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Post by Yehudi 21/4/2016, 06:58

CIA Officer Clair Lopez: Obama is a Muslim Terrorist with Brotherhood Ties to Take Down USA

USA 133-1

Clare Lopez is a former CIA officer, and she is risking her professional career to call out President Barack Obama in the biggest way possible.
Lopez is well respected in the intelligence community and worked in the Reagan White House. After two decades in the field with the CIA, and as an instructor for special forces and intelligence students, Lopez is now with the Center for Security Policy managing the counter-jihad and Shariah programs.

Now, she is claiming Obama is why America has completely “switched sides” during the war on terrorism. America is now supporting the enemy, especially through the Muslim Brotherhood.
Lopez has been unwilling to speak in public, but has confined with a few members of the House of Representatives her serious concerns about Obama’s motivations about foreign policy decisions.
Lopez noted that the war on terrorism has always been about stopping the spread of Shariah Islamic law, until Obama started to make major changes which clearly supported the Muslim Brotherhood’s jihadist interests.
She said the global war on terror had been an


  Rekoh ja da je najgori američki predsjednik do sada

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USA Empty Re: USA

Post by Yehudi 23/4/2016, 20:37

HannoverZehntausende demonstrieren gegen Freihandelsabkommen

Mit Aufblaspferden, Transparenten und Musik marschieren Protestanten gegen das TTIP-Handelsabkommen vor dem Obama Besuch durch Hannover. Amerikas Präsident und Kanzlerin Merkel verteidigen das Abkommen.

Mehrere Zehntausend Menschen haben in Hannover gegen das geplante Freihandelsabkommen TTIP zwischen den Vereinigten Staaten und derEU protestiert. Nach Angaben der Polizei hatten sich 35.000 – nach Angaben der Veranstalter Naturfreunde Deutschland sogar 90.000 – Menschen in der Innenstadt zu einem kilometerlangen Umzug versammelt.

USA Die-anti-ttip-demonstration-in

Obama: TTIP fördert Wachsatum und Arbeitsplätze

Obama sagte dagegen der „Bild“-Zeitung: „Einer der besten Wege, das Wachstum zu fördern und Arbeitsplätze zu schaffen, ist die transatlantische Handels- und Investitionspartnerschaft.“ Merkel erklärte in ihrer wöchentlichen Video-Botschaft, die Chancen seien wesentlich größer als die Risiken. TTIP biete die Gelegenheit weltweite Standards zu definieren.

USA Eine-gebastelte-skelett-figur

TTIPJetzt oder nie

In Hannover demonstrieren heute Tausende TTIP-Gegner gegen das geplante Freihandelsabkommen. Kurz bevor Amerikas Präsident zu Besuch kommt. Die Demonstranten fürchten eine Blitzeinigung zwischen Obama und Merkel.

USA Mit-50-traktoren-und-einem

USA Greenpeace-an-einem-kran
USA Demonstranten-am-samstag-auf



  TTIP - je ZLO

 One teme koje kod nas ne mogu doći do izražaja radi usraša-četnika i sl

 u Europi su ključna pitanja.

  Najveće demonstracije IKADA u Europi su provedene PROTIV -TTIP-

Očito jako malo poznato na Balkanu  ali radi se o tajnim pregovorima 

  Pregovori koji se vrše u tajnosti izmedju -EU  i  USA -

 odnose se na ( navodno ) gospodarsku suradnju ali javnost je ISKLJUČENA

tako da niti mediji nemaju nikakav uvid u ono šta se sprema ui dogovara


  Najveći prosvjedi ikada u EU gurnuti su pod tepih i o njima se ne smije pisati 

 niti izvještavati......."Demokracija" -Glasnost- ? ........Izbori ? 

   --REFERENDUM ?!!??????!!!!!???????? JAVNOST----------GLAS NARODA???????????

