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Koji su bili pravi razmjeri Staljinovog terora?

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Koji su bili pravi razmjeri Staljinovog terora? Empty Koji su bili pravi razmjeri Staljinovog terora?

Post by Eroo Tue 1 Aug - 23:49

Averzija prema činjenicama: Koji su bili pravi razmjeri
Staljinovog terora?

31. srpnja 2017.  [url=https://hr.rbth.com/author/Aleksej Timofej%C4%8Dev]Aleksej Timofejčev[/url]  

Tijekom 1980-ih i 1990-ih Rusi su obično mislili da pravi razmjeri Staljinove velike čistke (1936.-1938.) nikada nisu bili vidljivi. Tada je mnogo puta ponovljeno da je daleko više ljudi pobijeno nego što piše u službenim izvještajima. Prošlo je 80 godina od tih zlokobnih represija koje su nanijele štetu Sovjetskom Savezu i sada je pravo vrijeme da se osvrnemo rusko društvo s kraja 20. stoljeća i pogledamo kako se ono suočavalo sa surovom istinom o svojoj prošlosti.

Koji su bili pravi razmjeri Staljinovog terora? Rtr2dbr6
Izvor: Reuters

"Ja sam početkom 1990-ih dosta dolazio u dodir sa statistikom vezanom za sovjetski teror. Prema mojim procjenama, tijekom čitavog razdoblja sovjetskog režima sigurnosne službe su uhitile 7,1 milijun ljudi. Rusko javno mnijenje je, međutim, smatralo da je samo u razdoblju 1937.-1939. godine uhićeno oko 12 milijuna ljudi. Zbog toga sam digao ruke od svojih procjena i dugo se nisam time bavio."


Last edited by Eroo on Tue 1 Aug - 23:52; edited 1 time in total

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Koji su bili pravi razmjeri Staljinovog terora? Empty Re: Koji su bili pravi razmjeri Staljinovog terora?

Post by Eroo Tue 1 Aug - 23:49

Vidiš ti, čovjeka napali prava zdrava... :^0

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Koji su bili pravi razmjeri Staljinovog terora? Empty Re: Koji su bili pravi razmjeri Staljinovog terora?

Post by epikur37 Wed 2 Aug - 0:15

ruska stvar..

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Koji su bili pravi razmjeri Staljinovog terora? Empty Re: Koji su bili pravi razmjeri Staljinovog terora?

Post by crvenkasti Wed 2 Aug - 0:25

Sadam, Gadafi i Asad su isto bili takvi, samo, srećom danas ima netko tko ih može zaustaviti.

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Koji su bili pravi razmjeri Staljinovog terora? Empty Re: Koji su bili pravi razmjeri Staljinovog terora?

Post by Guest Wed 2 Aug - 0:50

Eroo wrote:Vidiš ti, čovjeka napali prava zdrava... :^0

šta se smiješ Ero smeće jedno pogubljeno glupavo??? vi hrvati a pogotovo hercegovci svi ustaše trebate svaki dan zahvaljivati drugu Josipu Brozu što ste živi i čak imate zahvaljujući Titu neku slučajnu čardak bantustansku vukojebinu. jer da nije bilo Tita vi hrvati danas nebiste postojali fizički. Amen. jer da vas je okupirala Crvena armija i Stalin jebali bi vi vlastitu majku to vam je bilo zagarantirano pogotovo da ste ovom ovdje na fotografiji ispod došli u ruke pa samo on vas pojede za doručak sve hrvate svih vas 3 milijuna koliko vas je bilo poslije 2. svj. rata. sve bi vas ovaj na fotki osobno lišio života sve hrvate bez iznimke. zato svako jutro kad se probudite zahvalite Josipu Brozu što ste živi.

Koji su bili pravi razmjeri Staljinovog terora? Vasili_Blokhin

Vasily Mikhailovich Blokhin

zapamtite to ime hrvati čardakaši hercegovci uhljebi sjecikese ovaj iznad bi vas bio zbrisao sa lica zemlje da nije bilo druga Tita.

Vasily Mikhailovich Blokhin (Russian: Васи́лий Миха́йлович Блохи́н, 7 January 1895 – 3 February 1955) was a Soviet Russian Major-General who served as the chief executioner of the Stalinist NKVD under the administrations of Genrikh Yagoda, Nikolai Yezhov, and Lavrentiy Beria.

