Kravetina razjebala temelje europe pa sad kmeči da su ugroženi
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Re: Kravetina razjebala temelje europe pa sad kmeči da su ugroženi
flumen wrote:Bolje ti je ako dodjes sa zenom i djecom...
7345 Eura mjesecno a da pr´stom nisi mrdnuo
flumen- Posts : 3221
Re: Kravetina razjebala temelje europe pa sad kmeči da su ugroženi
flumen wrote:Mala Susanna pronadjena mrtva - trazi se Iracanin
Polizei geht von gemeinschaftlicher Vergewaltigung und Mord aus
Tatverdächtiger Ali Bashar (20) auf der Flucht, zweiter Verdächtiger festgenommen +++ Alle aktuellen Informationen im Liveticker
Susanna wird seit dem 22. Mai vermisst – offenbar wurde sie am Morgen nach ihrem Verschwinden getötetWiesbaden (Hessen) – Der Mordfall Susanna (†14) erschüttert ganz Deutschland: Tagelang suchte die Polizei nach dem verschwundenen Mädchen. Donnerstag dann eine grausige Entdeckung – Ermittler finden eine weibliche Leiche, heute ist klar: Es handelt sich um Susanna.
Am Dienstag, den 22. Mai, war Susanna mit Freunden in der Wiesbadener Innenstadt unterwegs. Am Abend sollte sie nach Hause kommen – doch dort kam sie nie an. Am nächsten Tag wurde sie als vermisst gemeldet. Offenbar war sie aber zu diesem Zeitpunkt schon tot…
Die Polizei fahndet inzwischen nach einem Mann (20) aus dem Irak, der dringend tatverdächtig ist, Susanna getötet zu haben. Aber: Der Verdächtige hat sich laut „Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung“ bereits vor Tagen in sein Heimatland abgesetzt, um einer Festnahme zu entgehen.
Fahndungsfoto der Polizei: Der Iraker Ali Bashar (20) ist HauptverdächtigerFoto: Polizei / dpa
Seit vergangenen Montag wurde der Iraker für eine Vernehmung gesucht, seit Mittwoch wird nach ihm wegen Mordverdachts gefahndet.
Ab 11.30 Uhr informieren Polizei und Staatsanwaltschaft über den aktuellen Stand der Ermittlungen.
Bashar kam 2015 nach Deutschland
Nach Angaben der Ermittler kam Bashar im Oktober 2015 nach Deutschland. Er sei mit dem damals großen Flüchtlingszustrom über die Türkei und Griechenland gekommen, sagte der Präsident des Polizeipräsidiums Westhessen, Stefan Müller.
Zunächst seien er und seine Familie in der hessischen Erstaufnahme in Gießen untergebracht gewesen, im März 2016 seien sie dann nach Wiesbaden gekommen.
Sein Asylantrag wurde am 30. Dezember 2016 abgelehnt, dagegen klagte Bashar.
Verdächtiger ist polizeibekannt
April 2017: Bashar pöbelte eine Frau an, in der Folge kommt es zu einer Schlägerei zwischen zwei Gruppen. Die Tatbeteiligung konnte Bashar nicht nachgewiesen werden, das Verfahren wurde eingestellt.
11. Februar 2018: Ein Mann wurde in der Wiesbadener Innenstadt von drei Männern geschlagen. Wieder finden Beamte Bashar in der unmittelbaren Nähe des Tatorts. Da der Geschädigte schweigt, kann nicht weiter ermittelt werden.
24. März 2018: Bashar rempelt in der Wiesbadener Innenstadt eine Stadtpolizistin an, schlägt um sich und spuckt. Er wird in Gewahrsam genommen.
März 2018: Verdacht auf Vergewaltigung. In Bashars Flüchtlingsunterkunft soll ein Mädchen (11) vergewaltigt worden sein. Unklar ist, ob Bashar der Täter ist – er gehört aber zu den Verdächtigen.
27. März 2018: Bashar und ein Mittäter bedrohen einen Mann, rauben ihn aus. Das Verfahren läuft noch.
19. April 2018: Bashar wird von Polizisten kontrolliert – die Beamten finden ein Einhandmesser. Es wird wegen Waffenbesitzverbots ermittelt.
