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Re: Sirija
Eroo wrote:Yehudi wrote:- Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) stationed in Tal Afar have managed to
kill dozens of Islamic State terrorists
as they attempted to break out into Syria’s bordering Hasakah province -
Zar u Tal Afaru ne žive Turkmeni? Mislim da oko ovog Turci nešto uvjetuju, ako se ne varam.
Pogubio sam konce tu, biće ima i drugih ..............a tko će im znati više
Yehudi- Posts : 14715
Re: Sirija
Njihovi uzvici su melodija za moje uši.Ground Biscuits wrote:Saudijski razarac napicen od Jemena,video:
I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.
AlfaOmega- Posts : 10386
Re: Sirija
Meni je gušt da se Arapski islamisti medjusobno yalla, yalla ya habibi
Yehudi- Posts : 14715
Re: Sirija
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The Syrian army and the National Defesnse Forces (NDF) continued an advance against ISIS terrorists west of the ancient city of Palmyra in the Syrian province of Homs.
Following the recent gains in the area, the army and the NDF seek to expand a buffer zone around the Tiyas Airbase and secure the Jihar junction.[/size]
Guest- Guest
Re: Sirija
Homenijevi ne dozvoljavaju ISIL-u bježanje u Siriju.
Nulla rosa sine spina
Eroo- Posts : 78968
Re: Sirija
Mosul: A lion found in Eastern #Mosul
E još to nismo vidili. Mislim na to čime je isis hranio lava u zoo - Mosul
Yehudi- Posts : 14715
Re: Sirija
Aleppo: Drone video shows massive destruction in #Al_Bab.
Al Bab - jedna velika ruševina
Al Bab - jedna velika ruševina
Yehudi- Posts : 14715
Re: Sirija
Syrian Army advances against ISIS in Deir Ezzor
Suliman Mulhem
According to military sources in Syria, the Syrian Army’s elite Republican Guard was able to advance against ISIS terrorists in the eastern province of Deir Ezzor today.
The 104th brigade of the Republican Guard, backed by local fighters, was able to advance in the northern section of the airbase. Pro-government forces also advanced in the industrial area of Liwaa Atta’minat.
Scores of ISIS militants were killed by the Syrian Army in recent fighting. The Russian Air Force (RUAF) has played a key role in assisting forces on the ground, with Tu-22M strategic bombers striking ISIS several times.
ISIS controls most of Deir Ezzor province, and they recently renewed their efforts to capture the remaining areas in the provincial capital.
Suliman Mulhem
According to military sources in Syria, the Syrian Army’s elite Republican Guard was able to advance against ISIS terrorists in the eastern province of Deir Ezzor today.
The 104th brigade of the Republican Guard, backed by local fighters, was able to advance in the northern section of the airbase. Pro-government forces also advanced in the industrial area of Liwaa Atta’minat.
Scores of ISIS militants were killed by the Syrian Army in recent fighting. The Russian Air Force (RUAF) has played a key role in assisting forces on the ground, with Tu-22M strategic bombers striking ISIS several times.
ISIS controls most of Deir Ezzor province, and they recently renewed their efforts to capture the remaining areas in the provincial capital.
Eroo- Posts : 78968
Re: Sirija
ISIS fights back in northeast Aleppo, captures village
Zen Adra
Islamic State fighters re-entered the village of Serhan, located a few kilometers south of the strategic city of Al-Bab in northeast Aleppo, only one day after being recaptured by the Syrian government forces.
ISIS large-scale offensive was launched this morning by sending three VBIEDs to the Army positions inside the small village, which serves as one of the last defense lines for the terror group in the area.
The first VBIED was prematurely detonated by the Syrian Army. However, the intensity of clashes forced the government troops to retreat, thus saving the lives of much-needed soldiers.
A military source told AMN that the Syrian Army has already began shelling ISIS militants inside Serhan.
Throughout its recent push toward Al-Bab, the government forces attempts to recapture Aran, the last ISIS-held town before Tadef, which is just in the southern outskirt of Al-Bab
Zen Adra
Islamic State fighters re-entered the village of Serhan, located a few kilometers south of the strategic city of Al-Bab in northeast Aleppo, only one day after being recaptured by the Syrian government forces.
ISIS large-scale offensive was launched this morning by sending three VBIEDs to the Army positions inside the small village, which serves as one of the last defense lines for the terror group in the area.
