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Jemen: SAD-e sa vehabijama uništavaju najsiromašniju državu na svijetu

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Jemen: SAD-e sa vehabijama uništavaju najsiromašniju državu na svijetu Empty Jemen: SAD-e sa vehabijama uništavaju najsiromašniju državu na svijetu

Post by Kermit Fri 23 Sep - 9:03


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Jemen: SAD-e sa vehabijama uništavaju najsiromašniju državu na svijetu Empty Re: Jemen: SAD-e sa vehabijama uništavaju najsiromašniju državu na svijetu

Post by Kermit Fri 23 Sep - 9:04

The Saudi-led coalition is not only killing civilians in Yemen but also erasing the country's extremely rich millennium-old historical heritage. However, the destruction of Yemen remains a story largely untold, Christine Bierre, Chief Editor of Nouvelle Solidarite, told Sputnik.

The war in Yemen is a story which is often neglected by news organizations, even though it is now into its second year.

In order to remove the Houthis, a Zaidi Shia group from power in Yemen, a coalition of ten states unleashed an all-out war against the Middle Eastern country back in March 2015. The intervention has already resulted in more than 7-10 thousand Yemenis dead, 10-30 thousand wounded and more than 2 million displaced. However, the most disturbing fact about the conflict is that the Saudi-led coalition's war is being waged with the West's — most notably the US, the UK and France's — tacit approval.

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