Zeuge sah Susanna in Flüchtlingsunterkunft
Laut Polizei wurde Susanna zuletzt von einem Zeugen in einer Flüchtlingsunterkunft in Begleitung eines Mannes gesehen.
Verdächtiger und Familie geflohen
Bashar ist laut Polizei mit seiner Familie (Vater, Mutter, fünf Geschwister) am 2. Juni von Düsseldorf erst in die Türkei geflogen, von dort weiter in den Irak geflohen.
Die Tickets wurden einen Tag zuvor unter falschen Namen gebucht.
Hunderte Polizisten im Einsatz
Laut Polizei-Präsident Stefan Müller sind täglich 300 bis 400 Beamte im Einsatz gewesen.
Bekannte der Tochter gab Hinweis
Vor dem entscheidenden Hinweis eines 13-jährigen Flüchtlings sagte eine Bekannte von Susanna deren Mutter, dass die Jugendliche tot sei.
Zweiter Verdächtiger
Neben Ali Bashar (20) aus dem Irak ist ein türkischer Staatsangehöriger (35) Mittwochabend festgenommen worden! Haftbefehl wurde beantragt.
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Re: Kravetina razjebala temelje europe pa sad kmeči da su ugroženi
22-godišnji Iračanin došao kao izbjeglica 2015. u Njemačku, 30.12.2016. azil mu odbijen, sudjelovao je u uznemiravanju žena i djevojčica, krao i sudjelovao u premlaćivanju odraslog muškarca i to sve u samo dva mjeseca ove godine, a sad po ovome krajem prošlog mjeseca silovao i ubio 14-godišnjakinju i prema njemačkom Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung pobjegao natrag u Irak kako bi se spasio.
Drugi osumnjičeni za ubojstvo ima tursko državljanstvo.
Drugi osumnjičeni za ubojstvo ima tursko državljanstvo.
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Re: Kravetina razjebala temelje europe pa sad kmeči da su ugroženi
danke mutiFénix wrote:flumen wrote:Mala Susanna pronadjena mrtva - trazi se Iracanin
Polizei geht von gemeinschaftlicher Vergewaltigung und Mord ausTatverdächtiger Ali Bashar (20) auf der Flucht, zweiter Verdächtiger festgenommen +++ Alle aktuellen Informationen im Liveticker
Susanna wird seit dem 22. Mai vermisst – offenbar wurde sie am Morgen nach ihrem Verschwinden getötet
Wiesbaden (Hessen) – Der Mordfall Susanna (†14) erschüttert ganz Deutschland: Tagelang suchte die Polizei nach dem verschwundenen Mädchen. Donnerstag dann eine grausige Entdeckung – Ermittler finden eine weibliche Leiche, heute ist klar: Es handelt sich um Susanna.
Am Dienstag, den 22. Mai, war Susanna mit Freunden in der Wiesbadener Innenstadt unterwegs. Am Abend sollte sie nach Hause kommen – doch dort kam sie nie an. Am nächsten Tag wurde sie als vermisst gemeldet. Offenbar war sie aber zu diesem Zeitpunkt schon tot…
Die Polizei fahndet inzwischen nach einem Mann (20) aus dem Irak, der dringend tatverdächtig ist, Susanna getötet zu haben. Aber: Der Verdächtige hat sich laut „Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung“ bereits vor Tagen in sein Heimatland abgesetzt, um einer Festnahme zu entgehen.
danke ljevicari i grinovci
danke feministice
prckov- Posts : 34555
Re: Kravetina razjebala temelje europe pa sad kmeči da su ugroženi
koliko je ljudi iz ex yu, bugarske, rumunjske i grčke ubilo curku u njemačkoj?
u zadnjih 50g ?
oni se upucavaju plemenski.
inžinjeri se uzjebu pa misle da su žene i koze isto.
u zadnjih 50g ?
oni se upucavaju plemenski.
inžinjeri se uzjebu pa misle da su žene i koze isto.
