Gender Studies Professor: Time Is Racist
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Gender Studies Professor: Time Is Racist
Gender Studies Professor: Time Is Racist! - News Punch
No, this is NOT satire!
During an interview with NPR affiliate WSIU-FM, Cooper claimed that black people have a reputation for being late, therefore time itself is “owned” by white people.
No, this is NOT satire!
During an interview with NPR affiliate WSIU-FM, Cooper claimed that black people have a reputation for being late, therefore time itself is “owned” by white people.
Typically, we talk about race in terms of black and white issues. In the African-American communities from which I come, we have a long-standing multigenerational joke about what we call CP time or colored people time. Now, we no longer refer to African-Americans as colored. But this long-standing joke about our perpetual lateness to church, to cookouts, to family events and even to our own funerals remains. I personally am a stickler for time. It’s almost as if my mother, when I was growing up, said, we will not be those black people. So we typically arrive to events 30 minutes early. But today I want to talk to you more about the political nature of time; for if time had a race, it would be white. White people own time
prckov- Posts : 34555
Re: Gender Studies Professor: Time Is Racist
News Agenda: Headteacher resigns after parents anger of 'white privilege' - YouTube
A headteacher at a private school in the UK has been forced out after parents complained about her teaching of critical race theory, according to the Daily Mail
The headteacher was at the most expensive day school in London, where fees are as high as $44,000 USD per year. Parents were reportedly upset at the headteacher's "woke agenda."
The headteacher resigned after parents wrote a 12-page letter, saying that she had indoctrinated their children with "controversial and divisive" critical race theory.
They went on to say that no subject was safe from this headteacher. Even classes like art and literature were not safe from this headteacher's ideology.
Despite her resignation, it was pretty clear that the headteacher was forced out by the board who were facing severe anger from parents.
The school board said that the headteacher "has informed the board that she now needs to focus on her own wellbeing and that of her family, which we fully understand.
In response to this, a representative of the parents said that "she leaves behind many influential and senior members of the school’s administration and faculty who appear resolute in their determination to continue to indoctrinate our children into this racist and toxic ideology.
A headteacher at a private school in the UK has been forced out after parents complained about her teaching of critical race theory, according to the Daily Mail
The headteacher was at the most expensive day school in London, where fees are as high as $44,000 USD per year. Parents were reportedly upset at the headteacher's "woke agenda."
The headteacher resigned after parents wrote a 12-page letter, saying that she had indoctrinated their children with "controversial and divisive" critical race theory.
They went on to say that no subject was safe from this headteacher. Even classes like art and literature were not safe from this headteacher's ideology.
Despite her resignation, it was pretty clear that the headteacher was forced out by the board who were facing severe anger from parents.
The school board said that the headteacher "has informed the board that she now needs to focus on her own wellbeing and that of her family, which we fully understand.
In response to this, a representative of the parents said that "she leaves behind many influential and senior members of the school’s administration and faculty who appear resolute in their determination to continue to indoctrinate our children into this racist and toxic ideology.
It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984
prckov- Posts : 34555
Re: Gender Studies Professor: Time Is Racist
Mislio sam da ce napredna australija prcka dovesti u red, ali ne ide.
Cim se vise trude on sve gori otpor pruza.
Cim se vise trude on sve gori otpor pruza.
Posts : 18912
Re: Gender Studies Professor: Time Is Racist
privilegija je glavna stvar koju kulturni marksisticki teoreticari identiteta zele da raspodjele razlicitim grupama, znamo kojim da ne nabrajam. Kad su, po teoriji, privilegije ispravno raspodjeljene, i kad su do neke mjere i materijalna dobra raspodjeljena, tada se postize - equty. Tako kad se cuje rijec equty i privilegija pa jos uz to i termin 'transformatve' (promjena) ili transformativna promjena (transformative change), ili napraviti djecu agentima promjene i slicno, tad se zna da je definitivno je rijec o marksizmu, to jest o danasnjoj vrsti (varijaciji) 'modernog marksizma'. Identitetskog kulturnog marksizma koji ce ukljucivat kriticku rasnu teoriju ili biti kriticka rasna teorija. Zatim diversity i inclusion koje idu uz equty i belonging su takodje termini u istoj toj gore navedenoj kategoriji. Po tvrdnjama kritickih rasnih teoreticara doslovno svaka nejednakost u drustvu je dokaz diskriminacije i sistemskog rasizma. Po njima sistemski rasizam djeluje kao 'marksova superstruktura' gdje se baza (substructure) mora probudit i pobunit protiv vise klase tj. bijelila (whiteness) i uvest diktaturu antirasizma. Tako da ova headteacher djeci pere mozak idejama neomarksizma a da toga guska mozda uopce nije svjesna. Bice misli da je pravicna i puna vrlinaprckov wrote:News Agenda: Headteacher resigns after parents anger of 'white privilege' - YouTube
Last edited by prckov on 21/12/2021, 11:56; edited 1 time in total
prckov- Posts : 34555
Re: Gender Studies Professor: Time Is Racist
ni zrno psenice dusmanimadijagram wrote:Mislio sam da ce napredna australija prcka dovesti u red, ali ne ide.
