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Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast, ordered to destroy any target posing danger

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Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast, ordered to destroy any target posing danger - Page 2 Empty Re: Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast, ordered to destroy any target posing danger

Post by RayMabus 24/11/2015, 23:38

Ako ga ostawe na čijedilu tko če onda finačirat muslimasku braču.

Libija , zelena boja , muslimanska brača.

Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast, ordered to destroy any target posing danger - Page 2 800px-Libyan_Civil_War

The rival Islamist government of the new General National Congress based in the capital Tripoli, led by the Muslim Brotherhood, backed by the wider Islamist coalition known as "Libya Dawn"[47][48] and aided by Qatar, Sudan, and Turkey.[46][49]


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Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast, ordered to destroy any target posing danger - Page 2 Empty Re: Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast, ordered to destroy any target posing danger

Post by marcus-t 24/11/2015, 23:39

Leviathan2 wrote:
marcus-t wrote:
Tursko govno će ostati samo na cjedilu. ;)
ko ga jebe, mislis da ce koga rastuzit :D
Nisam prorok ali kad "Moskva" stigne na odredište i bude u punoj borbenoj gotovosti, ko da gledam kako će im ruski lovci patrolirat uz granicu i provocirat da pomole nos. :D

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Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast, ordered to destroy any target posing danger - Page 2 Empty Re: Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast, ordered to destroy any target posing danger

Post by RayMabus 24/11/2015, 23:44

Sad Putin da je pametan samo preko UN podržat wojnu interwenčiju u Libiji i za wladu u Torbuku koju i onako podržawa SAD i Egipat samo da Erdogan dođe u politički sukob sa EU.

PLJAS. lol!

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Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast, ordered to destroy any target posing danger - Page 2 Empty Re: Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast, ordered to destroy any target posing danger

Post by mutava baštarda 24/11/2015, 23:49

marcus-t wrote:
Leviathan2 wrote:
marcus-t wrote:
Tursko govno će ostati samo na cjedilu. ;)
ko ga jebe, mislis da ce koga rastuzit :D
Nisam prorok ali kad "Moskva" stigne na odredište i bude u punoj borbenoj gotovosti, ko da gledam kako će im ruski lovci patrolirat uz granicu i provocirat da pomole nos. :D
Gluposti teške. Ovoj je bila sačekuša, a može biti opet ako ne budu pazili. Rusija bi mogla uzvratiti najbolje na način da se ne iživljava na turkmenima nego da lijepo instaliraju S 400 na nekoliko lokacija po Siriji. Ono zadnji put u medijima je očito bio photoshop kad primiču Moskvu obali...

Iduća dva tjedna su ključna
mutava baštarda
mutava baštarda

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Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast, ordered to destroy any target posing danger - Page 2 Empty Re: Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast, ordered to destroy any target posing danger

Post by marcus-t 24/11/2015, 23:52

mutava baštarda wrote:
marcus-t wrote:
Leviathan2 wrote:
marcus-t wrote:
Tursko govno će ostati samo na cjedilu. ;)
ko ga jebe, mislis da ce koga rastuzit :D
Nisam prorok ali kad "Moskva" stigne na odredište i bude u punoj borbenoj gotovosti, ko da gledam kako će im ruski lovci patrolirat uz granicu i provocirat da pomole nos. :D
Gluposti teške. Ovoj je bila sačekuša, a može biti opet ako ne budu pazili. Rusija bi mogla uzvratiti najbolje na način da se ne iživljava na turkmenima nego da lijepo instaliraju S 400 na nekoliko lokacija po Siriji. Ono zadnji put u medijima je očito bio photoshop kad primiču Moskvu obali...
Vidjet ćemo. Ja ti kažem da će biti navlakuša da Turci samo promole nosna rub sirijske granice. A ako ga promole, slijedi automatsko obaranje. ;)

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Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast, ordered to destroy any target posing danger - Page 2 Empty Re: Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast, ordered to destroy any target posing danger

Post by RayMabus 24/11/2015, 23:54

BOlje u je da naklepa Erdogana u Libiji. Ono zeleno su muslianska brača islamisti koje podržawa Turska.

Črwene podržawa : Egipat , UAE , Alžir i USA.

