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Re: Denkverbot
hm, lako je pasti u napast i izgaditi grupe kojima ne pripadoš, ali čemu? pa nisi in ti mati pa da ih dovodiš na provi put.mativka wrote:Ja i ne pristajem.aben wrote:
i ne moroš pristati na nišće, u tomu je lipota, a grupa te ne moro zvati.
točno, ljudi se grupiraju u rl, so what. moraš naučiti not giving a fuck. šarena boja je sasvin dobra, ako ti je dobra.
inače, imoš puno krivu sliku o meni:)
Često puta imam osjećaj kao da ih promatram iznad, nasađena na svom čardaku. Ljudima postaje izazov spustiti te ili podići :)
Ja nikada ne mogu biti od onih: not giving a fuck. Oprati ću svoju šalicu, no ako vidim da nečija ostaje neoprana i njegovu ću uzeti. Šarena boja je savršena :) (barem za mene) :)
Mislim da ne :) (ne u smislu u kojem ti se obraćam) :)
P.S. uskoro sam tamo negdje kod tebe :) ....
pa operi svoju ćikaru, ali opereš li i tuju, remetiš prirodan poredak i uvećavoš tuju nesriću. ljudi će se naviknuti na čiste ćikare i s pravom ti zamiriti ako ih jednom ne opereš, jer iz čega će popiti kafu?
a, na kin otoku?
aben- Posts : 35492
Re: Denkverbot
aben wrote:
hm, lako je pasti u napast i izgaditi grupe kojima ne pripadoš, ali čemu? pa nisi in ti mati pa da ih dovodiš na provi put.
pa operi svoju ćikaru, ali opereš li i tuju, remetiš prirodan poredak i uvećavoš tuju nesriću. ljudi će se naviknuti na čiste ćikare i s pravom ti zamiriti ako ih jednom ne opereš, jer iz čega će popiti kafu?
a, na kin otoku?
Upravo to :)
Remetilački sam faktor u društvu :)
Jer im remetim taj slijed :) Svjesna sam svega toga s svog čardaka...i, ovako :) Svaki dobar dan, lijepa riječ- ja sam sunce :) Kada to prihvate kao normalno (i prihvaćaju to kao prirodan slijed)-ja sam oblak :) (hahahhahhaha).
Da vidiš, kako nastaje panika :) (znam, budem onako dobro-zločesta) :) Ali samo iz razloga jer želim da ljudi vide svačiji trud, gestu...
Izuzetno se lako igrati s ljudima, i ono što je najgore, zbog želje za pripadnosti, većina izgubi svoj identitet.
Jednom na koji godinama idem i na kojem se samo čuje rika tovara u noći. Nema buke, nema ništa. More, knjige, cvrčci i ja :) I da, novi kupaći koji sam danas kupila :) Ako te tsunami zahvati, znaj da sam skočila u more baš u blizini tvog otoka :D (ako me opet susjede s smokovačom počaste, možda čuješ i neki teški falš:))
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Re: Denkverbot
mativka, reci mi, jebeš li se ti dovoljno?mativka wrote:aben wrote:
hm, lako je pasti u napast i izgaditi grupe kojima ne pripadoš, ali čemu? pa nisi in ti mati pa da ih dovodiš na provi put.
pa operi svoju ćikaru, ali opereš li i tuju, remetiš prirodan poredak i uvećavoš tuju nesriću. ljudi će se naviknuti na čiste ćikare i s pravom ti zamiriti ako ih jednom ne opereš, jer iz čega će popiti kafu?
a, na kin otoku?
Upravo to :)
Remetilački sam faktor u društvu :)
Jer im remetim taj slijed :) Svjesna sam svega toga s svog čardaka...i, ovako :) Svaki dobar dan, lijepa riječ- ja sam sunce :) Kada to prihvate kao normalno (i prihvaćaju to kao prirodan slijed)-ja sam oblak :) (hahahhahhaha).
Da vidiš, kako nastaje panika :) (znam, budem onako dobro-zločesta) :) Ali samo iz razloga jer želim da ljudi vide svačiji trud, gestu...
