Francuska ne želi tursko čvorište ruskog plina za EU
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Re: Francuska ne želi tursko čvorište ruskog plina za EU
uffff uffff ovaj ima brutalne videoe.. naravno Telegram je nuzan za gledanje naravno Telegram je nuzan za gledanje
Hartmann- Posts : 2016
Re: Francuska ne želi tursko čvorište ruskog plina za EU
Kužim ja to.
Evo ti dokaz :
Tema :
PS : Weber je taj koji ne kuži.
Evo ti dokaz :
Josep Borrell
Published On 19 Sep 2022
19 Sep 2022
U međuvremenu, Europska unija je u potpunosti mobilizirana kako bi se suočila sa energentskom krizom. Ispunili smo svoje rezerve plina na iznad 80 posto – dosta prije 1. novembra, ciljanog datuma za to – i dogovorili smo jasne ciljeve smanjenja potrošnje plina tokom zime.
Kako bi pomogli ranjivim korisnicima i kompanijama pri borbi sa rastom cijena, napreduju prijedlozi kao što su povećani porezi za energentske kompanije koje su napravile prevelike zarade.
Suprotno popularnom vjerovanju, Rusija ne može lako naći održive zamjene europskom tržištu jer je većina njene infrastrukture za izvoz plina (plinovodi i LNG terminali) orijentirana ka Europi. Preusmjeravanje protoka plina ka državama kao što je Kina trajalo bi godinama i koštalo milijarde dolara.
Istina, Rusija je imala koristi od nedavnih povećanja cijena plina. No, to ne znači da su sankcije podbacile. Moramo sačekati da vidimo potpune efekte europske odluke da ukine izvoz energenata iz Rusije. Do sada je Europa samo zabranila uvoz ruskog uglja i smanjila svoje narudžbe ruske nafte. Ipak, čak i ovdje je utjecaj bio vidljiv.
Kako je nedavno primijetila njemačka ministrica vanjskih poslova Annalena Baerbock, Europa je u prošlosti platila malu finansijsku cijenu za ruski plin u prošlosti, ali je to bilo jer je plaćala za njegovu sigurnost. Rusija je napala Ukrajinu jer je bila uvjerena da će EU biti previše podijeljena i ovisna o ruskoj energiji da djeluje. No, ruski predsjednik Vladimir Putin je pogriješio u računici.
Smanjenjem ovisnosti o ruskoj energiji, Europa se oslobađa od starog vjerovanja da ekonomska međuovisnost automatski umanjuje političke tenzije. To je možda imalo smisla prije 40 godina, ali sada je sasvim drugačija situacija kada se ekonomska međuovisnost koristi kao oružje.
Da li će same sankcije biti dovoljne za pobjedu nad osvajačem? No, ali zbog toga pružamo i ogromnu ekonomsku i vojnu podršku Ukrajini i radimo na razmještanju misije za vojnu obuku EU-a kako bi se dodatno ojačale ukrajinske oružane snage.
Tema :
PS : Weber je taj koji ne kuži.
RayMabus- Posts : 184137
Re: Francuska ne želi tursko čvorište ruskog plina za EU
phuuu..uzas...rastocise Ukre..
Hartmann- Posts : 2016
Re: Francuska ne želi tursko čvorište ruskog plina za EU
kako rekoh..
The United States urges Europe to increase economic assistance to Ukraine, writes the voice of the international oligarchy, The Washington Post.
It is especially amusing to read such statements when Americans sell their liquefied gas to the European Union at a cost FOUR TIMES higher than to their companies in the United States.
The United States urges Europe to increase economic assistance to Ukraine, writes the voice of the international oligarchy, The Washington Post.
It is especially amusing to read such statements when Americans sell their liquefied gas to the European Union at a cost FOUR TIMES higher than to their companies in the United States.
Hartmann- Posts : 2016
Re: Francuska ne želi tursko čvorište ruskog plina za EU
Cilj amerike je da razvali ekonomiju Europe..
