Kutak za rusofile
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Re: Kutak za rusofile
Yehudi, pazi šta objavljuješ da te ne bi lustrirali.Yehudi wrote:Da nebih otvarao zasebnu temu stavit ću tu ovaj članak.
Neustrašiva ljepotica: Pucala je u naciste sve do zadnjeg metka Britanska špijunka francuskinja Violette Szabo hrabro je do zadnjeg trenutka ubijala naciste. Kad su je uhvatili časniku SS-a je pljunula u lice. Zatim su je mučili, odveli u logor i ubili. Imala je tek 23 godine...
Nevjerojatna hrabrost ove mlade žene prikazana je u filmu iz 1958. godine
"Carve Her Name With Pride" (Njeno ime isklešite ponosom).
Partizanka mlada
Pročitajte više na: http://www.24sata.hr/news/neustrasiva-ljepotica-pucala-je-u-naciste-sve-do-zadnjeg-metka-509879 - 24sata.hr
Ringo10- Posts : 21667
Re: Kutak za rusofile
[size=34]President Trump Shuts Down Anti-Putin Hysteria With One Simple Question
Trump realizes it's time for America to get off its (very) high horse[/size]
Richard Brandt
6 hours ago | 4,554 32
Just say no to anti-Russia hysteria
It was a familiar scene: Bill O’Reilly pressing his guest to make a saber-rattling statement against Russia. Good for ratings, good for Raytheon!
But Bill's guest was President Trump, and Donald didn't want to play along.
In an interview which will be aired before the Super Bowl on Sunday, Trump shut down O'Reilly's unique brand of self-righteousness with one simple question: "You think our country is so innocent?"
After Trump reaffirmed his respect for Putin as a leader, Bill pressed him further: "But Putin is a killer."
Trump's response:
A few thoughts:
[/size][list="box-sizing: border-box; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 30px;"]
[*]We can already imagine your comments: "But Trump just called Putin a killer!" Not really. Instead he simply parried the question: What makes Putin so exceptional in the eyes of self-righteous dingbats such as O'Reilly? Trump understands that Putin is not an anomaly among world leaders. In other words: If you label Putin a "killer", what would you call Obama? One of these leaders had an actual kill list. And it wasn't Putin.
[*]Trump's statement is meaningful because it challenges America to dismount from its high horse, instead of lecturing from the perch of its blood-soaked saddle.
[*]What Trump is saying to Bill (and to the rest of America) is that we are entering a new era of true pragmatism. Gone are the days of self-righteous moralizing and chest-thumping idealism. Russia plays a critical role in ensuring global security and stability. Let's acknowledge this and work with the Russians, instead of calling them names. We're not in kindergarten.
[*]Trump just illustrated the difference between Making America Great Again and decades of delusional American Exceptionalism.
It's undoubtedly a good sign when the President of the United States refuses to bash a foreign leader, and instead asks his country to look inward. More of this, please.[/size]
Trump realizes it's time for America to get off its (very) high horse[/size]
Richard Brandt
6 hours ago | 4,554 32
Just say no to anti-Russia hysteria
It was a familiar scene: Bill O’Reilly pressing his guest to make a saber-rattling statement against Russia. Good for ratings, good for Raytheon!
But Bill's guest was President Trump, and Donald didn't want to play along.
In an interview which will be aired before the Super Bowl on Sunday, Trump shut down O'Reilly's unique brand of self-righteousness with one simple question: "You think our country is so innocent?"
After Trump reaffirmed his respect for Putin as a leader, Bill pressed him further: "But Putin is a killer."
Trump's response:
[size]“There are a lot of killers. We have a lot of killers,” Trump said. “Well, you think our country is so innocent?”Emigrate While You Still Can! Learn More...[size]
Trump added that he thinks the United States is “better” getting along with Russia than not.
“If Russia helps us in the fight against ISIS, which is a major fight, and Islamic terrorism all around the world, major fight. That’s a good thing,” Trump said.[/size]
A few thoughts:
[/size][list="box-sizing: border-box; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 30px;"]
[*]We can already imagine your comments: "But Trump just called Putin a killer!" Not really. Instead he simply parried the question: What makes Putin so exceptional in the eyes of self-righteous dingbats such as O'Reilly? Trump understands that Putin is not an anomaly among world leaders. In other words: If you label Putin a "killer", what would you call Obama? One of these leaders had an actual kill list. And it wasn't Putin.
