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Merker nadvladala, Hors (CSU) podnio ostavku

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Merker nadvladala, Hors (CSU) podnio ostavku Empty Merker nadvladala, Hors (CSU) podnio ostavku

Post by Guest 2/7/2018, 00:23

'Nisam zadovoljan prijedlozima Merkel oko migrantske politike'

Merker nadvladala, Hors (CSU) podnio ostavku A524911e6f50e5a83a50

Na sastanku CSU-a u Münchenu, Seehofer je ocijenio da mjere o kojima se raspravljalo u četvrtak i petak na summitu EU-a u Bruxellesu za smanjenje migracija nisu dovoljne

Pročitajte više na: https://www.24sata.hr/news/nisam-zadovoljan-prijedlozima-merkel-oko-migrantske-politike-580366 - 24sata.hr

Njemački ministar unutarnjih poslova Horst Seehofer, koji se sa svojom bavarskom strankom CSU žestoko sukobio s njemačkom kancelarkom Angelom Merkel zbog njezine migrantske politike, rekao je u nedjelju da nije zadovoljan njezinim najnovijim prijedlozima u tom pogledu, doznaje se iz izvora bliskih njegovu okruženju.

Seehofer se namjerava večeras obratiti njemačkoj javnosti.


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Merker nadvladala, Hors (CSU) podnio ostavku Empty Re: Merker nadvladala, Hors (CSU) podnio ostavku

Post by Guest 2/7/2018, 00:24

selektor wrote:
Seehofer se namjerava večeras obratiti njemačkoj javnosti.

Germany's Interior Minister Seehofer To Resign After Clash With Merkel Over Migrants

Horst Seehofer has announced the he will resign as Germany's interior minister and as CSU party chairman amid the clash over Germany's migration policy.


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Merker nadvladala, Hors (CSU) podnio ostavku Empty Re: Merker nadvladala, Hors (CSU) podnio ostavku

Post by Guest 2/7/2018, 09:05

Prvo ponudio pa povukao ostavku.
Konačna odluka će se donijeti do kraja dana.

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Merker nadvladala, Hors (CSU) podnio ostavku Empty Re: Merker nadvladala, Hors (CSU) podnio ostavku

Post by epikur37 2/7/2018, 10:23

onda im trpat još, da im na nos izađe

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Merker nadvladala, Hors (CSU) podnio ostavku Empty Re: Merker nadvladala, Hors (CSU) podnio ostavku

Post by vuksadinare 2/7/2018, 10:25

...baba stasijevka

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Merker nadvladala, Hors (CSU) podnio ostavku Empty Re: Merker nadvladala, Hors (CSU) podnio ostavku

Post by Guest 2/7/2018, 12:18

Monday, July 2, 2018, 06:45 by Reuters

Interior minister offers to resign, in blow to German coalition

Seehofer disagrees with Merkel over migration

Merker nadvladala, Hors (CSU) podnio ostavku Cf311d8d80fc2f4508418c42e5a8dd1e0784b587-1530506954-5b39aeca-620x348

German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer offered his resignation to party colleagues late on Sunday, party officials said, escalating a row over migration with Chancellor Angela Merkel that threatens her fragile government.

Seehofer said he was ready to step down as minister and as chair of his Christian Social Union (CSU) at a meeting where his party's leadership was discussing whether to accept immigration proposals Merkel brought back from Brussels last week.

The move makes the future of Merkel's government even more uncertain, since her Christian Democrats party (CDU) relies on the Bavarian conservative CSU to maintain power through a coalition formed three months ago to end a political vacuum.Her Christian Democrats party relies on the Bavarian conservative CSU to maintain power through a coalition formed three months ago to end a political vacuum
Merkel lost votes to the far-right in elections last September, and she has been forced to turn to European Union neighbours to help resolve the row over how to deal with migrants trying to enter the country.

Germany's political crisis is the latest sign of a growing divide across the EU between those who want to maintain open borders and those who want to restrict the number of migrants entering the bloc.

Seehofer, who has demanded that Merkel toughen her open-doors refugee policy, earlier told colleagues that in spite of the measures agreed with EU leaders, he saw no alternative to turning some migrants back at the border, a party source said.

Merkel rejects that idea.

CSU leaders, divided over how to face down a challenge from the anti-immigration Alternative for Germany (AfD) in October's regional election, were trying to persuade Seehofer to change his mind about resigning, the officials said.

Seehofer told party colleagues at an executive committee meeting that discussions with Merkel had been fruitless, according to a party source.

