Football Manager
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Re: Football Manager
jednostavno epska sezona, a o tome svjedoci podatak da su me svi treneri lige izabrali za menadzera godine, no vjerojatno bi uzeo allegri da nije dao otkaz i preuzeo repku, na njegovo mjesto dosao Mourinho na pola sezone.
Prezadovoljan sam, bilo je mukotrpno, do 5 kola prije kraja borba ne za drugo mjesto nego uopce plasman u LP, ali onda moje 4 pobjede i remi rekreacijski u zadnjoj tekmi, kad malo bolje pogledam da sam imao malo siri kvalitetniji kadar mogao sam ugroziti dubretare.
Najbolje pojacanje je produzenje govora Zivkovicu na jos 5 sezona, dolazi mi Kimmich i jos neki super stoper iz Chelseaja i jos imam oko 20M za trositi, dali su mi 26 milijuna na kraju sezone, ocekivao sam barem 50.
Malo o igracima.. Pjaca me se nije dojmio bas, igra inside forwarda, ali kad ulazi je slab dosta jer je inace desnjak i fulao je penal u cetvrtfinalu protiv Rome presudni, Cekici je odigrao odlicnu sezonu, Saul je medu vodecima po asistencijama, a puno i nije igrao, Savic je cuda skidao na golu.
Ima jedan stoper Biffi, on se prometnuo u prvoga stopera, a ima samo 21 godinu, prosle sezone dosao iz WBA, prije toga bio u Levanteu. Mislim da od njega mogu napraviti novoga Maldinija. Zabio je par dobrih golova glavom.
Inace trziste je ludo, Sassuolo placa napadaca 250K tjedno, za ostale da ne govorim, ne znam kako da pojacam ekipu za samo 20 M, treba se potruditi. Sljedece sezone ocekujem neki trofej... Genoa je na kraju uzela kup, a Catanije mi je zao, cijelu sezonu su bili uz mene, na kraju su sve popusili, a zasluzili su LP i trece mjesto.
End- Posts : 21177
Re: Football Manager
Jos otpocetka igrice nisu igrali LP niti osvojili trofej, znaci najmanje 6 sezona. Nemam niti koga za prodati da ostvarim koju paru, max kojih 10 -15 milijuna. Treba mi napadac, lijevi bek, desni bek, krilo i bio bi dobar jedan u vezi. Opet puno kupovine i tek onda imam ekipu poslozenu donekle.
End- Posts : 21177
Re: Football Manager
u manageru, najteže je postići zaraznu karijeru, jednom sam u fm 2007 krenuo s atletico madridom, svaka utakmica je bila kvalifikacijska borio sam se za titulu s realom i farsom nisam imao pravo na kiks, vrhunac je bilo gostovanje reala na calderonu gdje su kapitulirali, no na kraju ostao bez titule. najbolje su karijere koje te najviše naživciraju koje donose neizvjesne završnice i utakmice.
sad s newcastleom kad bi se uključio u borbu za titulu nastao bi kaos, ali teško, imam igru s kojom mogu svima parirati, no nemam kvalitetu da napravim veliki pobjednički niz i da rutinski riješavam utakmice, radnička momčad bez previše znalaca koja se oslanja na trku, agresiju, pressing i upornost, svi igrači imaju visoki determination a to je ključ takvih taktika.
sad s newcastleom kad bi se uključio u borbu za titulu nastao bi kaos, ali teško, imam igru s kojom mogu svima parirati, no nemam kvalitetu da napravim veliki pobjednički niz i da rutinski riješavam utakmice, radnička momčad bez previše znalaca koja se oslanja na trku, agresiju, pressing i upornost, svi igrači imaju visoki determination a to je ključ takvih taktika.
Guest- Guest
Re: Football Manager
ende jesi se osvetio sevilli?
Ako detektor laži pokaže da ja lažem, da sam ja odbio , ja ću onda se podvrći da sam sebi oduzmem život.
muckodjubre- Posts : 11131
Re: Football Manager
cim osvojim koji trofej s milanom idem u Barcu onda ide osveta
End- Posts : 21177
Re: Football Manager
Dogodilo se ono sta nisam htio, a to je da je u Barci neki klosar dobio otkaz i morao sam se prijaviti, na kraju su me uzeli iako mi je Milan nudio i vece novce za transfere. Steta jer sam htio jos s njima do nekih rezultata, a momcad kakvu sam ostavio iza sebe je strasna, mozda sredenija ekipa od Barce gdje dolazim.