Izuzetno se lako igrati s ljudima, i ono što je najgore, zbog želje za pripadnosti, većina izgubi svoj identitet.
Jednom na koji godinama idem i na kojem se samo čuje rika tovara u noći. Nema buke, nema ništa. More, knjige, cvrčci i ja :) I da, novi kupaći koji sam danas kupila :) Ako te tsunami zahvati, znaj da sam skočila u more baš u blizini tvog otoka :D (ako me opet susjede s smokovačom počaste, možda čuješ i neki teški falš:))
jer, jo ne razumin koliko se trošiš na nevažne stvori. da si u skulu, razumi bi. da te privloči biti dio tih klika razumi bi. ali vako, čini mi se da se krivo trošiš...a?
nemo nišće, samo tovari? silba..good choice, malo prenatrpano purgerima za moj pojam, al ipak
Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;
And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational
aben- Posts : 35492
Re: Denkverbot
aben wrote:
mativka, reci mi, jebeš li se ti dovoljno?
jer, jo ne razumin koliko se trošiš na nevažne stvori. da si u skulu, razumi bi. da te privloči biti dio tih klika razumi bi. ali vako, čini mi se da se krivo trošiš...a?
nemo nišće, samo tovari? silba..good choice, malo prenatrpano purgerima za moj pojam, al ipak
Hvala na pitanju, no ne onoliko kolike su stvarne potrebe :) (predobra sam da bih poželjela da se netko osjeća loše:D) :)
Pa pokajala sam se u prethodnim postovima i napisala da ću se posvetiti sapunicama, narodnjacima...i odreći se navike čitanja vijesti na dnevnoj bazi. Obećajem svećano da ću se posvetiti samo pripovijestima iz Biblije i mudrih ljudi koji svrate u dom :) (eventualno ako dođem na forum i pročitam nešto nepoželjno :))
Silba je puno dalje od tebe :) Iz iščitavanja od prije imam osjećaj da ćemo biti jako, jako blizu...a, možda se i sretnemo..a ne znamo :) Ma, mene ćeš sigurno zamijetiti :) :)))
Valjda ja mrzim začepiti nos, već odmah na glavu, ronim duuuuugo i i tek zadnjim izdisajem izranjam i tada uživam u izronu. Jedva čekam more. Toliko volim tu slobodu osjećaja i ljepotu koju pruža. Znam jedno, skončati ću tamo :)
Guest- Guest
Re: Denkverbot
sa nisi dobra ni u postelji?mativka wrote:aben wrote:
mativka, reci mi, jebeš li se ti dovoljno?
jer, jo ne razumin koliko se trošiš na nevažne stvori. da si u skulu, razumi bi. da te privloči biti dio tih klika razumi bi. ali vako, čini mi se da se krivo trošiš...a?
nemo nišće, samo tovari? silba..good choice, malo prenatrpano purgerima za moj pojam, al ipak
Hvala na pitanju, no ne onoliko kolike su stvarne potrebe :) (predobra sam da bih poželjela da se netko osjeća loše:D) :)
Pa pokajala sam se u prethodnim postovima i napisala da ću se posvetiti sapunicama, narodnjacima...i odreći se navike čitanja vijesti na dnevnoj bazi. Obećajem svećano da ću se posvetiti samo pripovijestima iz Biblije i mudrih ljudi koji svrate u dom :) (eventualno ako dođem na forum i pročitam nešto nepoželjno :))
Silba je puno dalje od tebe :) Iz iščitavanja od prije imam osjećaj da ćemo biti jako, jako blizu...a, možda se i sretnemo..a ne znamo :) Ma, mene ćeš sigurno zamijetiti :) :)))
Valjda ja mrzim začepiti nos, već odmah na glavu, ronim duuuuugo i i tek zadnjim izdisajem izranjam i tada uživam u izronu. Jedva čekam more. Toliko volim tu slobodu osjećaja i ljepotu koju pruža. Znam jedno, skončati ću tamo :)
ne moreš se toliko kapotavati, ne more to biti zdravo.
a ča, biblija je važna? ma, možda i je, ali nis jo govori protiv sapunic na televiziji, nego protiv onih uživo. i jo sun uživo u dinastiji i santi barbari.
ali, jo sun ti na ugljanu, ali se slabo mičen, imun radijus od oko 50m. teško ćemo se treviti osim ako ne doroniš do moje rivice...kako misliš skončati, udati se?
Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;
And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational
aben- Posts : 35492
Re: Denkverbot
aben wrote:
sa nisi dobra ni u postelji?
ne moreš se toliko kapotavati, ne more to biti zdravo.
a ča, biblija je važna? ma, možda i je, ali nis jo govori protiv sapunic na televiziji, nego protiv onih uživo. i jo sun uživo u dinastiji i santi barbari.
ali, jo sun ti na ugljanu, ali se slabo mičen, imun radijus od oko 50m. teško ćemo se treviti osim ako ne doroniš do moje rivice...kako misliš skončati, udati se?
Abende, ako ti prakticiraš sex u postelji ne znači da su ostali tako ograničeni :) (ostalo ne razumijem pa je neprikladno dati bilo kakav komentar :))
Ja ne bih ulazila u tvoje stanje svijesti, ma kojim nazivom ih ti nazivljavao, i ma koje tvoje fetiše :) (da santa barbara i dinastija..hahhahha:))
Pa ja sam jako blizu tebe :) Znala sam da smo tu negdje :) Par km :)
Imam dvije želje u životu, a to su:
- otići na kruzer s dragim ženskim osobama i štipati mlade konobare za guzu (kada odemo u mirovinu) :)
- i, provesti starost uz more...
Ljubavne veze iako sam romantična, me ne zanimaju, jer sve je to ionako u mojoj glavi :) Dovoljna je bura za osjećaj sexa. Dovoljan je povjetarac za osjećaj zavođenja...i ma koliko se to banaliziralo, osjećaj je stvaran:)
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Re: Denkverbot
Sjećam se živo, i sjećati ću se. Na istom mjestu na kojem ću biti, puhala je bura. Izašla sam van na terasu ogrnuta samo u dugačku maramu. Uhvatila sam se za ogradu jer je bura bila toliko jaka da sam mislila da će me s mjesta pomaknuti. Samo sam sklopila oči, prepustila se buri, čvrsto stisla rukama ogradu i jednostavno- uživala. Šibala mi obraze, a ja prkosno okrenula drugi, Kao da me željela otjerati s mjesta na kojem sam uživala, no ja sam se tim čvršće držala. Bura je bila moj nepoznati osjećaj, a tako dobar. Nisam željela propustiti taj trenutak, već sam se cijela predala tom trenutku koji i danas pamtim.....
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Re: Denkverbot
:-)kic wrote:interesting things are starting to happen when you start to enjoy the pain :^0
Zapravo sam zeljela nesto drugo reci, previse se oslanjamo na druge ljude u potrazi za dobrim osjecajem. Recimo
uvijek se sjecam osjecaja i trenutka koji nije vezan uz fizicku osobu.
A ti uzivas kada ti netko nanosi bol? :-)
Decki , budite mi dobri sljedeca dva tjedna :-)
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Re: Denkverbot
ču sun neki dun da država tiro radnike da uzmu godišnji od dvi sedmice u komadu. ne zun kako to provodu u djelo. jel inspektori upadaju u fabrije i viču ko jena godišnjen neka digne ruku. možda osnuju i inspektorat za provjeru je li uživoš na godišnjen, ili si iskoristi vrime za rad na mišalici.
Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;
And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational
aben- Posts : 35492
Re: Denkverbot
On September 9, 1965, while flying from the flight deck of the USS Oriskany on a mission over North Vietnam, Naval aviator James Stockdale’s Douglas A-4 Skyhawk was hit by antiaircraft fire. His plane was disabled and began to fall out of the sky. Stockdale made the decision to eject from his aircraft over enemy held territory. In 1993, in a speech delivered at the Great Hall of King’s College, Stockdale described his thoughts immediately after realizing he must abandon his plane:
After ejection…I whispered to myself: I’m leaving the world of technology and entering the world of Epictetus…
ah Stoicizam..
