Kremalj: Amerika sprema medijski napad na Sputnik V kako bi dalje gurala Pfizerovo cjepivo
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Kremalj: Amerika sprema medijski napad na Sputnik V kako bi dalje gurala Pfizerovo cjepivo
US plans major smear campaign against Russian anti-Covid products, Kremlin source says
MOSCOW, March 12. /TASS/. The US and its allies plan a large-scale smear campaign aimed at discrediting Russian anti-Covid products amid rising demand for the Sputnik V vaccine, a high-level Kremlin source told TASS Friday.
"According to our intelligence agencies, the US and its allies intend to arrange a large-scale disinformation campaign, aimed at fueling a biased attitude against our scientific innovations in fighting the spread of coronavirus infections as demand grows for the Russian Sputnik V vaccine across the world, including in European countries," the source said.
US actions aimed to discredit Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine are an attempt to diminish the contribution of Russian science to the global fight against COVID-19, the source said.
"Such actions of the US and its allies demonstrate their attempts to diminish the contribution of Russian science to the global fight against the spread of COVID-19, to undermine the trust of the international community in our research developments and hinder their certification by the World Health Organization, as well as to lower foreign demand for the Sputnik V vaccine, which is ranked second on the number of countries that approved it," the source said.
The campaign will target those European nations that have registered Russia’s Sputnik V anti-coronavirus vaccine, according to the source.
"European countries that authorized the Russian Sputnik V vaccine for emergency use have been chosen as a target of the anti-Russian information campaign. They are Hungary, Slovakia, Serbia, Montenegro, San Marino, and North Macedonia," the source said, citing the data from Russia’s security and intelligence service indicating that the United States and its allies plan to unleash an information campaign to form biased attitudes to Russian anti-COVID developments.
According to the source, the West is gearing up for a scenario for a smear campaign attack on Sputnik V by faking mass deaths after its alleged use.
"A scenario of information attack on Sputnik V is being prepared through controlled non-governmental organizations (the US Agency for International Development, Soros’ foundation, Thomson Reuters Foundation) and media structures (BBC, Reuters, Internews). [The attack] aims to substantiate the promoted theses about "the vaccine’s inefficiency and danger’ by faking mass deaths allegedly caused by the use of the medicine," he said.
The US is aggressively promoting the Pfizer vaccine, imposing exploitative terms on buyer countries through “bullying” at the highest level, the source told TASS.
"The US is engaged in an unprecedentedly aggressive policy of promoting its Pfizer vaccine, seeking not only to waive all monetary compensation in case of side effects, but all the monetary responsibility for the producer’s negligence, including manufacturing defects and violations of storage conditions,” the source revealed.
According to the source, the US imposes exploitative terms on vaccine buyer countries. In particular, this was the case with Argentina. Initially, this Latin American country agreed to Washington’s terms, but later refused to sign the contract, after receiving new demands to guarantee expenses coverage, slamming the US tactic as being "held to ransom” and “high-level bullying,” the source said.
"According to the UK’s Bureau of Investigative Journalism, Argentina initially agreed to these exploitative terms, but the US later rolled out new demands to provide sovereign guarantees of coverage of expenses, using state assets, including federal bank reserves, diplomatic mission buildings and even military bases as collateral,” the source said.
After that, Buenos Aires refused to sign the contract, slamming the US tactic as “downright bullying” and “high-level blackmail.”
This is an attempt to diminish the contribution of Russian science to the global fight against COVID-19, the source said
MOSCOW, March 12. /TASS/. The US and its allies plan a large-scale smear campaign aimed at discrediting Russian anti-Covid products amid rising demand for the Sputnik V vaccine, a high-level Kremlin source told TASS Friday.
"According to our intelligence agencies, the US and its allies intend to arrange a large-scale disinformation campaign, aimed at fueling a biased attitude against our scientific innovations in fighting the spread of coronavirus infections as demand grows for the Russian Sputnik V vaccine across the world, including in European countries," the source said.
US actions aimed to discredit Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine are an attempt to diminish the contribution of Russian science to the global fight against COVID-19, the source said.
