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Re: Denkverbot
Joj, kako me živcira to što ne mogu editirati postove nakon nekog vremena :D Mrzim te svoje pretjerane izljeve ....Želim reći: danas jesi, sutra nisi...
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Re: Denkverbot
procitao sam, sto obrisa, ali dobro, ima neka melankolija u tim slikama, zivot za trenutak, ali ne u yolo smislu..
Re: Denkverbot
Neću više čitati novine, gledati svakim danom se osjećam lošije...Stalno neke loše vijesti pa u skladu s tim i loše misli...Nije čudno što se ljudi ponašaju kako se ponašaju kada im je to postala svakodnevnica. Sve mi to djeluje kao put prema dolje....
Pas mater, ma neće mi ništa ovaj dan pokvarit....
Pas mater, ma neće mi ništa ovaj dan pokvarit....
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Re: Denkverbot
i tekst i komentari
Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;
And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational
aben- Posts : 35492
Re: Denkverbot
kad se s foruma prešaltam na te komentare, kao da sam s gledanja lokalne košarke prešao u NBA--
Re: Denkverbot
točno sun i jo to pomisli, odlična usporedba s nba!
možda kad bi forum imo slojeve, svi sve čitaju, ali moš pisati samo u jednom sloju, dok te oni iz višeg sloja ne pozovu gori. jer, imo i forum zanimljivih komentatora, ali se izgubu u šumi smeća..
možda kad bi forum imo slojeve, svi sve čitaju, ali moš pisati samo u jednom sloju, dok te oni iz višeg sloja ne pozovu gori. jer, imo i forum zanimljivih komentatora, ali se izgubu u šumi smeća..
Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;
And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational
aben- Posts : 35492
Re: Denkverbot
htio sam dodati, lokalna liga je i zabavna, ima i dobrih poteza i sve, ali ako previše navikneš na nju, uopće ne pojmiš da neki ljudi tamo igraju puno brže i čvršće i onda stojiš ko posran malo :)
eu loš posrednik globalne agende, da, briti su to dobro upecali, onaj adam smith report pisan u 3. mjesecu wow-
eu loš posrednik globalne agende, da, briti su to dobro upecali, onaj adam smith report pisan u 3. mjesecu wow-
Re: Denkverbot
“Now suppose trade barriers are reduced. This shifts the equilibrium: it is now possible for people to be part of the same economic area, without having to be part of the same political entity. They are able to trade with one another without having to agree on politics. This means the economic benefits of large markets can now be reaped without incurring the political cost of heterogeneity. Consequently, the optimal size of a political entity falls.
This is an exact reversal of the conventional rationale for EU-federalism, which holds that globalisation makes larger political entities necessary. Au contraire: it is the very globalisation that makes smaller political entities viable.”
Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;
And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational
aben- Posts : 35492
Re: Denkverbot
da pročitao sam, definitivno mi je to nov pogled malo.. sad mi je jasno da je eu gotova priča..
Re: Denkverbot
Taking a leap of faith:
“Anything of any value in our lives, whether that be a career, a work of art, a relationship, will always start with such a leap. In order to be able to make it you have to put aside the fear of failing and the desire of succeeding. You have to do these things completely purely without fear, without desire. Because things that we do without lust or result are the purest actions that we shall ever take.”
“Anything of any value in our lives, whether that be a career, a work of art, a relationship, will always start with such a leap. In order to be able to make it you have to put aside the fear of failing and the desire of succeeding. You have to do these things completely purely without fear, without desire. Because things that we do without lust or result are the purest actions that we shall ever take.”
Re: Denkverbot
The job of artists:
“It is not the job of artists to give the audience what the audience want. If the audience knew what they needed, then they wouldn’t be the audience. They would be the artist. It is the job of artists to give the audience what they need”
“It is not the job of artists to give the audience what the audience want. If the audience knew what they needed, then they wouldn’t be the audience. They would be the artist. It is the job of artists to give the audience what they need”
Re: Denkverbot
Solvé et Coagula:
“The alchemists had two components to their philosophy. These were the principles of Solvé et Coagula. Solvé was basically the equivalent of analysis, it was taking things apart to see how they worked. Coagula was basically synthesis, it was trying to put disassembled pieces back together, so that they worked more efficiently. These are two very important principles which can be applied to almost anything in culture. There has recently in literature for example been a wave of post-modernism, deconstructionism. This is Solvé. Perhaps it is time in the arts for a little more Coagula. Having deconstructed everything, perhaps we really should be starting to think about putting everything back together.