Hartmann- Posts : 2016
Re: Francuska ne želi tursko čvorište ruskog plina za EU
Pa nek daju uporabnu dozvolu za Sjeverni tok 2 i riješen problem.Hartmann wrote:kako rekoh..
The United States urges Europe to increase economic assistance to Ukraine, writes the voice of the international oligarchy, The Washington Post.
It is especially amusing to read such statements when Americans sell their liquefied gas to the European Union at a cost FOUR TIMES higher than to their companies in the United States.
To bi naljutilo čika Bajdena, napunilo ruski proračun, naravno plačanje u rubljama,dalo Rusima fore da izdrže na bojištu, naljutilo Ukrajinu, Poljsku itd.... šta ćeš takvi je život.
Biraj : AfD ili SMRT.
RayMabus- Posts : 184137
Hartmann- Posts : 2016
Re: Francuska ne želi tursko čvorište ruskog plina za EU
RayMabus wrote:Pa nek daju uporabnu dozvolu za Sjeverni tok 2 i riješen problem.Hartmann wrote:kako rekoh..
The United States urges Europe to increase economic assistance to Ukraine, writes the voice of the international oligarchy, The Washington Post.
It is especially amusing to read such statements when Americans sell their liquefied gas to the European Union at a cost FOUR TIMES higher than to their companies in the United States.
To bi naljutilo čika Bajdena, napunilo ruski proračun, naravno plačanje u rubljama,dalo Rusima fore da izdrže na bojištu, naljutilo Ukrajinu, Poljsku itd.... šta ćeš takvi je život.
Biraj : AfD ili SMRT.
Bas tako..Svabija je dosad i imala takav munjeviti industrijski i ekonomski rast,bas radi jeftinih ruskih energenata,gnojiva i slicno..Tome je dosao kraj..
znas li da je svabija NACIONALIZIRALA najveceg domaceg energetskog giganta,kao i gazprom division u Svabiji..Cak ni to nije dovoljno..
Hartmann- Posts : 2016
Re: Francuska ne želi tursko čvorište ruskog plina za EU
čime?Hartmann wrote:Cilj amerike je da razvali ekonomiju Europe..
ali dobro, za godinu dana ćemo tipkati.
longi je idiot.
ti si još veći kao i ostatak srblja, polutana i sl. ekipe.
sva skladišta su puna, do kraja ožujka eu ne treba nikaj.
tko cvili svaki dan?
putler ili eu?
ovo je najbolja stvar za eu.
još ako merkel strpaju u zatvor, nema boljeg.
pišete pizdarije. po običaju.
a, ti i slični se morate brinut zbog robotike i automatskih sustava.
nema više posla za vas nepismene.
Posts : 53509
Re: Francuska ne želi tursko čvorište ruskog plina za EU
veber wrote:čime?Hartmann wrote:Cilj amerike je da razvali ekonomiju Europe..
ali dobro, za godinu dana ćemo tipkati.
longi je idiot.
ti si još veći kao i ostatak srblja, polutana i sl. ekipe.
sva skladišta su puna, do kraja ožujka eu ne treba nikaj.
tko cvili svaki dan?
putler ili eu?
ovo je najbolja stvar za eu.
još ako merkel strpaju u zatvor, nema boljeg.
pišete pizdarije. po običaju.
a, ti i slični se morate brinut zbog robotike i automatskih sustava.
nema više posla za vas nepismene.
nisi ni jednom napisao popičkitis
Posts : 29733
Re: Francuska ne želi tursko čvorište ruskog plina za EU
[size=46]German inflation hits post-reunification high[/size]
Soaring energy costs are pushing up consumer prices, official statistics show
Annual inflation in Germany has continued to rise by double digits, accelerating to 10.9% in September, finalized data from the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) showed on Thursday.
According to the agency’s press release, the figure rose from 8.8% in August (on an EU-harmonized basis). When using German standards, consumer prices rose by 10.0% from a year earlier, in line with market forecasts.
The inflation rate has reached “an all-time high since German reunification,” Destatis President Georg Thiel said, citing “enormous price rises” for energy products, as well as food costs, as the main reasons for the high inflation.
