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Erdogan - bez odlaska "terorista Assada" , nema mira u Siriji!

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Erdogan - bez odlaska "terorista Assada" , nema mira u Siriji! - Page 2 Empty Re: Erdogan - bez odlaska "terorista Assada" , nema mira u Siriji!

Post by Guest 27/12/2017, 19:08

Pinochet wrote:
Yehudi wrote:
Pinochet wrote:(čisto da ponovim Rusi su se minimalno ratovali protiv ISISa, uglavnom protiv "umjerenih kanibala" - 

  A jesi dosadan više ka proljev sa tim svojim budalastim umotvorinama koje uporno ponavljaš 

 sve da bi ti netko povjerova. Stvarno si davež  papiga
pa istina je.

Zašto moram ponavljati očito. Glavne bitke su se vodile oko Alepa, te Sjeverno od Hame, tu je bilo 95% cijele akcije. Položaji prema ISISU, su bili "obrambeni" tipa Palmira i Deiz ez Zor.  Nakon što su je oslobođeno Alepo, nedugo nakon toga Putin i Erdogan su se "pomirili" a tek onda kada su se ovi "pomirili", Putin prestaje udarati "umjerene kanibale" , (radi pritiska Erdogana) i baca se na ISIS(da ugrabe nešto teritorija, da nebi Ameri i Kurdi sve odnjeli) - Kurdi koji čine 10% populacije, drže 30-40% teritorija..

Mislim, to je odlična Putinova strategija i ja bi se tako ponašao.

Mene više zanima šta će biti sada.

Erdogan je Putinov brat
Međutim, Erdogan govori- Assad must go
Assad i Iran bi najradije dokrajčili ove islamske pobunjenike koje hrane i oblače Turci.
Rusi - vidit ćemo šta će biti. .ako pokrenu napad na islamsite, onda će Erdogan biti ljut. A ovi se nežele pomiriti.
Situacija u Siriji je daleeeko od kraja. Ima tamo posla da se ratuje još idućih par godina

Izgleda da niti glavni igraci nisu nacisto...sto sada  :cleanteeth


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Erdogan - bez odlaska "terorista Assada" , nema mira u Siriji! - Page 2 Empty Re: Erdogan - bez odlaska "terorista Assada" , nema mira u Siriji!

Post by mutava baštarda 27/12/2017, 19:14

epikur37 wrote:Kako god okreneš ameri su ispušili na bliskom istoku
nisu još. sada poražene isilovce obučavaju kao umjerene, pobunjenici im daju tečaj deradikalizacije, a oni svi bili kuhari... :)

Iduća dva tjedna su ključna
mutava baštarda
mutava baštarda

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Erdogan - bez odlaska "terorista Assada" , nema mira u Siriji! - Page 2 Empty Re: Erdogan - bez odlaska "terorista Assada" , nema mira u Siriji!

Post by Guest 27/12/2017, 19:17

u biti situacija je u Siriji sada,isto kao na pocetku rata..Assad na vlasti,jedino hrpetina sirijaca u Europi..nikom nije sad jasno sto dalje i kako...

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Erdogan - bez odlaska "terorista Assada" , nema mira u Siriji! - Page 2 Empty Re: Erdogan - bez odlaska "terorista Assada" , nema mira u Siriji!

Post by Guest 27/12/2017, 19:17

pismejker wrote:
Pinochet wrote:
Yehudi wrote:
Pinochet wrote:(čisto da ponovim Rusi su se minimalno ratovali protiv ISISa, uglavnom protiv "umjerenih kanibala" - 

  A jesi dosadan više ka proljev sa tim svojim budalastim umotvorinama koje uporno ponavljaš 

 sve da bi ti netko povjerova. Stvarno si davež  papiga
pa istina je.

Zašto moram ponavljati očito. Glavne bitke su se vodile oko Alepa, te Sjeverno od Hame, tu je bilo 95% cijele akcije. Položaji prema ISISU, su bili "obrambeni" tipa Palmira i Deiz ez Zor.  Nakon što su je oslobođeno Alepo, nedugo nakon toga Putin i Erdogan su se "pomirili" a tek onda kada su se ovi "pomirili", Putin prestaje udarati "umjerene kanibale" , (radi pritiska Erdogana) i baca se na ISIS(da ugrabe nešto teritorija, da nebi Ameri i Kurdi sve odnjeli) - Kurdi koji čine 10% populacije, drže 30-40% teritorija..