The first VBIED was prematurely detonated by the Syrian Army. However, the intensity of clashes forced the government troops to retreat, thus saving the lives of much-needed soldiers.
A military source told AMN that the Syrian Army has already began shelling ISIS militants inside Serhan.
Throughout its recent push toward Al-Bab, the government forces attempts to recapture Aran, the last ISIS-held town before Tadef, which is just in the southern outskirt of Al-Bab
Eroo- Posts : 78968
Re: Sirija
Eroo wrote:Syrian Army advances against ISIS in Deir Ezzor
Suliman Mulhem
According to military sources in Syria, the Syrian Army’s elite Republican Guard was able to advance against ISIS terrorists in the eastern province of Deir Ezzor today.
The 104th brigade of the Republican Guard, backed by local fighters, was able to advance in the northern section of the airbase. Pro-government forces also advanced in the industrial area of Liwaa Atta’minat.
Scores of ISIS militants were killed by the Syrian Army in recent fighting. The Russian Air Force (RUAF) has played a key role in assisting forces on the ground, with Tu-22M strategic bombers striking ISIS several times.
ISIS controls most of Deir Ezzor province, and they recently renewed their efforts to capture the remaining areas in the provincial capital.
Gleda sam danas ( na ANNA news mislim ) ili na nekom twiteru snimku trojice iz - saa - tj. pomoćnih jedinica,
koji su navodno prebjegli isis-u. Ali izgledaju mi prilično prestrašeni pa zato smatram da su ih iskoristili samo za propagandu.
Inače Tu-22 je strateški pa nema toliku preciznost ali opet bolje nego ništa, jasno da bi A - 10 thunderbolt tamo napravio bolju kašu
Isto sam gleda napad isis-a na uzvišicu jednu kod Mosula di su bili Irač juriš je zauzeli, Toyotama dojurili pa uz brdo uz pucnjavu i ručne granate
Iskreno me čudi da ovi nisu bili u stanju obraniti se......čudno. A možda je propagandni snimak napravljen u Qataru............vrag im viruje više išta
Yehudi- Posts : 14715
Re: Sirija
srokali ameri karlton hotel u idlibu i neke dzihadi barake, pobili kozojeba na kamare
Re: Sirija
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© Sputnik/ Mikhail Voskresenskiy[size]
Reports appear that the army was able to link up the Deir Ezzor Airbase and the government-held area north of the Panorama Army Base with a thin supply line after a series of successful clashes against ISIS units.
However, the supply line remains vulnerable for ISIS attacks. So, if government forces want to stabilize the military situation in the pocket, they will need to epand a buffer zone around it.[/size]
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© Sputnik/ Mikhail Voskresenskiy
Reports appear that the army was able to link up the Deir Ezzor Airbase and the government-held area north of the Panorama Army Base with a thin supply line after a series of successful clashes against ISIS units.
However, the supply line remains vulnerable for ISIS attacks. So, if government forces want to stabilize the military situation in the pocket, they will need to epand a buffer zone around it.[/size]
Guest- Guest
Re: Sirija
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The so-called Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), in other words the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG), announced Wednesday the 3rd phase of the Operation Wrath of Euphrates, aiming to liberate the ISIS self-proclaimed capital of al-Raqqah.
While the general goal of the Operation Wrath of Euphrates is to liberate al-Raqqah from ISIS terrorists, the aim of the 3rd stage is to further isolate the ISIS-held city .
YPG forces, backed by the US-led coalition, will most likely develop and advance east of al-Raqqah in order to flank the city from this direction (Arrow 1).
There are also speculation in pro-Kurdish sources that the YPG is going to cross the Euphrates and to retake the Tabqa Dam and the town of Tabqa from ISIS, further flanking al-Raqqah from the southwestern direction (Arrow 2). However, this looks as a complicated task.
The coming days will show which decision the US coalition and its local allies will choose.
Click to see the full-size map
[size=11][size=11] 168 248 0 [size=10]Share0[/size] 1 [/size]
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The so-called Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), in other words the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG), announced Wednesday the 3rd phase of the Operation Wrath of Euphrates, aiming to liberate the ISIS self-proclaimed capital of al-Raqqah.
While the general goal of the Operation Wrath of Euphrates is to liberate al-Raqqah from ISIS terrorists, the aim of the 3rd stage is to further isolate the ISIS-held city .
YPG forces, backed by the US-led coalition, will most likely develop and advance east of al-Raqqah in order to flank the city from this direction (Arrow 1).