[*]Trump's statement is meaningful because it challenges America to dismount from its high horse, instead of lecturing from the perch of its blood-soaked saddle.
[*]What Trump is saying to Bill (and to the rest of America) is that we are entering a new era of true pragmatism. Gone are the days of self-righteous moralizing and chest-thumping idealism. Russia plays a critical role in ensuring global security and stability. Let's acknowledge this and work with the Russians, instead of calling them names. We're not in kindergarten.
[*]Trump just illustrated the difference between Making America Great Again and decades of delusional American Exceptionalism.
It's undoubtedly a good sign when the President of the United States refuses to bash a foreign leader, and instead asks his country to look inward. More of this, please.[/size]
Guest- Guest
Re: Kutak za rusofile
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov confirmed to Sputnik that Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed condolences to Turkish President Recep Tayiip Erdogan over an accidental Russian airstrike that had killed Turkish soldiers in Syria.
Earlier in the day, the Turkish General Staff said that an accidental Russian airstrike killed three Turkish soldiers and wounded 11 others in northern Syria.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
UPS -- Sorry
Yehudi- Posts : 14715
Re: Kutak za rusofile
'No One Else Can Do That':
Italy Seeks Russia's Help in Resolving Libyan Crisis
"Russia is the only country that proved to the world that it knows how to fight terrorism. Russia doesn’t change its posture. This is very important. Russia’s military success in Syria proves this fact. Syria is now on its way to peaceful talks. This is what Russia did. And no one else can do that. There is no one else to ask," Konovalov told Radio Sputnik.
Yehudi- Posts : 14715
Re: Kutak za rusofile
Nego zanima me vaše mišljenje.. ekipe što ovdje piše*
Tko je ubio Givija(i ostale)
Ukrainci? Putin? ili međusobno kao ratni profiteri?
Tko je ubio Givija(i ostale)
Ukrainci? Putin? ili međusobno kao ratni profiteri?
Guest- Guest
Re: Kutak za rusofile
[size=42]Rušenje vlasti u Rumuniji — sprečavanje zaokreta ka Rusiji
Ekipa Sputnjika
21:16 09.02.2017.
8 коментара
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Protesti u Rumuniji, iako su bili usmereni protiv uredbe kojom se dekriminalizuju mnogi slučajevi korupcije, mogli bi da imaju i dublji smisao sa ciljem da se uruši novoizabrana socijaldemokratska vlada koja bi potencijalno mogla da se okrene saradnji sa Rusijom, smatraju analitičari u emisiji „Svet sa Sputnjikom“.
У Румунији протести трају и даље, упркос томе што је тамошња власт повукла спорну уредбу, додуше њихов интензитет више није као првих дана, када је на улице у једном тренутку изашло преко пола милиона грађана. Иако су ти протести били највећи од времена свргавања комунизма у тој земљи, данас се на трговима румунских градова окупило свега неколико десетина грађана.
Међутим, причу о румунским протестима треба почети са ситуацијом још од пре последњих парламентарних избора. Некадашњи дописник Танјуга из Румуније Драгослав Марковић тврди да је Запад био уплашен тиме што је левица имала највише изгледа да дође на власт, сматрајући да би управо они били ти који би земљу могли да окрену ка Русији, поготову ако се узме у обзир недавно размештање противракетног штита у тој земљи.
„Целокупна ситуација — доношење спорне уредбе, подршка десничарског председника народу… Све то личи као да је неко умешао прсте, а не сме се заборавити какав фактор представља милијардер Џорџ Сорош на Балкану, који би такође могао да буде умешан у целокупну причу“, каже он.
Политиколог Стефан Сурлић сматра да је Румунија за Запад важна због геостратешког положаја, као и да је тај фактор био пресудан приликом њеног приступања Европској унији. Тиме се ЕУ територијално спојила са Грчком, преко Бугарске, иако реални стандарди за њен улазак у Унију нису били испуњени.
Марковић тај геостратешки значај види и као линију према Русији, у супротном поставља се питање зашто би се НАТО и САД било чега и плашили. Запад је сматрао да је увлачењем Румуније у НАТО и размештањем противракетног штита тај посао урађен, међутим доласком левице на власт тај страх је поново завладао, а ово је био један од начина да се он елиминише, додаје Марковић.
