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TURSKA - erdoganov genocid

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 TURSKA - erdoganov genocid Empty TURSKA - erdoganov genocid

Post by Yehudi 2/3/2016, 19:38

#Cizre in north #Kurdistan
The 'work' of #Erdogan's #Turkey

 TURSKA - erdoganov genocid Ccjn6cTW0AEClif

 TURSKA - erdoganov genocid Ccjn6X3W8AAnUgA

 TURSKA - erdoganov genocid Ccjn6dCW0AExYQR

   - Cizire - grad u Turskoj većinski naseljen Kurdima

 This had never happened before in a Nato member

Diktator serdogan masakrira svoje sugradjane a Svijet šuti.

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 TURSKA - erdoganov genocid Empty Re: TURSKA - erdoganov genocid

Post by Yehudi 2/3/2016, 20:00

Sorry but iebiga nema četnika i ustaša na ovoj temi.

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 TURSKA - erdoganov genocid Empty Re: TURSKA - erdoganov genocid

Post by Yehudi 2/3/2016, 20:04

Was attacked with tanks by fascist #Turkish state. For days.
#Cizre / North #Kurdistan :

 TURSKA - erdoganov genocid Proxy

 TURSKA - erdoganov genocid Ccj2SkFWoAAhhxE

 TURSKA - erdoganov genocid Ccj17BAVIAARls1


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 TURSKA - erdoganov genocid Empty Re: TURSKA - erdoganov genocid

Post by RayMabus 3/3/2016, 00:58

Yehudi wrote:Sorry but iebiga nema četnika i ustaša na ovoj temi.
Nema al bit će kad neoosmanska čizma zagazi na Balkan malo više.

Jedino šta je očito je da se Turska pod Erdoganom ne ponaša kao demokratska država pa ćak niti u okviru da su ipak u Aziji tj da im se malo i progleda kroz prste oko nekih stvari jer nisu fizički baš u Ewropi ...nego baš ono .....eto to šta je .......nekakva tiranija , autokracija ....represivni sistem ....šta ja znam koji naziw je ono prećizan za to tamo.

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 TURSKA - erdoganov genocid Empty Re: TURSKA - erdoganov genocid

Post by Guest 3/3/2016, 01:02

Bivši Ruski saveznik i Putinov brat

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 TURSKA - erdoganov genocid Empty Re: TURSKA - erdoganov genocid

Post by Winter is coming 3/3/2016, 01:20

Serdogan se otrgnuo sa lanca No

И показа ми чисту реку воде живота, бистру као кристал, која излажаше од престола Божијег и Јагњетовог.
Winter is coming
Winter is coming

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 TURSKA - erdoganov genocid Empty Re: TURSKA - erdoganov genocid

Post by RayMabus 3/3/2016, 01:25

Wiše me zanima Turski utjećaj na Balkan ...wojni mislim.

Owdje sam opisao koji je ključ riješenja za Hr al ono to je to a ostaje dosta prostora istočnije i to je posebna priča :

Erdogan zabranio vojsci EU slijetanje na teritorij EU

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 TURSKA - erdoganov genocid Empty Re: TURSKA - erdoganov genocid

Post by RayMabus 3/3/2016, 01:33

TCG Preveze In Durrës

3 Oct 2015 Leave a comment
 TURSKA - erdoganov genocid Preveze-durres1
Turkish Preveze (Type 209/1400) class submarine S-353 TCG Preveze in Durrës, Albania. Photo: Albanian Armed Forces.
Turkish submarine TCG Preveze made a 3 day port visit in Durrës, Albania. She was returning from the NATO exercise Dynamic Manta 2015 in Italy.
The submarine set sail for this deployment on 3 September 2015.
Pursuant to the Plan of Cooperation between the Albanian and the Naval Forces of Turkey, arrived for a visit in Durres port, the submarine “TCG Preveza S – 353”. The Purpose of this visit is Cooperation and joint training between Our Force and the Turkish Navy Marine. Turkish ship Was escorted to our territorial waters from small sailing motorboat R – 118, with commander kapitenllejtënant. Alket Cullhaj. In the dock 4 port Durres ND “TCG Preveza” Was Received by staff of Naval Flotilla, Representatives of the Authority and Durres Port Security, Military Police, Private Entities, etc.
While it is not usual for submarines to visit foreign ports, Durrës has been a prefered stop over for Turkish submarines in the last few years:

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 TURSKA - erdoganov genocid Empty Re: TURSKA - erdoganov genocid