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Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast, ordered to destroy any target posing danger - Page 2 Empty Re: Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast, ordered to destroy any target posing danger

Post by marcus-t 25/11/2015, 00:00

Evo pročitah jedan pametni komentar na Večernjem:

Rusi će Turcima zatvoriti pristup sirijskoj granici ( zabrana leta već stupa na snagu),a Turci će moći nemoćno gledati kako Rusi uništavaju turkmenske teroriste.Još puno bolnije će biti da neće moći bombardirati sirijske Kurde ,koje bi Rusi mogli naopružati oružjem koje će Turcima zadati malo jače udarce.Kao npr. kad je Hezbollah isprašio Izrael 2006g.To će biti puno bolnije i žešće od obične osvete oko za oko.

Zabrana leta za Turke je već stupila na snagu. Nema više bombardiranja Kurda. Turkmeni će biti zbrisani s lica zemlje a Kurdi dobiti svo potrebno naoružanje koje požele. ;)

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Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast, ordered to destroy any target posing danger - Page 2 Empty Re: Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast, ordered to destroy any target posing danger

Post by RayMabus 25/11/2015, 00:03

RayMabus wrote:Ako ga ostawe na čijedilu tko če onda finačirat muslimasku braču.

Libija , zelena boja , muslimanska brača.

Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast, ordered to destroy any target posing danger - Page 2 800px-Libyan_Civil_War

The rival Islamist government of the new General National Congress based in the capital Tripoli, led by the Muslim Brotherhood, backed by the wider Islamist coalition known as "Libya Dawn"[47][48] and aided by Qatar, Sudan, and Turkey.[46][49]
Owo žuto , žuta boja su Tuarezi , neutralni al graniče sa Alžirom koji je ruski saweznik ,,,,,napadne erdoganowe zelene sa leđa ..odbači ih od naftnih polja i ostane im samo Tripoli ...Erdogan če dobit žiwčani i skinuti masku i uči u politički sukob sa EU i Amerikom.

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Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast, ordered to destroy any target posing danger - Page 2 Empty Re: Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast, ordered to destroy any target posing danger

Post by RayMabus 25/11/2015, 00:30

Russia – In February 2015, discussions on supporting the Libyan parliament by supplying them with weapons reportedly took place in Cairo when President of Russia Vladimir Putin arrived for talks with the government of Egypt, during which the Russian delegates also spoke with a Libyan delegation. Colonel Ahmed al-Mismari, the spokesperson for the Libyan Army's chief of staff, also stated that “Arming the Libyan army was a point of discussion between the Egyptian and Russian presidents in Cairo."[368] The deputy foreign minister of Russia, Mikhail Bogdanov, has stated that Russia will supply the government of Libya with weapons if UN sanctions against Libya are lifted.


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Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast, ordered to destroy any target posing danger - Page 2 Empty Re: Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast, ordered to destroy any target posing danger

Post by marcus-t 25/11/2015, 10:08

Russia Will Use Electronic Jamming Systems to Protect Its Pilots in Syria

Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast, ordered to destroy any target posing danger - Page 2 13940903000949_PhotoI

Russia will have to resort to electronic warfare in Syria to protect its pilots and prevent incidents similar to the downing of Russia’s Su-24 jet on Tuesday, according to Lieutenant-General Evgeny Buzhinsky; they will include both ground-based systems and equipment installed on special aircraft.
“Regarding the possible impact of this incident on the further developments of the operation in Syria, I think that from now on, our pilots will be more attentive and if the Turks continue behaving in such a manner, Russia will have to resort to electronic jamming and other warfare equipment, including special aircraft with special equipment on board, in order to protect our pilots from being stricken with missiles,” the lieutenant-general said, Sputnik reported.
Buzhinsky also added that the so-called means of objective control, including flight radar and other equipment, will allow Russia to verify exactly where and how the bomber was downed, excluding any possible discrepancies on the issue.
Earlier on Tuesday,a Russian Su-24 bomber was downed by an air-to-air missile in Syria near the Turkish border by the Turkish Air Force while carrying out precision strikes against terrorists in Northern Syria.
The Su-24 bomber jet was in Syrian airspace at the altitude 6,000 meters, the Russian Defense Ministry said. The pilots could parachute out of the jet before it crashed. One of the pilots has reportedly been killed by the terrorists, while the fate of another one is unclrear.

