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Denkverbot Empty Denkverbot

Post by kic 23/10/2016, 22:51

The pharaonic mentality is typically indirect. A defined form is used to evoke the Idea of this form—that is to say, the abstract complex that presides over this defined form. The best way to make myself understood would be the following image:
If, in a fairly dark room we stare at a spot of bright light for a while, when we close our eyes, we shall see, in lieu of this bright spot, the same spot, only dark. Similarly, if we stare at a bright color, for example, green, when we close our eyes, we shall see the exactly complementary shade of red.
The Occidental would say that light and the color green are the reality. The ancient Egyptian would say that the reality is the inner vision, outside of the object.

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Denkverbot Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by kic 24/10/2016, 16:09

Before one can inhale deeply, one must first exhale all the air in the lungs. This would be the vital reaction, the reaction of the organism, which is its real action and not voluntary action imposed on it.
Similarly, the decomposing action of death brings about new life in organic matter: hence the paradox, that we die the moment the cells of our bodies cease dying, for it is their constant death that supports life—that is to say, regeneration. However, this is still only the physical aspect of reaction. For the mental aspect and consciousness, the reality of man is aroused by provoking the reaction through the brutal, concrete fact. This reality, which is in us, is measured by the state of consciousness or of intellectual culture. We react to the extent that is fitting for us, and this will be a factual reality, whereas the thought imposed on us remains outside of us; that is to say, it penetrates no further than into our memory. And only what we have experienced (one might say "suffered") impregnates our being and can modify our innate consciousness.

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Denkverbot Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by aben 25/10/2016, 00:17

završne misli. 
države postoje i imaju vlasništvo na većonom zemlje. to je onaj prostor za koji državljani obično kažu "naše". taj prostor naravski ni naš, i država nan žestoko propisuje ča i kako se smimo ponašati na "našemu" prostoru. npr, nikako ne smimo groditi skloništa. sve ča tribo učiniti je otvoriti granice i nastaviti istu praksu s "našim" prostorom. ono ča ostaje je sva lipota kapitalizma i glovni djelatni razlog mog podupiranja open bordersa: cijene su te ke odlučuju ki će dojti a ki ne. ako neki imigrant nojde domicilnoga ki će mu prodati ili rentati svoju imovinu, by all means. ako će se samo prošetati krez zemlju, by all means. ali država se sa svojun zemljun ne smi mišati. to je sukus, ne postoji pravo na imigraciju. postoji samo pravo na slobodno raspolaganje svojon privatnon imovinom. 
obično se za protivljenje imigrantima navodi i zaraženost sidom, mentalni bolesnici, bivši kriminalci i persone non grata. ali valjda se tu misli na horde koje naviru preko proplanaka. ali to tako ne ide. ti ne moreš doseliti na "naš" prostor isto ko ča i jo ne morin pojti živiti u park. tj, moreš ući, ali ćeš koristiti isključivo privatne kapacitete. teza nije nepostojeće granice, nego otvorene granice. 

kad triba izvaditi svoj kurac i tući po zdrači, otriježnjenje slijedi isti sekund. dok se tuče  s tujin, unda su svakakovi kompromisi mogući. a to ni dobro. realno je očekivati izbjeglicena granicami, koliko i prosjake na svojin vrotima od kuće. reakcija tribo biti jednoka, ako ćeš pomoći, pomozi. ako ne ćeš, nemoj, odnosno nisi dužan pomoći ni solidarno, puten države. kad su sirijci navalili, meni ni bilo jasno  ki ploćo naftu vlakovima i benzinu autobusima. ispalo je da sun in jo to ploti. a ni to ni dobro. 
moje rješenje za takove slučajeve je tržište, tj izbjeglica aplicira kod privatne imigracijske agencije za prijevoz, smještaj i hranu.  kad se neki sirijac zavali nepozvan na tuje žito, ili na klupu u "našen" javnon prostoru, prekrši je zakon i taj je deportiran. tako je rišena opća humanost prema unesrećenima, ne ćeš ih izručiti krvnicima od kojih su pobigli, ali ih ne će majci imati ni na grbači, ako ne želiš.

Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;

And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational

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Denkverbot Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by aben 25/10/2016, 10:10

hrvati kima je stalo da oko njih nemo srbov, židovi ki s boju palestincov, homofobi pederov, uglađeni hipika i ostale kombinacije, ne će in prodavati i rentati. nemo direktnije demokracije od diskriminacije vlastite imovine. siromasi ne će moći dojti na beverli hils ili na moj otok jer mu je skupo ne će moći ni u liku za dvo dolara po kvadratu jer ličanin ne želi prodati. normalno, svaki ploćo svoju isključivost svojin šoldima.
sidaši i ostale nezarazne bolesti su isto dobrodošli jer ne postoji pravo na sigurno jebanje okolo. 

društva koja su više slobodna lakše bi se prilagodila open bordersu jer po definiciji imaju manje države i više odluka u vlastitim rukama, a i kao takovi, bili bi češće meta imigranata jer su skoro( skoro zato ča sloboda ne znoči da će ljudi donostiti pametne odluke) također po definiciji bogatiji. 

moj izvučeni zaključak iz svega je da je fašizam da se nekome ne dopušta zaposliti koga oće. fašizam je štititi ili izlagati nekoga nečemu ča un ne želi i to u njegovo ime. fašizam je zatvarati ljude unutar granic i izvan granic. nemojte me krivo svatiti, fašizam je izrazito uspješan, ali pogrešan. 

kad se razmisljo o slobodnom protoku ljudi, valja razmišljati ko i sa slobodnin protokom kapitala; pa niko ne misli da kapital dolazi puškom i ruši sve pred sobon, ne; kapital dolazi samo tamo di ga žele, di ga pozovu.

evo, otvoren san za q&a, kritike, i misaone eksperimente.

Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;

And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational

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Denkverbot Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by aben 25/10/2016, 10:19

kic wrote:"Keeping one's word is no trifle. False in one, false in all. Can't you see how simple it makes life for me, never to have to worry about a decision, always to be able to refer everything to a simple standard, my Will? And can't you see how simple it makes life for you, to know that if I once say a thing, I'll do it?"

jo isto tako mislin. i ron swanson isto.

Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;

And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational

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Denkverbot Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest 25/10/2016, 18:11

meni ovaj aben sa neprepoznatljivim lokalizmom neizmjerno ide na nerve.. pa odaklen je taj dijalekt, je li se ta persona izjasnila ili nas samo drma su tim...  bounce

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Denkverbot Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by aben 25/10/2016, 18:56

pa, ne zun kako ti ikavsko-ekavska čakavica more biti neprepoznatljiva kad je to nojrašireniji čakavski dijalekt..

Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;

And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational

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Denkverbot Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest 26/10/2016, 18:54

aben wrote:pa, ne zun kako ti ikavsko-ekavska čakavica more biti neprepoznatljiva kad je to nojrašireniji čakavski dijalekt..

mi u Neretvi govorimo ono što je najbliže književnom hrvatskom jeziku a i ikavica koja se govori na desnoj strani Neretve sasvim je različita od ikavice koju tu upotrebljavaš.. o umjesto a upotrebljava se u Dubrovniku i okolici tako da meni izgleda kao da jednostavno preglumljavaš, ali nisam stručnjak za dijalekte....

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Denkverbot Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by aben 26/10/2016, 19:51


Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;

And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational

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Denkverbot Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by aben 26/10/2016, 20:18

jo ne duperun ikavicu, nego ikavsku ekavicu, ova kolura norunžnje:)

to je kako pisma za uši, naglasak na zanjen slogu. pomalo umire, ali barinku ne će umriti is manun!

ne morin nojti isto, ali zvuči ovako kako ov treti na taraci:

Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;

And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational

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Denkverbot Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by kic 26/10/2016, 22:31

Drake’s well in Titusville made news in 1859, but in the years that followed, only a few Americans had any notion of where its success might lead. One of those few was John D. Rockefeller, who in 1863 built an oil refinery in Cleveland with his partners. Seven years later, at the age of 31, Rockefeller incorporated Standard Oil of Ohio and began building it into an integrated oil producing, transporting, refining, and marketing company. It came to dominate the oil products market. It developed the business trust as a structure for mergers and acquisitions. It streamlined production and logistics, lowered costs, undercut competitors, and became one of the earliest and largest multinational corporations. At its peak, Standard Oil controlled 90 percent of the U.S. oil industry. In 1911, the Supreme Court sustained a ruling that Standard Oil was an illegal monopoly and ordered it broken up into 33 separate companies. At the time of the dissolution, Rockefeller was the richest man in the world. And he has remained the richest single human ever to walk the earth, with a net worth of $340 billion in today’s dollars.

čitam knjigu "Colder war" od Marina Katuša, Kanađanin hrvatskog porijekla, fora je lik..