“The alchemists had two components to their philosophy. These were the principles of Solvé et Coagula. Solvé was basically the equivalent of analysis, it was taking things apart to see how they worked. Coagula was basically synthesis, it was trying to put disassembled pieces back together, so that they worked more efficiently. These are two very important principles which can be applied to almost anything in culture. There has recently in literature for example been a wave of post-modernism, deconstructionism. This is Solvé. Perhaps it is time in the arts for a little more Coagula. Having deconstructed everything, perhaps we really should be starting to think about putting everything back together.
Re: Denkverbot
The theory of human information doubling:
“As I understand it, at the last count human information was doubling around every 18 months. Further to this, there is a point somewhere around 2015 when human information is doubling every thousandth of a second. That means that in each thousandth of second we will have accumulated more information than we have in the entire previous history of the world. At this point I believe that all bets are off. I cannot imagine the kind of culture that might exist after such a flashpoint of knowledge. I believe that our culture would probably move into a completely different state, would move past the boiling point, from a fluid culture to a culture of steam.”
“As I understand it, at the last count human information was doubling around every 18 months. Further to this, there is a point somewhere around 2015 when human information is doubling every thousandth of a second. That means that in each thousandth of second we will have accumulated more information than we have in the entire previous history of the world. At this point I believe that all bets are off. I cannot imagine the kind of culture that might exist after such a flashpoint of knowledge. I believe that our culture would probably move into a completely different state, would move past the boiling point, from a fluid culture to a culture of steam.”
Re: Denkverbot
My respect for metal fans and artists has been plummeting for a few years now.
Please stop pretending that you are anything other than a hippy who listens to "le brutal satanic fuck you mom and dad" music. Your aesthetic is nothing more than a thin layer of black paint over top of the same basic bitch ideas being vomited out of the mouths of 17 year old bleeding heart high school girls.
By all means, keep up the fight for an all inclusive safe space of a metal community.
Make your edgy album cover of the scary evil conservative blowing his brains out.
Put a transparent rainbow flag over your kvlt 666 profile picture.
Continue to go after the utterly neutered and pacified Christian Church, nothing is safer in 2016. Pretend to be some scary monster who raids Christians and burns churches, but make sure to ignore the ravaging hordes of third world war torn muslims pouring into your country and raping your women by the hundreds. Islamophobia is mean and besides,muslims might actually fight back and decapitate your cucky ass.
Metal is one of the last bastions of primal European creativity and as such it seems to have inherited that fatal European flaw of cuckoldry.
Hail to the old guard.
Please stop pretending that you are anything other than a hippy who listens to "le brutal satanic fuck you mom and dad" music. Your aesthetic is nothing more than a thin layer of black paint over top of the same basic bitch ideas being vomited out of the mouths of 17 year old bleeding heart high school girls.
By all means, keep up the fight for an all inclusive safe space of a metal community.
Make your edgy album cover of the scary evil conservative blowing his brains out.
Put a transparent rainbow flag over your kvlt 666 profile picture.
Continue to go after the utterly neutered and pacified Christian Church, nothing is safer in 2016. Pretend to be some scary monster who raids Christians and burns churches, but make sure to ignore the ravaging hordes of third world war torn muslims pouring into your country and raping your women by the hundreds. Islamophobia is mean and besides,muslims might actually fight back and decapitate your cucky ass.
Metal is one of the last bastions of primal European creativity and as such it seems to have inherited that fatal European flaw of cuckoldry.
Hail to the old guard.
Re: Denkverbot
Jel postoji zenska NBA liga?kic wrote:kad se s foruma prešaltam na te komentare, kao da sam s gledanja lokalne košarke prešao u NBA--
Jer ovdje je ocigledno muska na terenu :-)
Ali opet, uvijek je lokalna igra draza srcu. Profesionalizam je izuzetno hladan sport:-)
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Re: Denkverbot
Elitizam!aben wrote:točno sun i jo to pomisli, odlična usporedba s nba!
možda kad bi forum imo slojeve, svi sve čitaju, ali moš pisati samo u jednom sloju, dok te oni iz višeg sloja ne pozovu gori. jer, imo i forum zanimljivih komentatora, ali se izgubu u šumi smeća..
Postoje razlicite potrebe i u skladu s tim razlicita mjesta. Svatko ode u odredenom trenutku tamo gdje mu odgovara.
Recimo, odlucila sam da pocinjem slusati narodnjake i gledati sapunice jer sam vidjela da ljudi koji to prakticiraju su sretniji ljudi. Kada bi me netko pitao: bi li voljela biti sretnija ili pametnija, ja bih odgovorila : cekaj da razmislim...
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