Mislim, to je odlična Putinova strategija i ja bi se tako ponašao.

Mene više zanima šta će biti sada.

Erdogan je Putinov brat
Međutim, Erdogan govori- Assad must go
Assad i Iran bi najradije dokrajčili ove islamske pobunjenike koje hrane i oblače Turci.
Rusi - vidit ćemo šta će biti. .ako pokrenu napad na islamsite, onda će Erdogan biti ljut. A ovi se nežele pomiriti.
Situacija u Siriji je daleeeko od kraja. Ima tamo posla da se ratuje još idućih par godina

Izgleda da niti glavni igraci nisu nacisto...sto sada  :cleanteeth

a točno to. situacija je kaotična i nepredvidljiva.

jedno je sigurno, assad je nadživo sve :D još samo mora nadživit erdogana i stvarno je faca

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Erdogan - bez odlaska "terorista Assada" , nema mira u Siriji! - Page 2 Empty Re: Erdogan - bez odlaska "terorista Assada" , nema mira u Siriji!

Post by Guest 27/12/2017, 19:20

Pinochet wrote:
pismejker wrote:
Pinochet wrote:
Yehudi wrote:
Pinochet wrote:(čisto da ponovim Rusi su se minimalno ratovali protiv ISISa, uglavnom protiv "umjerenih kanibala" - 

  A jesi dosadan više ka proljev sa tim svojim budalastim umotvorinama koje uporno ponavljaš 

 sve da bi ti netko povjerova. Stvarno si davež  papiga
pa istina je.

Zašto moram ponavljati očito. Glavne bitke su se vodile oko Alepa, te Sjeverno od Hame, tu je bilo 95% cijele akcije. Položaji prema ISISU, su bili "obrambeni" tipa Palmira i Deiz ez Zor.  Nakon što su je oslobođeno Alepo, nedugo nakon toga Putin i Erdogan su se "pomirili" a tek onda kada su se ovi "pomirili", Putin prestaje udarati "umjerene kanibale" , (radi pritiska Erdogana) i baca se na ISIS(da ugrabe nešto teritorija, da nebi Ameri i Kurdi sve odnjeli) - Kurdi koji čine 10% populacije, drže 30-40% teritorija..

Mislim, to je odlična Putinova strategija i ja bi se tako ponašao.

Mene više zanima šta će biti sada.

Erdogan je Putinov brat
Međutim, Erdogan govori- Assad must go
Assad i Iran bi najradije dokrajčili ove islamske pobunjenike koje hrane i oblače Turci.
Rusi - vidit ćemo šta će biti. .ako pokrenu napad na islamsite, onda će Erdogan biti ljut. A ovi se nežele pomiriti.
Situacija u Siriji je daleeeko od kraja. Ima tamo posla da se ratuje još idućih par godina

Izgleda da niti glavni igraci nisu nacisto...sto sada  :cleanteeth

a točno to. situacija je kaotična i nepredvidljiva.

jedno je sigurno, assad je nadživo sve :D još samo mora nadživit erdogana i stvarno je faca

Tja..osim desetina tisuca pobijenih pasa rata,na bilo kojoj strani,nis se nije pomjerilo niti za cent.. :cleanteeth

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Erdogan - bez odlaska "terorista Assada" , nema mira u Siriji! - Page 2 Empty Re: Erdogan - bez odlaska "terorista Assada" , nema mira u Siriji!