But others in the CSU have pointed to opinion polls showing that Bavarians have more sympathy for Merkel than for either Seehofer or Bavarian Premier Markus Soeder.

By appealing to migration hardliners in the CSU, they argue, the party could lose votes in the centre.

Earlier this week, EU leaders hammered out a deal to share out refugees on a voluntary basis and create "controlled centres" inside the European Union to process asylum requests.

Merkel said in an interview with ZDF television that the formal agreements and verbal commitments she had secured from her EU partners would have the migration-stemming effect the CSU wanted to achieve, but in a more European-minded fashion.

She reiterated her determination to act in way that was "not unilateral" and that was "not to the detriment of third parties".


"The sum of all we've agreed is equivalent to what the CSU wants - that's my personal view, but the CSU must decide for themselves," she said.

"It is also sustainable and in accordance with the European ideal. Europe is slow, and we aren't yet where we want to be... In my view Europe will be held together, otherwise free movement could have been in danger," she added.

A document circulated by Merkel to coalition allies on Friday night outlined repatriation accords with 16 countries and proposed reception centres in Germany where migrants would undergo an accelerated asylum procedure - steps that represent a significant hardening of her 2015 open-door asylum policy.

The Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary, whose Prime Minister Viktor Orban has long sought to position himself as Merkel's nemesis in the immigration debate polarising the continent, later said they had signed no bilateral agreements.

In the interview, Merkel said she regretted any misunderstandings, but that she had been given "political commitments", and had not said any deals had been signed.

Volker Bouffier, premier of the state of Hessen and Merkel's close ally, said that the CSU should be pleased at what it had achieved so far as he arrived at a similarly protracted meeting of his and Merkel's CDU in Berlin.

"Europe has moved further than ever because of the CSU's pressure," he said.

While most analysts expect Merkel to survive the clash with the CSU, it is unlikely to be the last occasion on which the sister party seeks to distance itself from a chancellor it sees as too centrist for its own supporters.

But some in German political circles say that the row actually reflects Seehofer's longstanding rivalry with Soeder, who unseated him as Bavarian premier, accusing them of holding Germany hostage to a Bavarian issue.

"Seehofer, who has almost totally lost power in the CSU, now appears to want to bring down the chancellor in a kind of indirect political suicide ... ending his career under the motto: first me, then the party, and maybe then the country," wrote the Hannoversche Allgemeine newspaper in an editorial.

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Merker nadvladala, Hors (CSU) podnio ostavku Empty Re: Merker nadvladala, Hors (CSU) podnio ostavku

Post by Guest 2/7/2018, 12:19

Teški cirkus... Na kraju će ispasti kako je H. Seehofer teža debilčina. No s nerušenjem vlade ne gine CSU gubitak apsolutne većine u Bavarskoj, tako da ono...

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Merker nadvladala, Hors (CSU) podnio ostavku Empty Re: Merker nadvladala, Hors (CSU) podnio ostavku

Post by flumen 2/7/2018, 12:26

ode jos 30 % njemaca u afd


Ima jedan grad koji obiluje inteligentima anacionalnim; kultura ih i svijest, bolje oholost, veze za Italiju, rasa i nagon za Hrvatsku; govore lose dva jezika; Zagreb im je tudj, Italija ih ne treba...


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Lokacija: : Fiume per sempre

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Merker nadvladala, Hors (CSU) podnio ostavku Empty Re: Merker nadvladala, Hors (CSU) podnio ostavku

Post by Kermit 2/7/2018, 13:25

selektor wrote:
selektor wrote:
Seehofer se namjerava večeras obratiti njemačkoj javnosti.

Germany's Interior Minister Seehofer To Resign After Clash With Merkel Over Migrants

Horst Seehofer has announced the he will resign as Germany's interior minister and as CSU party chairman amid the clash over Germany's migration policy.

Pa u biti ne, već odlaze iz koalicije i vrlo vjerojatno ruše vladu

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Merker nadvladala, Hors (CSU) podnio ostavku Empty Re: Merker nadvladala, Hors (CSU) podnio ostavku

Post by Regoč 2/7/2018, 13:26

CSU treba izdržati do kraja!