Међутим, откуда Западу такво мишљење када тек изабрана власт није повукла ниједан потез којим би се наслутио заокрет ка Русији, запитали су се и Марковић и Сурлић, будући да су, како тврде, и левица и десница у Румунији проевропски и пронатовски настројени.
Штавише, Марковић каже да, иако је Румунија историјски повезана са Русијом, будући да их је управо она ослободила од Турака, Румуни се те чињенице стиде, па су чак и декретом укинули ћирилицу још 1860. године.
Са друге стране, спољнополитички аналитичар Бранислав Поповић каже да се овде не ради само о томе кога подржавају политичке партије, било Русе или Американце, већ да је поента била извући људе на улице, што је у Румунији изузетно тешко изводљиво.
С обзиром да су протести данас драстично изгубили на интензитету, саговорници Спутњика сматрају да до нових избора највероватније неће доћи. Сурлић тврди да то не одговара ниједној политичкој опцији, с обзиром да су избори одржани свега пре два месеца, те да би то био јасан знак нестабилности у земљи. Поповић такође тврди да ће расплет овог скандала проћи без већих последица по тамошњу власт, иако Марковић сматра да би цела ова прича могла да буде само шлагворт за рушење социјалдемократске владе[/size]
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Re: Kutak za rusofile
[size=11][size=11] 305 178 1 [size=10]Share0[/size] 0 [/size]
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Russia is going to build its own helicopter carriers, equivalent to the French Mistrals, using obtained French know-hows.
Photo: vacuum.jetsgroup.com[size]
Though Russia did not receive two Mistral amphibious assault ships, also known as helicopter carriers, from France, the country is preparing to build its own ships of this type, using obtained French know-hows, the BFM TV informational website reported.
In 2015, France decided not to deliver Russia two previously ordered Mistral amphibious assault ships, and it seems that Moscow got all possible benefits from this decision. At least, an article, published in the Le Canard enchaîné newspaper, makes us to think in this way.
At the end of December 2016, President of the United Shipbuilding Corporation Alexei Rakhmanov said that Russia got French know-hows. If to take into account that France returned money, paid for construction of the ships, “this knowledge cost us for free,” Rakhmanov joked.
As a result, the United Shipbuilding Corporation is going to start construction of helicopter carriers upon its own project. The amphibious assault ships should be similar to the Mistral-type ships as two peas.
BFM TV reminded that the both ships, ordered in 2010, were built at a shipyard in Saint-Nazaire, in collaboration with colleagues from the United Shipbuilding Corporation. The Ukrainian conflict, during which Paris took the anti-Russian position, forced French President Francois Hollande to freeze and then cancel the supply of the both ships to Moscow.
According to Le Canard enchaîné, this decision should have allowed to sell a batch of the Airbus Helicopters Caracal worth €3 billion to Poland, which also had strained relations with Russia. However, to the great surprise of all, the new conservative Polish government decided to break off the negotiations with the Airbus, dropping the handkerchief to the US Lockheed-Martin and the Italian-British Agusta-Westland companies. Subsequently, this incident led to the appearance of a mini-crisis in relations between Warsaw and Paris.
Though France eventually found a buyer for the both Mistral ships in the face of Egypt, the government wants to quickly forget about this story, which seems a major defeat.[/size]
[size=11][size=11] 305 178 1 [size=10]Share0[/size] 0 [/size]
[size=11] 484[/size]
Russia is going to build its own helicopter carriers, equivalent to the French Mistrals, using obtained French know-hows.
Photo: vacuum.jetsgroup.com
Though Russia did not receive two Mistral amphibious assault ships, also known as helicopter carriers, from France, the country is preparing to build its own ships of this type, using obtained French know-hows, the BFM TV informational website reported.
In 2015, France decided not to deliver Russia two previously ordered Mistral amphibious assault ships, and it seems that Moscow got all possible benefits from this decision. At least, an article, published in the Le Canard enchaîné newspaper, makes us to think in this way.
At the end of December 2016, President of the United Shipbuilding Corporation Alexei Rakhmanov said that Russia got French know-hows. If to take into account that France returned money, paid for construction of the ships, “this knowledge cost us for free,” Rakhmanov joked.
