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 Le Pen - Page 3 Empty Re: Le Pen

Post by Guest Sun 6 Dec - 20:21

epikur37 wrote:
tre911 wrote:
epikur37 wrote:
Ringo10 wrote:
tre911 wrote:
epikur37 wrote:Promjena vlasti u Francuskoj, dolazak Marine le Pen na vlast značit će početak promjena u Europi.

Era liberalizma i američkog patrona uskoro završava na našem kontinentu :)
Ok i ja sam za no nije mi jasno kako ti i ostala ekipa koja svršava na nju istovremeno dajete podršku notornim ljevičarima u RH koji su za uvoz muja, pederluka i svega ostalog sa trulog zapada?
MA ne pripada ti epikur toj novokomponiranoj vrsti ljevice, takozvanom kulturnom marksizmu. On ti više pripada onoj klasičnoj, revolucionarnoj marksističkoj ljevici. 
Izmešu to dvoje ima vrlo malo veze, zapravo skoro pa nikako.

Dakle, ja sebe prvenstveno vidim kao konzervativca, umjereno desne orijentacije.

Kad je ekonomija u pitanju za kapitalizam sam uz razmjernu ulogu države koja treba ostati vlasnik resursa i tvrtki od nacionalnog značaja, protiv sam privatizacije javnih službi. 

Mislim da treba pojačati pronatalitetnu politiku, pa i jačom financijskom subvencijom.

I tako dalje, to.
Ok i kako onda možeš dati podršku milanoviću???

Pa ja nisam glasao ni za koga ali da, radije bih podržao i Zokija al kako su i jedni i drugi za hurac. Svoj glas nisam iskoristio.

Radi se o problemu koji imam s hrvatskom desnicom. Opasna je za hercegbosnu, iracionalno antiruska i proamerička i općenito infantilna.
To nema veze sa onim što radi mad il zox guranjem gendera i ostalih liberalno ljevičarskih sranja.


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 Le Pen - Page 3 Empty Re: Le Pen

Post by epikur37 Sun 6 Dec - 20:22

tre911 wrote:
jastreb wrote:
tre911 wrote:Ok i kako onda možeš dati podršku milanoviću???
Pa znam masu ljudi koji se deklariraju kao nekakvi desničari,a koji su na ovim izborima dali glas Milanoviću.

Uostalom zašto bi svaki hrvatski desničar morao dati glas HDZ-u,ili strankama pravaške provijencije?

Na kraju krajeva Karamarko je desničar samo kad su u pitanju davno prohujali međuhrvatski ideološki sukobi,ili kad su u pitanju Srbi.

Ustvari,ni kada su Srbi u pitanju nisam u to siguran.
Pa ako si desničar ili konzervativac onda ni u ludilu ne možeš dati glas lijevoj opciji koja zagovara sve ono što se desnom i konzervativnom protivi a to što neko kaže da je ljevičar ili desničar nema veze  jer očito radi nešto drugo od onog kako se deklarira.

Pa ako si desničar i konzervativac ni u ludilu ne možeš podržati HDZ na primjer.

Od SDP-a kao lijeve i liberalne stranke nikad nisam ništa ni očekivao, otpočetka su bili druga strana.

OD HDZ - a i desnice  jesam a uslijedila su samo razočarenja, laž,  nesposobnost i izdaja.

Čak je SDP prijatno iznenadio oko nekih stvari ali i to je sitno koliko su duboko u liberalnom blatu.

Prema tome ne hebem ni sdp ni hdz....u stavri općenito ne hebem hravtsku političku scenu jer su ispod nivoa državnosti i za raspuštanje sam sabora.

Puno mi je važnije što se događa u europi nego u ovom malom američkom vazalu.

Posts : 45331

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 Le Pen - Page 3 Empty Re: Le Pen

Post by epikur37 Sun 6 Dec - 20:23

tre911 wrote:
epikur37 wrote:
tre911 wrote:
epikur37 wrote:
Ringo10 wrote:
tre911 wrote:
epikur37 wrote:Promjena vlasti u Francuskoj, dolazak Marine le Pen na vlast značit će početak promjena u Europi.

