NATO generali najavljuju napad na Rusiju u slučaju hakerskog napada na državu članicu
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NATO generali najavljuju napad na Rusiju u slučaju hakerskog napada na državu članicu
Posts : 26479
Re: NATO generali najavljuju napad na Rusiju u slučaju hakerskog napada na državu članicu
On Tuesday, June 14th, NATO announced that if a NATO member country becomes the victim of a cyber attack by persons in a non-NATO country such as Russia or China, then NATO’s Article V “collective defense” provision requires each NATO member country to join that NATO member country if it decides to strike back against the attacking country. The preliminary decision for this was made two years ago after Crimea abandoned Ukraine and rejoined Russia, of which it had been a part until involuntarily transferred to Ukraine by the Soviet dictator Nikita Khrushchev in 1954. That NATO decision was made in anticipation of Ukraine’s ultimately becoming a NATO member country, which still hasn’t happened. However, only now is NATO declaring cyber war itself to be included as real “war” under the NATO Treaty’s “collective defense” provision.
NATO is now alleging that because Russian hackers had copied the emails on Hillary Clinton’s home computer, this action of someone in Russia taking advantage of her having privatized her U.S. State Department communications to her unsecured home computer and of such a Russian’s then snooping into the U.S. State Department business that was stored on it, might constitute a Russian attack against the United States of America, and would, if the U.S. President declares it to be a Russian invasion of the U.S., trigger NATO’s mutual-defense clause and so require all NATO nations to join with the U.S. government in going to war against Russia, if the U.S. government so decides.
NATO had produced in 2013 (prior to the take-over of Ukraine) an informational propaganda video alleging that “cyberattacks” by people in Russia or in China that can compromise U.S. national security, could spark an invasion by NATO, if the U.S. President decides that the cyberattack was a hostile act by the Russian or Chinese government. In the video, a British national-security expert notes that this would be an “eminently political decison” for the U.S. President to make, which can be made only by the U.S. President, and which only that person possesses the legal authority to make. NATO, by producing this video, made clear that any NATO-member nation’s leader who can claim that his or her nation has been ‘attacked’ by Russia, possesses the power to initiate a NATO war against Russia. In the current instance, it would be U.S. President Barack Obama. However, this video also said that NATO could not automatically accept such a head-of-state’s allegation calling the cyber-attack an invasion, but instead the country that’s being alleged to have perpetrated the attack would have to have claimed, or else been proven, to have carried it out. With the new NATO policy, which was announced on June 14th, in which a cyber-attack qualifies automatically as constituting “war” just like any traditional attack, such a claim or proof of the target-nation’s guilt might no longer be necessary. But this has been left vague in the published news reports about it.
In the context of the June 14th NATO announcement that cyberwar is on the same status as physical war, Obama might declare the U.S. to have been invaded by Russia when former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s State Department emails were copied by someone in Russia.
NATO is now alleging that because Russian hackers had copied the emails on Hillary Clinton’s home computer, this action of someone in Russia taking advantage of her having privatized her U.S. State Department communications to her unsecured home computer and of such a Russian’s then snooping into the U.S. State Department business that was stored on it, might constitute a Russian attack against the United States of America, and would, if the U.S. President declares it to be a Russian invasion of the U.S., trigger NATO’s mutual-defense clause and so require all NATO nations to join with the U.S. government in going to war against Russia, if the U.S. government so decides.
NATO had produced in 2013 (prior to the take-over of Ukraine) an informational propaganda video alleging that “cyberattacks” by people in Russia or in China that can compromise U.S. national security, could spark an invasion by NATO, if the U.S. President decides that the cyberattack was a hostile act by the Russian or Chinese government. In the video, a British national-security expert notes that this would be an “eminently political decison” for the U.S. President to make, which can be made only by the U.S. President, and which only that person possesses the legal authority to make. NATO, by producing this video, made clear that any NATO-member nation’s leader who can claim that his or her nation has been ‘attacked’ by Russia, possesses the power to initiate a NATO war against Russia. In the current instance, it would be U.S. President Barack Obama. However, this video also said that NATO could not automatically accept such a head-of-state’s allegation calling the cyber-attack an invasion, but instead the country that’s being alleged to have perpetrated the attack would have to have claimed, or else been proven, to have carried it out. With the new NATO policy, which was announced on June 14th, in which a cyber-attack qualifies automatically as constituting “war” just like any traditional attack, such a claim or proof of the target-nation’s guilt might no longer be necessary. But this has been left vague in the published news reports about it.
In the context of the June 14th NATO announcement that cyberwar is on the same status as physical war, Obama might declare the U.S. to have been invaded by Russia when former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s State Department emails were copied by someone in Russia.