The end of both the fuel discount period and the €9 ticket availability also accelerated the price rises in September, he explained. “These temporary measures of the second relief package had a downward effect on overall inflation from June to August 2022.”
The report indicated that consumer prices in September increased markedly by 1.9% compared with the previous month. It also showed that energy product prices were up 43.9% year-on-year despite the relief measures. There was a particularly large price increase for household energy, it noted. Heating oil prices more than doubled, while natural gas prices surged by 95.1%.
READ MORE: Major German power supplier hikes prices
Last month, the German government agreed a €200 billion ($194 billion) package to “cushion rising energy costs and the most severe consequences for consumers and businesses.” Under the plan, which will be financed with new borrowing, Berlin will introduce an emergency price brake on gas and electricity. It will also scrap a planned gas levy on consumers to avoid further price increases.
For more stories on economy & finance visit RT's business section
Soaring energy costs are pushing up consumer prices, official statistics show
Annual inflation in Germany has continued to rise by double digits, accelerating to 10.9% in September, finalized data from the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) showed on Thursday.
According to the agency’s press release, the figure rose from 8.8% in August (on an EU-harmonized basis). When using German standards, consumer prices rose by 10.0% from a year earlier, in line with market forecasts.
The inflation rate has reached “an all-time high since German reunification,” Destatis President Georg Thiel said, citing “enormous price rises” for energy products, as well as food costs, as the main reasons for the high inflation.
The end of both the fuel discount period and the €9 ticket availability also accelerated the price rises in September, he explained. “These temporary measures of the second relief package had a downward effect on overall inflation from June to August 2022.”
The report indicated that consumer prices in September increased markedly by 1.9% compared with the previous month. It also showed that energy product prices were up 43.9% year-on-year despite the relief measures. There was a particularly large price increase for household energy, it noted. Heating oil prices more than doubled, while natural gas prices surged by 95.1%.
READ MORE: Major German power supplier hikes prices
Last month, the German government agreed a €200 billion ($194 billion) package to “cushion rising energy costs and the most severe consequences for consumers and businesses.” Under the plan, which will be financed with new borrowing, Berlin will introduce an emergency price brake on gas and electricity. It will also scrap a planned gas levy on consumers to avoid further price increases.
For more stories on economy & finance visit RT's business section
Hartmann- Posts : 2016
Re: Francuska ne želi tursko čvorište ruskog plina za EU
Evo kaže Putin danas da je ovaj krak preko Ukrajine jedini za Europu tj Njemačku a da je ovaj turski tok za Balkan i Mediteran.
U prevodu : Ako ne daš uporabnu dozvolu za sjeverni tok 2 ti nećeš kupovat jeftini ruski plin čak i ako mu cijena padne jer ne daješ uporabnu dozvolu za plinovod sjeverni tok 2.
"Gazprom nastavlja isporučivati ruski plin za tranzit preko ukrajinskog teritorija preko plinske pumpne stanice Sudzha u količini koju je odobrila Ukrajina. Količina je 42,4 miliona kubnih metara za 16. oktobar. Zahtjev za tranzit preko plinske pumpne stanice Sokhranovka je odbijen", rekao je Kuprijanov.
U subotu je ispumpana količina iznosila 43,1 milion kubnih metara.
Tranzitna linija kroz Ukrajinu ostaje jedina ruta za opskrbu ruskim plinom zemalja zapadne i srednje Evrope. Ispumpavanje plinovodom Sjeverni tok potpuno je obustavljeno. Opskrba plinom Turskim tokom i Plavim tokom namijenjena je Turskoj i zemljama južne i jugoistočne Evrope.
Podsjećamo, 10. maja ukrajinski operater prijenosnog sistema plina saopćio je da će obustaviti dotok plina u Evropu preko tranzitne tačke Sokhranovka počevši od 11. maja zbog "više sile" jer kompanija navodno nije mogla kontrolirati plinsku kompresorsku stanicu Novopskov u Lugansku. Međutim, ruska plinska kompanija tvrdi nije vidjela nikakav dokaz o "višoj sili".
