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Prijetnje njemačkim Turcima u Turskoj zbog izglasavanja armenskog genocida u Bundestagu

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Post by Guest 12/6/2016, 13:23

Travel warning for German MPs of Turkish origin

MPs reportedly given more protection and asked not to travel to Turkey after Germany recognises Armenian "genocide".

Prijetnje njemačkim Turcima u Turskoj zbog izglasavanja armenskog genocida u Bundestagu A7ad30c0ce9343b7a1ff6cc812b7b625_18
Co-leader of Germany's Green Party, Cem Ozdemir, has been among the MPs receiving threats [Reuters]

German MPs of Turkish origin have been warned not to travel to Turkey and will get increased police protection after Germany's parliament declared the 1915 massacre of Armenians a "genocide", according to media reports.

Eleven MPs have been getting threats after the resolution, which has injected fresh tensions between Germany and Turkey, was passed in the beginning of June, the reports say.
Turkey condemns Germany over 'Armenia genocide' declaration

Der Spiegel, a German newsmagazine, said the foreign ministry had warned the MPs against travelling to Turkey because their safety could not be guaranteed.

"It is unspeakable to know that it is not possible to fly there for now," Aydan Ozoguz, Germany's integration commissioner, was quoted by Der Spiegel as saying.

Other MPs with Turkish roots have also cancelled business trips to the country, it said.

Separately, the Frankfurt Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung reported that the 11 MPs will now receive increased police protection and further security measures for both their professional and private activities.

"The threats against MPs of Turkish origin are unacceptable," Thomas de Maiziere, Germany's interior minister, told the paper. "Of course security measures will be adjusted if necessary."

He stressed, however, that the majority of the 3.5 million people with Turkish roots who live in Germany were "good neighbours" and said the perpetrators were "isolated cases".
'Death threats and insults'

Cem Ozdemir, the leader of Germany's Green Party, who initiated the resolution, told Turkey's Armenian weekly Agos that despite receiving "death threats and insults", at least they were "not imprisoned" and not had their "immunity lifted for having simply expressed what we thought, unlike our colleagues in Turkey".

Ozdemir told the Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung that he had received threats, reading: "At some point, your German friends will have forgotten that - we won't" and "We will find you everywhere."

He also called on Turkish groups in Germany to condemn the death threats.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said that MPs of Turkish origin who voted for the resolution should be given blood tests, and has accused them of having "tainted blood" and of being terrorists.

On Thursday Norbert Lammert, the president of the Bundestag, said threats against individual MPs were attacks on the entire parliament.

Millions of Germans have Turkish heritage following a wave of so-called guest worker immigration during Germany's economic boom of the 1960s and '70s.


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Prijetnje njemačkim Turcima u Turskoj zbog izglasavanja armenskog genocida u Bundestagu Empty Re: Prijetnje njemačkim Turcima u Turskoj zbog izglasavanja armenskog genocida u Bundestagu

Post by Guest 12/6/2016, 13:25

Ne putujte u djedovinu jer vas pseto možda ubije. :D

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Post by Guest 12/6/2016, 17:55

PRIJETNJE SMRĆU Pojačana zaštita turskim zastupnicima u Bundestagu

Nakon što je prije nekoliko dana zastupnicima turskog porijekla preporučeno da ne putuju u Tursku sada je i u Njemačkoj pojačana njihova zaštita.
Prijetnje njemačkim Turcima u Turskoj zbog izglasavanja armenskog genocida u Bundestagu 61239497-erdogan-bundestag
Nakon što je turski predsjednik Recep Tayyip Erdogan napao zastupnike Bundestaga turskog porijekla zbog prihvaćanja tzv. Armenske rezolucije, policija je pojačala osobnu zaštitu za te članove njemačkog parlamenta, javlja u nedjelju dnevnik Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung (FAS).

"Prijetnje uperene zastupnicima Bundestaga turskog porijekla su neprihvatljive", rekao je njemački ministar unutarnjih poslova Thomas de Maiziere.

Nakon što je prije nekoliko dana zastupnicima turskog porijekla preporučeno da ne putuju u Tursku sada je i u Njemačkoj pojačana njihova zaštita. Kako javlja FAS posebna je pozornost uperena zaštiti zastupniku i predsjedniku stranke Zeleni Cemu Oezdemiru kao i zastupnici stranke Ljevica Sevin Dagdelen koji su na meti "pojačanih prijetnji smrću".