After ejection…I whispered to myself: I’m leaving the world of technology and entering the world of Epictetus…
ah Stoicizam..
Re: Denkverbot
As Stockdale put it, “The only good and evil that means anything is right in your own heart, within your will, within your power, where it’s up to you. Enchiridion [of Epictetus] 32: ‘Things that are not within our own power, not without our Will, can by no means be either good or evil’…In short, what the Stoics say is ‘Work with what you have control of and you’ll have your hands full.’”
Re: Denkverbot
Stockdale describes such a methodology: “Man had to take command of his inner self; control himself. The Stoic goal was not the good society, but the good man…To get my message today, you have only to have a general understanding of the message of one man: the Stoic philosopher Epictetus, the outstanding pagan moralist of the Roman Empire… we’ll discuss the worthiness of what I’ll call Epictetus’s ‘Code of Conduct’ to be part of us as warriors…‘What do I care,’ Epictetus asked, ‘whether all existing things are composed of atoms, or of indivisibles, or of fire and earth? Is it not enough to learn the true nature of the good and the evil?’”
Re: Denkverbot
At the end of his talk in the Great Hall of King’s College, Stockdale concluded with an anecdote about a note given to him by a fellow prisoner:
“Back in my cell, after the guard locked the door, I sat on my toilet bucket––where I could stealthily jettison the note if the peephole cover moved––and unfolded Hatcher’s sheet of low-grade paper toweling on which, with a rat dropping, he had printed, without comment or signature, the last verse of Ernest Henley’s poem Invictus:
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishment the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.”
“Back in my cell, after the guard locked the door, I sat on my toilet bucket––where I could stealthily jettison the note if the peephole cover moved––and unfolded Hatcher’s sheet of low-grade paper toweling on which, with a rat dropping, he had printed, without comment or signature, the last verse of Ernest Henley’s poem Invictus:
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishment the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.”
Re: Denkverbot
kic wrote:After ejection…I whispered to myself: I’m leaving the world of technology and entering the world of Epictetus…
Re: Denkverbot
To be clear, much of our picture of the supposed cruelties of the Industrial Revolution literally comes from Marxist propaganda—which, in turn, was adopted uncritically from the propaganda campaigns of rural landowners who were unhappy about losing workers as people voluntarily left the even more harsh life of the country in preference for industries in the city. Harsh as life in the factories was compared to the present day, countless people of the time obviously saw it as preferable to the alternatives actually available to them then. Capitalism and the Historians contains five essays from five different economic historians, each of whom details the life of workers in the country, to produce a more realistic picture of what the Industrial Revolution would have actually meant to people alive at the time. In actuality, some women pursued work in factories too, because it was a better way to support their families than the country did. Still, to the extent that the division of labor brought men into these workplaces while leaving women in the home, this in and of itself was hardly oppression of women. Put it this way: the patriarchy in England did not pass laws prohibiting women and children from working underground in the coal mines in 1842 just because men selfishly wanted to keep those luxurious jobs for themselves.
Re: Denkverbot
"that's why hillary has so much more votes in the black comunnity than trump, because black people in america, know mommy more than daddy." aaa :D
i ovo na kraju što je rekao je odlično, roditelj bira hoće li bit prijatelj svom djetetu kad je ono malo ili kad odraste, i treba birat ovo drugo, tj tough love
i ovo na kraju što je rekao je odlično, roditelj bira hoće li bit prijatelj svom djetetu kad je ono malo ili kad odraste, i treba birat ovo drugo, tj tough love
Re: Denkverbot
lipo gavin govori, ali ne zun koliko bi suzdržavanje žena i nonlandownersa od glasovanja pomoglo, state is left and left is the state.