As a result, the United Shipbuilding Corporation is going to start construction of helicopter carriers upon its own project. The amphibious assault ships should be similar to the Mistral-type ships as two peas.
BFM TV reminded that the both ships, ordered in 2010, were built at a shipyard in Saint-Nazaire, in collaboration with colleagues from the United Shipbuilding Corporation. The Ukrainian conflict, during which Paris took the anti-Russian position, forced French President Francois Hollande to freeze and then cancel the supply of the both ships to Moscow.
According to Le Canard enchaîné, this decision should have allowed to sell a batch of the Airbus Helicopters Caracal worth €3 billion to Poland, which also had strained relations with Russia. However, to the great surprise of all, the new conservative Polish government decided to break off the negotiations with the Airbus, dropping the handkerchief to the US Lockheed-Martin and the Italian-British Agusta-Westland companies. Subsequently, this incident led to the appearance of a mini-crisis in relations between Warsaw and Paris.
Though France eventually found a buyer for the both Mistral ships in the face of Egypt, the government wants to quickly forget about this story, which seems a major defeat.[/size]
Guest- Guest
Re: Kutak za rusofile
Ten years of Putin's Munich speech: He came, he saw, he conquers
Putin's Munich speech produced a bombshell effect both during the summit and after it. Western media and politicians eventually assumed that "Russia was resuming the Cold War," while Putin was a "dictator."
However, ten years later, it appears that the picture of the world order, which Putin described in Munich, remains most viable today. During the speech, Putin stated that the era of the unipolar world was drawing to its end and suggested equal partnership of sovereign states in the multipolar world.
Russia was one of those sovereign states with its foreign political interests, Putin said. Yet, Western political elites strongly rejected the idea of sovereign Russia and its interests.
Ten years ago, Putin appeared not only as a designer of the new world order, but also a man, who paid attention of the whole world to objective laws of history.
Over the recent ten years, we have seen hysterical and bloody attempts of the "center of power" of the unipolar world to retain its supremacy. At the same time, we could also see the power and authority of the unipolar world flow away through fingers like sand.
To date, all have recognized the existence of two world systems. The first one is the "exceptional" one, in which the USA acts as the undisputed supremacist. The second one is the multipolar system, in which there are many decision-making centers, with Russia being one of those centers. Yet, Russia is not a supremacist nation in this system, but rather "one of the first among other equal patners."
Russia can resort to using weapons only for defensive or protective purposes, to protect civilian populations. As for the United States, it seems that the country has entirely forgotten during the presidency of Barack Obama that there is such a thing as "soft power." Instead, the USA was promoting its interests only via color revolutions or bloody military invasions and bombings.
Naturally, the number of countries attracted to Russia's vision of the world order has been growing steadily. Even Russia's historical, political and ideological rivals prefer to step out of the world order in which the USA is the only "exceptional" supremacist. The brightest example to it is the UK's Brexit.
The most striking aspect about all this is that even the USA no longer wants to be the world's No.1 supremacist. At least, we can say so about those Americans who voted for Donald Trump. He wants to make America great again by turning his back on the role of the USA as the "world policeman."
As we can see, the USA has been going through withdrawals. We can see it in many protests against the policy of Donald Trump. There are many people in America who do not seem to be able to understand that the "ivory tower" that they have been building on the blood of other peoples for years could tumble down so quickly.
Read article in Russian
Putin offers Asia a new, non-American way
- See more at: http://www.pravdareport.com/russia/politics/10-02-2017/136838-putin_munich_speech-0/#sthash.ILNpwsPp.dpuf
Ten years ago, on February 10, 2007, Vladimir Putin delivered his landmark speech at a security conference in Munich, Germany. The "Munich speech" has since then become a program of Russia's foreign policy.
[size]Putin's Munich speech produced a bombshell effect both during the summit and after it. Western media and politicians eventually assumed that "Russia was resuming the Cold War," while Putin was a "dictator."
However, ten years later, it appears that the picture of the world order, which Putin described in Munich, remains most viable today. During the speech, Putin stated that the era of the unipolar world was drawing to its end and suggested equal partnership of sovereign states in the multipolar world.
Russia was one of those sovereign states with its foreign political interests, Putin said. Yet, Western political elites strongly rejected the idea of sovereign Russia and its interests.