Dakle, situacija je jasna. Rusija će onemogućiti ponavljanje ovog scenarija s rušenjem SU24. Jasno su rekli da će od sada obarati svaku metu za koju procijene da ugrožava njihove snage. A sad se uključuje i elektronsko ratovanje. No manje više to su svi očekivali.
Ono od čega sad svi strijepe je što znaju da će Putin odgovoriti i da Turci neće proći bez posljedica, ali kao i do sad, nitko nije u stanju predvidjeti Putinov sljedeći potez. ;)

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Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast, ordered to destroy any target posing danger - Page 2 Empty Re: Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast, ordered to destroy any target posing danger

Post by Guest 25/11/2015, 10:12

Putin..po stoti puta legenda... :20

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Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast, ordered to destroy any target posing danger - Page 2 Empty Re: Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast, ordered to destroy any target posing danger

Post by mutava baštarda 25/11/2015, 10:15

mutava baštarda wrote:
marcus-t wrote:
Leviathan2 wrote:
marcus-t wrote:
Tursko govno će ostati samo na cjedilu. ;)
ko ga jebe, mislis da ce koga rastuzit :D
Nisam prorok ali kad "Moskva" stigne na odredište i bude u punoj borbenoj gotovosti, ko da gledam kako će im ruski lovci patrolirat uz granicu i provocirat da pomole nos. :D
Gluposti teške. Ovoj je bila sačekuša, a može biti opet ako ne budu pazili. Rusija bi mogla uzvratiti najbolje na način da se ne iživljava na turkmenima nego da lijepo instaliraju S 400 na nekoliko lokacija po Siriji. Ono zadnji put u medijima je očito bio photoshop kad primiču Moskvu obali...
Russia to deploy S-400 defense missile system to Khmeimim airbase in Syria - defense minister
mutava baštarda
mutava baštarda

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Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast, ordered to destroy any target posing danger - Page 2 Empty Re: Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast, ordered to destroy any target posing danger

Post by marcus-t 25/11/2015, 10:17

bogomdani wrote:Putin..po stoti puta legenda... :20
Kao i uvijek, mrtav hladan, pažljivo smišlja potez i ne žuri da stisne gumb na satu. :D
Inače, ono što ljudima promiče, Erdogan je ispao teška budaletina ovim potezom.
Od dobrog ekonomskog partnera, da ne kažem umjerenog saveznika stvorio si je ljutog neprijatelja.
Rusi su izgubili jednog SU24 i dva vojnika, a on si stvorio moćnog neprijatelja, Budala na kub.  ;)

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Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast, ordered to destroy any target posing danger - Page 2 Empty Re: Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast, ordered to destroy any target posing danger

Post by mutava baštarda 25/11/2015, 10:17

Uvode Turskoj No fly zonu

Iduća dva tjedna su ključna
mutava baštarda
mutava baštarda

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Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast, ordered to destroy any target posing danger - Page 2 Empty Re: Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast, ordered to destroy any target posing danger

Post by marcus-t 25/11/2015, 10:20

mutava baštarda wrote:
mutava baštarda wrote:
marcus-t wrote:
Leviathan2 wrote:
marcus-t wrote:
Tursko govno će ostati samo na cjedilu. ;)
ko ga jebe, mislis da ce koga rastuzit :D
Nisam prorok ali kad "Moskva" stigne na odredište i bude u punoj borbenoj gotovosti, ko da gledam kako će im ruski lovci patrolirat uz granicu i provocirat da pomole nos. :D
Gluposti teške. Ovoj je bila sačekuša, a može biti opet ako ne budu pazili. Rusija bi mogla uzvratiti najbolje na način da se ne iživljava na turkmenima nego da lijepo instaliraju S 400 na nekoliko lokacija po Siriji. Ono zadnji put u medijima je očito bio photoshop kad primiču Moskvu obali...
Russia to deploy S-400 defense missile system to Khmeimim airbase in Syria - defense minister
To je bilo predvidivo. Turci što su letili letili su. Sad mogu letiti jedino u zrak - doslovno. :D
Inače, šta se svi boje tih S400? Ko da ni S300 nisu ubojite? Ne kužim.

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Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast, ordered to destroy any target posing danger - Page 2 Empty Re: Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast, ordered to destroy any target posing danger

Post by crvenkasti 25/11/2015, 10:23

Rusi su 100% sami sebi srušili avion, kako bi pred međunarodnom zajednicom imali opravdanje za genocid na nevinim islamskim vojnicima.

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Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast, ordered to destroy any target posing danger - Page 2 Empty Re: Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast, ordered to destroy any target posing danger

Post by crvenkasti 25/11/2015, 10:24

Joj, pola 11, trebam počet radit, a ja ovdje blebećem.

