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Re: IT news
Yehudi wrote:A tko tvrdi da je uopće došlo do toga - hakerskog napada na Sony.........?
Pričaju babe po selu.
Trinity- Posts : 12923
Re: IT news
Taman tako.
Iebiga, ja sam pomalo skeptičan,sumnjičav i paranoičan.
Nikome ništa ne virujem.
Iebiga, ja sam pomalo skeptičan,sumnjičav i paranoičan.
Nikome ništa ne virujem.
Yehudi- Posts : 14715
Re: IT news
Nije baš tako, imaš ti svoje pulene...Yehudi wrote:Taman tako.
Iebiga, ja sam pomalo skeptičan,sumnjičav i paranoičan.
Nikome ništa ne virujem.
Posts : 12923
Re: IT news
Održali obećanje: Hakeri grupe Lizard Squad na Božić napali PSN i Xbox Live
Vesti, 26.12.2014, 09:10 AM
Vesti, 26.12.2014, 09:10 AM
Hakeri iz grupe Lizard Squad izgleda da su ispunili ranije dato obećanje da će za Božić srušiti PlayStation i Xbox Live.
Igrači su od preksinoć imali probleme prilikom prijavljivanja na PSN, a slične probleme juče su imali i korisnici Xbox Live.
Grupa Lizard Squad je preuzela odgovornost za ove probleme, tvrdeći da su oni posledica njihovih DDoS napada.
Sony je priznao da postoje problemi sa PSN. Kompanija je na Twitteru, sa naloga “AskPlayStation” objavila da istražuje uzorke problema koje su prijavili korisnici. Međutim, kompanija nije spomenula hakere kao mogući uzrok.
I sa naloga “XboxSupport” juče je stigla potvrda da postoje problemi prilikom prijavljivanja korisnika na XBL, kao i da se radi na rešavanju problema.
Smetnje u radu PSN i Xbox Live servisa slične su onima koje je PSN imao pre dve nedelje, za koje je takođe odgovorna grupa Lizard Squad.
Prema poslednjim informacijama, izgleda da je Lizard Squad rešio da se povuče, pošto im je osnivač servisa Mega Kim Dotcom ponudio 3000 premium naloga uz uslov da prestanu sa napadima.
Trenutni problemi sa obe igračke mreže mogu biti posledica pokušaja timova podrške da vrate servise u funkciju, tako da bi svi igrači ubrzo trebalo da budu u mogućnosti da se prijave na Xbox Live i PSN.
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Re: IT news
Hackers leak 13,000 Passwords Of Amazon, Walmart and Brazzers Users
Saturday, December 27, 2014Hackers claiming affiliation with the hacktivist group "Anonymous" have allegedly leaked more than 13,000 username and password combinations for some of the worlds most popular websites, including Amazon, Xbox Live and Playstation Network.
The stolen personal information was released in a massive text document posted to the Internet file-sharing website Ghostbin (now deleted), on Friday. The document contains a huge number of usernames and passwords, along with credit card numbers and expiration dates.
Posts : 12923
Re: IT news
Kompletan popis kompromitiranih stranica:
[list="margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 48px; color: rgb(172, 172, 172); font-family: Consolas, Menlo, Monaco, 'Lucida Console', 'Liberation Mono', 'DejaVu Sans Mono', 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono', monospace, serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 21px; background-color: rgb(248, 248, 248);"]
[*]PlayStation Network
[*]Xbox Live
[*]Hulu Plus
[list="margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 48px; color: rgb(172, 172, 172); font-family: Consolas, Menlo, Monaco, 'Lucida Console', 'Liberation Mono', 'DejaVu Sans Mono', 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono', monospace, serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 21px; background-color: rgb(248, 248, 248);"]
[*]PlayStation Network
[*]Xbox Live
[*]Hulu Plus
Posts : 12923
Re: IT news
Posle PSN i Xbox Live, hakerska grupa Lizard Squad napala Tor
Lizard Squad, hakerska grupa koja je na Božić oborila Xbox Live i Sony PlayStation prošle nedelje je napala anonimnu mrežu Tor.