Ten years ago, Putin appeared not only as a designer of the new world order, but also a man, who paid attention of the whole world to objective laws of history.
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Over the recent ten years, we have seen hysterical and bloody attempts of the "center of power" of the unipolar world to retain its supremacy. At the same time, we could also see the power and authority of the unipolar world flow away through fingers like sand.
To date, all have recognized the existence of two world systems. The first one is the "exceptional" one, in which the USA acts as the undisputed supremacist. The second one is the multipolar system, in which there are many decision-making centers, with Russia being one of those centers. Yet, Russia is not a supremacist nation in this system, but rather "one of the first among other equal patners."
Russia can resort to using weapons only for defensive or protective purposes, to protect civilian populations. As for the United States, it seems that the country has entirely forgotten during the presidency of Barack Obama that there is such a thing as "soft power." Instead, the USA was promoting its interests only via color revolutions or bloody military invasions and bombings.
Naturally, the number of countries attracted to Russia's vision of the world order has been growing steadily. Even Russia's historical, political and ideological rivals prefer to step out of the world order in which the USA is the only "exceptional" supremacist. The brightest example to it is the UK's Brexit.
The most striking aspect about all this is that even the USA no longer wants to be the world's No.1 supremacist. At least, we can say so about those Americans who voted for Donald Trump. He wants to make America great again by turning his back on the role of the USA as the "world policeman."
As we can see, the USA has been going through withdrawals. We can see it in many protests against the policy of Donald Trump. There are many people in America who do not seem to be able to understand that the "ivory tower" that they have been building on the blood of other peoples for years could tumble down so quickly.
Read article in Russian
Putin offers Asia a new, non-American way
- See more at: http://www.pravdareport.com/russia/politics/10-02-2017/136838-putin_munich_speech-0/#sthash.ILNpwsPp.dpuf
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Re: Kutak za rusofile
[size=34]Sanctions and Cheap Oil Should Have Crushed Russia. Instead It's Now a Growing 'Grain Superpower'
A seemingly perfect storm of plummeting oil prices and western sanctions was supposed to tame the Russian bear. Less than 3 years later, Russia's economy is back on track.[/size]
Matthew Allen
4 hours ago | 979 41
Cannot be tamed
Watching the ruble make a (modest) comeback against the dollar and euro over the last week, we were suddenly reminded of the fact that Russia is expected to return to growth in 2017. This means it took Russia less than three years to recover from plummeting oil prices and western-imposed economic sanctions.
It was March, 2014 when the sanctions were announced, and things went from bad to worse after that. The ruble tanked after oil plummeted to historic lows. Major budget cuts were announced (the Russian government depends heavily upon oil revenues to balance its checkbook). Russia's Central Bank began to burn through its foreign currency reserves, in hopes of protecting the ruble from speculators. It looked grim.
By now, Russia was supposed to have been crushed. Completely destroyed. Look at how wrong all the pundits and politicians were.
Three years later, and Russia's economy is growing. Russia also became the world's biggest wheat exporter in the process.
We wrote last weekend about why we think sanctions and counter sanctions should remain (please, keep them).
And while discussing the advantages and disadvantages of the current sanction regime is of course important and necessary, it almost misses the larger story here: You can't tame the bear.
For better or for worse, Russia has always looked longingly at the west, in hopes that it could finally be accepted as an equal member in the European community.
Over the last three years, Russia has learned something that could very well save the entire Russian nation: Russia can only depend on itself. While growing friendships with China and Eurasia are of coruse encouraging, the truth is that Russia's vast natural resources and military prowess makes it a country with few true friends, and many jealous enemies.
This of course could all change if Europe decided to remove itself from Washington's yoke. Large books have been written about how Anglo-American geopolitical strategy is aimed at sabatoging economic and political cooperation between Russia and Germany. If those two ever got together, the whole world would be bending the knee in ten years.
At any rate: There's still plenty of work to be done to get Russia back on its feet. Back can we all take a moment and appreciate that Russia beat the odds, in less than 3 years, and became the world's biggest wheat exporter in the process? Not too shabby.