evo jedun citatić, baš oko mrske industrijske revolucije, ki boco sumnju na mogućnost "ispravnog" glasovanja:
Second, once it is realized that the Industrial Revolution was fi rst and foremost the outcome of the evolutionary growth of human intelligence (rather than the mere removal of institutional barriers to growth), the role of the State can be recognized as fundamentally diff erent under Malthusian vs. post-Malthusian conditions. Under Malthusian conditions the State doesn’t matter much, at least as far as macroeff ects are concerned. A more exploitative State will simply lead to a lower population number (much like a pest would), but it does not aff ect per capita income. In fact, in lowering the population density, income per capita may even rise, as it did after the great pestilence in the mid-fourteenth century. And in reverse: a “good,” less-exploitative State will allow for a growing number of people, but per capita incomes will not rise or may even fall, because land per capita is reduced. All this changes with the Industrial Revolution. For if productivity gains continuously outstrip population increases and allow for a steady increase in per capita incomes, then an exploitative institution such as the State can continuously grow without lowering per capita income and reducing the population number. Th e State then becomes a permanent drag on the economy and per capita incomes. T h ird, whereas under Malthusian conditions positive eugenic eff ects reign: the economically successful produce more surviving off spring and the population stock is thus gradually bettered (cognitively improved). Under post-Malthusian conditions the existence and the growth of the State produces a two-fold dysgenic eff ect, especially under democratic welfare-state conditions. For one, the “economically challenged,” as the principal “clients” of the welfare State,produce more surviving off spring, and the economically successful less. Second, the steady growth of a parasitic State, made possible by a growing underlying economy, systematically aff ects the requirements of economic success. Economic success becomes increasingly dependent on politics and political talent, i.e., the talent of using the State to enrich oneself at others’ expense. In any case, the population stock becomes increasingly worse (as far as the cognitive requirements of prosperity and economic growth are concerned), rather than better.
ovo je iz a short history of man, progress and decline,
a više o tomu ima u democracy, the god that failed, isto od hh hopea
evo jedun citatić, baš oko mrske industrijske revolucije, ki boco sumnju na mogućnost "ispravnog" glasovanja:
Second, once it is realized that the Industrial Revolution was fi rst and foremost the outcome of the evolutionary growth of human intelligence (rather than the mere removal of institutional barriers to growth), the role of the State can be recognized as fundamentally diff erent under Malthusian vs. post-Malthusian conditions. Under Malthusian conditions the State doesn’t matter much, at least as far as macroeff ects are concerned. A more exploitative State will simply lead to a lower population number (much like a pest would), but it does not aff ect per capita income. In fact, in lowering the population density, income per capita may even rise, as it did after the great pestilence in the mid-fourteenth century. And in reverse: a “good,” less-exploitative State will allow for a growing number of people, but per capita incomes will not rise or may even fall, because land per capita is reduced. All this changes with the Industrial Revolution. For if productivity gains continuously outstrip population increases and allow for a steady increase in per capita incomes, then an exploitative institution such as the State can continuously grow without lowering per capita income and reducing the population number. Th e State then becomes a permanent drag on the economy and per capita incomes. T h ird, whereas under Malthusian conditions positive eugenic eff ects reign: the economically successful produce more surviving off spring and the population stock is thus gradually bettered (cognitively improved). Under post-Malthusian conditions the existence and the growth of the State produces a two-fold dysgenic eff ect, especially under democratic welfare-state conditions. For one, the “economically challenged,” as the principal “clients” of the welfare State,produce more surviving off spring, and the economically successful less. Second, the steady growth of a parasitic State, made possible by a growing underlying economy, systematically aff ects the requirements of economic success. Economic success becomes increasingly dependent on politics and political talent, i.e., the talent of using the State to enrich oneself at others’ expense. In any case, the population stock becomes increasingly worse (as far as the cognitive requirements of prosperity and economic growth are concerned), rather than better.
ovo je iz a short history of man, progress and decline,
a više o tomu ima u democracy, the god that failed, isto od hh hopea
Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;
And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational
aben- Posts : 35492
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