Cim se vise trude on sve gori otpor pruza.
prckov- Posts : 34555
Re: Gender Studies Professor: Time Is Racist
Privilegija i equty su dva termina koja jasno ukazuju na neomarksisticku terminologiju, tako kad se cuje termin equty i privilegija (privilege) sa sigurnoscu mozemo utvrdit da je rijec o kritickoj rasnoj teoriji ili kritickoj teoriji generalno. Kriticka rasna teorija je vrsta koja pripada kampu identitetskog kulturnog marksizma koji umjesto da se fokusira na materijalizam, tj materijalnu produkciju i kapital, se fokusira na kulturu, kulturnu proizvodnju i redistribuciju privilegija. Tako je whiteness (bijela rasa, bijelilo, bijelci) ono sto omogucuje pristup rasnoj privilegiji. To jest 'whiteness' je za kriticku rasnu teoriju burzujsko kulturno dobro (vlasnistvo) koje treba ukinut, kao sto je komunizam za ukidanje privatnog vlasnistva.
It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984
prckov- Posts : 34555
Re: Gender Studies Professor: Time Is Racist
prckov wrote:privilegija je glavna stvar koju kulturni marksisticki teoreticari identiteta zele da raspodjele razlicitim grupama, znamo kojim da ne nabrajam. Kad su, po teoriji, privilegije ispravno raspodjeljene, i kad su do neke mjere i materijalna dobra raspodjeljena, tada se postize - equty. Tako kad se cuje rijec equty i privilegija pa jos uz to i termin 'transformatve' (promjena) ili transformativna promjena (transformative change), ili napraviti djecu agentima promjene i slicno, tad se zna da je definitivno je rijec o marksizmu, to jest o danasnjoj vrsti (varijaciji) 'modernog marksizma'. Identitetskog kulturnog marksizma koji ce ukljucivat kriticku rasnu teoriju ili biti kriticka rasna teorija. Zatim diversity i inclusion koje idu uz equty i belonging su takodje termini u istoj toj gore navedenoj kategoriji. Po tvrdnjama kritickih rasnih teoreticara doslovno svaka nejednakost u drustvu je dokaz diskriminacije i sistemskog rasizma. Po njima sistemski rasizam djeluje kao 'marksova superstruktura' gdje se baza (substructure) mora probudit i pobunit protiv vise klase tj. bijelila (whiteness) i uvest diktaturu antirasizma. Tako da ova headteacher djeci pere mozak idejama neomarksizma a da toga guska mozda uopce nije svjesna. Bice misli da je pravicna i puna vrlinaprckov wrote:News Agenda: Headteacher resigns after parents anger of 'white privilege' - YouTube
takodje i diktaturu kriticke gender teorije, diktaturu queer teorije i td
kao posljedicu te diktature vidimo transseksualce u zenskoj kategoriji na olimpijadi, insistiranju na prinudnom govoru i navodjenju gender zamjenica u javnom diskursu, cancel kulturu i slicno
prckov- Posts : 34555
Re: Gender Studies Professor: Time Is Racist
to on na pocetku govori o propasti 'ateizma plus' zbog mladih bezveznjakusa koje svoju beznacajnost pokusavaju podic na razinu drustvene vrijednosti kroz feminizam, tako sto traze i koriste svaku sitnicu da ukazu na seksizam ma kako to trivijalno bilo. Da ju je pozvo na kavu neki o kojem sanja citav zivot vec bi mu uskocila u krevet prije nego sto je i zavrsio poziv. U biti tu su se podjelili ti iz pokreta ateizam plus cisto radi toga ko ce bit glavni, tj. najbitnija faca u pokretu. Idiotska komedija. Medjutim to nema nikakve veze sa ovim kritickim teorijama koje su ideoloska podloga svih woke pokreta. Marcuse je prvi izaso sa jasnom komprehensivnom ideologijom o tome, a poceci ideja rasne teorije sezu do Gustav von Schmoller-akic wrote:
ovo nisam znao, iz trivijalnosti se rodio rascjep lol
prckov- Posts : 34555
Re: Gender Studies Professor: Time Is Racist
who is Schmoller? He was born in Heilbronn, Germany in 1838. His father, as a civil servant in Wurttemberg, was a wealthy and influential man with connections to those in power. Gustav was entrusted with the operations of some of his father’s affairs which gave him experience with government, bureaucracy, the economy, and other integral systems that are constituent pieces of a functioning society. At the time, a prerequisite for consideration of an appointment within the government was completion of a university degree in Kameralwissenschaft a discipline “…which combines public finance, statistics, economics, administrative science, history, and even sociology.