Hand-picked for the position by Joseph Stalin in 1926, Blokhin led a company of executioners that performed and supervised numerous mass executions during Stalin's reign, mostly during the Great Purge and World War II.[2] He is recorded as having executed tens of thousands of prisoners by his own hand, including his killing of about 7,000 Polish prisoners of war during the Katyn massacre in spring 1940,[2][3] making him the most prolific official executioner and mass murderer in recorded world history.[2][4] Forced into retirement following the death of Stalin, Blokhin died in 1955, officially reported as a suicide.

As senior executioner,[7] Blokhin had the official title of commandant of the internal prison at the Lubyanka, which allowed him to carry out his duties with a minimum of scrutiny and no official paperwork. Although most of the estimated 828,000[2] NKVD executions conducted in Stalin's lifetime were performed by local Chekists in concert with NKVD troikas, mass executions were overseen by specialist executioners from the Kommandantura. In addition to overseeing the mass executions, Blokhin personally pulled the trigger in all of the individual high-profile executions conducted in the Soviet Union during his tenure,[5] including those of the Old Bolsheviks convicted at the Moscow Show Trials; Marshal of the Soviet Union Mikhail Tukhachevsky (convicted at a secret trial); and two of the three fallen NKVD Chiefs (Genrikh Yagoda in 1938 and Nikolai Yezhov in 1940) he had once served under.[8] He was awarded the Badge of Honor for his service in 1937.[9]

Katyn massacre

Blokhin's most infamous act was the April 1940 execution by shooting of more than 9,000 Polish prisoners interned in the Ostashkov prisoner of war camp in the Katyn forest. The majority were military and police officers who had been captured following the Soviet invasion of Poland in 1939.[10] (The event's infamy also stems from the Stalin regime's orchestration of the murders and subsequent propaganda campaign in order to blame Nazi Germany for the massacres.)

In 1990, as part of Glasnost, Gorbachev gave the Polish government the files on the massacres at Katyn, Starobelsk and Kalinin (now Tver), revealing Stalin's involvement.[11] Based on the 4 April secret order from Stalin to NKVD Chief Lavrenty Beria (as well as NKVD Order № 00485, which still applied), the executions were carried out over 28 consecutive nights at the specially constructed basement execution chamber at the NKVD headquarters in Kalinin, and were assigned, by name, directly to Blokhin, making him the official executioner of the NKVD.[12]

Blokhin initially decided on an ambitious quota of 300 executions per night; and engineered an efficient system in which the prisoners were individually led to a small antechamber—which had been painted red and was known as the "Leninist room"—for a brief and cursory positive identification, before being handcuffed and led into the execution room next door. The room was specially designed with padded walls for soundproofing, a sloping concrete floor with a drain and hose, and a log wall for the prisoners to stand against. Blokhin would stand waiting behind the door in his executioner garb: a leather butcher's apron, leather hat, and shoulder-length leather gloves. Then, without a hearing, the reading of a sentence or any other formalities, each prisoner was brought in and restrained by guards while Blokhin shot him once in the base of the skull with a German Walther Model 2 .25 ACP pistol.[13][14][15]

He had brought a briefcase full of his own Walther pistols, since he did not trust the reliability of the standard-issue Soviet TT-30 for the frequent, heavy use he intended. The use of a German pocket pistol, which was commonly carried by German police and intelligence agents, also provided plausible deniability of the executions if the bodies were discovered later.[16]

An estimated 30 local NKVD agents, guards and drivers were pressed into service to escort prisoners to the basement, confirm identification, then remove the bodies and hose down the blood after each execution. Although some of the executions were carried out by Senior Lieutenant of State Security Andrei Rubanov, Blokhin was the primary executioner and, true to his reputation, liked to work continuously and rapidly without interruption.[14] In keeping with NKVD policy and the overall "wet" nature of the operation, the executions were conducted at night, starting at dark and continuing until just prior to dawn. The bodies were continuously loaded onto covered flat-bed trucks through a back door in the execution chamber and trucked, twice a night, to Mednoye, where Blokhin had arranged for a bulldozer and two NKVD drivers to dispose of bodies at an unfenced site. Each night, 24–25 trenches, measuring eight to 10 meters (24.3 to 32.8 feet) total, were dug to hold that night's corpses, and each trench was covered up before dawn.[17]

Blokhin and his team worked without pause for 10 hours each night, with Blokhin executing an average of one prisoner every three minutes.[3] At the end of the night, Blokhin provided vodka to all his men.[18] On 27 April 1940, Blokhin secretly received the Order of the Red Banner and a modest monthly pay premium as a reward from Joseph Stalin for his "skill and organization in the effective carrying out of special tasks".[19][20] His count of 7,000 shot in 28 days remains the most organized and protracted mass murder by a single individual on record,[3] and saw him being named the Guinness World Record holder for 'Most Prolific Executioner' in 2010

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Koji su bili pravi razmjeri Staljinovog terora? Empty Re: Koji su bili pravi razmjeri Staljinovog terora?