Gazprom je dodao da je tehnički nemoguće sav tranzit plina prebaciti na stanicu Sudzha u ruskoj regiji Kursk.
U prevodu : Ako ne daš uporabnu dozvolu za sjeverni tok 2 ti nećeš kupovat jeftini ruski plin čak i ako mu cijena padne jer ne daješ uporabnu dozvolu za plinovod sjeverni tok 2.
"Gazprom nastavlja isporučivati ruski plin za tranzit preko ukrajinskog teritorija preko plinske pumpne stanice Sudzha u količini koju je odobrila Ukrajina. Količina je 42,4 miliona kubnih metara za 16. oktobar. Zahtjev za tranzit preko plinske pumpne stanice Sokhranovka je odbijen", rekao je Kuprijanov.
U subotu je ispumpana količina iznosila 43,1 milion kubnih metara.
Tranzitna linija kroz Ukrajinu ostaje jedina ruta za opskrbu ruskim plinom zemalja zapadne i srednje Evrope. Ispumpavanje plinovodom Sjeverni tok potpuno je obustavljeno. Opskrba plinom Turskim tokom i Plavim tokom namijenjena je Turskoj i zemljama južne i jugoistočne Evrope.
Podsjećamo, 10. maja ukrajinski operater prijenosnog sistema plina saopćio je da će obustaviti dotok plina u Evropu preko tranzitne tačke Sokhranovka počevši od 11. maja zbog "više sile" jer kompanija navodno nije mogla kontrolirati plinsku kompresorsku stanicu Novopskov u Lugansku. Međutim, ruska plinska kompanija tvrdi nije vidjela nikakav dokaz o "višoj sili".
Gazprom je dodao da je tehnički nemoguće sav tranzit plina prebaciti na stanicu Sudzha u ruskoj regiji Kursk.
RayMabus- Posts : 184137
Re: Francuska ne želi tursko čvorište ruskog plina za EU
Idiot ti je u glavi.veber wrote:čime?Hartmann wrote:Cilj amerike je da razvali ekonomiju Europe..
ali dobro, za godinu dana ćemo tipkati.
longi je idiot.
ti si još veći kao i ostatak srblja, polutana i sl. ekipe.
sva skladišta su puna, do kraja ožujka eu ne treba nikaj.
tko cvili svaki dan?
putler ili eu?
ovo je najbolja stvar za eu.
još ako merkel strpaju u zatvor, nema boljeg.
pišete pizdarije. po običaju.
a, ti i slični se morate brinut zbog robotike i automatskih sustava.
nema više posla za vas nepismene.
Pričaš kako će tebi Putin dati jeftiniji plin kad cijena padne a ne daješ mu uporabnu dozvolu za sjeverni tok 2.
Pa kako ćeš ti taj plin kupit čak i da je jeftin ?
Aj tamo kupuj taj skuplji LNG pa se javi kad ti dođu računi.
RayMabus- Posts : 184137
Re: Francuska ne želi tursko čvorište ruskog plina za EU
veber wrote:čime?Hartmann wrote:Cilj amerike je da razvali ekonomiju Europe..
ali dobro, za godinu dana ćemo tipkati.
longi je idiot.
ti si još veći kao i ostatak srblja, polutana i sl. ekipe.
sva skladišta su puna, do kraja ožujka eu ne treba nikaj.
tko cvili svaki dan?
putler ili eu?
ovo je najbolja stvar za eu.
još ako merkel strpaju u zatvor, nema boljeg.
pišete pizdarije. po običaju.
a, ti i slični se morate brinut zbog robotike i automatskih sustava.
nema više posla za vas nepismene.
Cuj,znam da imas umni kapacitet..ali ga nemoj ogranicavati..
Ja samo prenosim vijesti,a ti zakljuci sam po pitanju poskupljavanja i ostaloga..lako je provjeriti unakrsnom istragom,neovisnih portala..
Skladista su puna istina,ali se i prazne,ali ne tempom,kao nekada,vec tu dolazi do spontanog poskupljenja,na konto promjene spekulativne vrijednosti,jer manje robe na trzistu znaci vece cijene..