Posts : 53509
Re: Kravetina razjebala temelje europe pa sad kmeči da su ugroženi
prckov wrote:danke muti
danke ljevicari i grinovci
danke feministice
A mala se družila sa znatno starijim tipom, k tome strancem donedavno, a on joj ovako vratio. On se skupa sa svojom obitelji i svoje 4 braće i sestara fino spremio i otišao natrag u Irak nakon što je odradio posao.Tatverdächtiger Iraker
Hauptverdächtiger im Fall Susanna: Ein Iraker (20). Der Flüchtling lebte der Mann in einer Unterkunft im Wiesbadener Stadtteil Erbenheim. Nach Informationen des „Wiesbadener Tagblatts“ war der junge Mann bis zuletzt der Freund der 14-Jährigen.
Laut „Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung“ ist der Verdächtige untergetaucht und gemeinsam mit seiner Familie vor einigen Tagen in den Irak zurückgereist. Eine Stellungnahme der Staatsanwaltschaft gibt es hierzu bisher nicht.
Moćna europska lokomotiva Njemačka izigrana od strane Arapa k'o od šale.
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Re: Kravetina razjebala temelje europe pa sad kmeči da su ugroženi
More than 100 German citizens fall victim to migrant crimes every single day
Posted on June 6, 2018 by Admin
A report of the German Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) shows that over 100 German citizens each day are victims of crimes commit by migrants, The Epoch Times reports.
According to the BKA study, 39,096 German victims of immigrant crime were registered in 2017, a new high. The number is 23.7 percent higher than in the previous year (31,597).
This means that every single day around 107 German citizens were and will become victims of crimes with at least one migrant as a suspect, and the trend is rising.
Particularly shocking is that more than one hundred Germans were the victims of an attempted or actual murder by immigrants in 2017.
“On the crimes of murder, manslaughter and hired killings, 112 Germans fell victim to a criminal offence where at least one suspect involved was an immigrant. Thirteen victims were killed, the statistics show.”
The BKA report also warns that many terrorists have been smuggled in amongst the refugees; and that there is a danger that refugees will be radicalised in Europe by terrorist organisations for the “holy war”.
“Due to the refugee situation, it has become possible for terrorist organisations to smuggle possible assassins or supporters into Germany.”
“In addition, there may be individuals among the refugees who become radicalised during their stay in Germany due to a variety of factors, in particular due to professional propaganda and targeted internet activities by members of terrorist organisations,” the report warns.
The post More than 100 German citizens fall victim to migrant crimes every single day appeared first on Voice of Europe.
Bitno da mi jedan njemački retard i tetkica od 35 godina iz B-W govori kako je to normalno bez obzira na azijske i afričke migrante i kaže kako bi prvi pobjegao iz vlastite zemlje i ne bi je branio kad bi se dogodila političko-društvena promjena i klima te počeo nekakav sukob ili rat. No svima okolo može pametovati i etiketirati te glasati za A. Merkel.
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Re: Kravetina razjebala temelje europe pa sad kmeči da su ugroženi
politicke elite su izdale svoj narod
It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984
prckov- Posts : 34555
Re: Kravetina razjebala temelje europe pa sad kmeči da su ugroženi
Germany refuses to deport migrant who planned 4 terrorist attacks – report
Published time: 7 Jun, 2018 15:02
An Islamist who served time in a German prison for planning a terrorist attack is allowed to remain in the country after being released, prompting anger from politicians and police authorities.
Mohamed Abu Dhess, a Jordanian-born migrant, was planning to launch attacks in the early 2000s. "Everything is already prepared for the wedding, all I need is a bride," he said in one phone call intercepted by Germany's Federal Criminal Police Office. The wedding was the planned attack, and the bride was the target.
Dhess was arrested and in 2005 a court found him guilty of planning three bomb attacks on bars in Dusseldorf and on a Jewish community center in Berlin, according to Bild newspaper.
He served six years in prison, and was released. However, Berlin didn't send him back to his home country because he is allegedly in danger of being tortured, according to Bild. In addition, Jordan hasn't provided necessary deportation documents.