There are also speculation in pro-Kurdish sources that the YPG is going to cross the Euphrates and to retake the Tabqa Dam and the town of Tabqa from ISIS, further flanking al-Raqqah from the southwestern direction (Arrow 2). However, this looks as a complicated task.
The coming days will show which decision the US coalition and its local allies will choose.
Click to see the full-size map
Guest- Guest
Re: Sirija
Konačni udar
Trump poslao tenkove Kurdima da krenu na džihadističku Raku
Prije smo dobivali samo lagano oružje i streljivo, kazao je Talal Silo, glasnogovornik kurdsko-arapskih postrojbi
Foto: Reuters/PIXSELL
Hassan Haidar Diab
Iskorijenit ćemo islamski radikalizam, ISIL će nestati s lice zemlje, poruka je koju je uputio američki predsjednik Donald Trump u svojem inauguracijskom govoru, a samo deset dana nakon toga svoje je riječi Trump pretočio u djela.
Naime, odmah nakon dolaska na vlast nove Trumpove administracije, Sirijske demokratske snage (SDF), alijansa kurdskih i arapskih boraca na sjeveru Sirije, dobile su od SAD-a ovog tjedna tenkove i oklopna vozila i drugo teško naoružanje.
Unatoč protivljenju Turske, jedan od prvih poteza Trumpove administracije u borbi protiv ISIL-a jest naoružavanje Kurda, koji će biti udarna snaga u oslobađanju Rake, glavnog uporišta ISIL-a u Siriji.
Pošiljku je potvrdio i glasnogovornik Pentagona John Dorrian ističući da ovaj pokazuje kako je nova američka administracija spremna na borbu protiv ISIL-a. To je potvrdio i glasnogovornik SDF-a Talal Silo.
– Prije nismo dobivali ovakvu potporu, dobivali smo samo lagano oružje i streljivo. Postoje indicije da ćemo od novog američkog vodstva dobiti punu potporu za naše snage, više nego u vrijeme Obamine administracije, što pokazuje i drugačiju vrstu podrške u borbi protiv terorističke organizacije Islamske države.
Novi američki predsjednik Trump je, izgleda, ustrajan u tome da uništi ISIL – rekao je Silo, zahvalivši Trumpovoj administraciji.
Po svemu sudeći, u konačnu bitku za Raku uključit će se i američki vojnici koji se nalaze u Siriji. Naime, na teritoriju pod kontrolom Kurda nalazi se oko 500 američkih vojnika i stručnjaka, a ovih se dana očekuje još toliko američkih vojnika kako bi pripremili bitku za Raku.
Novi američki predsjednik, odmah nakon stupanju na dužnost, dao je svojim vojnim dužnosnicima rok od 30 dana da mu sastave plan “za pobjedu nad terorističkom organizacijom Islamske države”.
U Siriji su trenutačno jedini američki saveznici Sirijske demokratske snage, većinom sastavljene od kurdskih snaga, ali i arapskih boraca, koje su najavile veliku ofenzivu za povratak Rake, od koje su sada udaljene oko 25 kilometara.
Trump poslao tenkove Kurdima da krenu na džihadističku Raku
Prije smo dobivali samo lagano oružje i streljivo, kazao je Talal Silo, glasnogovornik kurdsko-arapskih postrojbi
Foto: Reuters/PIXSELL
Hassan Haidar Diab
Iskorijenit ćemo islamski radikalizam, ISIL će nestati s lice zemlje, poruka je koju je uputio američki predsjednik Donald Trump u svojem inauguracijskom govoru, a samo deset dana nakon toga svoje je riječi Trump pretočio u djela.
Naime, odmah nakon dolaska na vlast nove Trumpove administracije, Sirijske demokratske snage (SDF), alijansa kurdskih i arapskih boraca na sjeveru Sirije, dobile su od SAD-a ovog tjedna tenkove i oklopna vozila i drugo teško naoružanje.
Unatoč protivljenju Turske, jedan od prvih poteza Trumpove administracije u borbi protiv ISIL-a jest naoružavanje Kurda, koji će biti udarna snaga u oslobađanju Rake, glavnog uporišta ISIL-a u Siriji.
Pošiljku je potvrdio i glasnogovornik Pentagona John Dorrian ističući da ovaj pokazuje kako je nova američka administracija spremna na borbu protiv ISIL-a. To je potvrdio i glasnogovornik SDF-a Talal Silo.