Post by mutava baštarda 27/12/2017, 19:21

Otvorena škola za preobraćanje terorista: bivši ISIL-ovci uče kako se vratiti normalnom životu

Je li moguće preobratiti terorista? Sirijci misle da jest - pa su otvorili školu za de-radikalizaciju. U 6-mjesečnom programu u Alepu bivši ISILovci uče kako se vratiti svakodnevnom životu
Erdogan - bez odlaska "terorista Assada" , nema mira u Siriji! - Page 2 LogImpression?z=1090;ad=183236;m=RTL;sid=vijesti_hr;ssid=novosti;flash=0;kw=;tm=1514398654;lcl=0
Sirija je pretrpjela najgori ratni zločin u novijoj povijesti čovječanstva. Ali ISIL-ovi ubojice, silovatelji i djeca-vojnici dobili su drugu priliku. U školi de-radikalizacije otvoreno priznaju što su doživjeli boreći se za Islamsku Državu.
“Najgore je bilo to što nisu imali poštovanja ni prema mrtvima. Kad bi nekog ubili, vukli bi njihova tijela ulicama", kazao je Ali Khaf, bivši ISIL-ov borac. U kampu za de-radikalizaciju uče ih o pravim životnim vrijednostima i drukčijem tumačenju Kurana.

“Radimo s puno stručnjaka i terapeuta koji znaju kako se odnositi prema radikaliziranim osobama. Moramo promijeniti njihova stara uvjerenja”, tvrdi Hossam Nasser, upravitelj kampa. Mnogi su se teroristima priključili zbog ideologije, neki zbog pustolovine, ali mnogi i zbog siromaštva.
“Tražio sam posao posvuda, ali ništa nisam našao. Zaposlio sam se u kuhinji, :D ali morao sam krasti hranu za svoju djecu. Isil je plaćao 150 eura na mjesec za borca. Ako se oženite, plaćaju još više”, objašnjava Ali Khaf.
Mohammed , bivši ISIL-ov borac, se ISIL-ovu kampu priključio iz znatiželje - tamo je naučio baratati oružjem, pucati iz puške. „Noću smo kopali rupe u zemlji s rukama kako bi imali gdje spavati. Bilo je tamo mnogo ubojica među nama. Francuza, Belgijanaca i Nijemaca”, kazao je Mohammed.
Svi se oni sada nalaze u zatvoru, a žele li si smanjiti kaznu moraju završiti 6-omjesečni tečaj de-radikalizacije. Može li ovakav program biti uspješan - nitko ne zna.


kažu rtelovci u alepu, a freedom fighterske zastave. još ga nisu prežalili...

Iduća dva tjedna su ključna
mutava baštarda
mutava baštarda

Posts : 21037

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Erdogan - bez odlaska "terorista Assada" , nema mira u Siriji! - Page 2 Empty Re: Erdogan - bez odlaska "terorista Assada" , nema mira u Siriji!

Post by Guest 27/12/2017, 19:25

Kaju mudri ljudi...Kad Zvijer jednom proba ljudsku krv i meso,nista ga drugo vise ne privlaci..

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Erdogan - bez odlaska "terorista Assada" , nema mira u Siriji! - Page 2 Empty Re: Erdogan - bez odlaska "terorista Assada" , nema mira u Siriji!

Post by mutava baštarda 27/12/2017, 19:31

da nestanu glavosječe onda bi nestala i potreba ili argument za vojno prisustvo amera. od tuda i deradikalizacija "kuhara"... :clown

Iduća dva tjedna su ključna
mutava baštarda
mutava baštarda

Posts : 21037

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Erdogan - bez odlaska "terorista Assada" , nema mira u Siriji! - Page 2 Empty Re: Erdogan - bez odlaska "terorista Assada" , nema mira u Siriji!

Post by Guest 27/12/2017, 19:47

Do qrc-a..Grippa me hvata.. No

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Erdogan - bez odlaska "terorista Assada" , nema mira u Siriji! - Page 2 Empty Re: Erdogan - bez odlaska "terorista Assada" , nema mira u Siriji!

Post by govinda 27/12/2017, 19:47

mutava baštarda wrote:da nestanu glavosječe onda bi nestala i potreba ili argument za vojno prisustvo amera. od tuda i deradikalizacija "kuhara"... :clown
Nije li obrnuto?

Kog' se bojis vise, Boga, sultana il' vezira?
Boga malo, sultana nimalo a vezira ko dorata moga.

Posts : 8930

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Erdogan - bez odlaska "terorista Assada" , nema mira u Siriji! - Page 2 Empty Re: Erdogan - bez odlaska "terorista Assada" , nema mira u Siriji!