Pred kraj sam im doveo napadaca iz Brazila koji je malo slabiji od Zivkovica, Kimmich kao DM, jedna odlican stoper uz Biffija koji ce jesti zemlju, i Nouri iz Ajaxa medu najbolji veznjacima igrice, jos ima samo desni bek fali i to je to. Tu sam mogao barem ligu uzeti, steta, samo mi je falila jos jedna sezona.
Igraju LP i tko god preuzme ekipu u ruke je dobio stroj i sve poslozeno, tako da mi zbog toga nije zao, imaju slatke brige.
Pred kraj sam im doveo napadaca iz Brazila koji je malo slabiji od Zivkovica, Kimmich kao DM, jedna odlican stoper uz Biffija koji ce jesti zemlju, i Nouri iz Ajaxa medu najbolji veznjacima igrice, jos ima samo desni bek fali i to je to. Tu sam mogao barem ligu uzeti, steta, samo mi je falila jos jedna sezona.
Igraju LP i tko god preuzme ekipu u ruke je dobio stroj i sve poslozeno, tako da mi zbog toga nije zao, imaju slatke brige.
End- Posts : 21177
Re: Football Manager
No meni je cilj jasan, a to je rasturanje menadzera, a dosad sam vodio tri najvece ekipe redom Dinamo, Milan i sad Barcelona, savrsena karijera! Ako ima tko jaci neka se javi.
End- Posts : 21177
Re: Football Manager
Iz postovanja im necu uzeti nijednoga igraca, iako bi htio maloga Biffija...tko dode ionako ce raspodati ekipu jer ponude nakon prosle senzacionalne sezone dolaze za sve igrace.
End- Posts : 21177
Re: Football Manager
Stage 1: You're a level one if you buy the game but can't find time to play it therefore you can safely say you like the game but are definitely not addicted. You do however know it's okay because the linesman hasn't moved when you concede but it's actually offside. That you do know!
Stage 2: You have signed an unknown player who goes on to be huge or touted as the next best thing, and claim you knew of his potential before everyone else. You are mildly addicted but the damage is reversible. You are also likely, in a bout of boredness, to relegate your biggest rivals. Again, many connoisseurs of the great game have done this at some point.
Stage 3: You sit and play the game blissfully unaware that you are talking to yourself in what you think (in your head) is a real press conference. A slightly more severe case of Stage 3 is when you do this in a foreign accent. This is what we in FM world called the early signs of acute FM addictiveness.
Stage 4: You begin comparing players in real life to what they are really like on FM - sometimes getting into heated arguments with friends. This is where the manifestation of an FM addict begins to show itself. The symptoms of this stage also include shouting at the computer screen, usually after conceding or scoring late on - sometimes in the company of others. At this stage real life young players start becoming managers at top clubs in FM.
Stage 5: We call this stage five because it's when five more minutes becomes 5am and that's when the concept of time really starts distorting - much like the five minute '90minute' games on FM. At this stage you don't have a massive need to worry as an intervention can always solve your moderate addiction. It is also know that many people at Stage 5 start to make up football chants and sing them to themselves.
Stage 6: Obviously the next stage up from five (of course) the person who after working 11 days straight gets that one day off, but instead of availing of the lie-in, they set their alarm to get up to play FM. There are no days off at this stage. It is believed that many online players of the game suffer from Stage 6
Stage 7: This is the point where reality begins to fade into the horizon. FM is famed for it's realism but someone suffering from Stage 7 takes it to new depths. A Stage 7 would tend to leave the room when they are slapped with a touchline ban. They would leave the tactics to their assistant, hit kick-off and go stand on the other side of the door. At half-time they would return and hit kick-off after leaving the team-talk once again to the assistant. They would only return when the game is over and probably lost. At this stage family members usually become concerned. Eating becomes a chore at this stage.
Stage 8: Okay, it's true that FM really does consume ones life but in the early stages of addiction said addictee can pull themselves away at some point during the week and that's usually for a sociable night out at the weekend - not for a Stage 8 it doesn't, because for someone this addicted, not even a night out sounds good. This is the sort of player that once on a good run, will continue to play because they feel a break will ruin their momentum. Noetheless, this is the same player that will continue to play even when their team is on a particularly poor run because a win is just around the corner. This is called FM paralysis.
Stage 9: By this stage you are pretty damn good at the game, you have assembled a decent team and playing with a system you are relatively happy with. This is the person that also knows that whatever your pre-season form, it counts for nothing come your first game. Beating a team a few divisions above you in pre-season only gives you the dreaded false sense of security. The person may be addicted but they too are knowledgeable. That all sounds promising until you hear the prevailing Stage 9 symptom - wearing a suit in front of the computer for cup finals. This also goes for other club paraphernalia. This is where many people should stop questioning why they are single.
