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Sud u Hamburgu zabranio pjevanje pjesme protiv Erdogana!!!

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Sud u Hamburgu zabranio pjevanje pjesme protiv Erdogana!!! Empty Sud u Hamburgu zabranio pjevanje pjesme protiv Erdogana!!!

Post by Kermit 18/5/2016, 06:21


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Sud u Hamburgu zabranio pjevanje pjesme protiv Erdogana!!! Empty Re: Sud u Hamburgu zabranio pjevanje pjesme protiv Erdogana!!!

Post by Yehudi 18/5/2016, 06:35

Ova odluka nije povezana s procesom koji se protiv Boehmermanna vodi zbog sumnje u kazneno djelo vrijeđanja stranih državnika.

U slučaju kršenja današnje odluke 35-ogodišnjem voditelju i satiričaru prijeti novčana kazna do 250.000 eura ili zatvorska kazna u trajanju do šest mjeseci.  

Boehmermann je u svojoj pjesmi "Uvredljiva pjesma" turskog predsjednika Erdogana doveo u vezu sa sodomijom i pedofilijom. Njegov odvjetnik objašnjava kako je autor prije čitanja pjesme ukazao na to kako je ovakva pjesma u Njemačkoj zabranjena, čime se, kako smatra njegov odvjetnik, ogradio od uvredljivog sadržaja.

Njemačka vlada dala je dozvolu za prihvaćanje tužbe turskog predsjednika protiv Boehmermanna, ali je istodobno naglašena potreba ukidanja zakona o uvredi stranih državljana.

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Sud u Hamburgu zabranio pjevanje pjesme protiv Erdogana!!! Empty Re: Sud u Hamburgu zabranio pjevanje pjesme protiv Erdogana!!!

Post by Kermit 18/5/2016, 06:38

Yehudi wrote:Ova odluka nije povezana s procesom koji se protiv Boehmermanna vodi zbog sumnje u kazneno djelo vrijeđanja stranih državnika.

Baš nije povezana, pa ovu odluku kao da je potpisao tkz. sudac Turudić ili Omejecka

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Sud u Hamburgu zabranio pjevanje pjesme protiv Erdogana!!! Empty Re: Sud u Hamburgu zabranio pjevanje pjesme protiv Erdogana!!!

Post by Kermit 18/5/2016, 06:51

ali zato...

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Sud u Hamburgu zabranio pjevanje pjesme protiv Erdogana!!! Empty Re: Sud u Hamburgu zabranio pjevanje pjesme protiv Erdogana!!!

Post by Kermit 18/5/2016, 06:52

Over the past year, Germany has gone to great lengths in its attempt to culturally integrate the hundreds of thousands of middle-eastern refugees that entered the nation as a result of Angela Markel's now defunct overly welcoming immigrant policies.
Just in January, Germany created a leaflet that it handed out to "sexually frustrated" immigrants at local swimming pools to teach them proper poolside etiquette. As we reported then, "in Bavaria, swimming pools issued leaflets with simple pictorial instructions on behaviour for migrants who may never have swum in public before.  Officials dreamed up the leaflets in 2013 after witnessing an increasing number of "problems" at the city's 18 public swimming pools. The ground rule of respect for women – whatever clothing they're wearing – is unfortunately not respected by all our swimmers. That's why there is an explicit indication about it," a Munich city spokesman said."
The "explicit indication" the spokesman mentioned was a creepy first-person view of a hand reaching out to touch the behind of an unsuspecting female swimmer:
Sud u Hamburgu zabranio pjevanje pjesme protiv Erdogana!!! NoTouching
This, according to Germany, was unacceptable, as was drowing others (#4 below), pushing women into the pool (#3 below), and leaping from the side onto a screaming blonde (#7 below).