Merker nadvladala, Hors (CSU) podnio ostavku Slobodan-praljak-e1512064297742-243x300

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Merker nadvladala, Hors (CSU) podnio ostavku Empty Re: Merker nadvladala, Hors (CSU) podnio ostavku

Post by Kermit 2/7/2018, 13:31

Regoč wrote:CSU treba izdržati do kraja!
Moraju jer im je AfD na leđima, a vidim nema komentara u vez Frau Merkl Fake Njuz, pogiotovo jer su svi premijeri a tako mađarske, poljske i češke demantirali babu

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Merker nadvladala, Hors (CSU) podnio ostavku Empty Re: Merker nadvladala, Hors (CSU) podnio ostavku

Post by Regoč 2/7/2018, 13:37

Kermit wrote:
Regoč wrote:CSU treba izdržati do kraja!
Moraju jer im je AfD na leđima, a vidim nema komentara u vez Frau Merkl Fake Njuz, pogiotovo jer su svi premijeri a tako mađarske, poljske i češke demantirali babu
Netko je komentirao da je mislio da postoje samo ruske fake news.

Merker nadvladala, Hors (CSU) podnio ostavku Slobodan-praljak-e1512064297742-243x300

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Merker nadvladala, Hors (CSU) podnio ostavku Empty Re: Merker nadvladala, Hors (CSU) podnio ostavku

Post by Kermit 2/7/2018, 13:37

Regoč wrote:
Kermit wrote:
Regoč wrote:CSU treba izdržati do kraja!
Moraju jer im je AfD na leđima, a vidim nema komentara u vez Frau Merkl Fake Njuz, pogiotovo jer su svi premijeri a tako mađarske, poljske i češke demantirali babu
Netko je komentirao da je mislio da postoje samo ruske fake news.
Tako sranje napraviti i to sve zataškaju samo tako kao ništa heheh leb te jebo na šta je Merkl spala

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Merker nadvladala, Hors (CSU) podnio ostavku Empty Re: Merker nadvladala, Hors (CSU) podnio ostavku

Post by Guest 2/7/2018, 13:49

 „La Repubblica“ (Rom) glaubt, dass Merkel ihre Stärke innerhalb der EU längst verloren hat: „Auch wenn sie die innenpolitische Krise dieser Stunden überlebt, scheint Angela Merkel heute stark geschwächt in Europa. Nicht so sehr wegen des knapperen Wahlsieges, der sie im vergangenen Herbst zum vierten Mal zur Kanzlerschaft führte, und auch nicht wegen der langen und ermüdenden Verhandlungen, die der Regierungsbildung vorangingen. Das Problem ist, dass die Kanzlerin in der EU diese zentrale politische Rolle verloren hat, die ihr über Jahre eine unbestreitbare Autorität verliehen hatte.“

Ne da Talijani misle ili vjeruju da je propala kancelarka izgubila autoritet i snagu, nego je to doslovno tako. Sreća pa su tako jadna vremena u svijetu, inače bi i bez glave ostala odavno za izdaju države i igranje i petljanje po tuđim državama.

Nikakav ona vođa ne može biti prvo što je žena, a drugo što je još gore, k tome nema ni djecu da razumije što znači borba, odgovornost i briga.

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Merker nadvladala, Hors (CSU) podnio ostavku Empty Re: Merker nadvladala, Hors (CSU) podnio ostavku

Post by Kermit 2/7/2018, 13:52

Fénix wrote:
 „La Repubblica“ (Rom) glaubt, dass Merkel ihre Stärke innerhalb der EU längst verloren hat: „Auch wenn sie die innenpolitische Krise dieser Stunden überlebt, scheint Angela Merkel heute stark geschwächt in Europa. Nicht so sehr wegen des knapperen Wahlsieges, der sie im vergangenen Herbst zum vierten Mal zur Kanzlerschaft führte, und auch nicht wegen der langen und ermüdenden Verhandlungen, die der Regierungsbildung vorangingen. Das Problem ist, dass die Kanzlerin in der EU diese zentrale politische Rolle verloren hat, die ihr über Jahre eine unbestreitbare Autorität verliehen hatte.“

Ne da Talijani misle ili vjeruju da je propala kancelarka izgubila autoritet i snagu, nego je to doslovno tako. Sreća pa su tako jadna vremena u svijetu, inače bi i bez glave ostala odavno za izdaju države i igranje i petljanje po tuđim državama.

Nikakav ona vođa ne može biti prvo što je žena, a drugo što je još gore, k tome nema ni djecu da razumije što znači borba, odgovornost i briga.
Ovi fašisti u Italiji grabe ko ludi sa 17% došli na 35 za mjesec dana i to jer je merkl preko svojih veza jebala ovima mater uz onog nazovi kvazi predsjednika Italije

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Merker nadvladala, Hors (CSU) podnio ostavku Empty Re: Merker nadvladala, Hors (CSU) podnio ostavku

Post by Guest 2/7/2018, 13:53

Die „Times“ erklärte sie zur Person des Jahres, nannte sie „Kanzlerin der freien Welt“.