U petak se Lizard Squad se oglasio na Twitteru: “Da pojasnimo, ne napadamo više ni PSN ni Xbox. Sada testiramo naš novi Tor 0day.” Oni su rekli da Tor koriste samo hakeri, zločinci i pedofili.
Ovaj napad je usledio pošto je nedelju dana ranije u blog postu menadžment Tora upozorio na mogući pokušaj napada.
Tor Project je istog dana na Twitteru potvrdio da je napad u toku, ali da oni, na osnovu onoga što su videli do sada, ne očekuju da će to imati uticaja na anonimnost korisnika i na rad Tora.
Iz Tora su napad opisali kao “pokušaj Sybil napada” i rekli da su napadači dodali hiljade novih nodova, ali da oni čine manje od 1% kapaciteta Tor mreže. Predstavnik Tora je na Twitteru rekao da oni rade uklanjanju ovih nodova iz mreže "pre nego što oni postanu pretnja”.
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Oni su rekli da Tor koriste samo hakeri, zločinci i pedofili.
Pa da, i Snowden je jedan od
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Re: IT news
Kim Dotkom najavio novi kriptovani servis za video pozive, chat i brzi prenos fajlova
Kim Dotkom, osnivač fajl hosting servisa Mega, je jutros objavio da će njegova kompanija uskoro pokrenuti siguran, potpuno kriptovan servis za video pozive i chat.
Ovo nije prvi put da Dotkom najavljuje novi servis, koji spominje svakih nekoliko meseci.
Ovog puta on je na Twitteru najavio da će novi servis za video pozive i chat biti potpuno kriptovan i baziran na browseru i da će omogućiti korisnicima i brzi prenos fajlova.
Dotkom je prošle godine rekao da servisi Gmail, Skype i iCloud ne nude dovoljno privatnosti korisnicima jer se sva tri servisa nalaze u SAD, gde američke vlasti mogu da zatraže pristup podacima pod određenim uslovima.
Prilikom današnje najave novog servisa, Dotkom je ponovo spomenuo Skype. On je rekao da se nijednom provajderu online servisa u SAD ne može se verovati kada su u pitanju podaci korisnika, i da Skype nema izbora - “oni moraju obezbediti američkoj vladi backdoorove", rekao je Dotocom.
U novembru prošle godine Dotkom je najavio da chat servis treba očekivati početkom 2014. On je tada obećao da će korisnici Mega servisa moći da razmenjuju poruke jedni sa drugima u realnom vremenu, kao i da će moći da dodaju fajlove tim porukama. Mega je tada obećala i bezbedne audio i video pozive.
Nije jasno zašto je pokretanje servisa odloženo toliko dugo, ali moguće je da je to što je reč o servisu baziranom na browseru uzork kašnjenja. Dotkom nije precizirao kada bi novi servis mogao biti dostupan. Iako je upotrebio reč “uskoro”, s obzirom da je do kraja godine ostalo još tri dana, verovatnije je da će se to dogoditi 2015. godine, a takva najava stoji i na sajtu Mega na kome je za početak 2015. najavljen i email servis kao deo paketa za kriptovanu komunikaciju.
Dotkom je svoje pratioce na Twitteru uputio na video snimak skupa koji je u septembru održan u Oklandu na kome se može videti kako funkcioniše #MegaChat koji je tada iskorišćen da bi se okupljenima obratili Džulijan Asanž i Edvard Snouden.
Posts : 12923
Re: IT news
To bi bilo super s obzirom da kriptirani servis (ProtonMail) već koristim, ali fali mi kriptirani chat...a tek kriptirani videopozivi ...prati se i čeka...
Posts : 12923
Re: IT news
Američki sud presudio da policija može da prikuplja dokaze uz pomoć lažnih Facebook profila
Okružni sud u Nju Džersiju doneo je presudu prema kojoj predstavnici institucija koje su zadužene za sprovođenje zakona mogu kreirati lažne Facebook profile i druge naloge društvenih mreža da bi prikupili dokaze, i to bez sudskog naloga.
