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Biden targets Amish farmer

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Biden targets Amish farmer Empty Biden targets Amish farmer

Post by prckov 26/8/2022, 11:34

WATCH: Biden Regime Targets Amish Organic Farmer for ‘not using GMO drugs’ in Armed Raid | Amos Miller has s been farming for 25 years. No electricity, no fertilizer, no gasoline. He has tremendously impressive crop yields using only the only the oldest of methods, totally organic. The U.S. Marshall Service raided this farm under the guise of ‘not using GMO drugs’ to raise their vegetables and livestock. VIDEO: Feds target | The Tea Party's Front Page. | Slowly, our freedoms are being chipped away with, "We know better..." justification as its hammer and chisel. (ussanews.com)

There’s this farmer named Amos Miller and he’s been farming for 25 years. No electricity, no fertilizer, no gasoline. He has really, really impressive crop yields using only the only the oldest of methods, totally organic. He has milk, he has beef, he has different types of sheep. He has chicken, all types of vegetables. And he has a private buyers club of about 4,000 people all across the country that pay him top dollar for his food.
And the government doesn’t like this idea of a private buyers club. They have raided his farm with armed federal agents and they have said he needs to stop selling his meat until he gets regulated by the federal agencies whose job it is to, you know, regulate food. And he says, “you know, the way you guys regulate it, it kind of hurts the nutrition of the food — you know, you wash it in these things, you’ve given these vaccines and the cows get all types of medicine, I don’t do any of that. So I think going through your regulatory process will actually hurt the quality of my food and that’s what I’m being paid top dollar for, it is this high quality food.”
So they are fining him hundreds of thousands of dollars, and they’ve actually sent armed federal agents there to take inventory of his meat, of his dairy, and they visit him to make sure that he’s not selling anything and that he’s not ramping up his production in any way.

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984

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Biden targets Amish farmer Empty Re: Biden targets Amish farmer

Post by prckov 26/8/2022, 11:38

Sri Lanka ima 98% ESG score

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984

Posts : 34425

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Biden targets Amish farmer Empty Re: Biden targets Amish farmer

Post by prckov 26/8/2022, 11:45

vrijeme je za drugog jahaca apokalipse - glad

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984

Posts : 34425

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Biden targets Amish farmer Empty Re: Biden targets Amish farmer

Post by prckov 26/8/2022, 11:50

sta znaci slogan "necete posjedovat nista a bit cete sretni" koji je svjetski ekonomski forum iskovo
Pa utopija, komunizam. 
To je onaj WEF gdje se skupljaju svi zapadni politicari, korporacijske i financijske elite ukljucujuci i plenkovica

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984

Posts : 34425

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Biden targets Amish farmer Empty Re: Biden targets Amish farmer

Post by prckov 26/8/2022, 12:12

Biden targets Amish farmer Foegzi11

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984

Posts : 34425

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Biden targets Amish farmer Empty Re: Biden targets Amish farmer

Post by prckov 26/8/2022, 14:29

Kissinger: ako kontrolirate hranu onda kontrolirate ljude, ako kontrolirate energiju onda kontrolirate kontinent, ako kontrolirate novac onda kontrolirate cijeli svijet. 

Inace Kissinger je "otvorio vrata Kini", anjegov student je bio..Klaus Schwab. Sasvim slucajno je da je danas upravo kriza hrane i  energije, a govori se i o univerzalnom dohotku i digitalnoj lovi.

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984

Posts : 34425

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Biden targets Amish farmer Empty Re: Biden targets Amish farmer

Post by prckov 26/8/2022, 14:33

UN prognozira da ce u sljedece 2 godine od gladi umrijeti preko 800 milijuna ljudi

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984

Posts : 34425

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Biden targets Amish farmer Empty Re: Biden targets Amish farmer

Post by immortal 26/8/2022, 16:31

prckov wrote:vrijeme je za drugog jahaca apokalipse - glad
vrijeme je da se đavla baci s prijestolja

Bože čuvaj svoj narod u cijelom svijetu. 

Daj da na vrijeme razotkriveni i pokošeni budu mučitelji naši i krvnici.

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Lokacija: : CROATIA

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Biden targets Amish farmer Empty Re: Biden targets Amish farmer

Post by aben 26/8/2022, 16:51

Ljudi ne smu ličiti ljude ako nemaju certifikat da su doktori,
kuću učiniti ako nisu certifikat inžinjeri,
ni metlu proizvesti ako nemaju majstorski ispit, i to je svima ok.

Da vidimo oće ili in zasmetati ča ne smiš saditi salotu ako nisi certificironi agronom.

Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;

And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational

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