Post by RayMabus 3/3/2016, 01:33

 TURSKA - erdoganov genocid 23px-Flag_of_Turkey.svg Turkey

  • Iraqi Kurdistan - More than 2,000 Turkish soldiers are deployed in the province of Dohuk in multiple bases, including 1,000 at Bamerni Airfield and a further 1,000 between Batifa and Kani Masi, as well as a number smaller garrisons.[27]
  • Somalia - Turkey announced plans in January 2016 to establish a military facility in Somalia’s capital Mogadishu in order to train Somalian troops for their fight against al-Shabab. The base is purposed to house 200 Turkish servicemen along side 1,200 Somalian military personnel. Some Turkish Navy officers have stated that Turkey intends to have its sole Aircraft Carrier, the TCG Anadolu stationed in Somalia.[28]
  • Qatar - Turkey announced plans in December 2015 to establish a military base to hold 3,000 Turkish military personnel in Qatar as part of a defense agreement aimed at helping them confront "common enemies,".[29]
  • Albania- Pasha Liman Base[30]
  • Cyprus- The Turkish military forces in Northern Cyprus currently have 30,000 Turkish Army personnel stationed on the Island.
  • Afghanistan- Turkey maintains a military presence in the outskirts of Kabul.


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 TURSKA - erdoganov genocid Empty Re: TURSKA - erdoganov genocid

Post by RayMabus 3/3/2016, 01:43

The Pasha Liman Base or Pashaliman Base, also referred to as Vlora Naval Shipyard, is an Albanian navy base South of Vlorë, Albania.


Pashaliman was the only Soviet base in the Mediterranean in the 1950s. It was the hot spot of conflict between the Russians and the Albanians in 1961 when Albania pulled out of the Warsaw Pact. Most ships currently there are out of operation. Following the collapse of the Communist regime, the base was rebuilt by Turkey and under a bilateral agreement the Turkish Navy has the right to use

 TURSKA - erdoganov genocid Karte_der_Bucht_von_Vlora

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 TURSKA - erdoganov genocid Empty Re: TURSKA - erdoganov genocid

Post by RayMabus 3/3/2016, 02:17

Prije ili poslije EU će morat otkačit Tursku sa Balkana koju Ewropa smatra swojim dworištem.

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 TURSKA - erdoganov genocid Empty Re: TURSKA - erdoganov genocid

Post by RayMabus 3/3/2016, 02:26

BItka za Balkan.

Neosomaska ideologija koja je na wlasti u Turskoj ukljućuje i Balkan tj ewropsko dworište.

ANatomija problema je interes protiw interesa.

Udri prwi.

Posts : 182004

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 TURSKA - erdoganov genocid Empty Re: TURSKA - erdoganov genocid

Post by Yehudi 3/3/2016, 18:29

  Kurdi u Iraku oborili turski borbeni helikopter. BRAVO

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 TURSKA - erdoganov genocid Empty Re: TURSKA - erdoganov genocid

Post by Winter is coming 3/3/2016, 18:33

vjerovatno su Serdoganovi mediji objavili da se prizemljio usljed tehnickih problema,ako su ista i javili

И показа ми чисту реку воде живота, бистру као кристал, која излажаше од престола Божијег и Јагњетовог.
Winter is coming
Winter is coming

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 TURSKA - erdoganov genocid Empty Re: TURSKA - erdoganov genocid

Post by Yehudi 3/3/2016, 18:44

Winter is coming wrote:vjerovatno su Serdoganovi mediji objavili da se prizemljio usljed tehnickih problema,ako su ista i javili

 Ne znam jesu li išta objavili ali izaći će u javnost bilo kako.

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 TURSKA - erdoganov genocid Empty Re: TURSKA - erdoganov genocid

Post by jastreb 3/3/2016, 18:45

Saudijska Arabija-Islamska država-Turska.

Osovina zla.

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 TURSKA - erdoganov genocid Empty Re: TURSKA - erdoganov genocid

Post by Yehudi 3/3/2016, 20:04

Dvi Kurdice napale pun autobus turskih vojnika u Istanbulu 

Sve snimile nadzorne kamere


 Bravo cure.

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 TURSKA - erdoganov genocid Empty Re: TURSKA - erdoganov genocid

Post by Winter is coming 3/3/2016, 22:05

kuku,nema gore za ove kurtone nego kad ih ubije zensko,mada ovi janjicari nisu religiozni kao oni kamel fakeri ali ne znaci da nisu pacovi kao i oni

И показа ми чисту реку воде живота, бистру као кристал, која излажаше од престола Божијег и Јагњетовог.
Winter is coming
Winter is coming

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 TURSKA - erdoganov genocid Empty Re: TURSKA - erdoganov genocid

Post by Riplex 4/3/2016, 02:02

O turcima sve najgore, ali žid se javlja za genocid :D :D

Novinari crvi

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 TURSKA - erdoganov genocid Empty Re: TURSKA - erdoganov genocid

Post by Guest 4/3/2016, 02:04

Riplex wrote:O turcima sve najgore, ali žid se javlja za genocid :D :D
nema žda na forumu

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