Ova odluka je doneta u slučaju iz 2013. kada je FBI uhvatio izvesnog Danijela Gatsona koji je bio vođa bande koja se bavila krađom i preprodajom ukradenog nakita. Gatson je prihvatio zahteve za prijateljstvo na Instagramu koje su poslali policajci koji su tragali za dokazima, i kada je objavio fotografije ukradenog nakita, to je bio njegov kraj.
Gatson je zatim podneo zahtev sudu da zabrani korišćenje dokaza prikupljenih protiv njega sa njegovih naloga na društvenim mrežama, ali je okružni sudija Vilijam Martini presudio da se, s obzirom da je Gatson dobovoljno prihvatio zahteve za prijateljstvo koje su poslali policajci, tako prikupljeni dokazi na sudu mogu koristiti protiv njega. Sudija je takođe rekao da su dokazi sa Gatsonovog Instagram naloga bili dovoljni da policija dobije nalog za pretres njegove kuće.
Sa druge strane, u Facebooku uopšte nisu srećni zbog ove presude i mogućnosti da policija koristi na ovaj način lažne Facebook profile, ali i profile na Instagramu koji je u vlasništvu Facebooka. Džo Salivan, direktor bezbednosti u Facebooku uputio je ove jeseni pismo američkoj agenciji za borbu protiv trgovine narkoticima DEA u kome je ukorio agente DEA zbog toga što uz pomoć lažnih profila prikupljaju informacije o korisnicima. “Korišćenjem Facebooka da biste se predstavljali kao neko drugi zloupotreba je tog poverenja i čini da se ljudi osećaju manje bezbedno i sigurno kada koriste naš servis”, napisao je Salivan.
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Re: IT news
Obama odobrio nove sankcije protiv Sjeverne Koreje!
Sankcije su nametnute trima organizacijama i desetorici dužnosnika sjevernokorejske vlade
Foto: Reuters/Pixsell
Bojan Arežina
Američki predsjednik Barack Obama odobrio je nove sankcije protiv Sjeverne Koreje zbog hakiranja Sonyjevih servera, javljaju strani mediji.
Sankcije su nametnute trima organizacijama i desetorici dužnosnika sjevernokorejske vlade, među kojima su i pojedinci koji rade u Iranu, Siriji, Kini, Rusiji i Namibiji, prenosi Reuters. Njihova su imena navedena u priopćenju na stranicama američkog ministarstva financija, a većinom se radi o dužnosnicima KOMID-a, organizacije zadužene za trgovanje oružjem koja se nalazi među tri sankcionirana tijela.
- Današnji potezi motivirani su našom predanošću da Sjevernu Koreju pozovemo na odgovornost za njezino destruktivno i destabilizirajuće ponašanje - rekao je Jack Lew, tajnik američkog ministarstva financija, u priopćenju.
Podsjetimo, američki FBI utvrdio je da iza hakerskog napada na Sony Pictures Entertainment, koji se dogodio krajem studenog, stoji Sjeverna Koreja, a napad je navodno motiviran nezadovoljstvom te države zbog kontroverzne Sonyjeve komedijeIntervju, u kojoj dvojica novinara vrše atentat na sjevernokorejskog vođu Kima Jong-una. Sjeverna Koreja odbacila je optužbe za hakerski napad. Sony se zbog tog napada te oštrih reakcija i prijetnji Sjeverne Koreje bio nećkao oko emitiranja, no film je na kraju ipak prikazan.
Sankcije su nametnute trima organizacijama i desetorici dužnosnika sjevernokorejske vlade
Foto: Reuters/Pixsell
Bojan Arežina
Američki predsjednik Barack Obama odobrio je nove sankcije protiv Sjeverne Koreje zbog hakiranja Sonyjevih servera, javljaju strani mediji.