– Prije nismo dobivali ovakvu potporu, dobivali smo samo lagano oružje i streljivo. Postoje indicije da ćemo od novog američkog vodstva dobiti punu potporu za naše snage, više nego u vrijeme Obamine administracije, što pokazuje i drugačiju vrstu podrške u borbi protiv terorističke organizacije Islamske države.
Novi američki predsjednik Trump je, izgleda, ustrajan u tome da uništi ISIL – rekao je Silo, zahvalivši Trumpovoj administraciji.
Po svemu sudeći, u konačnu bitku za Raku uključit će se i američki vojnici koji se nalaze u Siriji. Naime, na teritoriju pod kontrolom Kurda nalazi se oko 500 američkih vojnika i stručnjaka, a ovih se dana očekuje još toliko američkih vojnika kako bi pripremili bitku za Raku.
Novi američki predsjednik, odmah nakon stupanju na dužnost, dao je svojim vojnim dužnosnicima rok od 30 dana da mu sastave plan “za pobjedu nad terorističkom organizacijom Islamske države”.
U Siriji su trenutačno jedini američki saveznici Sirijske demokratske snage, većinom sastavljene od kurdskih snaga, ali i arapskih boraca, koje su najavile veliku ofenzivu za povratak Rake, od koje su sada udaljene oko 25 kilometara.
Eroo- Posts : 78968
Re: Sirija
Po mom dubokom uvjerenju Turci čuvaju zaleđe ISIL-ovcima i to je problem.
Trump ih, koliko vidim baš i ne doživljava.
Trump ih, koliko vidim baš i ne doživljava.
Nulla rosa sine spina
Eroo- Posts : 78968
Re: Sirija
Kurdi su dosli stvarno blizu Rake,jebiga kozojebi i njihova taktika iz doba Sulejmana Velicanstvenog,povukli su silnu vojsku sa ostalih frontova da uniste Eir dez Zor,ispalili se,pretrpili velike gubitke koje nece nadoknaditi a drugi frontovi ostali oslabljeni,a Turci im uvalili obrezanu kurcinu,jedino im vjerovatno ovi iz Jordana salju oruzje i municiju,no to je samo manja enklava
Guest- Guest
Re: Sirija
Large Syrian Army attack pays off as ISIS loses several sites in western Palmyra
Leith Fadel
BEIRUT, LEBANON (2:00 P.M.) – February has already gotten off to a great start for the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and their allies, as they have liberated several sites from the Islamic State (ISIS) terrorists in the western countryside of Palmyra (Tadmur).
On Thursday, the Syrian Arab Army’s 5th Legion, alongside the Shaheen Group of the Tiger Forces and Hezbollah, stormed the Jihar Crossroad west of Palmyra, resulting in a fierce battle with the Islamic State militants in this desert area.
Within hours of launching this attack, the Syrian Arab Army and Hezbollah had liberated 5 checkpoints and the entire Jihar Crossroad, marking the first time in a month that they have had control over this strategic site 40km west of Palmyra.
Following the liberation of the Jihar Crossroad, the Syrian Armed Forces and Hezbollah advanced to the Hayyan Gas Fields, where it was reported that their units entered this site after overrunning the Islamic State’s first line of defense.
The Syrian Arab Army’s current objective is to liberate the gas fields located west and north of Palmyra; once this is completed, they will turn their attention to the ancient city.
Leith Fadel
BEIRUT, LEBANON (2:00 P.M.) – February has already gotten off to a great start for the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and their allies, as they have liberated several sites from the Islamic State (ISIS) terrorists in the western countryside of Palmyra (Tadmur).
On Thursday, the Syrian Arab Army’s 5th Legion, alongside the Shaheen Group of the Tiger Forces and Hezbollah, stormed the Jihar Crossroad west of Palmyra, resulting in a fierce battle with the Islamic State militants in this desert area.
Within hours of launching this attack, the Syrian Arab Army and Hezbollah had liberated 5 checkpoints and the entire Jihar Crossroad, marking the first time in a month that they have had control over this strategic site 40km west of Palmyra.
Following the liberation of the Jihar Crossroad, the Syrian Armed Forces and Hezbollah advanced to the Hayyan Gas Fields, where it was reported that their units entered this site after overrunning the Islamic State’s first line of defense.
The Syrian Arab Army’s current objective is to liberate the gas fields located west and north of Palmyra; once this is completed, they will turn their attention to the ancient city.
Eroo- Posts : 78968
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