and having armed with 100 missiles modification SM-2.
"The question arises, how do such a powerful air defense system could have missed dozens of drones and cruise missiles? The reason there can be only one: touted by Americans Patriot air defense system and Aegis do not correspond to the claimed characteristics, they have low effectiveness against small-size air targets and cruise missiles," - said a source in the Department. He added that "they are simply not ready to repel the massive use by the enemy means of air attack in a real combat situation."
The source said that the acquittal of U.S. Secretary of state Mike Pompeo, according to which even the best defenses sometimes fail, could be taken if we were talking about the same complex Patriot, directly covering the attacked object.
On Monday, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in Ankara that Russia is ready to help Saudi Arabia to defend the country if the government decides to buy Russian arms. As an example, he cited Iran, which had previously purchased anti-aircraft missile systems s-300.
A spokesman pointed out the low efficiency of American systems
The air defense system Patriot
MOSCOW, September 19. /TASS/. The defense of American manufacturing are unable to repel the drones in Saudi Arabia due to the mismatch to the declared characteristics. This was reported on Thursday to journalists the high-ranking source in the defense Ministry.
The attack on Saudi Aramco businesses. Facts
He noted that the Northern border of Saudi Arabia now cover 88 launchers of Patriot, of which 36 are modified PAC-2 and 52 - the latest PAC-3. In the Persian Gulf off the coast of Saudi Arabia, the source added, there are three U.S. Navy destroyer equipped with Aegis missile defense system and having armed with 100 missiles modification SM-2.
"The question arises, how do such a powerful air defense system could have missed dozens of drones and cruise missiles? The reason there can be only one: touted by Americans Patriot air defense system and Aegis do not correspond to the claimed characteristics, they have low effectiveness against small-size air targets and cruise missiles," - said a source in the Department. He added that "they are simply not ready to repel the massive use by the enemy means of air attack in a real combat situation."
The source said that the acquittal of U.S. Secretary of state Mike Pompeo, according to which even the best defenses sometimes fail, could be taken if we were talking about the same complex Patriot, directly covering the attacked object.
On Monday, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in Ankara that Russia is ready to help Saudi Arabia to defend the country if the government decides to buy Russian arms. As an example, he cited Iran, which had previously purchased anti-aircraft missile systems s-300.
Guest- Guest
Re: Kutak za rusofile
I kazu SSSR napao Poljsku. Poljska vlada zbrisala i Poljska je bila nebranjeno podrucje zemlja bez ikakve vlasti po kojoj su napredovale Hitlerove trupe.
Crvena Armija je ulaskom na teritorij Poljske (17 dana kasnije kad je vlada Poljske pobjegla) ipak dobila oko 300 kilometara koje su ostavile Nijemce dalje od tadasnje sovjetsko poljske granice.
ALi nije to najbitnije. Bitno je to koliko je ljudi a posebno Zidova naslo spas dokopavsi se podrucja pod kontrolom Crvene Armije. Da vidimo sta o tome kazu zidovski izvori
“Russia has saved over ten times as many Jews from Nazi extermination as all the rest of the world put together,” James N. Rosenberg, American Jewish leader, declared here today in an address of welcome which he delivered at a reception given at the Astor Hotel to Solomon Mikhoels and Itzik Feffer, the Jewish cultural delegation from Russia. The reception was attended by several hundred representatives of various Jewish organizations."
Tako su govorili Zidovski predstavnici 1943 godine.
Da, kasnije su im se bas lijepo zahvalili. Slicno kao Poljaci, Cesi, Slovaci ili Bugari koje su Rusi izvukli iz statusa ratnih gubitnika a da ne govorimo kako su oslobodili Bugare od Osmanlija.
Crvena Armija je ulaskom na teritorij Poljske (17 dana kasnije kad je vlada Poljske pobjegla) ipak dobila oko 300 kilometara koje su ostavile Nijemce dalje od tadasnje sovjetsko poljske granice.
ALi nije to najbitnije. Bitno je to koliko je ljudi a posebno Zidova naslo spas dokopavsi se podrucja pod kontrolom Crvene Armije. Da vidimo sta o tome kazu zidovski izvori
“Russia has saved over ten times as many Jews from Nazi extermination as all the rest of the world put together,” James N. Rosenberg, American Jewish leader, declared here today in an address of welcome which he delivered at a reception given at the Astor Hotel to Solomon Mikhoels and Itzik Feffer, the Jewish cultural delegation from Russia. The reception was attended by several hundred representatives of various Jewish organizations."
Tako su govorili Zidovski predstavnici 1943 godine.
Da, kasnije su im se bas lijepo zahvalili. Slicno kao Poljaci, Cesi, Slovaci ili Bugari koje su Rusi izvukli iz statusa ratnih gubitnika a da ne govorimo kako su oslobodili Bugare od Osmanlija.
Ringo10- Posts : 21667
Re: Kutak za rusofile
Poljaci...cudna biljka citah u nekoj knjizi o 2 svjetskom ratu da su napali konjicom njemacke pancere,nisam mogao vjerovati da neko moze biti takva debilana
Counter-Strike- Posts : 4231
Re: Kutak za rusofile
Zanimljiv intervju jednog nekadasnjeg ruskog disidenta koji je bio toliko sav ushicen Zapadom i njegovim bajkama i sarenim lazama da je aktivno radio protiv svoje zemlje a u korist onih koji hoce da ih zatru a onda shvatio koliko je glupa i naivna budaletina bio
I jos jedan na engleskom
Nikad mi nece biti jasna tolika kolicina ideoloske zatupljenosti i zaludjenosti ljudi koji su u sustini inteligentni.
I jos jedan na engleskom
Nikad mi nece biti jasna tolika kolicina ideoloske zatupljenosti i zaludjenosti ljudi koji su u sustini inteligentni.
Ringo10- Posts : 21667
Re: Kutak za rusofile
[size=34]Western dominance is on the wane, ‘we’re liberals so everything’s allowed’ just isn’t working anymore – Lavrov at UNGA[/size]
Šuknija im ga Lavrov po n-ti put.
Šuknija im ga Lavrov po n-ti put.
I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.
AlfaOmega- Posts : 10386
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