Za njih ali i za ostale zastupnike turskog porijekla kao i članove njihovih obitelji je pojačana zaštita u obliku snažnijeg i vidljivog prisustva policajaca ispred njihovih ureda i stanova. U zaštiti međutim sudjeluju i pripadnici specijalnih policijskih snaga, kako javlja FAS.
'Podupirači terorizma' i 'izdajnici'

Zastupnicima se, osim pismenih i telefonskih prijetnji, upućuju i otvoreni uvrede i prijetnje na cesti.

Turski predsjednik Erdogan napao je zastupnike Bundestaga zbog izglasavanja rezolucije u kojoj je pokolj Armenaca u Prvom svjetskom ratu, kojeg su počinili pripadnici vojske Osmanskog carstva, proglašen genocidom.

Erdogan ali i veći dio turske javnosti posebice su se okomili na zastupnike turskog porijekla koje se proglašava "podupiračima terorizma" i "izdajnicama", a Erdogan ih je u jednom govoru prozvao na "testiranje krvi" kako bi se vidjelo jesu li oni "uopće Turci".

Cem Oezdemir je naglasio kako su ga i prijatelji iz turskih oporbenih redova upozorili na to da prijetnje treba shvatiti ozbiljno.

"Mi to zaista shvaćamo ozbiljno ali se istodobno ne damo ušutkati", rekao je Oezdemir.

Nakon što je početkom mjeseca Bundestag izglasao rezoluciju u kojoj se pokolj nad Armencima proglašava genocidom, uslijedio je niz verbalnih napada na zastupnike Bundestaga od strane turskog političkog vrha.

Turskog predsjednika Erdogana zbog njegovih otvorenih napada na zastupnika Bundestaga prozvala je kancelarka Angela Merkel ali i predsjednik Europskog parlamenta Martin Schulz. (Hina)

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Post by melkior 12/6/2016, 17:57

Fénix wrote:Travel warning for German MPs of Turkish origin

MPs reportedly given more protection and asked not to travel to Turkey after Germany recognises Armenian "genocide".

Prijetnje njemačkim Turcima u Turskoj zbog izglasavanja armenskog genocida u Bundestagu A7ad30c0ce9343b7a1ff6cc812b7b625_18
Co-leader of Germany's Green Party, Cem Ozdemir, has been among the MPs receiving threats [Reuters]

German MPs of Turkish origin have been warned not to travel to Turkey and will get increased police protection after Germany's parliament declared the 1915 massacre of Armenians a "genocide", according to media reports.

Eleven MPs have been getting threats after the resolution, which has injected fresh tensions between Germany and Turkey, was passed in the beginning of June, the reports say.
Turkey condemns Germany over 'Armenia genocide' declaration

Der Spiegel, a German newsmagazine, said the foreign ministry had warned the MPs against travelling to Turkey because their safety could not be guaranteed.

"It is unspeakable to know that it is not possible to fly there for now," Aydan Ozoguz, Germany's integration commissioner, was quoted by Der Spiegel as saying.

Other MPs with Turkish roots have also cancelled business trips to the country, it said.

Separately, the Frankfurt Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung reported that the 11 MPs will now receive increased police protection and further security measures for both their professional and private activities.

"The threats against MPs of Turkish origin are unacceptable," Thomas de Maiziere, Germany's interior minister, told the paper. "Of course security measures will be adjusted if necessary."

He stressed, however, that the majority of the 3.5 million people with Turkish roots who live in Germany were "good neighbours" and said the perpetrators were "isolated cases".
'Death threats and insults'

Cem Ozdemir, the leader of Germany's Green Party, who initiated the resolution, told Turkey's Armenian weekly Agos that despite receiving "death threats and insults", at least they were "not imprisoned" and not had their "immunity lifted for having simply expressed what we thought, unlike our colleagues in Turkey".

Ozdemir told the Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung that he had received threats, reading: "At some point, your German friends will have forgotten that - we won't" and "We will find you everywhere."

He also called on Turkish groups in Germany to condemn the death threats.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said that MPs of Turkish origin who voted for the resolution should be given blood tests, and has accused them of having "tainted blood" and of being terrorists.

On Thursday Norbert Lammert, the president of the Bundestag, said threats against individual MPs were attacks on the entire parliament.

Millions of Germans have Turkish heritage following a wave of so-called guest worker immigration during Germany's economic boom of the 1960s and '70s.

Vrijeme je da se ili ubije to tursko pseto Erdogana, ili da se baci atomska bomba na Tursku.

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