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USA Empty Re: USA

Post by crvenkasti 23/4/2016, 21:30

Aus dem Wendland sind Martin Schulz und Klaus-Bernd Meyer mit Treckern angereist. Schulz betreibt einen Hof mit konventioneller Landwirtschaft, Meyer einen Biohof - doch in Sachen TTIP macht das für sie keinen Unterschied. Alle Bauern seien betroffen. "Die ganze Landwirtschaft wird unter Druck stehen, weil die Amerikaner ihre Produkte günstiger erzeugen können als deutsche oder europäische Landwirte", erklärt Schulz. Die Angst, die alle verbindet: TTIP könnte das Ende der bäuerlichen Landwirtschaft bedeuten. Der Verbraucher könne nicht mehr entscheiden, ihm werde die Wahlfreiheit genommen, schimpft Meyer. Seiner Ansicht nach führt TTIP dazu, dass Großkonzerne "die Demokratie aushebeln".


Što će biti s našom poljoprivredom, kad propada cijela europska poljoprivreda*

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USA Empty Re: USA

Post by Guest 23/4/2016, 22:01

Ono najbizarnije i najuzasavjucije je da TTIP donosi,po seljacki i razumljivo receno,mogucnost,da te,npr. americka firma tuzi jer si povrijedio njeno ono i ovo "pravo".dakle, šokac Ilija posijao kuruzu,za svinje i za prodat..e..u isto vrijeme i neka Firma posijala svoju kuruzu,koju je "oplemenila" fantasticnim gmo sjemenom,spomenute Firme...proslo mjeseci,rodila kuruza i od Ilije i od Firme..Maticna Firma u Jemerici je zahtijevala od Firme u Hrvatskoj,da joj plati jer je koristila gmo sjeme,kojemu je patentni vlasnik..
Misli Ilija..vuffff...!!! dobro je,ja ne moram platiti,moje ce biti jeftinije,ai bolje cu prodati,..kadli postar donese Iliji,za koji dan plavu kuvertu,i nes tamo na kuverti pise masinom nakuckano..uglavnom,Ilija zabrinuto otvori kuvertu,kadli ono,jemericka Firma tuzila Iliju kod najveceg hrvatskog fiškala,onoga vlasnika cijelog lanca nouna..ma Pišta Baći ga zna..i zahtijeva dogovor u kojem ce Ilija platiti puno Ojra za Firmino gmo sjeme,jer je eto,vjetar sigurno ga nanio i na njegovu njivu.. :clown

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USA Empty Re: USA

Post by Yehudi 23/4/2016, 22:03


Ništa biti neće, mora se sve uništiti kako bi došao usa - monsanto- GMO-  a onda će

 morati kreniti slavljnje američkih spasitelja Europe od gladi i nastaviti gucati taj otrov.


  Jednako velika LAŽ kao ona informacija od neki dan da je - Amerika dovozi plin u Europu-  USA 1f602 

A guraju Izraelski plin Portugalu po cijeni ( prava sitnica ) od 110-150 $ za 1000 m kubnih.

 Mislim ono, iebe se meni dali je to Izraelski plin ( sa polja Leviatan u podmorju) ili je

to Libijski plin ali MACO nemoj me lagati i varati. Nemoj obećavati nešto šta ne možeš ispuniti.

 Nego su ljudi glupi i nasjedaju na svaku novinarsku patku ili plaćeni oglas, podmetnutu "vijest"

 A čudaa i gotovo-

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USA Empty Re: USA

Post by Guest 23/4/2016, 22:12

O do qrca..tekst je prevelik,pa stavljam samo dio ..uglavnom,ruske stranice,kao i ruski znanstvenici,ali i neki drugi koje nije stisnula uncle Samova saka..

[size=40]The danger of genetically modified foods (GMOs)[/size]

USA GMO_toms

USA 1c73dbe891c732a9b3f8af4b6d90cb28?s=50&d=mm&r=g
Michael and Alina Titova

13 Sep. 2014 / 1234 views

5 (100%) 1 vote

The patenting of genetically engineered foods and widespread biotech food production production leads to the displacement of agriculture in the form as it has been for 12,000 years.
Author: Ronnie Cummins