Stage 10: This is when it really gets serious. Getting up early, playing to the early hours and refusing to go on night's out is bad enough but it's not the worst thing - it shows a certain passion should we say, but when you start calling into work sick, then you're in trouble. In fairness, if you do that you probably are sick and need to seek help...immediately (but of course you're not going to do that as that would take you away from FM).
Stage 11: This is extremely rare. There have been no reported cases on Merseyside but this is when a player wins a trophy and inexplicably feels the need to share his/her glory with others...a lot of others. They don't take to running around the house to telling people, they don't even use social media, instead they jump on an open top sightseeing bus and take a tour of the city waving to the unsuspecting folk on the streets. Yes, this is truly Football Manager possession. That's when you've been FM'd.
Stage 1: You're a level one if you buy the game but can't find time to play it therefore you can safely say you like the game but are definitely not addicted. You do however know it's okay because the linesman hasn't moved when you concede but it's actually offside. That you do know!
Stage 2: You have signed an unknown player who goes on to be huge or touted as the next best thing, and claim you knew of his potential before everyone else. You are mildly addicted but the damage is reversible. You are also likely, in a bout of boredness, to relegate your biggest rivals. Again, many connoisseurs of the great game have done this at some point.
Stage 3: You sit and play the game blissfully unaware that you are talking to yourself in what you think (in your head) is a real press conference. A slightly more severe case of Stage 3 is when you do this in a foreign accent. This is what we in FM world called the early signs of acute FM addictiveness.
Stage 4: You begin comparing players in real life to what they are really like on FM - sometimes getting into heated arguments with friends. This is where the manifestation of an FM addict begins to show itself. The symptoms of this stage also include shouting at the computer screen, usually after conceding or scoring late on - sometimes in the company of others. At this stage real life young players start becoming managers at top clubs in FM.
Stage 5: We call this stage five because it's when five more minutes becomes 5am and that's when the concept of time really starts distorting - much like the five minute '90minute' games on FM. At this stage you don't have a massive need to worry as an intervention can always solve your moderate addiction. It is also know that many people at Stage 5 start to make up football chants and sing them to themselves.
Stage 6: Obviously the next stage up from five (of course) the person who after working 11 days straight gets that one day off, but instead of availing of the lie-in, they set their alarm to get up to play FM. There are no days off at this stage. It is believed that many online players of the game suffer from Stage 6
Stage 7: This is the point where reality begins to fade into the horizon. FM is famed for it's realism but someone suffering from Stage 7 takes it to new depths. A Stage 7 would tend to leave the room when they are slapped with a touchline ban. They would leave the tactics to their assistant, hit kick-off and go stand on the other side of the door. At half-time they would return and hit kick-off after leaving the team-talk once again to the assistant. They would only return when the game is over and probably lost. At this stage family members usually become concerned. Eating becomes a chore at this stage.
Stage 8: Okay, it's true that FM really does consume ones life but in the early stages of addiction said addictee can pull themselves away at some point during the week and that's usually for a sociable night out at the weekend - not for a Stage 8 it doesn't, because for someone this addicted, not even a night out sounds good. This is the sort of player that once on a good run, will continue to play because they feel a break will ruin their momentum. Noetheless, this is the same player that will continue to play even when their team is on a particularly poor run because a win is just around the corner. This is called FM paralysis.
Stage 9: By this stage you are pretty damn good at the game, you have assembled a decent team and playing with a system you are relatively happy with. This is the person that also knows that whatever your pre-season form, it counts for nothing come your first game. Beating a team a few divisions above you in pre-season only gives you the dreaded false sense of security. The person may be addicted but they too are knowledgeable. That all sounds promising until you hear the prevailing Stage 9 symptom - wearing a suit in front of the computer for cup finals. This also goes for other club paraphernalia. This is where many people should stop questioning why they are single.
Stage 10: This is when it really gets serious. Getting up early, playing to the early hours and refusing to go on night's out is bad enough but it's not the worst thing - it shows a certain passion should we say, but when you start calling into work sick, then you're in trouble. In fairness, if you do that you probably are sick and need to seek help...immediately (but of course you're not going to do that as that would take you away from FM).
Stage 11: This is extremely rare. There have been no reported cases on Merseyside but this is when a player wins a trophy and inexplicably feels the need to share his/her glory with others...a lot of others. They don't take to running around the house to telling people, they don't even use social media, instead they jump on an open top sightseeing bus and take a tour of the city waving to the unsuspecting folk on the streets. Yes, this is truly Football Manager possession. That's when you've been FM'd.