A seemingly perfect storm of plummeting oil prices and western sanctions was supposed to tame the Russian bear. Less than 3 years later, Russia's economy is back on track.[/size]
Matthew Allen
4 hours ago | 979 41
Cannot be tamed
Watching the ruble make a (modest) comeback against the dollar and euro over the last week, we were suddenly reminded of the fact that Russia is expected to return to growth in 2017. This means it took Russia less than three years to recover from plummeting oil prices and western-imposed economic sanctions.
It was March, 2014 when the sanctions were announced, and things went from bad to worse after that. The ruble tanked after oil plummeted to historic lows. Major budget cuts were announced (the Russian government depends heavily upon oil revenues to balance its checkbook). Russia's Central Bank began to burn through its foreign currency reserves, in hopes of protecting the ruble from speculators. It looked grim.
By now, Russia was supposed to have been crushed. Completely destroyed. Look at how wrong all the pundits and politicians were.
Three years later, and Russia's economy is growing. Russia also became the world's biggest wheat exporter in the process.
We wrote last weekend about why we think sanctions and counter sanctions should remain (please, keep them).
And while discussing the advantages and disadvantages of the current sanction regime is of course important and necessary, it almost misses the larger story here: You can't tame the bear.
For better or for worse, Russia has always looked longingly at the west, in hopes that it could finally be accepted as an equal member in the European community.
Over the last three years, Russia has learned something that could very well save the entire Russian nation: Russia can only depend on itself. While growing friendships with China and Eurasia are of coruse encouraging, the truth is that Russia's vast natural resources and military prowess makes it a country with few true friends, and many jealous enemies.
This of course could all change if Europe decided to remove itself from Washington's yoke. Large books have been written about how Anglo-American geopolitical strategy is aimed at sabatoging economic and political cooperation between Russia and Germany. If those two ever got together, the whole world would be bending the knee in ten years.
At any rate: There's still plenty of work to be done to get Russia back on its feet. Back can we all take a moment and appreciate that Russia beat the odds, in less than 3 years, and became the world's biggest wheat exporter in the process? Not too shabby.
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Re: Kutak za rusofile
Inace je Sputnjik objektivan al' dobro, necemo sad tjerati mak na konac...
Kog' se bojis vise, Boga, sultana il' vezira?
Boga malo, sultana nimalo a vezira ko dorata moga.
govinda- Posts : 8930
Re: Kutak za rusofile
Islam in Russia: 2 Million Ethnic Muslims Leave Islam For Russian Orthodox Christianity
Posted on 15/08/2010by 1 Muslim NationI begin in the name of Allah, the most graciousness, most merciful;
Federation Of Russia Map
You may have read or heard many Muslim as well as non-Muslim sources that claim Russia will or could become a Muslim state by 2050 or atleast by the end of this century! The reality of Islam in Russia is however vastly different.
Russian federal states and republics map
According to information I believe to be accurate, since the collapse of the Soviet Union in the Christian Year of 1991, between 2000 – 5000 ethnic Russians embraced Islam. At the same time if the Russian and other news articles I’ve read recently are correct, more or less 2 million ethnic Muslims have converted to Russian Orthodox Christianity!
Certainly Islam is growing in Russia and alhamdulliallah, I’m happy to hear about our Russian Muslim brothers and sisters efforts in reviving Islam among Russian Muslims since the end of godless Soviet Union in 1991. Given in the lackluster support for dawah and reviving Islam from the socalled Muslim countries or the Muslim world. Islam is in a much stronger position in Russia today than it was 20 years ago after the sad state of religions in Russia after 70 years of Soviet communist religion suppression.
However recently I’ve read some articles I think are genuine and more accurate about the real ground situation in Russia and the real state of Islam in Russia.
From this I think that Russia becoming a Muslim country in the near future is hype and a half baked conclusion drawn from inaccurate statistics and understanding of the real situaions of Muslims and Islam in Russia.
I’m sorry to crush the hope and dream of Muslims with good dawah intentions and the ambitions of Islamophobes with anti Islam intentions and Christians and others with their own Christian missionary and political agenda.
An Accurate Summary on Islam In Russia From Wikipedia!