U erhau je cijena benzina E10 ,prije 20 dana bila 10,56 kuna..Pretvori to u Eure,1,40tak..gledam cijene sada u Svabiji za isti E10..1, skoro 2 eura
sve ostalo je stvar prihvacanja realnosti..
Ne znam jel znas da su Ameri vec pri kraju nacionalnih rezervi,koje 4x skuplje prodaju Europi..
Dolar je narastao u odnosu na Euro,Rublja tuce nemilo i dolar i Euro,a ovo je objektivnom pratitelju sasvim dovoljno,tko tu finalno jede ghovna..EUropa
Hartmann- Posts : 2016
Re: Francuska ne želi tursko čvorište ruskog plina za EU
U francuskoj 1 tona drveta dosegla CIJENU OD 600 EURA..
Hartmann- Posts : 2016
Re: Francuska ne želi tursko čvorište ruskog plina za EU
koliki ti je Energiepreispauschale?
meni je 300, tebi?
firma mi plaća stan 1200€, tebi nikaj.
za gablec s 28 na 34/dan.
daj ne pizdarajte.
nema plina ima ugljena. drva, nafte.
bude i nizozemska krenula s crpljenjem nafte i ugljena.
jedino čega nema je jeftini plin.
do slijedeće godine.
izdržali smo i gore stvari.
rublja je zakurac. kupuj ju.
nemreš s njom nikaj.
meni je 300, tebi?
firma mi plaća stan 1200€, tebi nikaj.
za gablec s 28 na 34/dan.
daj ne pizdarajte.
nema plina ima ugljena. drva, nafte.
bude i nizozemska krenula s crpljenjem nafte i ugljena.
jedino čega nema je jeftini plin.
do slijedeće godine.
izdržali smo i gore stvari.
rublja je zakurac. kupuj ju.
nemreš s njom nikaj.
Posts : 53509
Re: Francuska ne želi tursko čvorište ruskog plina za EU
užassssHartmann wrote:U francuskoj 1 tona drveta dosegla CIJENU OD 600 EURA..
znači s prosječnom plaćom mogu kupiti 5 tona.
problem je kaj ti imaš malu plaću, ali to rješi s poslodavcem.
nemoj menadžerit, odi u školu, nauči programirat.
zaboravio sam, 40€ firma plaća svima za benzin. tjedno. za privatni auto.
i još jedan užas svi koji nisu prijavljeni u njemačkoj firma plaća svakih 6 tjedana 0,3€ po km do doma i nazad plus sve autoceste.
fakat neka pederska firma.
Posts : 53509
Re: Francuska ne želi tursko čvorište ruskog plina za EU
[size=46]German leaders care more about NATO than their own people – Putin[/size]
This policy has resulted in negative impact on both the economy and the general population, the Russian president believes
A demonstration against the energy policy starts in front of Schwerin Castle, a banner reads 'Stop the war with Russia. Open Nordstream 2!'. :copyright: Bernd Wüstneck / picture alliance via Getty Images
Berlin has made a mistake by placing its obligations to NATO above the interests of the German people, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin. Now business people, the country’s economy and its citizens are paying for this choice, he told journalists on Friday.
“Apparently, some kind of allied obligations have been placed to the forefront” by Germany “within the framework of the North Atlantic Treaty Alliance,” Putin said at a press conference after the Central Asia-Russia summit in Astana, Kazakhstan.
“Is it right or wrong? I believe that it’s a mistake, and business, the economy, and the citizens of the Federal Republic [of Germany] are paying for this mistake, because it has negative economic consequences for the eurozone in general and for the Federal Republic in particular,” Putin pointed out.
He was answering a question about Berlin’s role in the Ukraine conflict, where it has been among key backers of Kiev.
According to the Russian leader, German authorities “should decide for themselves what is more important: the fulfilment of some allied obligations as they see them, or ensuring the interests of their own people, their national interests.”
Earlier this week, Ukraine’s Defense Minister Alexey Reznikov announced that Kiev received the first unit of the German cutting-edge IRIS-T air defense system. His German counterpart Christine Lambrecht called the shipment an important contribution to the Eastern European nation’s ability to defend itself from “missile shelling.”