An introductory overview

The technology of genetic engineering (GI), which are owned by multinational corporations "life Sciences" such asMonsanto and Novartis, practice changes or disorders of genetic circuits in living organisms (plants, animals, humans, microorganisms), patenting them, and then sell the received genetically modified foods, seeds or other products for profit.
Corporation "science of life" loudly proclaim that their new products will make agriculture sustainable, eliminate world hunger, cure diseases and significantly improve the health of the population.
In fact, through their business practices and political Agency, genetic engineers have made it clear that they intend to use KI for the purpose of domination and monopolizirovany world market for seeds,foodsfiber and medicine.
GI is a revolutionary new technology that is still in the early experimental stages of development. This technology is strong enough to break down fundamental genetic barriers, not only between species but also between humans, animals and plants. Piecing together random genes from unrelated species (using viruses, genes resistant to antibiotics, and bacteria as vectors, markers, and activators) and permanently altering their genetic codes, are organisms with altered genes that is able to transmit these genetic changes to their offspring through heredity.
Genetic engineers all over the world at the present time, cut, insert, recombine, rearrange, edit, and programming genetic material. Animal genes and even human genes are inserted randomly into the chromosomes of plants, fish and animals before creating unimaginable transgenic life forms. For the first time in history, transnational biotechnology corporations are becoming the architects and "owners" of life.
Virtually no regulatory restraints, labeling requirements, or scientific Protocol, bio-engineers have begun creating hundreds of new GUY "Frankenfoods" (food, created by man and brings the death of its Creator) and crops, oblivious to human, environmental hazards and adverse socio-economic impacts at the global level, which will affect several billion farmers and rural residents.
Despite an increasing number of scientists warning that current methods of gene splicing (cutting out sections of RNA) are crude, inexact, and unpredictable — and therefore fraught with danger, Pro-biotech governments and regulatory authorities argue that KI products and crops are essentially equivalent to conventional products, and therefore require neither mandatory labeling nor prigranichnogo testing for safety. It's a brave new world of Frankenfoods is frightening.
Currently more than four dozen genetically engineered foods and crops are grown or sold. These foods and crops are widely dispersed in the food chain and the environment. More than 29 million hectares of GM crops currently grown in the U.S., at the same time milking cows (up to 500 000 heads), regularly injected with recombinant bovine growth hormone Monsanto (RBGH). Russia does not lag behind the West, and 2014 was given official permission for testing and registration of GMO crops. Allocated over 60 million hectares for this purpose.
Most supermarkets now accept food from a "positive test" for the presence of genetically modified ingredients. In addition several dozen genetically modified crops are at an advanced stage of development and will soon be released and sold on the market. In accordance with the plans of the biotechnology industry for almost 50% of food and fiber will be genetically modified within 5-10 years. "Hidden menu" of these unnamed genetically engineered foods and food ingredients currently includessoybeanssoy oilcornpotatoeszucchinirapeseed oilcottonseed oilpapayatomatoesanddairy products.
Genetic engineering of food and fiber products are often unpredictable and dangerous for people, animals, the environment and sustainable for the future existence and organic agriculture.
USA Michael-Antoniou
Dr Michael Antoniou, a British molecular scientist

Says Dr. Michael Antoniou, a British molecular scientist,
Gene-splicing has already resulted in the "unexpected production of toxic substances ... in genetically modified bacteria, yeast, plants and animals, the problem remained unnoticed, because until there is a serious danger to health".
The dangers of genetically modified foods (GMOs) and crops are divided into three categories:
[list="color: rgb(65, 65, 65); font-family: Segoe, 'Segoe UI', 'DejaVu Sans', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 15px; line-height: 22px; margin: 20px 40px; padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 0px; -webkit-appearance: none;"]
[*]The danger to human health;

[*]Adverse factors on the environment;

[*]Socio-economic risks.

A quick look at already proved and probable danger of the products of genetic engineering (GI), is a convincing argument why we need a global moratorium on all food and culture GUY.