Largest mosque in Europe: Grozny Central Dome Mosque in Chechnya, Russia
The Orthodox Church of Russia is said to be concerned with the growing estimates that Islam is poised to become a rapidly growing minority and potentially a majority by the year 2050.[9] However, in a BBC interview, Russian demographer, Viktor Perevedentsev, dismisses the notion that Russia could become a majority Muslim nation and says this is a specter being deliberately whipped up by politicians with little understanding of demography. He acknowledges that there are very high birth rates among these population groups but insists they merely reflect an earlier stage of development and will ultimately fall. In 50 years’ time, he says, Muslims will still be a small part of Russia’s overall population.[10] While various Muslim sources claim that Islam is the fastest growing religion in Russia and that ethnic Russians are converting to Islam in large numbers, Roman Silantyev, the executive secretary of the Interreligious Council of Russia denounces this as a myth.[11]
Silantyev states that in recent years more than two million people from various ethnic Muslim backgrounds including Tatar, Azeri, Ingush, Kazakh, etc. have converted from Islam to Orthodox Christianity in Russia, while the number of ethnic Russians who have converted to Islam is between two thousand and five thousand. Silantyev stated most of the converts are Muslims by birth who were non-practicing, while Muslims who regularly attend mosque rarely convert. He said that the conversions happen not so much due to proselytization but instead due to the influence of the dominant Russian culture, which is Orthodox Christian.[11] Silantyev also claimed that that as confirmed by many sources including Muslim sources, after every major terrorist incident conducted by Islamic extremists in Russia, thousands, or possibly even tens of thousands of Muslims convert to Christianity. For example, Silantyev noted that after the Beslan School Massacre in North Ossetia, the proportion of Muslims in North Ossetia decreased by 30%, while in Beslan itself, where Muslims had comprised between 30 to 40% of the population, their number has decreased at least by half.[11]
The relations between the Russian Orthodox Church and Islam in Russia are very difficult and controversial. We can single out two groups: one can be called “For cooperation with Islam” and the second “Against Islam”. Their followers have different views on the problems of proselytism, inter-religion dialogue, the religious policy of the state, and the foreign policy of Russia.[12]
According to an official estimate conducted by the Russian Inter-religious Council, approximately 400 Russian Orthodox clergy belong to traditionally Muslim ethnic groups, 20 percent of Tatars are Christian, and 70 percent of interfaith marriages result in the Muslim spouse converting to Christianity. At the same time, the expert accounts for the small number of ethnic Orthodox people who have adopted Islam since 1990, among other things, by the fact that ‘for some reason Russians seem to be more willing to join sects than Islam’.[11]
In the years since the Beslan tragedy, North Ossetian security officials have sought to close down all independent Muslim organizations there. Towards this end, the authorities in Beslan and across North Ossetia arrested numerous independent Muslim leaders, sometimes even planting evidence on them and sentencing them to confinement in prison camps. And fearing arrest, other Muslim leaders either stopped preaching in public or fled the republic.[13] .
According to the Russian newspaper “Nasha Versiya”, “Many children who survived the terrorist act and the parents of those who did not have been baptized, despite the fact that earlier they considered themselves Muslims. And those residents of Beslan who died, including Muslims, have been buried according to Orthodox custom, and none of their relatives has complained.” [13] However, some of those who convert quickly fall away from the faith, and at least some of these get radicalized and join Islamist organizations.[13]
At the same time, there is a small but growing number of Russian converts to Islam.[14] Notable Russian converts to Islam include Vladimir Khodov and Alexander Litvinenko, a defector from Russian intelligence, who converted on his deathbed.
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Re: Kutak za rusofile
[size=42]Turska izručuje Rusiji ubicu pilota bombardera Su-24?
20:00 17.02.2017.
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Alparslan Čelik, osumnjičeni ubica pilota oborenog ruskog aviona "Su-24", mogao bi da bude izručen Moskvi u skladu sa međudržavnim sporazumom Rusije i Turske o ekstradiciji, rekao je u petak zamenik ruskog ministra pravde Maksim Travnikov.
– У теорији, да – одговорио је Травников на питање да ли би Челик могао да буде изручен Русији, пренео је ТАСС.
Руска Државна Дума, доњи дом парламента, ратификовала је Споразум о узајамној правној помоћи у кривичним случајевима и екстрадицији између Русије и Турске.
Документ је потписан у Анкари 1. децембра 2014. године, а Турска га још није ратификовала.
Турски борбени авиони пуцали су и оборили руски бомбардер током његове мисије у Сирији у новембру 2014. године.
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