Guest- Guest
Re: Football Manager
Kako je tesko naci pojacanje za Barcu, nikoga nema, jedva da netko ima 2 i pol zvjezdice, a u Milanu b imao 5 punih. Treba mi veznjak i krilo, imam 50 milijuna za trositi, ali za kvalitetnoga igraca samo jednoga treba toliko izdvojiti, imam na piku veznjaka iz PSG-a, 21 godina, ali traze 40 milijuna.
End- Posts : 21177
Re: Football Manager
Kompletam spanjolski nogomet je u mojim rukama. Godina 2020., u finalu EP izgubila spanjolska od engleske nakon sto su prethodna tri natjecanja uzeli.
Preuzeo sam spanjolsku repku iako je i hrvatska bila slobodna, ali s njima nista ne bi mogao ovako kontroliram sve, mogu birati i odmarati igrace iz kluba, mogu igracima odredivati karijere prvi birati plodove na pladnju talenata, kontroliram Primeru ko Mamic HNL.
operw jesi se okusao kad u vodenju kluba i repke istovremeno...
Preuzeo sam spanjolsku repku iako je i hrvatska bila slobodna, ali s njima nista ne bi mogao ovako kontroliram sve, mogu birati i odmarati igrace iz kluba, mogu igracima odredivati karijere prvi birati plodove na pladnju talenata, kontroliram Primeru ko Mamic HNL.
operw jesi se okusao kad u vodenju kluba i repke istovremeno...
End- Posts : 21177
Re: Football Manager
vodio sam hrvatsku i Juventus. ispao u nokaut fazi svjetskog prvenstva i dao otkaz, više preferiram samo klub vodit iako bi imponiralo osvojit mundial i upisat u se u povijest.
isto ne volim se selit iz jednog kluba u drugi, kad započnem jednu karijeru igram dok ne završim ili dok mi ne dosadi, a karijeru sam završio osvajanjem svih trofeja.
to je uvijek karijera s Juventusom, ili oživljavanje nekog posrnulog diva, deportivo, prije borussia dok nisu postali toliko moćni, u premiershipu aston villa mi je drag klub, newcastle malo manje, ili treće karijera s nekim niželigašem gdje je cilj postat njihova legenda. kao bryan clough.
isto ne volim se selit iz jednog kluba u drugi, kad započnem jednu karijeru igram dok ne završim ili dok mi ne dosadi, a karijeru sam završio osvajanjem svih trofeja.
to je uvijek karijera s Juventusom, ili oživljavanje nekog posrnulog diva, deportivo, prije borussia dok nisu postali toliko moćni, u premiershipu aston villa mi je drag klub, newcastle malo manje, ili treće karijera s nekim niželigašem gdje je cilj postat njihova legenda. kao bryan clough.
Guest- Guest
Re: Football Manager
meni je cilj bio cim prije u barcelonu i osvojiti sve sta se moze, i samoga me zateklo da sam vec tu nakon samo 6 sezona, ali 6 odlicnih sezona, ova prosla s Milanom mi je ko da sam osvojio sve takav ucinak ima.. a mozda se poslije vratim k njima ili tko zna.. a spanjolska sad usput, poslije Katara 2022. dajem otkaz vjerojatno samo da odigram Mundijal.
End- Posts : 21177
Re: Football Manager
skinuo sam običan grafički dodatak od 75mb, pokriva većinu liga.
za fm 2011 sam skinuo megapack od 4gb, sad ne mogu nigdje pronaći takav torrent, slike igrača mi ne trebaju, samo logo i kits, i logo natjecanja, reprezentacija.
iako ovaj od 75 je dobar
za fm 2011 sam skinuo megapack od 4gb, sad ne mogu nigdje pronaći takav torrent, slike igrača mi ne trebaju, samo logo i kits, i logo natjecanja, reprezentacija.
iako ovaj od 75 je dobar
Guest- Guest
Re: Football Manager
kako ne mozes, samo upisi na google megapack kits/logos cas posla ili imas na fm balkanu.
End- Posts : 21177
Re: Football Manager mislim da ovo imam, dresove sam posebno skidao, mozda za 10 najboljih liga recimo.
