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The capture of Naci

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The capture of Naci Empty The capture of Naci

Post by Yehudi 11/5/2016, 07:00

Israel Military Intelligence:
The Capture of Nazi Criminal Adolf Eichmann

In 1934 Adolf Eichmann was appointed to the Jewish section of the "security services" of the SS. From then on he became deeply involved with the formulation and operation of the "final solution to the Jewish question". He drew up the idea of deportation of Jews into ghettos, and went about concentrating Jews in isolated areas with murderous efficiency. He took great pride in the role he played in the death of 6 million mainly European Jews.
A number of the top Nazis were captured after the war and tried at Nuremberg. Many escaped. Many, too, were sought out by members of the Jewish Brigade of the British Army. In addition to assisting in the illegal immigration of Jews to Palestine, they also organized themselves into a group dedicated to tracking down Nazis. They called themselves the "Nokmim" - the Avengers. They located and captured hundreds of SS men, especially those involved with the running of concentration camps.
The capture of Naci Eichtrial
At first they handed over the SS men to the Allied authorities, but many of the SS men "escaped in the chaos that followed the war or were released." At one point the Russians released two Nazi Germans who had been turned over to them by the Jews. The Germans walked out into the street, laughing at their release. But not for long. The Avengers "cut the men down with a burst of sub-machine gunfire."
From then on the Avengers simply tracked down and killed former Nazis. Perhaps 1000 Nazis were tracked down in this way after the war.
But Adolf Eichmann had escaped both the Nuremberg trials and the Avengers. All trace of him had been lost in May 1945. He had actually remained in Europe until 1950, maintaining no contact with his family. In 1950, with the help of an organization assisting former Nazis to leave Europe, he escaped to Argentina. He sent for his wife and children two years later.
At five minutes after 8 another bus pulled up. A man began walking towards Garibaldi Street. The Mossad man in the first car recognized Eichmann immediately; in the other car, they recognized him 15 seconds later.
Eichmann approached the car. One of the Mossad operatives said to him "Just a moment" and then pounced on him. Eichmann "let out a terrible yell, like a wild beast caught in a trap…" as he fell to the ground. Then the others pulled the panic-stricken Eichmann into one of the cars. "The whole operation had taken less than ten minutes."
They started driving off. Eichmann's head was pressed below the view of a passerby. He showed no resistance. They gagged him, tied his hands and feet, put a pair of goggles that blocked his vision and lowered him to the floor. During the whole operation, Eichmann didn't utter a sound." The Mossad team limited their verbal contact with him to a terse "If you don't keep still, you'll be shot."
They drove off towards their safe house without a hitch. The two cars were let into the garage by another member of the Mossad team. Eichmann was taken out. It was 8:55 - 50 minutes after the bus had arrived.
They drove the first car back to the city in case it had been noticed. They then shackled one of Eichmann's legs to a bed frame. They took off his clothes and put pajamas on him. They checked in his mouth for poison - they didn't want him to take his own life before he had been tried in an Israeli court.
Two months after Eichmann's abduction in Buenos Aires, Eichmann's wife Veronica formally presented herself to the Argentine Federal Court on July 12, 1950 and denounced her husband's kidnapping, where she revealed the documents concerning Eichmann's entry into Argentina. In her statment to the Court, she proclaimed, "I understand that with this declaration I am undeniably admitting that Ricardo Klement is Adolf Eichmann. For the record, let it be known that he does not deny his name and he will confront his responsibility as I have assumed mine by bringing the knowledge of the occurrences to the courts."

Na današnji dan uhvaćen je  nacistički ratni zločinac  Adolf  Eichman  B-)

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The capture of Naci Empty Re: The capture of Naci

Post by Yehudi 11/5/2016, 07:12


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The capture of Naci Empty Re: The capture of Naci

Post by n_razbojnik 11/5/2016, 07:26

Jel ti ono njurgaš kad se piše o ustašama i partizanima i pozdravljaš ključanje takvih tema?

Danas Matko sutra svatko

Posts : 11441

Lokacija: : ObiLand

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The capture of Naci Empty Re: The capture of Naci

Post by Kermit 11/5/2016, 07:44

ja mislio osvajanje nekog grada u južnoj Francukoj ili Albaniji kad li opet nebuloze u vezi nacista, osim toga da ste nešto uhvatili bi Mengelea, Bormana

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The capture of Naci Empty Re: The capture of Naci

Post by n_razbojnik 11/5/2016, 07:46

Slobo asila zajebi, ovo su friške vijesti, 5 godina friškije od Bleiburga i Jasenovca...

Danas Matko sutra svatko

Posts : 11441

Lokacija: : ObiLand

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The capture of Naci Empty Re: The capture of Naci

Post by Kermit 11/5/2016, 07:51

n_razbojnik wrote:Slobo asila zajebi, ovo su friške vijesti, 5 godina friškije od Bleiburga i Jasenovca...
rekao sam adminima da treba strogo zabraniti II. sv. rat znači od 1939.g. pa do recimo 1945.g. iako bi ja zabranio svako spominjanje nacista i komunista, fašista, osim na pdf povijest ili u kontekstu neke vijesti ili nove pojave, to je opsjednutost da ne govorim da 80% sugovornika ne zna osnovne pojmove kad tko, zašto šta cijeloj priči daje jedan jadan ton

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The capture of Naci Empty Re: The capture of Naci

Post by n_razbojnik 11/5/2016, 07:53

tko ne zna neka kupi knjigu od Slavka...sve je čovjek rek'o

a ta cenzura tematike če ostaviti samo tebe i yodu na forumu, no passaran! ajd i sitting i pizzon da zarade sendvic...pa se raspravljajte

Danas Matko sutra svatko

Posts : 11441

Lokacija: : ObiLand

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The capture of Naci Empty Re: The capture of Naci

Post by Yehudi 11/5/2016, 07:53

n_razbojnik wrote:Jel ti ono njurgaš kad se piše o ustašama i partizanima i pozdravljaš ključanje takvih tema?

 Jel ti ono serendaš non stop.

Jesam rekao jedno-dva puta jer šta je previše, previše je, da SE DNEVNO OTVARAJU DVI-TRI TEME O ISTOME SRANJU.


Da, obljetnica je hapšenja ovoga manijaka i otvorio sam temu, ako ti se ne svidja.......pedala.

Niti ja ne komentiram većinu tema o ustaškim banditima

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The capture of Naci Empty Re: The capture of Naci

Post by Kermit 11/5/2016, 07:58

n_razbojnik wrote:tko ne zna neka kupi knjigu od Slavka...sve je čovjek rek'o

a ta cenzura tematike če ostaviti samo tebe i yodu na forumu, no passaran! ajd i sitting i pizzon da zarade sendvic...pa se raspravljajte
ma ali Ero ne zna šta je šmajser a ne da bi raspravljao ratu

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