Sankcije su nametnute trima organizacijama i desetorici dužnosnika sjevernokorejske vlade, među kojima su i pojedinci koji rade u Iranu, Siriji, Kini, Rusiji i Namibiji, prenosi Reuters. Njihova su imena navedena u priopćenju na stranicama američkog ministarstva financija, a većinom se radi o dužnosnicima KOMID-a, organizacije zadužene za trgovanje oružjem koja se nalazi među tri sankcionirana tijela.
- Današnji potezi motivirani su našom predanošću da Sjevernu Koreju pozovemo na odgovornost za njezino destruktivno i destabilizirajuće ponašanje - rekao je Jack Lew, tajnik američkog ministarstva financija, u priopćenju.
Podsjetimo, američki FBI utvrdio je da iza hakerskog napada na Sony Pictures Entertainment, koji se dogodio krajem studenog, stoji Sjeverna Koreja, a napad je navodno motiviran nezadovoljstvom te države zbog kontroverzne Sonyjeve komedijeIntervju, u kojoj dvojica novinara vrše atentat na sjevernokorejskog vođu Kima Jong-una. Sjeverna Koreja odbacila je optužbe za hakerski napad. Sony se zbog tog napada te oštrih reakcija i prijetnji Sjeverne Koreje bio nećkao oko emitiranja, no film je na kraju ipak prikazan.
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Re: IT news
Airasia CEO Sold 944,000 Shares Days Before Flight QZ8501 Disappeared
January 4th, 2015 | by AnonWatcher
On December 28th 2014, flight crew of the Airbus A320 plane requested a deviation to their flight path citing weather conditions as their reason. The crew were reportedly denied their change of flight path over the Java Sea and remained on course for what appears to be a final flight into treacherous weather.
But in hindsight, the ever present questions begin to arise; one of them asking ‘is there such thing as a coincidence?’ [1]
There are several coincidences. The downing of the other flights in 2014, MH370 in March and Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 over the Ukraine: all have questions above their titles. But it isn’t this coincidence alone, the obvious one; that tempts the mind to draw theories of foul play. There are more questionable actions arising from the latest aviation disaster which has left the world speechless, short of “not another one down.”
Tony Fernandes, CEO of AirAsia, who introduced the low budget airline with the “Now everyone can fly” tagline, is under scrutiny for his massive dump of AirAsia shares a week before the disaster. As the search continues for missing flight QZ8501, it has been noted that Fernandes sold 850000 shares on December 22nd and a further 94800 on the 23rd. Following the ‘crash’ shares slumped (expectantly) a large 7 percent in value. The subsidiary airline that is 49 percent owned by AirAsia Malaysia marks the first aviation disaster for the airlines, but how far can a coincidence stretch?
Watch the YouTube Video below to hear more:
At the time of this writing, 30 bodies have said to be recovered; found floating in the Java Sea, but none direct from the aircraft they are yet to locate. Tony Fernandes, an avid tweeter is said to be playing an active role in the investigations, stating that this is his worst nightmare come true. Earlier this year, AirAsia also claimed in their in-flight magazine that their [url= boasted in its in-flight magazine that its well-trained pilots would never lose a]well-trained pilots will never lose a plane[/url]. Since the downing of flight QZ8501 the magazine has been reportedly withdrawn. With a hypothesis that the aircraft is now at the bottom of the ocean, only time will tell what coincidences can be accounted for.
January 4th, 2015 | by AnonWatcher
On December 28th 2014, flight crew of the Airbus A320 plane requested a deviation to their flight path citing weather conditions as their reason. The crew were reportedly denied their change of flight path over the Java Sea and remained on course for what appears to be a final flight into treacherous weather.
But in hindsight, the ever present questions begin to arise; one of them asking ‘is there such thing as a coincidence?’ [1]
There are several coincidences. The downing of the other flights in 2014, MH370 in March and Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 over the Ukraine: all have questions above their titles. But it isn’t this coincidence alone, the obvious one; that tempts the mind to draw theories of foul play. There are more questionable actions arising from the latest aviation disaster which has left the world speechless, short of “not another one down.”