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Denkverbot Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by kic 26/10/2016, 22:35

Let me be candid. I really like this book because it’s original, it’s well reasoned, and its conclusions are correct. It’s important that you read it.
Let me take a couple of pages to explain why the subject of energy is even more important than most people imagine, and why Marin is not only the right man to explain it but a winning player in the rough and-tumble energy arena. Marin wasn’t planning to write a book until I twisted his arm. Although he’s a competent writer, as you’ll see, he’s first and foremost a deal maker.

čovjek nije Hrvat :D

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Denkverbot Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by kic 26/10/2016, 22:41

Marin is that rare person who is both academicallysmart and street smart. He was a university math professor and has a bent for science. And it didn’t take him long to put theory into practice, analyzing the fundamentals of mining companies and oil companies—geology, mineralogy,
engineering, permitting, management, and a score of other disciplines. There are thousands of such companies, and they’re represented by
the most volatile class of stocks you can find. Over the course of a commodity cycle, many of the small ones are capable of moving 100 to 1
in price, or more. Most of them turn out to be just black holes for capital, however. Speculators in this area seldom appreciate how great the
potential can be and the severity of the risk. Paradoxically, however, companies with the lowest risk can have the highest potential—if the
speculator knows what to look for. And this is an area where Marin really shines. He not only has a strong academic background in oil, gas, unconventional energy, uranium, and mining, he also has a proven hands-on, boots-on-the-ground record of building and running successful companies. In particular, he’s largely responsible for putting Canada’s third-largest copper mine into production—all the way from property acquisition to financing, construction, and profitable operation. That’s a rare accomplishment and extraordinary for a 30-year-old (his age at the time). He was one of the largest investors in the company early on. He’s even now one of the most successful financiers in the resource exploration business and runs four hedge funds, where he and I are the largest investors. (He puts his money where his mouth is.) The funds have outperformed the TSX-V index by 600 percent over the past five years, despite holding large cash balances. In both relative and absolute terms, it’s one of the most exceptional performances I’ve ever seen. But it’s not just knowledge and technical expertise that put Marin at the top. It’s also his people skills. The son of Croatian immigrants, Marin had (what turned out to be) the good fortune to be born on the wrong side of the tracks. So he’s not just book smart, but street smart. Whether it’s with the president of a company or the president of a country, he knows how to relate to them over a bottle of something potent. Watching him ask questions and get answers as few people can, I’m forced toremark that he could have beenthe typeof police detective they do TV shows about. And he’s a world-class poker player. Withthat background,he’s now concentratingon finance. I’ve been in the resource finance business for about 40 years and have gotten to know most of the movers and shakers. Many of them—like Robert Friedland, Lukas Lundin, Frank Giustra, and Ross Beaty—are multibil- lionaires. Marin will join their ranks, quite possibly in this cycle—since, as I write, resource stocks are at a historic bottom. I saw him cut the deal that founded the largest shale gas company in Europe. And we were recently in Albania together to assess what may become Europe’s largest onshore oil producer. I’ve been to more than 135 countries, but Marin is starting to close in on me. We’ve traveled through the Balkans, across Iraq, through Asia and South America, as well as all over North America together. Travel becomes an aggravation once you’ve done enough of it, but it’s essential in this business. One reason is that you want to meet a company’s management in their element and see how things are going with your own eyes. Another is to understand the local political situation, a theme that’s central to this book. In today’s world—much more so than in even the recent past—the world’s 200+ governments are the biggest factor in resources. Their leaders and bureaucracies determine whether a resource can even be exploited, what workers are paid, and how much will be left over after the government extracts its royalties and taxes. Hence, a good part of this book explains how international politics relate to energy and how the worldwide energy picture is likely to evolve over the next decade—especially with regard to Russia,and more particularly with regard to Vladimir Putin, who, at age 62 as I write, is likely to be on the scene for years to come. He’s both a lot smarter and a lot tougher than any of his counterparts in the West, and he will be a big part of what will make the next decade among the most “interesting” (to use that word as the Chinese do) in world history.
You’re going to be glad you read this book.