[size=18]READ MORE: Kiev receives first unit of German air defense system
That’s while the German military has so far not received a single unit of the ground-based IRIS-T system variant, which led to concerns being voiced by some politicians and media outlets, who believe that the country is depleting its own weapons stockpile by sending the arms to Kiev.
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said earlier that Berlin will keep up its support for Ukraine “for as long as it takes.”
After Russia launched its military operation in Ukraine in late February, many Western states imposed unprecedented sanctions against the country. This has led to a significant drop in Russian natural gas shipments to Western Europe, including Germany, and resulted in soaring energy prices and accelerating inflation.
Berlin has introduced a series of measures meant to reduce winter energy consumption. Meanwhile, prices for firewood and wood pellets rose by over 85% in August compared to the same month last year, according to a recent report by Destatis, the Federal Statistics Office.[/size]
This policy has resulted in negative impact on both the economy and the general population, the Russian president believes
A demonstration against the energy policy starts in front of Schwerin Castle, a banner reads 'Stop the war with Russia. Open Nordstream 2!'. :copyright: Bernd Wüstneck / picture alliance via Getty Images
Berlin has made a mistake by placing its obligations to NATO above the interests of the German people, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin. Now business people, the country’s economy and its citizens are paying for this choice, he told journalists on Friday.
“Apparently, some kind of allied obligations have been placed to the forefront” by Germany “within the framework of the North Atlantic Treaty Alliance,” Putin said at a press conference after the Central Asia-Russia summit in Astana, Kazakhstan.
“Is it right or wrong? I believe that it’s a mistake, and business, the economy, and the citizens of the Federal Republic [of Germany] are paying for this mistake, because it has negative economic consequences for the eurozone in general and for the Federal Republic in particular,” Putin pointed out.
He was answering a question about Berlin’s role in the Ukraine conflict, where it has been among key backers of Kiev.
According to the Russian leader, German authorities “should decide for themselves what is more important: the fulfilment of some allied obligations as they see them, or ensuring the interests of their own people, their national interests.”
Earlier this week, Ukraine’s Defense Minister Alexey Reznikov announced that Kiev received the first unit of the German cutting-edge IRIS-T air defense system. His German counterpart Christine Lambrecht called the shipment an important contribution to the Eastern European nation’s ability to defend itself from “missile shelling.”
[size=18]READ MORE: Kiev receives first unit of German air defense system
That’s while the German military has so far not received a single unit of the ground-based IRIS-T system variant, which led to concerns being voiced by some politicians and media outlets, who believe that the country is depleting its own weapons stockpile by sending the arms to Kiev.
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said earlier that Berlin will keep up its support for Ukraine “for as long as it takes.”
After Russia launched its military operation in Ukraine in late February, many Western states imposed unprecedented sanctions against the country. This has led to a significant drop in Russian natural gas shipments to Western Europe, including Germany, and resulted in soaring energy prices and accelerating inflation.
Berlin has introduced a series of measures meant to reduce winter energy consumption. Meanwhile, prices for firewood and wood pellets rose by over 85% in August compared to the same month last year, according to a recent report by Destatis, the Federal Statistics Office.[/size]
Hartmann- Posts : 2016
Re: Francuska ne želi tursko čvorište ruskog plina za EU
E jebem mi se ZA Svabe I njihove jade
I ZA cijeli Zapad
I ZA cijeli Zapad
Ringo10- Posts : 21667
Re: Francuska ne želi tursko čvorište ruskog plina za EU
Normalno. Jedino šta je bitno je da glasaju za antiislamiste ( AFd ). Ako ne glasaju za ove onda bolje da crknu nego da postanu islamsko ljevičarska jazbina odakle će ovi upravljat Europom.Ringo10 wrote:E jebem mi se ZA Svabe I njihove jade
I ZA cijeli Zapad
RayMabus- Posts : 184137
Re: Francuska ne želi tursko čvorište ruskog plina za EU
Hartmann- Posts : 2016
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