"Such actions of the US and its allies demonstrate their attempts to diminish the contribution of Russian science to the global fight against the spread of COVID-19, to undermine the trust of the international community in our research developments and hinder their certification by the World Health Organization, as well as to lower foreign demand for the Sputnik V vaccine, which is ranked second on the number of countries that approved it," the source said.
The campaign will target those European nations that have registered Russia’s Sputnik V anti-coronavirus vaccine, according to the source.
"European countries that authorized the Russian Sputnik V vaccine for emergency use have been chosen as a target of the anti-Russian information campaign. They are Hungary, Slovakia, Serbia, Montenegro, San Marino, and North Macedonia," the source said, citing the data from Russia’s security and intelligence service indicating that the United States and its allies plan to unleash an information campaign to form biased attitudes to Russian anti-COVID developments.
According to the source, the West is gearing up for a scenario for a smear campaign attack on Sputnik V by faking mass deaths after its alleged use.
"A scenario of information attack on Sputnik V is being prepared through controlled non-governmental organizations (the US Agency for International Development, Soros’ foundation, Thomson Reuters Foundation) and media structures (BBC, Reuters, Internews). [The attack] aims to substantiate the promoted theses about "the vaccine’s inefficiency and danger’ by faking mass deaths allegedly caused by the use of the medicine," he said.
The US is aggressively promoting the Pfizer vaccine, imposing exploitative terms on buyer countries through “bullying” at the highest level, the source told TASS.
"The US is engaged in an unprecedentedly aggressive policy of promoting its Pfizer vaccine, seeking not only to waive all monetary compensation in case of side effects, but all the monetary responsibility for the producer’s negligence, including manufacturing defects and violations of storage conditions,” the source revealed.
According to the source, the US imposes exploitative terms on vaccine buyer countries. In particular, this was the case with Argentina. Initially, this Latin American country agreed to Washington’s terms, but later refused to sign the contract, after receiving new demands to guarantee expenses coverage, slamming the US tactic as being "held to ransom” and “high-level bullying,” the source said.
"According to the UK’s Bureau of Investigative Journalism, Argentina initially agreed to these exploitative terms, but the US later rolled out new demands to provide sovereign guarantees of coverage of expenses, using state assets, including federal bank reserves, diplomatic mission buildings and even military bases as collateral,” the source said.
After that, Buenos Aires refused to sign the contract, slamming the US tactic as “downright bullying” and “high-level blackmail.”
Hektorović- Posts : 26373
Re: Kremalj: Amerika sprema medijski napad na Sputnik V kako bi dalje gurala Pfizerovo cjepivo
Amerika priprema veliku kampanju protiv „Sputnjika Ve“ – među ciljanom publikom i Srbija
Sputnik / Ilья Pitalev
[url=safari-reader://]Rusija: Protivnici vakcine „Sputnjik Ve“ u stvari je se plaše[/url]
Istovremeno, SAD i njihovi saveznici planiraju da šire „materijale kojima raskrinkavaju“ nekompetentnost ruskih stručnjaka u oblasti vakcinacije i imunologije.
Prema rečima zvaničnika iz Kremlja, evropske zemlje koje su registrovale rusku vakcinu protiv korone za hitnu upotrebu biće ciljna publika antiruske informativne kampanje koju organizuju SAD i njihovi saveznici.
„To su Mađarska, Slovačka, Srbija, Crna Gora, San Marino i Severna Makedonija. Odobrenje naše vakcine u tim zemljama na Zapadu je izazvalo talas antiruske propagande. Holandski mediji našu vakcinu 'Sputnjik Ve' ne predstavljaju kao vakcinu protiv virusa korona, nego kao 'kremaljsku polugu za raskol redova Evropske unije', 'instrument moskovske propagande'. Kao primer se navodi Mađarska koja je 'nasela na ruske trikove' i bez dogovora sa Briselom započela vakcinaciju svojih građana našom vakcinom“, precizirao je naš sagovornik.