Dhess continued living in Germany, monitored by police and receiving monthly support as an asylum-seeker. He was removed from the UN list of people associated with Al-Qaeda in 2015.
Now some German politicians are expressing their anger over this arrangement. They believe that keeping Dhess in the country imposes an unnecessary risk on German citizens.
"We must tighten the police laws... so that perpetrators remain in custody for the protection of the population until their deportation, no matter how long it takes. Otherwise, the population also carries the entire risk," Rainer Wendt, head of the German Police Union (DPolG), told Bild.
Meanwhile, the vice chairman of the Free Democratic Party of Germany (FDP), Wolfgang Kubicki, said the "abstract possibility of torture" is simply not enough to keep someone like Dhess in the country. "There would have to be sufficient certainty that this person would have to expect torture in his home country to refrain from deportation. Otherwise, this must not be a reason to let people [stay] in the country, which represents an exorbitant great danger to the community."
But the situation isn't unique to Dhess. In the state of North Rhine-Westphalia alone, 16 jihadists are unable to be deported, according to research conducted by Bild. The newspaper also cited an additional two Islamists who cannot be deported from Bavaria.
The topic of terrorism is a particularly sensitive one for Germany, which has seen the number of terrorist attacks committed by migrants rise since 2015. One of those took place in December 2016, when a Tunisian asylum-seeker drove a truck into a Christmas market in Berlin, killing 12 people. A study released in January found that the influx of asylum-seekers into Germany from the 2015 refugee crisis had contributed to a rise in violent crimes in the country.
Published time: 7 Jun, 2018 15:02
An Islamist who served time in a German prison for planning a terrorist attack is allowed to remain in the country after being released, prompting anger from politicians and police authorities.
Mohamed Abu Dhess, a Jordanian-born migrant, was planning to launch attacks in the early 2000s. "Everything is already prepared for the wedding, all I need is a bride," he said in one phone call intercepted by Germany's Federal Criminal Police Office. The wedding was the planned attack, and the bride was the target.
Dhess was arrested and in 2005 a court found him guilty of planning three bomb attacks on bars in Dusseldorf and on a Jewish community center in Berlin, according to Bild newspaper.
He served six years in prison, and was released. However, Berlin didn't send him back to his home country because he is allegedly in danger of being tortured, according to Bild. In addition, Jordan hasn't provided necessary deportation documents.
Dhess continued living in Germany, monitored by police and receiving monthly support as an asylum-seeker. He was removed from the UN list of people associated with Al-Qaeda in 2015.
Now some German politicians are expressing their anger over this arrangement. They believe that keeping Dhess in the country imposes an unnecessary risk on German citizens.
"We must tighten the police laws... so that perpetrators remain in custody for the protection of the population until their deportation, no matter how long it takes. Otherwise, the population also carries the entire risk," Rainer Wendt, head of the German Police Union (DPolG), told Bild.
Meanwhile, the vice chairman of the Free Democratic Party of Germany (FDP), Wolfgang Kubicki, said the "abstract possibility of torture" is simply not enough to keep someone like Dhess in the country. "There would have to be sufficient certainty that this person would have to expect torture in his home country to refrain from deportation. Otherwise, this must not be a reason to let people [stay] in the country, which represents an exorbitant great danger to the community."
But the situation isn't unique to Dhess. In the state of North Rhine-Westphalia alone, 16 jihadists are unable to be deported, according to research conducted by Bild. The newspaper also cited an additional two Islamists who cannot be deported from Bavaria.
The topic of terrorism is a particularly sensitive one for Germany, which has seen the number of terrorist attacks committed by migrants rise since 2015. One of those took place in December 2016, when a Tunisian asylum-seeker drove a truck into a Christmas market in Berlin, killing 12 people. A study released in January found that the influx of asylum-seekers into Germany from the 2015 refugee crisis had contributed to a rise in violent crimes in the country.