Post by govinda 27/12/2017, 19:50

Sve je na Bliskom Istoku bilo u redu dok se barel placao 7 dolara, seici kupovali kadilake i linkolne, fantome i abramse...onda Iran rece ne...pa krenuse i ostali..

Kog' se bojis vise, Boga, sultana il' vezira?
Boga malo, sultana nimalo a vezira ko dorata moga.

Posts : 8930

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Erdogan - bez odlaska "terorista Assada" , nema mira u Siriji! - Page 2 Empty Re: Erdogan - bez odlaska "terorista Assada" , nema mira u Siriji!

Post by mutava baštarda 27/12/2017, 20:13

govinda wrote:
mutava baštarda wrote:da nestanu glavosječe onda bi nestala i potreba ili argument za vojno prisustvo amera. od tuda i deradikalizacija "kuhara"... :clown
Nije li obrnuto?
evo na ovom primjeru sirije, da nema umjerenih ili ekstremnih glavosječa koji bi argument imali ameri za vojno prisustvo. jest da njima zbog izuzetnosti ne trebaju argumenti, ali oopet moraju imati nekakav razlog...

Iduća dva tjedna su ključna
mutava baštarda
mutava baštarda

Posts : 21037

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Erdogan - bez odlaska "terorista Assada" , nema mira u Siriji! - Page 2 Empty Re: Erdogan - bez odlaska "terorista Assada" , nema mira u Siriji!

Post by RayMabus 27/12/2017, 22:02

Neznam šta će Turcima ruski Pzo kad najveća zračna opasnost i dolazi iz Rusije.

Stvarno glupo jbte

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Erdogan - bez odlaska "terorista Assada" , nema mira u Siriji! - Page 2 Empty Re: Erdogan - bez odlaska "terorista Assada" , nema mira u Siriji!

Post by Guest 27/12/2017, 22:07

Pinochet wrote:Zanimljvio. Rusi i Turci saveznici. U isto vrijeme Rusi prže avionima pro-Turske pobunjenike(čisto da ponovim Rusi su se minimalno ratovali protiv ISISa, uglavnom protiv "umjerenih kanibala" - koji su najviše oružja i obuke dobili od Turaka i dan-danas ih Turska vlast održava na "aparatima" inače bi ih Assada pregazio davno) a ovdje ispod stola zajedno "trguju", "posluju" otvaraju đamije u Moskvi, zajdno nastupaju protiv Izraela i USA.. tko koga jebe :D

S-400 je z ruse već obsolete tj zastario. rusi imaju S-500 Prometey

Forget About Russia's S-300 or S-400 (The S-500 Is Coming)

Moscow has long been preoccupied with the threat posed by NATO airpower, and has fielded a variety of potent long-range surface-to-air missile systems over the years to counter it, including at the high end the S-300 (SA-10 and SA-12) and S-400 (SA-21). But the primary role of its latest design, the Almaz-Antey S-500 “Triumfator,” isn’t taking potshots at frontline fighter planes. Rather, the S-500 marks a new Russian effort to develop its own defense “shield” against cruise and ballistic missile attack.

Moscow has claimed the S-500 will enter service in 2016 or 2017 and has offered an impressive-seeming list of its capabilities. Appropriately nicknamed “Prometey”—Prometheus—the S-500 supposedly will have a maximum vertical altitude of 185 to two hundred kilometers, permitting it to swat down incoming Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles and low-orbit satellites in space. The Triumfator would also have a maximum range of six hundred kilometers, even further than the four-hundred-kilometer range of the S-400. Russian Air Force Commander Colonel General Viktor Bondarev claimed the S-500 would be able to engage up to ten missiles at the same time, with a reaction speed of three to four seconds—compared to six missiles and nine-second reaction times for the S-400.

Like the United States’ Terminal High Altitude Area Defense system (THAAD), another long-range antiballistic missile weapon, the S-500’s upcoming 776N-N and 776N-N1 interceptor missiles are supposed to use hit-to-kill technology—that is, the missile destroys its target through physical impact, rather than relying on a fragmentation warhead. The 776Ns would travel at hypersonic speeds of five to seven kilometers per second, enabling them to intercept opposing hypersonic cruise missiles.