Toxins and poisons

In genetically modified foods (GMOs) clearly has the potential to be toxic and threaten human health. In 1989 for genetically modified brand of L-tryptophan, a common dietary Supplement, killed 37 people and many more became handicapped and injured more than 5,000 people with a potentially fatal and painful blood disorder (the syndrome of eosinophilia myalgia (EMS), before it was withdrawn from the market).
USA SDKCbirdview-300x211
The Company Showa Denko, Japan

Manufacturer Showa Denko, the third largest in Japan chemical company, for the first time in 1988-89 he began using genetically engineered bacteria to obtain the supplements, sold without a prescription. It is believed that the bacteria somehow became contaminated during the process of recombination DNA. Showa Denko has already paid out more than $ 2 billion in damages to EMS victims.
In 1999, on the front pages of the British press highlighted the amazing results research scientist of the Institute Rowett Dr Arpad Pusztai that genetically modified potatoes playeronly with DNA from the snowdrop and the commonly used viral activator (Mosaic Virus cauliflower — CaMV), are poisonous to mammals. The obtained genetically engineered potatoes were very different in chemical composition from regular potatoes. It has damaged vital organs and the immune system of laboratory ratsthat were fed this potato.
The greatest alarm caused damage of the stomach of rats, apparently a severe viral infection was most likely caused by the CAMV viral activator, the activator splice almost all GI products and cultures.
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Dr. Pusztai

The pioneering work of Dr. Pusztai, unfortunately remains incomplete (government funding ceased, and he was fired after he spoke out in the media). But more and more scientists around the world are warning that genetic manipulation can increase the levels of natural toxins in plants and foods (or create entirely new toxins) in unexpected ways by incorporating genes that produce poisons.
And as the regulators currently do not require such careful chemical tests and experiments with food, conducted by Dr. Pusztai, consumers have become unwitting Guinea pigs in a vast genetic experiment.
Warns Dr. Pusztai:
"Think of an archery target William tell. Now tie the shooting to the man's eyes and see the reality of the genetic engineer doing a gene insertion".

Increased risk of cancer

In 1994, FDA (Management on control over products and medicines) has approved the controversial sale of GI recombinant bovine growth hormone Monsanto (RBGH). It is injected into dairy cows to make them produce more milk. Though scientists warned that significantly higher levels (400-500% or more) of the content of powerful chemical hormone (insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1)) in milk and dairy products, can present a serious danger for human breast, prostate and colon cancer.
A number of studies have shown that people with elevated IGF-1 increased the risk of disease cancer. In addition, the main thing budgetary-control management of the USA ordered the FDA not to approve RBGH, arguing that in the milk of cows that were injected with RBGH increased the rest of the antibiotics (as a result of a higher rate of udder infections requiring antibiotic treatment). This is an unacceptable risk to public health.
In 1998, still undisclosed documents Monsanto/FDA scientists were fired by the canadian government and showed the damage caused to the lab rats that received doses of the hormone RBGH. Significant infiltration of RBGH into the prostate of rats as well as thyroid cysts indicated potential danger of cancer from the drug. Subsequently, the government of Canada banned RBGH in early 1999. In the European Union ban was adopted in 1994.
Although the hormone RBGH continue to enter 4-5% of dairy cows in the U.S., no other industrialized country has legalized its use. Even the Code gstt (General agreement on tariffs and trade), the inspection Agency food standards of United Nations, refused to confirm that RBGH is safe.

Food allergies

In 1996 narrowly avoided a major disaster with genetically engineered food (GI), when researchers in Nebraska found out that the Brazil nut gene introduced into soybeans could induce potentially fatal allergies in people sensitive to Brazil nuts. Animal testing of this genetically modified soybean showed a negative result.
People with food allergies (which currently suffer 8% of all American children), whose symptoms can range from mild unpleasantness to sudden death, may likely be harmed by exposure to foreign proteins introduced into the daily food. Because humans have never before eaten most of the foreign proteins that are currently connected genetically in foods, hard prigranichnoe testing their safety (including the study of long-term testing on animals and humans volunteers) ??necessary in order to prevent the public health disaster in the future.
Also required mandatory labeling, so that those who suffer from food allergies can avoid hazardous food GUY, and officials of the health system could determine the source of the allergen, to be manifested KI-induced food Allergy.
Unfortunately, the FDA and other world regulatory bodies do not usually require pre-market animal studies and a individual to find out if there are new allergens and toxins in genetically engineered products, and increases from the level of allergens and toxins which are already known.
USA 111

nastavaka na ..


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