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Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast, ordered to destroy any target posing danger - Page 2 Empty Re: Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast, ordered to destroy any target posing danger

Post by Guest 25/11/2015, 10:25

marcus-t wrote:
bogomdani wrote:Putin..po stoti puta legenda... :20
Kao i uvijek, mrtav hladan, pažljivo smišlja potez i ne žuri da stisne gumb na satu. :D
Inače, ono što ljudima promiče, Erdogan je ispao teška budaletina ovim potezom.
Od dobrog ekonomskog partnera, da ne kažem umjerenog saveznika stvorio si je ljutog neprijatelja.
Rusi su izgubili jednog SU24 i dva vojnika, a on si stvorio moćnog neprijatelja, Budala na kub.  ;)
Bas jucer podjebajem neke Turke,kako im je iduci predsjednik Ubama..koji ce otkinuti dio Turske za Kurdistan..podivljali su..Pa sam jos dolio ulja na vatru,kad rekoh,kako Rusi ciste dolje smece..i kao da ce biti supotpisnici dodjele Turskog teritorija Kurdistanu...e tu su se vec pjenili i govorili kako su dobri saveznici sa Rusijom..ocito nisu jos culi da je onaj jurisnik oboren..bude im veselo... king

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Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast, ordered to destroy any target posing danger - Page 2 Empty Re: Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast, ordered to destroy any target posing danger

Post by marcus-t 25/11/2015, 10:37

Presidential Aide: Iran-Russia Ties Boost to Strategic Levels Following Putin's Visit

Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast, ordered to destroy any target posing danger - Page 2 13940119000530_PhotoI

Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Office for Political Affairs Hamid Aboutalebi said Tehran and Moscow are taking wide strides for strategic partnership after President Vladimir Putin's visit to Iran and his meetings with Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei and President Hassan Rouhani.
"The seventh meeting of the Iranian and Russian presidents, their telephone conversations, increasing interactions and the two countries' vast cooperation ranging from political to nuclear, defense and economic issues over the past two years show that the two countries have decided to boost their relations up to strategic levels, resolve the regional problems and fight against terrorism and interact at a global level," Aboutalebi wrote on his twitter page on Tuesday.
He reiterated that Iran-Russia relations have never been at this level, and said, "The two sides' preparedness in last night's talks to accelerate cooperation heralds key developments in near future.
"For the same reason President Putin was accompanied by all officials who are in connection with bilateral ties with Iran and all officials were present in last night's meeting for the first time; oil and gas cooperation, setting up special economic and industrial communications, defense cooperation, investment and reinforcing financial and nuclear ties all herald a special future," Aboutalebi added.
The Iranian official pointed to the discussion on the situation in the region and fighting terrorism as among other major topics discussed in the meetings between President Rouhani and President Putin, and said, "Reviewing the regional situation and the existing coalitions against terrorism resulted in taking firm decisions in this regard, specially because both sides reiterated that economic backups for terrorism should be cut."
Putin arrived in Tehran on Monday to meet Iran's top officials and participate in the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF) conference.
Upon arrival in Iran, he rushed to meet Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei that lasted for two hours. Then later in the day he met his counterpart President Rouhani and the two presidents also attended a press conference.
On Monday night, high-ranking Iranian and Russian officials inked 7 cooperation Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) in the presence of President Rouhani and President Putin.
One of the documents endorsed by Iranian and Russian top diplomats Mohammad Javad Zarif and Sergei Lavrov on Monday evening eased visa requirements for reciprocal visits by the two countries' nationals.
The other documents and MoUs were related to the health, railway, banking, insurance, electricity, power plant, water and energy sectors.

Iran-Rusija, stvara se strateško partnerstvo. Jedan potez na šahovskoj ploči je već povučen.  ;)

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Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast, ordered to destroy any target posing danger - Page 2 Empty Re: Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast, ordered to destroy any target posing danger

Post by marcus-t 25/11/2015, 11:09

Ruska krstarica "Moskva" stigla na položaj u Siriji. :evilgrin

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Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast, ordered to destroy any target posing danger - Page 2 Empty Re: Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast, ordered to destroy any target posing danger

Post by Yehudi 25/11/2015, 13:06

marcus-t wrote:Ruska krstarica "Moskva" stigla na položaj u Siriji. :evilgrin

 Može se to i lipše reći.

    Gardijska raketna krstarica -Moskva- zauzela je poziciju ispred obala Sirije kod Latakije.

 -Moskva- je naoružana zračno raketnim kompleksom dalekog dometa C -300M "Fort"

 u količini od 64 rakete "Fort" koje uspješno obaraju mete na distanci od 90 Km 

 pri brzini od - 2 000 Mk/h -


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