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Denkverbot Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by kic 26/10/2016, 22:45

kao što si rekao, ekonomija, to su ljudi ::)

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Denkverbot Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by aben 26/10/2016, 23:01

kic wrote:
Drake’s well in Titusville made news in 1859, but in the years that followed, only a few Americans had any notion of where its success might lead. One of those few was John D. Rockefeller, who in 1863 built an oil refinery in Cleveland with his partners. Seven years later, at the age of 31, Rockefeller incorporated Standard Oil of Ohio and began building it into an integrated oil producing, transporting, refining, and marketing company. It came to dominate the oil products market. It developed the business trust as a structure for mergers and acquisitions. It streamlined production and logistics, lowered costs, undercut competitors, and became one of the earliest and largest multinational corporations. At its peak, Standard Oil controlled 90 percent of the U.S. oil industry. In 1911, the Supreme Court sustained a ruling that Standard Oil was an illegal monopoly and ordered it broken up into 33 separate companies. At the time of the dissolution, Rockefeller was the richest man in the world. And he has remained the richest single human ever to walk the earth, with a net worth of $340 billion in today’s dollars.

čitam knjigu "Colder war" od Marina Katuša, Kanađanin hrvatskog porijekla, fora je lik..

Standard's president, John D. Rockefeller, had long since retired from any management role. But, as he owned a quarter of the shares of the resultant companies, and those share values mostly doubled, he emerged from the dissolution as the richest man in the world.[41] The dissolution had actually propelled Rockefeller's personal wealth.

a, ča zastupo ot marin?
da ni slučajno neoliberalni kapitalist Denkverbot 1f601

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And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational

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Denkverbot Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by kic 26/10/2016, 23:03

Meanwhile, through self-inflicted wounds, the Soviet Union was setting itself up to lose the Cold War. The narrative that the Soviet Union was somehow laid low by Ronald Reagan makes for a nice story, but it’s largely myth. What The Great Game and the End of the Cold War brought the United States’ erstwhile adversary to its knees was, yes, oil—or,more specifically,the way the Soviet Union fatally mishandled its vast
petroleum resources. Thanks to a rich natural endowment, oil and gas were profitable for the Soviets. Given that almost everything else in their centrally planned economy operated at a loss, the petroleum industry was the Soviets’ lifeline. But they neglected that lifeline by failing to reinvest enough of the profits to increase or even maintain production rates. Instead, they diverted the revenue to support minimum living standards for the public.
Exploiting an oil field requires ongoing capital expenditures. Skimp on that spending, and production suffers. With so little capital going back into the oil fields—to drill new wells, maintain existing wells, and revitalize old wells with secondary production methods—the Soviet oil industry was withering. Of course, rising prices can offset declining production, but only as long as prices keep rising. After the Arab oil embargo, as Soviet production continued to fall, the world price of oil plummeted. There was neither enough money to subsidize basic goods for the public nor enough to maintain the oil fields, so production was allowed to continue its slide. The problem haunted the USSR’s government for two decades. Oil production dwindled by 55 percent. Russia had long been a major producer, and now it couldn’t even cover its own needs. Nor did it have the wherewithal to develop the new technologies that were driving the growth of Western economies. The USSR’s dependence on oil coupled with its failure to maintain its energy infrastructure left it brittle. The postembargo drop in world oil prices shattered it. That’s the real reason the Soviet Union lost the Cold War, not Reagan’s saber rattling. In 1989, the USSR broke apart.

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Denkverbot Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by aben 26/10/2016, 23:08

ha, thats sounds about right. upravo ono ča se danas dogođo venecueli, moreš imati dijamante umisto zemlje, uz socijalizam samo je pitanje vrimena kad će ti nestati korte za zahod...

Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;

And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational

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Denkverbot Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by kic 26/10/2016, 23:18

a ovo tvoje, nezz, moram to pročitati još jednom da uberem sve, ne privlači me toliko ta tema sad :D

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Denkverbot Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by aben 26/10/2016, 23:21

a, čuješ, sve je to opcionalno štivo, ali nemo većega denkverbota danaska, od otvorenih granic:))

Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;

And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational

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Denkverbot Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by kic 28/10/2016, 21:29

aben wrote:ne će moći ni u liku za dvo dolara po kvadratu jer ličanin ne želi prodati. normalno, svaki ploćo svoju isključivost svojin šoldima.
sidaši i ostale nezarazne bolesti su isto dobrodošli jer ne postoji pravo na sigurno jebanje okolo. 

sida se ne širi samo je**njem :pp

ovo za Ličanina, so to speak, on neće prodavat strancima, zbog i iz svoje zatvorene perspektive svijeta, imao bi osjećaj da je iznevjerio djedove svoje, ali zbog tog iracionalnog razmišljanja oni su se i održali (nj obitelj) stoljećima tu :) inače kažu da je Lika postojbina i najnaseljeniji kraj Hrvatske bio..

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