It’s very impressive-sounding—but Russian defense officials have been cagey about revealing the system’s actual performance specifications. While it is claimed testing has begun, the results of those tests remain unknown. Considering the American experience developing the THAAD system, which suffered numerous failures over more than a decade of testing, there’s good reason to believe designing an effective ABM system might take a little iteration.

Of course, Almaz-Antey’s engineers may have been more successful. But until testing data is available, there’s little way of knowing whether the S-500 can live up to the considerable hype.

There are some concrete details on the S-500, including the fact that unlike the older, larger 53T6 Anti-Ballistic Missiles deployed in fixed positions around Moscow, the S-500 will be a smaller, self-propelled system that can easily “shoot and scoot” to avoid attacks intended to suppress air defenses. In fact, the S-500 is supposed to be a smaller evolution of the S-400 design. Diagrams released by the vehicle manufacturer BZKT reveal that each S-500 battery would involve numerous support vehicles, including a Transport-Erector-Launcher (TEL) vehicle, four different radar vehicles (one of which is specifically optimized against ballistic missiles) and one or two command vehicles.

The Pentagon has had extensive experience dismantling air defense networks, so Russian media has emphasized how the S-500 will be difficult to detect. For example, it has showcased efforts to produce special “containers” that will shield the S-400 and S-500 from being spotted by satellites employing electromagnetic interference sensors. Another article highlights how the S-500 system will feature secured communication links on variable frequencies to shield them against electronic warfare.

There has also been some buzz that the S-500 will be more effective against stealth aircraft. However, most descriptions of the system do not list counter-stealth as a primary goal, and there is little concrete evidence suggesting that it possesses unique features in this regard compared to the preceding S-400. Of course, the S-500 will have low-bandwidth radar that can be used to detect stealth planes—but not to shoot at them at long range. This could still aid the air defense network in attempting to acquire a weapons-quality lock on stealth fighters at short ranges, but this is not a new capability. Overall, it seems the S-500 design really is focused on the missile-defense mission.

However, the S-500’s very long range makes it an ideal weapon for taking out the largest and least stealthy of targets. While a fighter plane would be harder to detect and to hit at extreme range, an airliner-style AWACS or electronic warfare plane would be in far greater peril, and would likely be forced to operate outside the S-500’s engagement radius.

Already, Russian S-300 and S-400 missiles deployed in Kaliningrad could interdict the airspace over the Baltic states as well as a large chunk of Poland. A forward-deployed S-500 could extend that no-fly zone even further. To be clear, NATO stealth fighters could still attack missile sites from standoff distances, but long-range SAMs could effectively shut down that airspace to most other air traffic unless dealt with.


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Erdogan - bez odlaska "terorista Assada" , nema mira u Siriji! - Page 2 Empty Re: Erdogan - bez odlaska "terorista Assada" , nema mira u Siriji!

Post by Serbinho-3 27/12/2017, 22:25

Rusija dovoljno da pusti druge da probaju Zapadnu supu i eto njih kod Rusa.
Zapad je agresivan i arogantan, usput uz manjak mudrosti i inteligencije.

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Lokacija: : Italy

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Erdogan - bez odlaska "terorista Assada" , nema mira u Siriji! - Page 2 Empty Re: Erdogan - bez odlaska "terorista Assada" , nema mira u Siriji!

Post by RayMabus 27/12/2017, 22:51

Ne kužim logiku ali ono njegove pare pa....

Meni osobno glup potez Turske

S tim će se jedino moć branit od iranskih raketa

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Erdogan - bez odlaska "terorista Assada" , nema mira u Siriji! - Page 2 Empty Re: Erdogan - bez odlaska "terorista Assada" , nema mira u Siriji!

Post by Guest 27/12/2017, 23:05



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Erdogan - bez odlaska "terorista Assada" , nema mira u Siriji! - Page 2 Empty Re: Erdogan - bez odlaska "terorista Assada" , nema mira u Siriji!

Post by RayMabus 27/12/2017, 23:19

Ne kupuješ pzo od nekog tko ti je potencijalni napadač, ko da ja sad u Srba to kupim

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Erdogan - bez odlaska "terorista Assada" , nema mira u Siriji! - Page 2 Empty Re: Erdogan - bez odlaska "terorista Assada" , nema mira u Siriji!