After working for his father for some time, rather than stick to government work, Schmoller decided to teach at a university. He was already a committed “communitarian,” having gained and retained full faith in the state’s ability to manage the entire economy in such a way that productivity and efficiency would be maximized.
For Schmoller, economic theory required a thorough consideration of all potential factors that could affect economic activity. And, as he himself had prescriptions for what the ideal society should look like, he provided social commentary willingly.
Economic behavior is embedded in a cultural style specific to one epoch, one historical structure of meaning, which happens to favor an economic style marked by certain “habitual moral sentiments” (Schmoller), values, and norms. Therefore, if the most elementary object of economic analysis, economic action, has an ethical, cultural, and religious dimension, then the economic theory purporting to explain it must also encompass the interrelationship of ethical, cultural, and religious factors
Schmollerion sought and advocated for social reforms in the name of social justice that aligned with his prescripts.
He reasoned that the study of political economy was properly oriented when it was focused on the psychology of economic action. “The true desideratum of economic research was, therefore, a psycho-social description of the motivations of human action.
Schmoller’s ideas about the psychology of economics found expression in W. E. B. Du Bois’ work on the influence of racism in American economic and political life.
Carl Grunberg’s Institute for Social Research was the birthplace of Critical Theory—an admixture of Schmoller’s psychology of economics and Marxism, where Marxism is the interpretive structure and economic psychology is the object of study. Both Du Bois and Grunberg were communists—with Du Bois writing a series of articles in support of Marxism during the 1930s and ultimately joining the Communist Party very late in life in 1961. Both of them believed in a worldview that categorized everyone as oppressor or oppressed. Du Bois critiqued society using race as a frame of reference. Grunberg used social class as his.
After working for his father for some time, rather than stick to government work, Schmoller decided to teach at a university. He was already a committed “communitarian,” having gained and retained full faith in the state’s ability to manage the entire economy in such a way that productivity and efficiency would be maximized.
For Schmoller, economic theory required a thorough consideration of all potential factors that could affect economic activity. And, as he himself had prescriptions for what the ideal society should look like, he provided social commentary willingly.
Economic behavior is embedded in a cultural style specific to one epoch, one historical structure of meaning, which happens to favor an economic style marked by certain “habitual moral sentiments” (Schmoller), values, and norms. Therefore, if the most elementary object of economic analysis, economic action, has an ethical, cultural, and religious dimension, then the economic theory purporting to explain it must also encompass the interrelationship of ethical, cultural, and religious factors
Schmollerion sought and advocated for social reforms in the name of social justice that aligned with his prescripts.
He reasoned that the study of political economy was properly oriented when it was focused on the psychology of economic action. “The true desideratum of economic research was, therefore, a psycho-social description of the motivations of human action.
Schmoller’s ideas about the psychology of economics found expression in W. E. B. Du Bois’ work on the influence of racism in American economic and political life.