Bis heute sagt Merkel, dass sie ihre Entscheidung zum Höhepunkt der Flüchtlingskrise nicht bereut. Dennoch haben sie nun, drei Jahre später, die Folgen eingeholt.

Merker nadvladala, Hors (CSU) podnio ostavku 2,w=756,q=high,c=0.bild
Das „Time Magazine“ wählte Merkel 2015 zur Person des Jahres

„Corriere della Sera“ (Mailand) macht die neue italienische Regierung mitverantwortlich für das Beben in Deutschland: „Die Sorge wegen der Migranten, der konfuse europäische Gipfel der vergangenen Woche und die neue italienische Härte lassen die große Koalition Angela Merkels und die Fundamente der Europäischen Union knirschen.

Nur drei Monate alt, musste die deutsche Regierung letzte Nacht den Rücktritt des Innenministers und das Risiko bewältigen, die Unterstützung der bayerischen Vettern von der CSU zu verlieren. Dem Innenminister Horst Seehofer gefallen die von Frau Merkel in Europa erzielten Ergebnisse nicht (...)

Die Kanzlerin kann jetzt hoffen, dass die CSU ihren Anführer Seehofer fallen lässt und sie weiter auf nationaler Ebene unterstützt. Andernfalls könnte sie sich nach links wenden und die Grünen in die Exekutive aufnehmen oder vorgezogene Wahlen anstreben. Die Kanzlerin hat für ihre Migrationspolitik und die Verteidigung des europäischen Zusammenhalts teuer bezahlt.“

No bitno da je po kojekakvim biltenima bila osoba godine u 2015.

Austrijanci i Talijani su ovo odlično zakuhali i dali legitimitet Višegradskoj Četvorci.

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Merker nadvladala, Hors (CSU) podnio ostavku Empty Re: Merker nadvladala, Hors (CSU) podnio ostavku

Post by Kermit 2/7/2018, 14:34

Inače sam ja prošli tjedan saznao da je hrvatska više manje pristala na kvotu od 60.000-70.000 migranata koja bi slijedeće godine bila transportirana ovdje i to zaleđe Zadra i Baranja mislim 20-80%

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Merker nadvladala, Hors (CSU) podnio ostavku Empty Re: Merker nadvladala, Hors (CSU) podnio ostavku

Post by Guest 2/7/2018, 14:47

Kermit wrote:Inače sam ja prošli tjedan saznao da je hrvatska više manje pristala na kvotu od 60.000-70.000 migranata koja bi slijedeće godine bila transportirana ovdje i to zaleđe Zadra i Baranja mislim 20-80%

Gospa Međugorska ima rješenje za naše domegrafske probleme i šalje nam izabrane pojedince koji će doći sezonski raditi u turizmu kako plaće ne bi morale rasti

materijalisti su otišli u Njemačku, a dolaze ljudi koji vjeruju u jednog boga i klanjaju se 5x na dan, to je božji plan i poruka ovom narodu da se promijeni

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Merker nadvladala, Hors (CSU) podnio ostavku Empty Re: Merker nadvladala, Hors (CSU) podnio ostavku

Post by Kermit 2/7/2018, 14:50

selektor wrote:
Kermit wrote:Inače sam ja prošli tjedan saznao da je hrvatska više manje pristala na kvotu od 60.000-70.000 migranata koja bi slijedeće godine bila transportirana ovdje i to zaleđe Zadra i Baranja mislim 20-80%

Gospa Međugorska ima rješenje za naše domegrafske probleme i šalje nam izabrane pojedince koji će doći sezonski raditi u turizmu kako plaće ne bi morale rasti

materijalisti su otišli u Njemačku, a dolaze ljudi koji vjeruju u jednog boga i klanjaju se 5x na dan, to je božji plan i  poruka ovom narodu da se promijeni
Blaženi Stepinac se veseli Novom Peševaru kod Darde, amin

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Merker nadvladala, Hors (CSU) podnio ostavku Empty Re: Merker nadvladala, Hors (CSU) podnio ostavku

Post by marcellus 2/7/2018, 15:13

baba pada a švabo šalje migrante hrvatima i srbadiji

nino raspudić je imao pravo, budala ko zadnji stavi žicu na granicu a sve ostalo je priča za djecu

Merker nadvladala, Hors (CSU) podnio ostavku 1472536379_l

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