Post by Guest 27/12/2017, 23:48

Erdogan aims to turn Turkey into major defense industry power

ANKARA (Reuters) - For years Turkey has boasted NATO’s largest army, bar only the United States, and now President Tayyip Erdogan wants a defense industry to match.

Erdogan’s dream that Turkey will make all its own military equipment within a few years reflects his ambition to play a greater role in a turbulent region and achieve independence from long-time allies in the West.

Trying to drum up nationalist support as the ruling AK Party heads into tough parliamentary elections next month, Erdogan has also called repeatedly for the country to become a major exporter of everything from rifles to fighter jets.

This chimes with his declared aim of returning Turkey to the glories of the Ottoman empire - Erdogan has already built a 1,000-room presidential palace, drawing accusations from opponents that he is behaving like a modern-day sultan.

“As long as there are assailants in the world, we will always be required to be ready for defense,” he told a defense industry conference in Istanbul this month.

Erdogan’s sights are set on the centenary of the modern Turkish republic’s foundation. “Our goal is to completely rid our defense industry of foreign dependency by 2023,” he said.

Ankara spends around $18 billion a year on defense with just over half of its equipment made domestically. Defense exports rose 18 percent last year to $1.65 billion, and a tank and infantry rifle are nearly ready for mass production.

Warship and fighter jet projects are in the early design phase but Erdogan hopes they will go into production by 2023, when he wants defense exports to total $25 billion.

“Turkey’s rulers firmly believe that Turkey cannot be the regional power they wish it to become without a really deterrent military force,” said Burak Bekdil, a defense analyst and columnist with the Hurriyet newspaper.


Ankara had to ask NATO to deploy Patriot missiles in 2014 to bolster security along its frontier with Syria. This kind of dependency has long grated on Turks.

Last month Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu remarked on Turkey’s “painful experience” in World War One when it was forced to buy arms from abroad.

“A nation without its own defense industry cannot fight the cause of liberation,” he said at the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Gallipoli, adding that by 2023 a locally-made combat plane will “fly the Turkish skies”.

Turkey’s desire for self-reliance is understandable as it shares a 1,200 km (750-mile) border with Syria and Iraq, where Islamic State has carved out a self-declared caliphate.

A U.S. arms embargo imposed after Turkish forces invaded northern Cyprus in 1974 left Ankara under-equipped and served as a wake-up call, according to Atilla Sandikli, a retired naval officer and head of the Bilgesam security think-tank.

The embargo was lifted a few years later. Small projects to develop everything from radios to aircraft tyres were followed by production under license of F-16 jets in the 1980s, coupled with joint modernization projects with Egypt and others.


Now Turkey is home to two of the world’s 100 largest defense companies, Aselsan and TUSAS. But if the sector wants to compete with Western defense giants, it must diversify its exports away from Europe - where defense budgets are being cut - to Asia, the Middle East and Africa, where expenditure is rising.

“We’re making products better than most in the West. We’re cheaper ... We’re ready to share technology. The Turkish defense industry can be a valid alternative to the West,” Faik Eken, General Director of Aselsan, Turkey’s biggest defense firm, told Reuters.

The transfer of technology has been the latest sticking point between Turkey and its NATO allies. Ankara chose China Precision Machinery Import and Export Corp in 2013 as the preferred bidder for a $3.4 billion long-range missile system, saying that acquisition of new technology was a priority.

This has raised concerns about security in the West, as the Chinese firm has been previously hit by U.S. sanctions over alleged violations of the Iran, North Korea and Syria Nonproliferation Act.

Turkey’s Western allies are also worried about the compatibility of the Chinese technology with NATO systems.

While still young, the Turkish defense industry is gaining the ability to tackle big projects, said Muharrem Dortkasli, the chief executive of TUSAS. Now it wants a place alongside its biggest NATO allies, the United States, France and Britain, as well as Russia and China.

“We are talking about a country that will have its own national tank, national ship, national helicopter, satellite and war plane,” he said. “We are aiming to have everything the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council have.”


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