Post by Eroo Wed 2 Aug - 1:48

epikur37 wrote:ruska stvar..
E da je bila samo ruska, bila je i naša... :)

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Koji su bili pravi razmjeri Staljinovog terora? Empty Re: Koji su bili pravi razmjeri Staljinovog terora?

Post by mutava baštarda Wed 2 Aug - 7:21

komunizam je instaliran u rusiju iz vana sigurno ne dobronamjerno. vjerojatno osmišljen u istom kabinetu kao i isil...
moj stav je da je veće štete rusiji napravio lenjin nego staljin koji je imao i pluseva jer je u malo vremena feudalnu zemmlju pretvorio u industrijsku, što mu je donjelo pobjedu u ww2, dok je lenjin rusiju opustošio, a postavljen je bio da osigura protivničkoj strani remi...

Iduća dva tjedna su ključna
mutava baštarda
mutava baštarda

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Koji su bili pravi razmjeri Staljinovog terora? Empty Re: Koji su bili pravi razmjeri Staljinovog terora?

Post by Sexual Tyrannosaurus Wed 2 Aug - 9:06

Najveći Rus iako to nije . 

A vidim da se fašistička zmija budi i u bastionu boljševaca netiskonhr-a . Obavijestiti Ivu i Stipu,vrijeme je za cenzuru .
Sexual Tyrannosaurus
Sexual Tyrannosaurus

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Koji su bili pravi razmjeri Staljinovog terora? Empty Re: Koji su bili pravi razmjeri Staljinovog terora?

Post by Guest Wed 2 Aug - 11:56

Gnječ wrote:
Eroo wrote:Vidiš ti, čovjeka napali prava zdrava... :^0

šta se smiješ Ero smeće jedno pogubljeno glupavo??? vi hrvati a pogotovo hercegovci svi ustaše trebate svaki dan zahvaljivati drugu Josipu Brozu što ste živi i čak imate zahvaljujući Titu neku slučajnu čardak bantustansku vukojebinu. jer da nije bilo Tita vi hrvati danas nebiste postojali fizički. Amen. jer da vas je okupirala Crvena armija i Stalin jebali bi vi vlastitu majku to vam je bilo zagarantirano pogotovo da ste ovom ovdje na fotografiji ispod došli u ruke pa samo on vas pojede za doručak sve hrvate svih vas 3 milijuna koliko vas je bilo poslije 2. svj. rata. sve bi vas ovaj na fotki osobno lišio života sve hrvate bez iznimke. zato svako jutro kad se probudite zahvalite Josipu Brozu što ste živi.

Koji su bili pravi razmjeri Staljinovog terora? Vasili_Blokhin

Vasily Mikhailovich Blokhin

zapamtite to ime hrvati čardakaši hercegovci uhljebi sjecikese ovaj iznad bi vas bio zbrisao sa lica zemlje da nije bilo druga Tita.

Vasily Mikhailovich Blokhin (Russian: Васи́лий Миха́йлович Блохи́н, 7 January 1895 – 3 February 1955) was a Soviet Russian Major-General who served as the chief executioner of the Stalinist NKVD under the administrations of Genrikh Yagoda, Nikolai Yezhov, and Lavrentiy Beria.

Hand-picked for the position by Joseph Stalin in 1926, Blokhin led a company of executioners that performed and supervised numerous mass executions during Stalin's reign, mostly during the Great Purge and World War II.[2] He is recorded as having executed tens of thousands of prisoners by his own hand, including his killing of about 7,000 Polish prisoners of war during the Katyn massacre in spring 1940,[2][3] making him the most prolific official executioner and mass murderer in recorded world history.[2][4] Forced into retirement following the death of Stalin, Blokhin died in 1955, officially reported as a suicide.