Era liberalizma i američkog patrona uskoro završava na našem kontinentu :)
Ok i ja sam za no nije mi jasno kako ti i ostala ekipa koja svršava na nju istovremeno dajete podršku notornim ljevičarima u RH koji su za uvoz muja, pederluka i svega ostalog sa trulog zapada?
MA ne pripada ti epikur toj novokomponiranoj vrsti ljevice, takozvanom kulturnom marksizmu. On ti više pripada onoj klasičnoj, revolucionarnoj marksističkoj ljevici. 
Izmešu to dvoje ima vrlo malo veze, zapravo skoro pa nikako.

Dakle, ja sebe prvenstveno vidim kao konzervativca, umjereno desne orijentacije.

Kad je ekonomija u pitanju za kapitalizam sam uz razmjernu ulogu države koja treba ostati vlasnik resursa i tvrtki od nacionalnog značaja, protiv sam privatizacije javnih službi. 

Mislim da treba pojačati pronatalitetnu politiku, pa i jačom financijskom subvencijom.

I tako dalje, to.
Ok i kako onda možeš dati podršku milanoviću???

Pa ja nisam glasao ni za koga ali da, radije bih podržao i Zokija al kako su i jedni i drugi za hurac. Svoj glas nisam iskoristio.

Radi se o problemu koji imam s hrvatskom desnicom. Opasna je za hercegbosnu, iracionalno antiruska i proamerička i općenito infantilna.
To nema veze sa onim što radi mad il zox guranjem gendera i ostalih liberalno ljevičarskih sranja.

No vidi vraga ta ista sranja gura amerika pa ipak navijaš za njih kad se suoče s rusima.

Posts : 45331

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 Le Pen - Page 3 Empty Re: Le Pen

Post by Guest Sun 6 Dec - 20:26

epikur37 wrote:
tre911 wrote:
epikur37 wrote:
tre911 wrote:
epikur37 wrote:
Ringo10 wrote:
tre911 wrote:
epikur37 wrote:Promjena vlasti u Francuskoj, dolazak Marine le Pen na vlast značit će početak promjena u Europi.

Era liberalizma i američkog patrona uskoro završava na našem kontinentu :)
Ok i ja sam za no nije mi jasno kako ti i ostala ekipa koja svršava na nju istovremeno dajete podršku notornim ljevičarima u RH koji su za uvoz muja, pederluka i svega ostalog sa trulog zapada?
MA ne pripada ti epikur toj novokomponiranoj vrsti ljevice, takozvanom kulturnom marksizmu. On ti više pripada onoj klasičnoj, revolucionarnoj marksističkoj ljevici. 
Izmešu to dvoje ima vrlo malo veze, zapravo skoro pa nikako.

Dakle, ja sebe prvenstveno vidim kao konzervativca, umjereno desne orijentacije.

Kad je ekonomija u pitanju za kapitalizam sam uz razmjernu ulogu države koja treba ostati vlasnik resursa i tvrtki od nacionalnog značaja, protiv sam privatizacije javnih službi. 

Mislim da treba pojačati pronatalitetnu politiku, pa i jačom financijskom subvencijom.

I tako dalje, to.
Ok i kako onda možeš dati podršku milanoviću???

Pa ja nisam glasao ni za koga ali da, radije bih podržao i Zokija al kako su i jedni i drugi za hurac. Svoj glas nisam iskoristio.

Radi se o problemu koji imam s hrvatskom desnicom. Opasna je za hercegbosnu, iracionalno antiruska i proamerička i općenito infantilna.
To nema veze sa onim što radi mad il zox guranjem gendera i ostalih liberalno ljevičarskih sranja.

No vidi vraga ta ista sranja gura amerika pa ipak navijaš za njih kad se suoče s rusima.
Jebiga kad ne čitaš što pišem a čak i na ovoj temi sam napisao  moje stavove oko toga.

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 Le Pen - Page 3 Empty Re: Le Pen

Post by veber Sun 6 Dec - 20:35

zbrčkan je.


Posts : 53509

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 Le Pen - Page 3 Empty Re: Le Pen

Post by epikur37 Sun 6 Dec - 20:46

veber wrote:zbrčkan je.

sva sreća da je situacija jednostavna

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 Le Pen - Page 3 Empty Re: Le Pen

Post by jastreb Sun 6 Dec - 20:47

veber wrote:zbrčkan je.
Ne,nego z Tuzle.