End- Posts : 21177
Re: Football Manager
kasnije sam vidio taj link. skinut ću i to
prvi poraz nakon 27 utakmica u nizu, manchester 3:0 na old traffordu, vratili su mi za poraz u prvoj utakmici istim rezultatom.
u europskoj ligi izvukao lokomotivu moskva, 1:1 u gostima, strong wind, light snow, - 7, paco alcacer se nije vidio cijelu utakmicu ruska fronta je previše za njega.
u uzvratu očekujem prolaz, igrat ću u svojoj najjačoj formaciji 4312, u gostima sam igrao 442 defensive.
prvi poraz nakon 27 utakmica u nizu, manchester 3:0 na old traffordu, vratili su mi za poraz u prvoj utakmici istim rezultatom.
u europskoj ligi izvukao lokomotivu moskva, 1:1 u gostima, strong wind, light snow, - 7, paco alcacer se nije vidio cijelu utakmicu ruska fronta je previše za njega.
u uzvratu očekujem prolaz, igrat ću u svojoj najjačoj formaciji 4312, u gostima sam igrao 442 defensive.
Guest- Guest
Re: Football Manager
Rapsodija od sezone, dajte mi tu dijamantu loptu za najboljega trenera svih vremena.
Zasad sezona bez greske, jedina dva poraza koja imam su od Betisa u 3. kolu i to na Campu jer sam doslovno se zainatio i igrao s trecom momcadi i od Shakhtara u LP odma nakon Betisa u gostima i jos imam jedan remi sa Sevillom u gostima i sve pobjede uz minimalan broj primljenih golova, jednostavno razvaljujem.
Ekipa je dosta stara radim na pomladivanju, tako su vec otisli Masch - tu nisam nista mogao, imao je vec 37, ali ja sam htio da se tu umirovi, vratio se u cmargentinu.
Piquea sam prodao u Soton za 3 milijuna jebe mi se za njega. Bravu nisam htio produziti ugovor.
Suarez ima 33, al je jos uvijek zvijer no necu mu na kraju sezone produziti ugovor, poceo je padati. Messi isto 33, ali Boga ostavljam do kraja, sad dae lekciju novom napadacu kojega sam doveo iz Chelseaja za 42 milijuna.
Neymar je zlatna lopta 28, godina, najbolji igrac, pravi inside forwad, City je nudio preko 70 milijuna nisam htio.
Prvenstveno jer je trziste ludo skroz, igraci preko 100 milijuna su normala, tjedne place od 300-400K su normala, moras se pomuciti za svako pojacanje, nema nikoga za ove najvece klubove.
loreala sam pomeo u gostima s dva gola iz prekida, Busi doktor i Bartra. Busi ne zabija i ne asistira, ali kad on igra kompletna momcad je na nivou vise, ne znam kako da to opisem, igraju 20% bolje. Najveca pobjeda je protiv Eibara kod kuce 9:0.
U osmini finala LP igram protiv Celtica u cetrvtfinalu kupa jos ne znam, ali imam sanse za sve moguce trofeje, jedino je Bayern opasnost zasad po onome sta vidim, ali i moguce ozljede.
Barca 4 godine nije osvojila prvenstvo, sad osvajam 99%, a zadnja LP je bila 2011., znaci 9 sezona, a prosle sezone je cak uspio uzet cmarsenal, pa i city...
Akademije su malo pale, to mora promijeniti, nema nikoga iz La Masije, a nema niti talenta, no svejedno imam dva igraca u vidu, jedan veznjak i stoper makar za njega nisam bas siguran da ima to u sebi.
kriminal kakvi losi potencijali...
End- Posts : 21177
Re: Football Manager
Sa spanjolskom mi ide glatko, igram polufinale European nations league, to je nesta novo. Reprezentacije su podijeljene u divizije s obzirom na koeficijente ima A, B divizija, C, i onda se igra turnir umjesto prijateljskih utakmica. Ja sam bio u grupi sa Turskom i Belgijom i sve sam dobio dvije utakmice sa svakom ekipom, a Belgija je brutalna ekipa, to je bilo malo na srecu.
Ekipa je dosta stara, zadesila me smjena generacija, a mlade generacije i nisu tako dobre. Sad igram polufinale protiv Austrije i onda u finalu me ceka Italija ili Engleska. I onda nakon toga ide SP u Kataru mislim.
Ekipa je dosta stara, zadesila me smjena generacija, a mlade generacije i nisu tako dobre. Sad igram polufinale protiv Austrije i onda u finalu me ceka Italija ili Engleska. I onda nakon toga ide SP u Kataru mislim.
End- Posts : 21177
Re: Football Manager
Samo ne znam na koji nacin se uopce kvalificira na SP kad ne vidim nikakve naznake za bilo kakve kvalifikacijske utakmice...
End- Posts : 21177
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