As senior executioner,[7] Blokhin had the official title of commandant of the internal prison at the Lubyanka, which allowed him to carry out his duties with a minimum of scrutiny and no official paperwork. Although most of the estimated 828,000[2] NKVD executions conducted in Stalin's lifetime were performed by local Chekists in concert with NKVD troikas, mass executions were overseen by specialist executioners from the Kommandantura. In addition to overseeing the mass executions, Blokhin personally pulled the trigger in all of the individual high-profile executions conducted in the Soviet Union during his tenure,[5] including those of the Old Bolsheviks convicted at the Moscow Show Trials; Marshal of the Soviet Union Mikhail Tukhachevsky (convicted at a secret trial); and two of the three fallen NKVD Chiefs (Genrikh Yagoda in 1938 and Nikolai Yezhov in 1940) he had once served under.[8] He was awarded the Badge of Honor for his service in 1937.[9]

Katyn massacre

Blokhin's most infamous act was the April 1940 execution by shooting of more than 9,000 Polish prisoners interned in the Ostashkov prisoner of war camp in the Katyn forest. The majority were military and police officers who had been captured following the Soviet invasion of Poland in 1939.[10] (The event's infamy also stems from the Stalin regime's orchestration of the murders and subsequent propaganda campaign in order to blame Nazi Germany for the massacres.)

In 1990, as part of Glasnost, Gorbachev gave the Polish government the files on the massacres at Katyn, Starobelsk and Kalinin (now Tver), revealing Stalin's involvement.[11] Based on the 4 April secret order from Stalin to NKVD Chief Lavrenty Beria (as well as NKVD Order № 00485, which still applied), the executions were carried out over 28 consecutive nights at the specially constructed basement execution chamber at the NKVD headquarters in Kalinin, and were assigned, by name, directly to Blokhin, making him the official executioner of the NKVD.[12]

Blokhin initially decided on an ambitious quota of 300 executions per night; and engineered an efficient system in which the prisoners were individually led to a small antechamber—which had been painted red and was known as the "Leninist room"—for a brief and cursory positive identification, before being handcuffed and led into the execution room next door. The room was specially designed with padded walls for soundproofing, a sloping concrete floor with a drain and hose, and a log wall for the prisoners to stand against. Blokhin would stand waiting behind the door in his executioner garb: a leather butcher's apron, leather hat, and shoulder-length leather gloves. Then, without a hearing, the reading of a sentence or any other formalities, each prisoner was brought in and restrained by guards while Blokhin shot him once in the base of the skull with a German Walther Model 2 .25 ACP pistol.[13][14][15]

He had brought a briefcase full of his own Walther pistols, since he did not trust the reliability of the standard-issue Soviet TT-30 for the frequent, heavy use he intended. The use of a German pocket pistol, which was commonly carried by German police and intelligence agents, also provided plausible deniability of the executions if the bodies were discovered later.[16]

An estimated 30 local NKVD agents, guards and drivers were pressed into service to escort prisoners to the basement, confirm identification, then remove the bodies and hose down the blood after each execution. Although some of the executions were carried out by Senior Lieutenant of State Security Andrei Rubanov, Blokhin was the primary executioner and, true to his reputation, liked to work continuously and rapidly without interruption.[14] In keeping with NKVD policy and the overall "wet" nature of the operation, the executions were conducted at night, starting at dark and continuing until just prior to dawn. The bodies were continuously loaded onto covered flat-bed trucks through a back door in the execution chamber and trucked, twice a night, to Mednoye, where Blokhin had arranged for a bulldozer and two NKVD drivers to dispose of bodies at an unfenced site. Each night, 24–25 trenches, measuring eight to 10 meters (24.3 to 32.8 feet) total, were dug to hold that night's corpses, and each trench was covered up before dawn.[17]

Blokhin and his team worked without pause for 10 hours each night, with Blokhin executing an average of one prisoner every three minutes.[3] At the end of the night, Blokhin provided vodka to all his men.[18] On 27 April 1940, Blokhin secretly received the Order of the Red Banner and a modest monthly pay premium as a reward from Joseph Stalin for his "skill and organization in the effective carrying out of special tasks".[19][20] His count of 7,000 shot in 28 days remains the most organized and protracted mass murder by a single individual on record,[3] and saw him being named the Guinness World Record holder for 'Most Prolific Executioner' in 2010
Mračno ali istinito...Da nije Tite bilo,Stalin bi Poharao cijeli Balkan..

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