Posts : 34059

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 Le Pen - Page 3 Empty Re: Le Pen

Post by epikur37 Sun 6 Dec - 20:51

jastreb wrote:
veber wrote:zbrčkan je.
Ne,nego z Tuzle.

U stavri radio sam u brčkom 5 godina diljem posavine...malo sam i zbrčkan

Posts : 45331

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 Le Pen - Page 3 Empty Re: Le Pen

Post by veber Sun 6 Dec - 21:12

situacija je sve, samo ne jednostavna.


Posts : 53509

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 Le Pen - Page 3 Empty Re: Le Pen

Post by Guest Sun 6 Dec - 22:49

veber wrote:zbrčkan je.

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 Le Pen - Page 3 Empty Re: Le Pen

Post by dzango Sun 6 Dec - 23:35

Živa bila. Le Pen je protiv ulaska Srbije u EU.

 Le Pen - Page 3 Istock10

Posts : 28141

Lokacija: : Velika Srbija

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 Le Pen - Page 3 Empty Re: Le Pen

Post by kic Sun 6 Dec - 23:45


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 Le Pen - Page 3 Empty Re: Le Pen

Post by Leviathan2 Mon 7 Dec - 0:04

Swedish woman didn't want to call the police after Iraqi tried to rape her: 'I feel sorry for him because he is a refugee'

 Le Pen - Page 3 Attention Part of channel(s): Syria (current event)
Woman didn't want to call the police: ''I feel sorry for him because he is a refugee'

The 28-year-old Iraqi man was so unhappy with the standard of asylum in Finland that he chose to return to Sweden, and rape a Swedish woman on the way.

The woman did not want to notify the police at first, because of situation: the poor rapists was a refugee.

But now the rapist has been convicted to imprisonment and deportation by the district court, which also states that he is not a refugee at all.

The rape took place on the night of October 10 at a night train between Umeå and Sundsvall.

The woman had booked a shared compartment and ended up in a compartment with three Arab men, who woke up when she stepped in. She wanted to show sympathy with the men because they were asylum seekers and bought among other things sandwiches to them.

They were drinking vodka and singing, but after a while the 28-year-old began to touch the woman, who twice had to tell him to stop. After a while the woman went to bed but woke up some time later by the Iraqi who was about to rape her.

The woman fought him off, ran from the compartment and made contact with a train attendant.

"The train attendant asked if he should call the police. At first she did not want that, because she did not want to put NN, who are seeking asylum, in a difficult situation. She felt sorry for him [...] and was afraid that he would be deported to Iraq," reads the court documents.

But she was persuaded to report it to the police, and the 28-year-old was arrested when the train stopped in Hudiksvall, Fria Tider reports.

He was sentenced by the Sundsvall District Court to one year in prison. He must also pay SEK 85,000 in damages to the woman.

Moreover, it appeared that the raped woman's fear comes true - the man will be deported back to Iraq with a re-entry to Sweden ban for five years.

The District Court could conclude that he had not been at any risk in Iraq, but only traveled to the Nordic countries to seek asylum for economic reasons.

"According to the Migration Board, it appears that the situation in some parts of Iraq is serious. NN has, however, stated that he did not flee from Iraq because of war and that there is no risk that he will be imprisoned or persecuted if he returns to that part of the country where he comes from," reads the verdict.


 Le Pen - Page 3 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQRqnLHscWsIZTkjqYrSt1h-A1RiF9_dMbyrQ&usqp=CAU

Posts : 21431

Lokacija: : Međurečje


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 Le Pen - Page 3 Empty Re: Le Pen

Post by L'âme Mon 7 Dec - 0:07

koja empatija,altruizam..pogriješila je jedino što je bježala od njega..