Posts : 26479
Re: NATO generali najavljuju napad na Rusiju u slučaju hakerskog napada na državu članicu
Znači rusi hakiraju vehabije u Ankari i NATO oglasi rat Moskvi hahahah pa ova Evropa ne da će propasti nego mora otići u kurac
Posts : 26479
Re: NATO generali najavljuju napad na Rusiju u slučaju hakerskog napada na državu članicu
ne mogu nikako znati da su ih Rusi ili Kinezi hakirali, takvi upadi ne ostavljaju nikakve tragove
Guest- Guest
Re: NATO generali najavljuju napad na Rusiju u slučaju hakerskog napada na državu članicu
najlakše je hakirati ljude, to je sigurnosna rupa koju se nikad neće moći zakrpati, ne bez eugenike
software se stalno popravlja i nadograđuje zakrpama dok ljudi uvijek imaju iste rupe i iste navike
software se stalno popravlja i nadograđuje zakrpama dok ljudi uvijek imaju iste rupe i iste navike
Guest- Guest
Re: NATO generali najavljuju napad na Rusiju u slučaju hakerskog napada na državu članicu
A baš.asilovski wrote:Znači rusi hakiraju vehabije u Ankari i NATO oglasi rat Moskvi hahahah pa ova Evropa ne da će propasti nego mora otići u kurac
RayMabus- Posts : 184137
Re: NATO generali najavljuju napad na Rusiju u slučaju hakerskog napada na državu članicu
pa oni će reći da su rusi, ako da im je to bio ikada problem, ono Sadam ima spremno N oružje da za 45 minuta sravni Londondeda getting old wrote:ne mogu nikako znati da su ih Rusi ili Kinezi hakirali, takvi upadi ne ostavljaju nikakve tragove
Posts : 26479
Re: NATO generali najavljuju napad na Rusiju u slučaju hakerskog napada na državu članicu
Evropa i Rusija bi trebalo da rade "ruku pod ruku" da bi se izbegao novi Hladni rat, izjavio je danas bivši francuski predsednik Nikola Sarkozi.
Sarkozi je, na Međunarodnom ekonomomskom forumu u Sankt Peterburgu, ocenio da trenutni odnosi Evrope i Rusije nisu na nivou na kom bi trebalo da budu, kao i da nikada "nisu bili tako hladni".
"Verujem da Evropa mora da radi 'ruku pod ruku' s Rusijom. Ne bih želeo novi Hladni rat, koji nije niti u našem, niti u interesu Evropljana", rekao je Sarkozi, prenela je agencija Tas s.
On je naveo da bi Rusija trebalo da bude uključena u projekat evropskog raketnog štita.
"Želim da Evropa ima raketni štit. Bilo bi dobro da NATO ima takav štit, ali bi u tom projektu trebalo da bude uključena i Rusija", kazao je Sarkozi, preneo je Sputnjik.
Prema njegovim rečima, EU treba da ukine sankcije Rusiji, ali prvi korak treba da učini Moskva.
"Mi ne možemo sebi da dozvolimo da trpimo i najjači treba prvi da pruži ruku. Rusija i predsednik Putin su najjači", kazao je Sarkozi.
Sarkozi je, na Međunarodnom ekonomomskom forumu u Sankt Peterburgu, ocenio da trenutni odnosi Evrope i Rusije nisu na nivou na kom bi trebalo da budu, kao i da nikada "nisu bili tako hladni".
"Verujem da Evropa mora da radi 'ruku pod ruku' s Rusijom. Ne bih želeo novi Hladni rat, koji nije niti u našem, niti u interesu Evropljana", rekao je Sarkozi, prenela je agencija Tas s.
On je naveo da bi Rusija trebalo da bude uključena u projekat evropskog raketnog štita.
"Želim da Evropa ima raketni štit. Bilo bi dobro da NATO ima takav štit, ali bi u tom projektu trebalo da bude uključena i Rusija", kazao je Sarkozi, preneo je Sputnjik.
Prema njegovim rečima, EU treba da ukine sankcije Rusiji, ali prvi korak treba da učini Moskva.
"Mi ne možemo sebi da dozvolimo da trpimo i najjači treba prvi da pruži ruku. Rusija i predsednik Putin su najjači", kazao je Sarkozi.
RayMabus- Posts : 184137
Re: NATO generali najavljuju napad na Rusiju u slučaju hakerskog napada na državu članicu
Nadam se da će Rusi u tom slučaju spaliti kompletan Baltik i Poljsku a amerima zaprditi 7-8 njukova.
epikur37- Posts : 45339
Re: NATO generali najavljuju napad na Rusiju u slučaju hakerskog napada na državu članicu
NATO se uopce ne mora zamarati Rusijom ,ta drzava je samo po sebi karikatura i propast , samo nek puste da se stvari odvijaju same po sebi , opet ce prodavati vojni inventar na crnom trzistu kao 90' ... cak su Izraelu prodali bug-ove svog radarskog sustava koji upotrebljava upotrebljava sirijska vojska sto je olaksalo unistenje njihovog nuklearnog reaktora kad su pobijeni i sjevernokorejski fizicari pozajmljeni od ruskog saveznika islamske republike Iran ...
ruski drzavni mocnici ce sve prodati za dolare ili eure , nije njih briga ni za drzavu ni za njihov siromasni narod
ruski drzavni mocnici ce sve prodati za dolare ili eure , nije njih briga ni za drzavu ni za njihov siromasni narod
Clone Stormtrooper-
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