Tony Fernandes, CEO of AirAsia, who introduced the low budget airline with the “Now everyone can fly” tagline, is under scrutiny for his massive dump of AirAsia shares a week before the disaster. As the search continues for missing flight QZ8501, it has been noted that Fernandes sold 850000 shares on December 22nd and a further 94800 on the 23rd. Following the ‘crash’ shares slumped (expectantly) a large 7 percent in value. The subsidiary airline that is 49 percent owned by AirAsia Malaysia marks the first aviation disaster for the airlines, but how far can a coincidence stretch?
Watch the YouTube Video below to hear more:
At the time of this writing, 30 bodies have said to be recovered; found floating in the Java Sea, but none direct from the aircraft they are yet to locate. Tony Fernandes, an avid tweeter is said to be playing an active role in the investigations, stating that this is his worst nightmare come true. Earlier this year, AirAsia also claimed in their in-flight magazine that their [url= boasted in its in-flight magazine that its well-trained pilots would never lose a]well-trained pilots will never lose a plane[/url]. Since the downing of flight QZ8501 the magazine has been reportedly withdrawn. With a hypothesis that the aircraft is now at the bottom of the ocean, only time will tell what coincidences can be accounted for.
Posts : 12923
Re: IT news
Bitstamp Bitcoin Exchange Hacked, $5 Million Stolen in Hack Attack
One of the biggest, reliable and most trusted Bitcoin exchange — Bitstamp — on Monday announced that it has been a target of a hacking attack, which lead to the theft of "less than 19,000 BTC" (worth about $5 million in virtual currency; one BTC is about $270).
Bitstamp issued a statement on its official website in which the company warned its users not to deposit any Bitcoin to previously issued addresses, so as to prevent further losses. While the investigation is going on, the company has frozen its user accounts, blocked deposits as well as other transactions and suspended the trading business.
After the Slovenian-based Bitcoin exchange suspected the security breach over the weekend that compromised one of Bitstamp’s operational and active bitcoin storage wallets, the exchange suspended its service for the time being.
The company reassured its users that the security breach only affected its "operational wallet," i.e. only "a small fraction of customer bitcoins" that were stored on internet-connected servers.
The good news is that the European bitcoin exchange is more careful about the need for security following those high profile security breaches. Bitstamp claims it kept the wide majority of bitcoins in "cold storage," servers that aren't connected to the internet. That, if true, could mean any damage from this suspected hack may not affect the customer to the extent.
"The bulk of our [Bitstamp's] bitcoin are in cold storage, and remain completely safe," Co-founder and chief executive Nejc Kodric said in a tweet, assuring its customers that their Bitcoins are secure. According to him, any compromised bitcoins can be recovered from its "cold" offline storage reserve.
Bitstamp has also said that all customers’ "balances held prior to our temporary suspension of services will not be affected and will be honored in full."
So far, there is no clue about the hackers and how the theft happened. Also, the company hasn’t revealed any other details about suspects behind the breach or when its service will resume. "We will return to service and amend our security measures as appropriate," the company said.
This is the another major blow to Bitcoin’s users, after the case of Japanese bitcoin exchange Mt. Gox, once one of the most influential exchanges, in which the company lost over half a billion dollars in a hack attack and liquidated itself, and the currency’s value came crashing down from over $1,000 in 2013 to about a quarter of that at present. At that same time Silk Road 2 lost over $2 million bitcoins following a hack."We appreciate customers’ patience during this disruption of services," Bitstamp added in the notice. "We are working to transfer a secure backup of the Bitstamp site onto a new safe environment and will be bringing this online in the coming days."
However, it doesn’t mean that Bitcoin is completely losing ground. Microsoft began accepting the cryptocurrency for digital purchases from Windows, Windows Phone, Xbox Games, Xbox Music, and Xbox Video stores in the US last month. Bitstamp’s security breach is just another reminder for the exchanges that no digital assets are completely secured.