“You will not be good teachers if you focus only on what you do and not upon who you are.”
― Rudolf Steiner

Posts : 25744

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 Le Pen - Page 3 Empty Re: Le Pen

Post by Guest Mon 7 Dec - 0:08

barem bi primila palamara... B-)

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 Le Pen - Page 3 Empty Re: Le Pen

Post by n_razbojnik Mon 7 Dec - 4:11

Leviathan2 wrote:Swedish woman didn't want to call the police after Iraqi tried to rape her: 'I feel sorry for him because he is a refugee'

 Le Pen - Page 3 Attention Part of channel(s): Syria (current event)
Woman didn't want to call the police: ''I feel sorry for him because he is a refugee'

The 28-year-old Iraqi man was so unhappy with the standard of asylum in Finland that he chose to return to Sweden, and rape a Swedish woman on the way.

The woman did not want to notify the police at first, because of situation: the poor rapists was a refugee.

But now the rapist has been convicted to imprisonment and deportation by the district court, which also states that he is not a refugee at all.

The rape took place on the night of October 10 at a night train between Umeå and Sundsvall.

The woman had booked a shared compartment and ended up in a compartment with three Arab men, who woke up when she stepped in. She wanted to show sympathy with the men because they were asylum seekers and bought among other things sandwiches to them.

They were drinking vodka and singing, but after a while the 28-year-old began to touch the woman, who twice had to tell him to stop. After a while the woman went to bed but woke up some time later by the Iraqi who was about to rape her.

The woman fought him off, ran from the compartment and made contact with a train attendant.

"The train attendant asked if he should call the police. At first she did not want that, because she did not want to put NN, who are seeking asylum, in a difficult situation. She felt sorry for him [...] and was afraid that he would be deported to Iraq," reads the court documents.

But she was persuaded to report it to the police, and the 28-year-old was arrested when the train stopped in Hudiksvall, Fria Tider reports.

He was sentenced by the Sundsvall District Court to one year in prison. He must also pay SEK 85,000 in damages to the woman.

Moreover, it appeared that the raped woman's fear comes true - the man will be deported back to Iraq with a re-entry to Sweden ban for five years.

The District Court could conclude that he had not been at any risk in Iraq, but only traveled to the Nordic countries to seek asylum for economic reasons.

"According to the Migration Board, it appears that the situation in some parts of Iraq is serious. NN has, however, stated that he did not flee from Iraq because of war and that there is no risk that he will be imprisoned or persecuted if he returns to that part of the country where he comes from," reads the verdict.

lezba...prava humanitarka bi se naguzila iz samilosti

Posts : 11441

Lokacija: : ObiLand

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 Le Pen - Page 3 Empty Re: Le Pen

Post by prckov Mon 7 Dec - 6:13

ma pusti ti to, prvo je ona pitala njega ocel da ga......jel, a on nije htjeo, onda je ona pitala ocel joj dat ako mu kupi sedvic i njegovim kolegama a on je pristo. Kad je pojeo sendvic reko joj je zajebo sam te ne dam ti opet. Onda je ona popizdila i otisla zvat policiju.

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984

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 Le Pen - Page 3 Empty Re: Le Pen

Post by abraham Mon 7 Dec - 9:26

Bilo kako bilo ali svaka teroristicka pizdarija gura Le Pen ka pobjedi na predsjednickim izborima 2017-te. Muhahahahahahahaaaaaaa

But I'm near the end and I just ain't got the time
And I'm wasted and I can't find my way home.

Posts : 14507

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 Le Pen - Page 3 Empty Re: Le Pen

Post by L'âme Mon 7 Dec - 9:28

Iz krajnosti u krajnost.

“You will not be good teachers if you focus only on what you do and not upon who you are.”
― Rudolf Steiner

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 Le Pen - Page 3 Empty Re: Le Pen

Post by abraham Mon 7 Dec - 9:29

Ljutu travu na ljutu ranu ilimkako je obo islo?????

But I'm near the end and I just ain't got the time
And I'm wasted and I can't find my way home.

Posts : 14507

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 Le Pen - Page 3 Empty Re: Le Pen

Post by L'âme Mon 7 Dec - 9:29

Bojim se da je malo kasno.

“You will not be good teachers if you focus only on what you do and not upon who you are.”
― Rudolf Steiner

Posts : 25744

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 Le Pen - Page 3 Empty Re: Le Pen

Post by Sponsored content

Sponsored content

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