Carl Grunberg’s Institute for Social Research was the birthplace of Critical Theory—an admixture of Schmoller’s psychology of economics and Marxism, where Marxism is the interpretive structure and economic psychology is the object of study. Both Du Bois and Grunberg were communists—with Du Bois writing a series of articles in support of Marxism during the 1930s and ultimately joining the Communist Party very late in life in 1961. Both of them believed in a worldview that categorized everyone as oppressor or oppressed. Du Bois critiqued society using race as a frame of reference. Grunberg used social class as his.
It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984
prckov- Posts : 34555
Re: Gender Studies Professor: Time Is Racist
idemo dalje
otkud zeni (principalki) takve ideje o privilegiji i rasi, nije ih sama odskolovala se na idejama kriticke pedagogije koje se vec preko 50 godina guraju u obrazovanje na zapadu. Naime buduci profesori uce na tom ideoloskom sranju i onda prenose dalje na djecu. Evo ekipe znacajnijih degenericnih marksista i njihovih djela na temu kriticke pedagogije
The Critical Turn in Education: From Marxist Critique to Poststructuralist Feminism to Theories of Race
The Critical Turn in Education | From Marxist Critique to Poststructur (
The Critical Turn in Educationtraces the historical emergence and development of critical theories in the field of education, from the introduction of Marxist and other radical social theories in the 1960s to the contemporary critical landscape. The book begins by tracing the first waves of critical scholarship in the field through a close, contextual study of the intellectual and political projects of several core figures including, Paulo Freire, Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis, Michael Apple, and Henry Giroux. Later chapters offer a discussion of feminist critiques, the influx of postmodernist and poststructuralist ideas in education, and critical theories of race. While grounded in U.S. scholarship,
The Critical Turn in Education contextualizes the development of critical ideas and political projects within a larger international history, and charts the ongoing theoretical debates that seek to explain the relationship between school and society. Today, much of the language of this critical turn has now become commonplace--words such as "hegemony," "ideology," and the term "critical" itself--but by providing a historical analysis, The Critical Turn in Education illuminates the complexity and nuance of these theoretical tools, which offer ways of understanding the intersections between individual identities and structural forces in an attempt to engage and overturn social injustice.
otkud zeni (principalki) takve ideje o privilegiji i rasi, nije ih sama odskolovala se na idejama kriticke pedagogije koje se vec preko 50 godina guraju u obrazovanje na zapadu. Naime buduci profesori uce na tom ideoloskom sranju i onda prenose dalje na djecu. Evo ekipe znacajnijih degenericnih marksista i njihovih djela na temu kriticke pedagogije
The Critical Turn in Education: From Marxist Critique to Poststructuralist Feminism to Theories of Race
The Critical Turn in Education | From Marxist Critique to Poststructur (
The Critical Turn in Educationtraces the historical emergence and development of critical theories in the field of education, from the introduction of Marxist and other radical social theories in the 1960s to the contemporary critical landscape. The book begins by tracing the first waves of critical scholarship in the field through a close, contextual study of the intellectual and political projects of several core figures including, Paulo Freire, Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis, Michael Apple, and Henry Giroux. Later chapters offer a discussion of feminist critiques, the influx of postmodernist and poststructuralist ideas in education, and critical theories of race. While grounded in U.S. scholarship,
The Critical Turn in Education contextualizes the development of critical ideas and political projects within a larger international history, and charts the ongoing theoretical debates that seek to explain the relationship between school and society. Today, much of the language of this critical turn has now become commonplace--words such as "hegemony," "ideology," and the term "critical" itself--but by providing a historical analysis, The Critical Turn in Education illuminates the complexity and nuance of these theoretical tools, which offer ways of understanding the intersections between individual identities and structural forces in an attempt to engage and overturn social injustice.
It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984
prckov- Posts : 34555
Re: Gender Studies Professor: Time Is Racist
Michael Apple - Wikipedia
Herbert Gintis - Wikipedia
Henry Giroux - Wikipedia
Paulo Freire - Wikipedia
Herbert Gintis - Wikipedia
Henry Giroux - Wikipedia
Paulo Freire - Wikipedia
It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984
prckov- Posts : 34555
Re: Gender Studies Professor: Time Is Racist
prckov wrote:Herbert Gintis - Wikipedia
During that time, he became very active in the student movements of the 1960s, including the Students for a Democratic Society and grew increasingly interested in Marxism and economics.
prckov- Posts : 34555
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