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Pokopan nesretni djecacic Denis

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Pokopan nesretni djecacic Denis Empty Pokopan nesretni djecacic Denis

Post by vuksadinare Thu 1 Jun - 21:52


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Pokopan nesretni djecacic Denis Empty Re: Pokopan nesretni djecacic Denis

Post by vuksadinare Thu 1 Jun - 21:53

tuga velika sto se ima vise za rec...

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Pokopan nesretni djecacic Denis Empty Re: Pokopan nesretni djecacic Denis

Post by vuksadinare Thu 1 Jun - 21:54

sto vise promatram facu ove zlocinke i istina je sto kaze jedna njena susjeda..u ocima pogledu vidi se iskonsko zlo bas zlo

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Pokopan nesretni djecacic Denis Empty Re: Pokopan nesretni djecacic Denis

Post by vuksadinare Fri 2 Jun - 7:20

je'l zna tko na kojoj psihijatriji biva ova zlocinka bez premca...?

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Pokopan nesretni djecacic Denis Empty Re: Pokopan nesretni djecacic Denis

Post by vuksadinare Fri 2 Jun - 7:23

po izrazima lica oca..ne bi bio nekom u kozi kad izađe iz bajbuka...doista...ne bi...no jebe se licu iskonskog zla..ona valjda sad trazi po psihijatriji da nekom popusi ili da je pojebe..ima pacijanata hvala bogu....ali kad je ovaj dohvati a ne sumnjam da nece na bilo koji nacin a naci ce nacina...bolje bi joj bilo da se sama rokne..a i onaj cigo pomagac nek se pricuva a narocito ona maloljetnica..nek si odmah traze utociste u najcrnjem kutku svijeta no sumnajm da ce se igdje skriti...bar meni ne bi

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Pokopan nesretni djecacic Denis Empty Re: Pokopan nesretni djecacic Denis

Post by Kermit Fri 2 Jun - 7:44

A jebemu, treba pustiti oca jer je napao zlo

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Pokopan nesretni djecacic Denis Empty Re: Pokopan nesretni djecacic Denis

Post by vuksadinare Fri 2 Jun - 7:47

asilovski wrote:A jebemu, treba pustiti oca jer je napao zlo
...je'l bila baka imi mama od zlocinke?..sumnjam..ona razmislja kako da 'kceri' pogleda u oci i zagrli je....da je prava mama dosla bi i rekla par recenica..'ubij se i spasi sebe i nas'

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Pokopan nesretni djecacic Denis Empty Re: Pokopan nesretni djecacic Denis

Post by vuksadinare Fri 2 Jun - 9:50

..jbg velika je zalost neizmjerljiva kad izgubis dijete ostaje ti vjecna praznina u tijelu..vise nisi dusevno ziv bar jedna strana...nista ti vise radost ne moze izazvati ako nemas vise djece a nemas potomke koji bi koliko toliko nadomjestili tu prazninu...pricao mi ej ejdan prijatelj koji je izgubio dijete u saobracajci..'nemam ti ja vise zivota prijatelju...ovo sto vidis to ej sve vegetiranje a najradije bi umro..da me vise nema...'

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Pokopan nesretni djecacic Denis Empty Re: Pokopan nesretni djecacic Denis

Post by vuksadinare Fri 2 Jun - 10:08

nisam za linc..ali u ovom slucaju jesam kao primjer

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Pokopan nesretni djecacic Denis Empty Re: Pokopan nesretni djecacic Denis

Post by Guest Sat 3 Jun - 14:29

MSNBC host says newborn infants don't count as 'alive' unless parents decide they do; infanticide is the new abortion
Monday, July 29, 2013
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of NaturalNews.com (See all articles...)
Tags: post-birth abortion, infanticide, Melissa Harris-Perry      
Post-birth abortion
(NaturalNews) Today Natural News denounces Melissa Harris-Perry, the latest talking head "death worshipper" to publicly imply that she supports the murder of living, breathing newborn children. According to Harris-Perry, life begins when the parents feel like life begins. And together with some twisted new "ethics" arguments from the radical left, this can include months or years after a child is born.
That's why I need to premise this article with a disclaimer: This article is not about abortion. It's about the murder of children after they are born. Because once a child is born alive, terminating that life is no longer a "choice" … it's murder by every legal and moral standard. Because while abortion friends and foes can argue about when life begins in the womb, no one disagrees that a child born alive is, well, ALIVE… do they?
Indeed, they do. MSNBC talking head Melissa Harris-Perry insists that life only begins when the parents have a "feeling" that it begins. "When does life begin? I submit the answer depends an awful lot on the feeling of the parents. A powerful feeling -- but not science," Harris-Perry said to nationwide astonishment on her July 21 MSNBC show.
And in one stroke, she simultaneously condones the murder of newborn infants (i.e. "post-birth abortion") while attacking the science of biology which unambiguously states that a living, breathing infant with a heartbeat and brain function is alive, not dead.
But don't tell that to the radical abortion whackos. Far beyond arguing for the "right" to abort a baby in the first or second trimester, many abortion advocates who run in the same circles as Melissa Harris-Perry are now publicly arguing that it is okay for parents to kill their children up to age three. This is now being promoted as a "post-birth abortion."
It was also called a "fourth trimester abortion" by a clever pollster who recently took to the streets of George Mason University to find out if summertime college students would sign a petition legalizing fourth-trimester abortions. Nearly all who were asked to sign the petition did so! One of the college students even asked whether the procedure would "cause harm to the child."
"Well the child wouldn't be there anymore," responded the pollster, after which the college student then proceeded to sign the petition.
Watch this video yourself at:
This is really about the zealous desire of the radical left to legalize the "aborting" of babies after they are born alive so that parents can have the legal right to kill living babies they suddenly decide they don't want to raise.
Getting back to Harris-Perry, according to her radical brand of death culture ideology, a parent can "decide" that a baby born alive isn't really alive yet. That parent can wait to see whether the baby is well-behaved, or cute, or has the right skin color, or whatever, before deciding whether to keep it or kill it. If such an ideology were fronted by someone like George Bush, it would be wildly derided as barbaric and anti-human, but because the idea of murdering newborn babies is being pushed by liberals, it is met with silence instead of outrage.
"When a pregnancy is wanted . . . It is easy to think of the bump as a baby," says Melissa Harris-Perry, implying that when a pregnancy is not wanted, that bump isn't a baby at all. Somehow it's just a mass of dead tissue that you can dispose of at will. The fact that the "bump" results in a live childbirth is never admitted by people like Harris-Perry. The baby isn't "alive" until you decide it is!
A study published in the Journal of Medical Ethics argues that newborn babies have no "moral right to life," and are thus not actually "persons." Alberto Giubilini, from The University of Milan, and Francesca Minerva, a post-doctoral fellow at The University of Melbourne's Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics, are heroes of the radical left. They argue that infanticide should be legal but renamed "post-birth abortion."
They insist that newborn babies have no right to life and that parents can simply "decide" to kill their children for all sorts of reasons, including feeling like the child will be too expensive to raise, or suddenly discovering the fact that newborn babies cry a lot.

"Rather than being actual persons, newborns were potential persons," write the study authors. They don't really count as human beings until the parents decide they do.

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Pokopan nesretni djecacic Denis Empty Re: Pokopan nesretni djecacic Denis

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