Prema njegovim rečima, postupci SAD i saveznika govore o njihovim pokušajima da umanje doprinos ruske nauke u borbu protiv korone, da potkopaju poverenje svetske zajednice u ruska naučna dostignuća i da spreče da ih Svetska zdravstvena organizacija sertifikuje, kao i da umanje potražnju za ruskom vakcinom u inostranstvu, koja je dospela na drugo mesto po broju zemalja koje su je odobrile.
„Istovremeno, SAD vode neviđeno agresivnu politiku promovisanja svoje vakcine 'Fajzer', nastojeći da oslobode američku stranu ne samo isplate eventualne odštete građanima u parnicama u slučaju pojavljivanja neželjenih efekata, nego i od materijalne odgovornosti za nemar direktnog proizvođača, uključujući fabričke greške i kršenje uslova čuvanja (minus 70 stepeni Celzijusa)“, objašnjava zvaničnik iz Kremlja.
Kako je istakao, preko kontrolisanih nevladinih organizacija (Američka agencija za međunarodni razvoj, Fondacija Džordža Soroša, Fondacija Tomson Rojters) i medijske strukture („Bi-Bi-Si“, Rojters, „Internjuz“) priprema se scenario informativnog napada na „Sputnjik Ve“ (Sputnik V) u okviru koga je planirano da se teze o „neefikasnosti i opasnosti vakcine“ potkrepljuju „insceniranjem masovnog umiranja ljudi nakon navodne upotrebe vakcine“.„Usled sve veće potražnje za ruskom vakcinom u celom svetu, uključujući i evropske zemlje, SAD i njihovi saveznici, prema navodima naših specijalnih službi, planiraju da pokrenu veliku informativnu kampanju usmerenu na stvaranje predrasuda prema našim naučim dostignućima i oblasti suprotstavljanja širenju virusa korona“, rekao je naš izvor.
Sputnik / Ilья Pitalev
[url=safari-reader://]Rusija: Protivnici vakcine „Sputnjik Ve“ u stvari je se plaše[/url]
Istovremeno, SAD i njihovi saveznici planiraju da šire „materijale kojima raskrinkavaju“ nekompetentnost ruskih stručnjaka u oblasti vakcinacije i imunologije.
Prema rečima zvaničnika iz Kremlja, evropske zemlje koje su registrovale rusku vakcinu protiv korone za hitnu upotrebu biće ciljna publika antiruske informativne kampanje koju organizuju SAD i njihovi saveznici.
„To su Mađarska, Slovačka, Srbija, Crna Gora, San Marino i Severna Makedonija. Odobrenje naše vakcine u tim zemljama na Zapadu je izazvalo talas antiruske propagande. Holandski mediji našu vakcinu 'Sputnjik Ve' ne predstavljaju kao vakcinu protiv virusa korona, nego kao 'kremaljsku polugu za raskol redova Evropske unije', 'instrument moskovske propagande'. Kao primer se navodi Mađarska koja je 'nasela na ruske trikove' i bez dogovora sa Briselom započela vakcinaciju svojih građana našom vakcinom“, precizirao je naš sagovornik.
Cilj napada na „Sputnjik Ve“ – promovisanje „Fajzera“
Prema rečima našeg izvora, cilj informativnog napada SAD i saveznika na rusku vakcinu je potkopavanje poverenja u rusku nauku, istovremeno promovišući vakcine „Fajzer“.Prema njegovim rečima, postupci SAD i saveznika govore o njihovim pokušajima da umanje doprinos ruske nauke u borbu protiv korone, da potkopaju poverenje svetske zajednice u ruska naučna dostignuća i da spreče da ih Svetska zdravstvena organizacija sertifikuje, kao i da umanje potražnju za ruskom vakcinom u inostranstvu, koja je dospela na drugo mesto po broju zemalja koje su je odobrile.
„Istovremeno, SAD vode neviđeno agresivnu politiku promovisanja svoje vakcine 'Fajzer', nastojeći da oslobode američku stranu ne samo isplate eventualne odštete građanima u parnicama u slučaju pojavljivanja neželjenih efekata, nego i od materijalne odgovornosti za nemar direktnog proizvođača, uključujući fabričke greške i kršenje uslova čuvanja (minus 70 stepeni Celzijusa)“, objašnjava zvaničnik iz Kremlja.