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Re: IT news
FBI Director says 'Sloppy' Sony Hackers Left Clues that Point to North Korea
The hackers group responsible for the last year’s largest hacking attack on Sony Pictures Entertainment left many clues which proves that the Sony's hackers, who called themselves [url= hacked]Guardians of Peace (GOP)[/url], linked to North Korea, as claimed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
Speaking at the International Conference on Cyber Security (ICCS) at Fordham University in New York on Wednesday, the director of the FBI defended his bureau's claim and said that the North Korean government was involved in the massive cyber attack against Sony Pictures – saying skeptics "don't have the facts that I have."
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Re: IT news
North Korea’s Secret Hacking Centre Exposed
If you didn’t get the humour of the ironic headline than you definitely have to continue reading:
In recent hours of writing this, the United States has in fact declared their belief that North Korea is responsible for the cyber-attacks against Sony, which have so far cost the company millions.
At the time of this release, North Korea remains firm in its request to join forces with the United States in an investigation to solve who it is behind the attacks. But according to Reuters, Obama is vowing that the cyber-attack on Sony is an act of North Korea to impose their dictatorship onto the Western Front. ‘We’ll respond proportionally, and we’ll respond in a place and time and manner that we choose,’ stated President Obama at an end-of-year news conference. He continued on, saying ‘I think they made a mistake. We cannot have a society in which some dictator some place can start imposing censorship here in the United States,’ Obama said. ‘Because if somebody is able to intimidate folks out of releasing a satirical movie, imagine what they start doing when they see a documentary that they don’t like, or news reports that they don’t like.’ [2]
If you didn’t get the humour of the ironic headline than you definitely have to continue reading:
In recent hours of writing this, the United States has in fact declared their belief that North Korea is responsible for the cyber-attacks against Sony, which have so far cost the company millions.
Image: North Korea’s Top Secret Ninja Hacker Army during their “Daily Routine Hacking Ritual” For Warmup
The FBI have released a statement saying that ‘The FBI now has enough information to conclude that the North Korean government is responsible for these actions.’ They go on to say that North Korea’s actions were ‘intended to inflict significant harm on a U.S. business and suppress the right of American citizens to express themselves.’[1]Image: The youth is trained 25h/8days to follow in the footsteps of the Elite North Korean Ninja Hackers
At the time of this release, North Korea remains firm in its request to join forces with the United States in an investigation to solve who it is behind the attacks. But according to Reuters, Obama is vowing that the cyber-attack on Sony is an act of North Korea to impose their dictatorship onto the Western Front. ‘We’ll respond proportionally, and we’ll respond in a place and time and manner that we choose,’ stated President Obama at an end-of-year news conference. He continued on, saying ‘I think they made a mistake. We cannot have a society in which some dictator some place can start imposing censorship here in the United States,’ Obama said. ‘Because if somebody is able to intimidate folks out of releasing a satirical movie, imagine what they start doing when they see a documentary that they don’t like, or news reports that they don’t like.’ [2]
Image: Highly Trained, Professional, Full Hacking Expert Showing Kim Jon Un His Ultimate Hacking Abilities
The US have called for support to isolate North Korea from the likes of China and Russia, who have yet to respond, while the hackers have sent praise to Sony on their decision not to release the movie “The Interview” due to be released on Christmas Day.
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Severnokorejska sajber vojska sada ima 6000 pripadnika, tvrdi Južna Koreja
Ministarstvo odbrane Južne Koreje saopštilo je ove nedelje da susedna Severna Koreja raspolaže ozbiljnom sajber vojskom koja u ovom trenutku ima oko 6000 pripadnika, što je dramatičan porast u odnosu na procenu koja je došla iz istog izvora samo godinu dana ranije, kada je ministartvo odbrane Južne Koreje tvrdilo da sajber armija komunističke zemlje broji oko 3000 stručnjaka iz ove oblasti.
Ne ulazeći u detalje o tome kako se došlo do ovog broja, zvanični Seul je u svom izveštaju izneo i tvrdnje da su sajber ratnici u Severnoj Koreji trenirani da paralizuju Južnu Koreju i psihološki i fizički.