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Re: Kravetina razjebala temelje europe pa sad kmeči da su ugroženi
Ne jebe njega nitko nego oni jebu sve nas.marcellus wrote:vuksadinare wrote:pa placen je za to da se isprsi..prckov wrote:ma opet ce oni zavrsit u njemackoj ili nekoj slicnoj zemlji sa dobrom socijalom
a plenki ce naravno da se isprsi ko i uvjek do sada
picka picka
i da se da jebat u dupe
Svi ONI tuku lijepe pare za sviranje kurcu i ONI nemaju problema s ničim ni s imigrantima ni s poskupljenjima niti s plaćama s tim se jebemo MI.
Da bar mene tak " jebu " ko njega.
Posts : 5159
Age : 53
Lokacija: : Dugo Selo
Re: Kravetina razjebala temelje europe pa sad kmeči da su ugroženi
Jesu i boli ih kurac.prckov wrote:politicke elite su izdale svoj narod
Kaj im možemo?
Posts : 5159
Age : 53
Lokacija: : Dugo Selo
Re: Kravetina razjebala temelje europe pa sad kmeči da su ugroženi
danni1 wrote:Jesu i boli ih kurac.prckov wrote:politicke elite su izdale svoj narod
Kaj im možemo?
marcellus- Posts : 46005
Re: Kravetina razjebala temelje europe pa sad kmeči da su ugroženi
E da...nekad a sad...šuti i puši.marcellus wrote:danni1 wrote:Jesu i boli ih kurac.prckov wrote:politicke elite su izdale svoj narod
Kaj im možemo?
Posts : 5159
Age : 53
Lokacija: : Dugo Selo
Re: Kravetina razjebala temelje europe pa sad kmeči da su ugroženi
marcellus wrote:danni1 wrote:Jesu i boli ih kurac.prckov wrote:politicke elite su izdale svoj narod
Kaj im možemo?
ili ovo :
Meatke- Posts : 349
Re: Kravetina razjebala temelje europe pa sad kmeči da su ugroženi
To ti je tako kad kokoški daš vlast nad EU
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Kravetina razjebala temelje europe pa sad kmeči da su ugroženi
kaja wrote:Pa u čemu je problem, vidite da očekuju da će sve zaposliti do 2089.
Posts : 35954
Age : 106
Lokacija: : Doma
Re: Kravetina razjebala temelje europe pa sad kmeči da su ugroženi
Opet vi budalesate
Njemacka i druge zrmlje zap evrope nema ljudi
Kod njih je strahoviti demografski pad
I sta bi vi
Nek sve od u propast ?
Ima pravo Frau Merkel
Velika drzavnica, ima petlju i viziju
Njemacka mora ostati na vrhu ..
Njemacka i druge zrmlje zap evrope nema ljudi
Kod njih je strahoviti demografski pad
I sta bi vi
Nek sve od u propast ?
Ima pravo Frau Merkel
Velika drzavnica, ima petlju i viziju
Njemacka mora ostati na vrhu ..
Sora- Posts : 23832
Re: Kravetina razjebala temelje europe pa sad kmeči da su ugroženi
BERLIN Njemice su prošle godine rodile upola manje djece nego 1964. i broj rođenja će dodatno pasti nakon 2020. ako se njihova plodnost ne poveća, upozorio je u četvrtak njemački statistički ured Destatis.
Njemacka ima najnižu stopu nataliteta u svijetu !
Njemacka ima najnižu stopu nataliteta u svijetu !
Sora- Posts : 23832
Re: Kravetina razjebala temelje europe pa sad kmeči da su ugroženi
Poslat ga kući da ga "muče" ili ostavit' da se digne u zrak mučenički...teška odluka, nije lako njemačkom pravosuđuFénix wrote: Germany refuses to deport migrant who planned 4 terrorist attacks – report
Published time: 7 Jun, 2018 15:02
An Islamist who served time in a German prison for planning a terrorist attack is allowed to remain in the country after being released, prompting anger from politicians and police authorities.
Mohamed Abu Dhess, a Jordanian-born migrant, was planning to launch attacks in the early 2000s. "Everything is already prepared for the wedding, all I need is a bride," he said in one phone call intercepted by Germany's Federal Criminal Police Office. The wedding was the planned attack, and the bride was the target.