[url=http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/images/user92183/imageroot/2016/01/swimming refugees cartoon.jpg]Sud u Hamburgu zabranio pjevanje pjesme protiv Erdogana!!! Swimming%20refugees%20cartoon_0[/url]
And now, ostensibly because the pamphlet has "surprisingly" failed to change decades of behavioral conditioning and cultural traditions, Germany has taken its "cartoon-based" educational campaign to a whole new level.
We present "Was ist Sex?"
As UPI reports, with a heavy dose of their typical bluntness, the German government has created a website, http://www.zanzu.de, dedicated to teaching the influx of Middle Eastern immigrants the ins and outs of sex, literally and figuratively, in German culture.
Sud u Hamburgu zabranio pjevanje pjesme protiv Erdogana!!! German%20sex%202_0
Sud u Hamburgu zabranio pjevanje pjesme protiv Erdogana!!! Was%20ist%20sexjpg_0
Sud u Hamburgu zabranio pjevanje pjesme protiv Erdogana!!! German%20sex%201_0
In some places, the site offers advice on how to interact with, and be respectful of, gays and lesbians and members of the opposite sex.In other places, the site is a de facto instruction manual for how to have sex in different ways and in different positions.
The site is adorned with cartoon illustrations of various sex acts that are equally graphic and clinical.
One section deals explicitly with young people trying to lose their virginity. It offers a helpful tip for the big night: "Make sure that no one can disturb you." It goes on to describe the various sensations and emotions people have when losing their virginity.
Sud u Hamburgu zabranio pjevanje pjesme protiv Erdogana!!! 237_eerste_keer_0
Another page shows anatomically detailed images of various vaginas (clearly NSFW) as well as penises.  
There are sections dedicated to revealing all there is to know about both the female body...
Sud u Hamburgu zabranio pjevanje pjesme protiv Erdogana!!! Germany%20women%20cartoon_0
... as well as the male.
Sud u Hamburgu zabranio pjevanje pjesme protiv Erdogana!!! Germany%20men%20cartoon_0
One section breaks down the body's erogenous zones. Another section deals with pornography, and specifically address the topica issue if one suffers from "too much pornography"

Pornography can become a problem if you do it very often, without having it under control. If you have the feeling that you need everyday pornography and need more and more, you can also speak with a healthcare person.
The site, which cost the German Federal Center for Health Education $136,000 to create, is intended to help bridge the gap between the typically reserved Middle Eastern attitudes about sex and the more open German approach, where public nudity is not uncommon and frank conversations about sex are the norm.
As UPI adds, "while the website might make more prudish Americans giggle or blush, the issue of sexual norms has, at times, been anything but a joke in Germany as tens of thousands of Middle Eastern refugees have struggled to integrate themselves into German society."
A rash of sexual assaults, some allegedly committed by asylum seekers, were reported across the country on New Year's Eve.  In Bavaria, the local government has begun offering classes for Middle Eastern men on how to properly approach and converse with German women so as not to be offensive.
Good luck.
Meanwhile, here are some of the cartoons that Middle-eastern refugees should supposedly be familiar with in Germany before interacting in polite German society, many of which appear to have been pulled right out of a high school biology textbook. The captions belong to Germany.
Sud u Hamburgu zabranio pjevanje pjesme protiv Erdogana!!! 221_koppel_strelen_voorspel
Foreplay Example 1: A woman caressing a man
Sud u Hamburgu zabranio pjevanje pjesme protiv Erdogana!!! 222_koppel_knuffelen
Foreplay Example 2: A Man and a Woman cuddling.
Sud u Hamburgu zabranio pjevanje pjesme protiv Erdogana!!! 209_hiv_geen_transmissie_kussen
Foreplay Example 3: A man and woman kissing
Sud u Hamburgu zabranio pjevanje pjesme protiv Erdogana!!! 223_koppel_likken
Foreplay Example 4: A man licking a woman's breast

Sud u Hamburgu zabranio pjevanje pjesme protiv Erdogana!!! 086_missionaris_zanzu
A man and a woman have sexual intercourse
Sud u Hamburgu zabranio pjevanje pjesme protiv Erdogana!!! Beffen-229b
A man giving a woman oral sex
Sud u Hamburgu zabranio pjevanje pjesme protiv Erdogana!!! 195_transmissie_orale_seks
A woman gives a man oral sex
Sud u Hamburgu zabranio pjevanje pjesme protiv Erdogana!!! Garman%20mast_0
Sud u Hamburgu zabranio pjevanje pjesme protiv Erdogana!!! 220_koppel_toestemming
A woman and man lying in bed. Both want to have sex.
Sud u Hamburgu zabranio pjevanje pjesme protiv Erdogana!!! 229_masturbatie_man_bij_vrouw
A man who met a woman
Sud u Hamburgu zabranio pjevanje pjesme protiv Erdogana!!! 115_lepelen_zanzu
Two men who have anal sex
Sud u Hamburgu zabranio pjevanje pjesme protiv Erdogana!!! 114b_missionaris_lesbisch_zanzu

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