Od 2007. godine, Severna Koreja je optužena za najmanje šest sajber napada na južnog suseda, dok je mnogo drugih pokušaja kompromitovanja kompjuterskih mreža kompanija i državnih institucija u Južnoj Koreji zaustavljeno pre nego što je došlo do ozbiljnije štete.
Broj sajber ratnika koje Severna Koreja koristi da bi tu i tamo na internetu napravila haos i pometnju, u stalnom je porastu. Neke procene govore da ih je 2008. bilo oko 1800 i da su oni bili deo tajne jedinice Biro 121.
Reč je o talentovanim pojedincima koje vlasti Severne Koreje biraju među najboljih sto diplomaca sa univerziteta. Oni se smatraju elitnim pripadnicima vojske a za svoj posao koji najčešće obavljaju izvan Severne Koreje veoma dobro su nagrađeni.
U nekim slučajevima, vlasti Severne Koreje za potrebe ove vojske regrutuju i sedamnaestogodišnjake koje zatim šalju na studije u Kini i Rusiji. Neki izveštaji govore da među odabranima ima i učenika osnovnih škola koji pokazuju naročitu sklonost prema naukama.
O njihovim postignućima govori ceo svet. Jedna od najpoznatijih njihovih operacija je DarkSeoul, koja je proteklih nekoliko godina vođena protiv Južne Koreje.
Tokom jednog takvog napada, obrisane su informacije sa napadnutih računara u medijskim kućama i bankama u Severnoj Koreji, slično onome što se desilo i tokom napada na kompaniju Sony Pictures Entertainment u novembru prošle godine.
DarkSeoul napadači pribegli su i DoS napadima kako bi obeležili neke istorijske datume tokom trogodišnjeg korejskog rata.
S obzirom na broj sajber vojnika na koje Severna Koreja može da se osloni u svakom trenutku, ova zemlja će verovatno imati najveću sajber vojsku u svetu. Uprkos ovoj činjenici, dostupnost interneta u ovoj zemlji je više nego oskudna, a veze se usmeravaju preko Kine što je i razlog zbog čega se većina sajber napada koji imaju veze sa Severnom Korejom pripisuje kompjuterima u Kini i drugim zemljama.
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Re: IT news
Najnovija verzija severnokorejskog operativnog sistema Red Star je klonirani OS X
Severna Koreja ima svoj nacionalni operativni sistem čija je najnovija verzija nazvana Red Star 3.0.
Prethodna verzija, Red Star 2.0 podsećala je na Windows, ali nova verzija severnokorejskog operativnog sistema po svemu sudeći je bila inspirisana Appleovim OS X.
Red Star koji je inače baziran na Linuxu je razvio Kompjuterski centar Severne Koreje koji se nalazi u Pjongjangu.
Prve snimke najnovije verzije severnokorejskog nacionalnog operativnog sistema objavio je prošle godine Vil Skot, Amerikanac koji je predavao informatiku u Severnoj Koreji.
Sada se nova verzija operativnog sistema Red Star navodno pojavila na torrent sajtovima, a Vil Skot je rekao sajtu Gizmodo da on misli da je to zaista Red Star 3.0. Ipak, ne treba odbaciti mogućnost da je neko drugi napravio softver po uzoru na slike Red Star 3.0 koje su se pojavile prošle godine na internetu.
Red Star ima web browser nazvan Naenara, koji je izmenjena verzija Firefoxa. Red Star 3.0 ima i Wine virtualnu mašinu koja omogućava pokretanje Windows 3.1 programa.
Autori nove verzije Red Stara detaljno su prekopirali Appleov OS X, uključujući i Appleov “beachball” koji na OS X pokazuje kada je potrebno sačekati da nešto bude izvršeno, kao i ekrane svakog pojedinačnog podešavanja.
Ipak, bez obzira što Severna Koreja ima svoj operativni sistem, prema rečima Vila Skota, građani Severne Koreje najčešće koriste Windows XP, a manji broj njih i Windows 7.
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