Dhess was arrested and in 2005 a court found him guilty of planning three bomb attacks on bars in Dusseldorf and on a Jewish community center in Berlin, according to Bild newspaper.
He served six years in prison, and was released. However, Berlin didn't send him back to his home country because he is allegedly in danger of being tortured, according to Bild. In addition, Jordan hasn't provided necessary deportation documents.
Dhess continued living in Germany, monitored by police and receiving monthly support as an asylum-seeker. He was removed from the UN list of people associated with Al-Qaeda in 2015.
Now some German politicians are expressing their anger over this arrangement. They believe that keeping Dhess in the country imposes an unnecessary risk on German citizens.
"We must tighten the police laws... so that perpetrators remain in custody for the protection of the population until their deportation, no matter how long it takes. Otherwise, the population also carries the entire risk," Rainer Wendt, head of the German Police Union (DPolG), told Bild.
Meanwhile, the vice chairman of the Free Democratic Party of Germany (FDP), Wolfgang Kubicki, said the "abstract possibility of torture" is simply not enough to keep someone like Dhess in the country. "There would have to be sufficient certainty that this person would have to expect torture in his home country to refrain from deportation. Otherwise, this must not be a reason to let people [stay] in the country, which represents an exorbitant great danger to the community."
But the situation isn't unique to Dhess. In the state of North Rhine-Westphalia alone, 16 jihadists are unable to be deported, according to research conducted by Bild. The newspaper also cited an additional two Islamists who cannot be deported from Bavaria.
The topic of terrorism is a particularly sensitive one for Germany, which has seen the number of terrorist attacks committed by migrants rise since 2015. One of those took place in December 2016, when a Tunisian asylum-seeker drove a truck into a Christmas market in Berlin, killing 12 people. A study released in January found that the influx of asylum-seekers into Germany from the 2015 refugee crisis had contributed to a rise in violent crimes in the country.
Danas Matko sutra svatko
Posts : 11441
Lokacija: : ObiLand
Re: Kravetina razjebala temelje europe pa sad kmeči da su ugroženi
Frapantno, kako se lako odluči za povratak u zemlji iz koje je goloruk, golobrad smao sa smartphonom pobjeg'o nedavno...u taj rat i bijedu, kako bi se spasio od nacistisčke ruke zakonaFénix wrote:22-godišnji Iračanin došao kao izbjeglica 2015. u Njemačku, 30.12.2016. azil mu odbijen, sudjelovao je u uznemiravanju žena i djevojčica, krao i sudjelovao u premlaćivanju odraslog muškarca i to sve u samo dva mjeseca ove godine, a sad po ovome krajem prošlog mjeseca silovao i ubio 14-godišnjakinju i prema njemačkom Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung pobjegao natrag u Irak kako bi se spasio.
Drugi osumnjičeni za ubojstvo ima tursko državljanstvo.
ovaj će biti ikona nemačke levice
Danas Matko sutra svatko
Posts : 11441
Lokacija: : ObiLand
Re: Kravetina razjebala temelje europe pa sad kmeči da su ugroženi
Jučer u Bildu+ piše kako ga je vlastita obitelj izdala i pronađen je u Iraku te sinoć vraćen u Njemačku gdje će mu se suditi za ubojstvo i silovanje.n_razbojnik wrote:Frapantno, kako se lako odluči za povratak u zemlji iz koje je goloruk, golobrad smao sa smartphonom pobjeg'o nedavno...u taj rat i bijedu, kako bi se spasio od nacistisčke ruke zakonaFénix wrote:22-godišnji Iračanin došao kao izbjeglica 2015. u Njemačku, 30.12.2016. azil mu odbijen, sudjelovao je u uznemiravanju žena i djevojčica, krao i sudjelovao u premlaćivanju odraslog muškarca i to sve u samo dva mjeseca ove godine, a sad po ovome krajem prošlog mjeseca silovao i ubio 14-godišnjakinju i prema njemačkom Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung pobjegao natrag u Irak kako bi se spasio.
Drugi osumnjičeni za ubojstvo ima tursko državljanstvo.
ovaj će biti ikona nemačke levice
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