Kina snizila kreditni rejting SADu na BBB+
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Kina snizila kreditni rejting SADu na BBB+
China Downgrades US Credit Rating From A- To BBB+, Warns US Insolvency Would "Detonate Next Crisis"
In its latest reminder that China is a (for now) happy holder of some $1.2 trillion in US Treasurys, Chinese credit rating agency Dagong downgraded US sovereign ratings from A- to BBB+ overnight, citing "deficiencies in US political ecology" and tax cuts that "directly reduce the federal government's sources of debt repayment" weakening the base of the government's debt repayment.
Oh, and just to make sure the message is heard loud and clear, the ratings, which are now level with those of Peru, Colombia and Turkmenistan on the Beijing-based agency’s scale of creditworthiness, have also been put on a negative outlook.
In a statement on Tuesday, Dagong warned that the United States’ increasing reliance on debt to drive development would erode its solvency. Quoted by Reuters, Dagong made specific reference to President Donald Trump’s tax package, which is estimated to add $1.4 trillion over a decade to the $20 trillion national debt burden.
“Deficiencies in the current U.S. political ecology make it difficult for the efficient administration of the federal government, so the national economic development derails from the right track,” Dagong said adding that "Massive tax cuts directly reduce the federal government’s sources of debt repayment, therefore further weaken the base of government’s debt repayment."
Projecting US funding needs in the coming years, Dagong said a deterioration in the government’s fiscal revenue-to-debt ratio to 12.1% in 2022 from 14.9% and 14.2% in 2018 and 2019, respectively, would demand frequent increases in the government’s debt ceiling.
“The virtual solvency of the federal government would be likely to become the detonator of the next financial crisis,” the Chinese ratings firm said.
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In a preemptive shot across the bow in the coming trade wars, last week Bloomberg reported that Beijing officials reviewing China’s vast foreign exchange holdings had recommended slowing or halting purchases of U.S. Treasury bonds. That warning spooked investors worried that sharp swings in China’s massive holdings of U.S. Treasuries would trigger a selloff in bond and equity markets globally. The report sent U.S. Treasury yields to 10-month highs and the dollar lower, although China’s foreign exchange regulator has since dismissed the report as "fake news."
Still, Dagong was quick to point out that not much would be needed to crush the public's confidence in the value of US Treasurys:
“The market’s reversing recognition of the value of U.S. Treasury bonds and U.S. dollar will be a powerful force in destroying the fragile debt chain of the federal government,” Dagong said.
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To be sure, China's move is far more political than objectively economic, and is meant to send another shot across the bow as the Trump administration prepares to launch a trade war with Beijing in the coming weeks. Still, while both Fitch and Moody’s give the United States their top AAA ratings (and the S&P is the only agency to infamously downgrade the US to AA+ in 2011), US raters have also expressed concerns similar to Dagong‘s. From Reuters:
S&P Global said last month’s proposed U.S. tax cuts would increase the federal deficit and looser fiscal policy could prompt negative action on U.S. credit ratings if Washington failed to address long-term fiscal issues.
In November, Fitch said the tax cuts would give a short-lived boost to the economy, but add significantly to the federal debt burden. It warned that the United States was the most indebted AAA-rated country and ran the loosest fiscal policies.
Moody’s said in September any missed debt payment as a result of disagreement over lifting the debt ceiling, a perennial point of partisan contention in Washington, would result in the United States losing its top-notch rating.
China is rated A+ by S&P Global and Fitch and A1 by Moody‘s, with the three agencies citing risks mainly related to corporate debt, which is estimated at 1.6 times the size of the economy and mostly attributed to state-owned firms.
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Re: Kina snizila kreditni rejting SADu na BBB+
amerika mora početi štedjeti kako ne bi dospjela u bankrot
SAD troši novce koje nema, tj. koje posude o Kineza
SAD troši novce koje nema, tj. koje posude o Kineza
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Re: Kina snizila kreditni rejting SADu na BBB+
Kina prestaje kupovati američke obveznice
PEKING - Kina, najveći kupac američkih državnih obveznica, mogla bi smanjiti ili čak obustaviti proces njihove kupovine, prenosi američka mreža CNBC.
Dužnosnici u Pekingu su preporučili da se smanje ili čak obustave kineske kupovine državnih obveznica SAD-a, jer, kako smatraju, američki dug postaje sve manje atraktivan u odnosu na ostale klase imovine, izvijestila je njujorška agencija "Bloomberg", pozivajući se na izvore upoznate sa situacijom.
Trgovinske tenzije između dvije zemlje bi, također, mogle biti razlog za jedan takav potez, koji je, kako navodi CNBC, zaplašio tržišta, povećavajući kamate na američke obveznice i obarajući vrijednost dolara prema većini vodećih svjetskih valuta.
Kamata na 10-godišnje američke obveznice je danas porasla na 2,59 posto, najvišu razinu od ožujka prošle godine.
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Re: Kina snizila kreditni rejting SADu na BBB+
mrzi online wrote:
Dužnosnici u Pekingu su preporučili da se smanje ili čak obustave kineske kupovine državnih obveznica SAD-a, jer, kako smatraju, američki dug postaje sve manje atraktivan u odnosu na ostale klase imovine, izvijestila je njujorška agencija "Bloomberg", pozivajući se na izvore upoznate sa situacijom.
Kamata na 10-godišnje američke obveznice je danas porasla na 2,59 posto, najvišu razinu od ožujka prošle godine.
što je veći prinos na obveznicu, što veću zaradu nudi, to je ona lošija investicija
nije dobro investirati u obveznice kad su kamate za štednju u njima visoke
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Re: Kina snizila kreditni rejting SADu na BBB+
epikur37 wrote:Ameri na aparatima...
kupi mozak majstore, ima na placu pored limuna
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Re: Kina snizila kreditni rejting SADu na BBB+
mrzi online wrote:epikur37 wrote:Ameri na aparatima...
kupi mozak majstore, ima na placu pored limuna
Tam je kivi, mozak je u mesnici..
epikur37- Posts : 45339
Re: Kina snizila kreditni rejting SADu na BBB+
ako kinezi ne kupe te brojke te USA obveznice, onda pada vrijednost USA $, dolazi do inflacije i devalvacije(što nemora nužno biti loše)mrzi online wrote:amerika mora početi štedjeti kako ne bi dospjela u bankrot
SAD troši novce koje nema, tj. koje posude o Kineza
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Re: Kina snizila kreditni rejting SADu na BBB+
Pinochet wrote:ako kinezi ne kupe te brojke te USA obveznice, onda pada vrijednost USA $, dolazi do inflacije i devalvacije(što nemora nužno biti loše)mrzi online wrote:amerika mora početi štedjeti kako ne bi dospjela u bankrot
SAD troši novce koje nema, tj. koje posude o Kineza
lol, zašto bi?
dolar pada sad, dok kupuju
jer kinezi sve dolare koje imaju dobiju od izvoza, znači dok amerikanci kupuju kinesku robu, kinezi štede u američkom dolaru investirajući u obveznice
a amerikanci su te dolare stvorili iz ničeg, iz kredita njihovih banaka
kad bi krenuli raditi obratno, kina ne bi imala trgovinski suficit sa SADom, dok inflacija dolara ovisi o ponašanju američkih građana a ne o tome što radi kina
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