Hektorović- Posts : 26373
Re: Kremalj: Amerika sprema medijski napad na Sputnik V kako bi dalje gurala Pfizerovo cjepivo
T o bi dakle bilo onda konacno priznanje da ne mogu napraviti bolju vakcinu od Pfizerovog.Zali Boze,od njemackih znanstvenika nakon WW2,ostala su samo osebujna i dostojanstvena prezimena uglavnom na firmama.Znanje Amerikanci nisu usvojili
Hartmann- Posts : 2016
Re: Kremalj: Amerika sprema medijski napad na Sputnik V kako bi dalje gurala Pfizerovo cjepivo
Ništ od toga. Ruski sputnik V dobiva sve više i više na popularnosti u Evropi.
I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.
AlfaOmega- Posts : 10398
Re: Kremalj: Amerika sprema medijski napad na Sputnik V kako bi dalje gurala Pfizerovo cjepivo
Vidim ima i kolega koji predlazu koktele vakcina razlicitih proizvodjaca,samo da proguraju Pfitzera,ili onog drugog,kojeg svi izbjegavaju.
Uzas...Sto se sve cini za sitnu pinku
Uzas...Sto se sve cini za sitnu pinku
Hartmann- Posts : 2016
Re: Kremalj: Amerika sprema medijski napad na Sputnik V kako bi dalje gurala Pfizerovo cjepivo
Hartmann wrote:Vidim ima i kolega koji predlazu koktele vakcina razlicitih proizvodjaca
Could mixing COVID vaccines boost immune response?
Combining different coronavirus shots could speed immunization campaigns — and even boost immune response.
Researchers in the United Kingdom have launched a study that will mix and match two COVID-19 vaccines in a bid to ease the daunting logistics of immunizing millions of people — and potentially boost immune responses in the process.
Most coronavirus vaccines are given as two injections: an initial ‘prime’ dose followed by a ‘boost’ to stimulate the immune system’s memory cells and amplify the immune response. The clinical trial will test participants’ immune responses to receiving one shot of a coronavirus vaccine produced by Oxford and drug firm AstraZeneca — which uses a harmless virus to carry a key coronavirus gene into cells — and one shot of the vaccine produced by drug company Pfizer, which uses RNA instructions to trigger an immune response. The trial, which is run by investigators at the University of Oxford, aims to begin enrolment on 4 February.
Vaccine developers often combine two vaccines to combat the same pathogen, and researchers are keen to deploy the strategy — known as a heterologous prime-boost — against the coronavirus.
A heterologous prime-boost combination was approved last year by European regulators to protect against Ebola, and experimental HIV vaccines often rely on the strategy, says Dan Barouch, director of the Center for Virology and Vaccine Research at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, Massachusetts.
But it has yet to be tested for vaccines against COVID-19, which are typically given as a repeat injection of the same vaccine.
The ability to mix and match vaccines could make vaccination programmes more flexible: it would speed up the process and reduce the impact of any supply-chain disruptions. “It really makes the implementation much more simple,” said Mary Ramsay, head of immunization at Public Health England, at a press briefing on 3 February.
Guest- Guest
Re: Kremalj: Amerika sprema medijski napad na Sputnik V kako bi dalje gurala Pfizerovo cjepivo
Rusko cjepivo sve popularnije ono od britančadi zabranjuju :)
A B. Johnson laže kao pas.
A B. Johnson laže kao pas.
epikur37- Posts : 45339
Re: Kremalj: Amerika sprema medijski napad na Sputnik V kako bi dalje gurala Pfizerovo cjepivo
Nema se kud.
Plenki je nabavio astru i ima da se trpa.
Plenki je nabavio astru i ima da se trpa.
Posts : 18937
Re: Kremalj: Amerika sprema medijski napad na Sputnik V kako bi dalje gurala Pfizerovo cjepivo
Kolega Shakespeare ce probati sve sto mu dodje pod ruku?? Respect...
Hartmann- Posts : 2016
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